f\>DDT SGWłH&y Rerun debugger to check changes
DDT UER 1.0 NEKT PC 0121 0000 -LUGj
0115 JMP
0000 Check to ensure end is stiJl At 116H
0119 ETflX
Ollfl NOP 0115 INR
-GiOOillSj Go from beginning with breakpoint at end *01 IB Breakpoint reached
-D12L Look at “LARGE
* i-'______ ...I..
Correct value computed
0121 21 00 02 7E EB 77 13 23 EB OB 78 Dl .. 'Im W
0130 CZ 27 01 C3 03 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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-(rubouti Aborts long typeout
GOy Stop DDT, debug session complete.