86498 pp intro15

86498 pp intro15

edgo of twcnty-f«ve years of highty succesaful experienc« in the building of powcrful, well-built bodies .. . phy»iqucs that are the foundation and comcrstone of many famous winnors and auccess-ful leaders.

Yea, for the past twenty-five years . .. during which time 1 have specializcd in guiding and training men ... 1 have swn puny weaklings turncd into strong. dynamie he-men hundreda and hundred* of times ovcr. My greatest pleasure has como from knowing 1 once took poorly-built, diacournged łx>y.s and showod thom how to tako that "below average" body through a training program that rcally packed on that iivof massivc ntuscłe where it was most needed.

You can deve!op into a real w inne r and successful leader . . . if you will really buckie down and do it. My course is your bogin-ning . . . the right stop . . . in the right direction. For your sake. mnke the most of it .. . TODAY . AND EYERY DAY HERE-



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