76356 s&h 011

76356 s&h 011


Tbore liave beeu mauy systpms 1»y many teaoliers <>f oxerci*os withonl apparatus. and tberc is merit. to a certa in cxtont. in all of tlicm. and for tliat mason all aro good ii]» to a certain point. Hut tlio troublo is, tli(»y are inoomploto. In sonie cases tbore aro so many of tlić oxerois(‘S tliat lialf of tliem are forgotton, and nover again romembered. Tlio a cerago physioal oni turę instructor. 1 am sorry to say, takos littlo iutorost in tlio business outside of tlie linanoial part. Ho bas no natnral ontlinsiasm, and a pupil, in bis eslimation. stands for a oertain amount of liioney, and notbinir moro. Ho doesiFt tako a natnral pride in bis work. and bas no per-sonal interest in tbe mon w li o bave plaeed tbemseloes undor bis oare.



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