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W HAT YOU NEED TO BUILD ST. PETER’S BASIL-ICA: Glue, scissors, a metal-edged ruler, an X-acto knife (with #11 blades), some masking tape, a good chunk of free time and a lot of faith.
CAUTION: Examine the key to symbols carefully. Don’t make the mistake of cutting on a linę that indicates a score.
SCORING: The pieces in this book reąuire crisp, neat edges. To make a crease in the paper so folds can be madę properly, use the duli edge of your X-acto knife with a ruler. If you choose to use the sharp edge, be careful not to puncture the paper. If you make such a mistake, it can be remedied by applying masking tape over the wound on the reverse side of the sheet. Score exactly on the marks indi-cated, and score each piece before cutting it out. Reverse scores can be madę by lining up the ruler along the score linę and puncturing the paper at the tips of the arrows. Tum the sheet over, use the ruler to linę up the two puncture marks and make the score linę on the reverse side of the sheet. Please try to be precise.
CUTTING: Each piece should be removed with care. Cut away most of the black cut linę.
GLUING: A white glue that dries transparent—such as Elmer’s or Sobo—is best. Use glue sparingly so the paper doesn’t wrinkle, but try to cover the tab surfaces completely so that the pieces joined together stay that way. Before you glue a piece in place, you should do several things: First, read the instructions. Second, examine the assembly illus-tration and the exploded diagram. Third, notę that some pieces bear joiner marks and position numbers. The joiner marks are for alignment; when two adjacent pieces bear joiner marks, the marks should face each other when the pieces are attached. Apply glue to tabs with joiner marks first. The position numbers indicate which piece attaches to that spot. Finally, some pieces must completely cover the alignment mark that indicates their placement. It is impor-tant to thoroughly test the fit of the assemblies before glu-ing. Be surę to allow sufficient time for the glue to dry before handling any completed assembly. You should use a toothpick or the edge of a card to apply glue to places that are hard to reach. It will be assumed in the following instructions that each piece has already been scored, cut and folded appropriately.
Right now, this book looks very much like a book. Ul-timately, however, this book will come to closely resemble one of the most famous religious edifices in the world. The first thing you must do to achieve such a miraculous meta-morphosis is remove the pages of the book without tearing them. Stack them neatly. Then, working carefully, score each piece on each sheet before cutting out the piece. The letter on each piece refers to the assembly section; the num-ber indicates the piece in the assembly. After cutting each piece, fold carefully along the score lines. Then, where nec-essary, cut out any slits. Oh, just one last thing: The com-pletion of this model takes a fair amount of time. After all, Romę wasn’t built in a day, and this thing won’t be either.