73247 smpb 15

73247 smpb 15

No great er shame to man than weakness


Perfect Health is thc Goal wc all scek. It is the basie foundation of Happincss and Succcss. But mighty few of us havc that abounding, radiant, joyous hcalth with which Naturę endowed us. The human body is a very dclicatc machinę, and too often we are carcless in the manner in which we treat it. Most of us know morę about thc insides of our automobiles than we do about ourselves. When we consider the intricate mechanism of thc human body and thc manner in which it is so rcpeatcdly abuscd—is it any wonder wc suffer, or at least do not know what it mcans to experiencc thc glories of PERFECT MANHOOD? Mcrcly to be up and around, able to attend to business docs not indicate the Health I mean. Splcndid Health means to be happy, fuli of pep, and boundless energy at all times, able to go on day after day with strenuous activities and still fecl great. It means to have a pcrfcct digestivc system, strong sexual powers, great ncryous energy, freedom from wcakness and disease. Health mcans wholencss, harmony—cvcry tiny celi working in perfect rhythmic prccision.

Is YOUR body in this wonderful condition all the time? No? Then you are not in good Health. You need THIS Coursc to givc you thc Hcalth and Strcngth which should and can be yours if you will only acccpt my help.

Do you expcricncc pains in any part of your body ?

Are you as sexually strong as you know you ought to be?

Arc you constipatcd?

Have you any catarrhal tendency?

Is your tongue coated or crackcd?

Is your breath bad?

Do you get casily tired?

Are you nervous or irritable?

Can You Enioy Your Fawritr Meal icilh Comforsf

Be honest in your answer. Thcsc little signs, sccmingly trivial in thrmscUcs, arc of thc greatest consequence. They indicate approach-ing disaster. They arc Nature’s waming of oncoming disease. They are signs of danger.

RIGIIT NOW is the time to ovcrcome them.

What would you think of the manner who refused to heed thc warning of approaching disaster and whose vćsscl dashed to picces on the rocks? You would say he de$erved trou-blc because of his wilful ncglect after being warned. Yct that is what hundreds of thou-sands of peoplc are doing today. Kcep ofl the rocks of physical danger I Heed the warn-ing of this message! Disease is slimy. It grips you in its clutches when you least ex-pect it. NOW is the time to build a sound constitution and fortify yourself against oncoming attacks of some dreaded disease or weakness. No matter what your troublc, I

“fVeakness a crimc -dont be a criminal”



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