Put nside all the cares of lho day when you sit down to dinnor at night. Take your timc and cat slowly.
KeJax your mind with a good book, and r«lax your body in your favor»te chair, sofa or bod. Be aurę you havc a good light to rcad by.
Now is the time for evening exercises. Make them short and snappy. If you did them this morning, plck out a few and do them agaiu. It doesn't hurt.
Next a warm bath or shower to put you in the mood for a long, aoothing sleep. Let the warm water relax your body—so don’t try to get this ovcr with quiekly.
Good night! Sleep well and you will awaken a stronger and morę dynamie mar.. If you have trouble going to sleep, after all your excr-ciBing, drink a warm glass of milk and try to rolax mentally.
All my lite I hove wanted to dev»tlop a rcal nrofcMlonal. h»i»vy Outy exerci*rr to iro witb niv Cnlilw t^ourac In Phyitjral lłcve!np* tbr V«l tiu.1 c felfow coulil boy. Duńnir my
year» In Hollywood, nu n »Ur for Uniraaal Plcturyn nnd "lfrri:ul*M>f-T!n‘-.SvriW . . I dcalcnod. and had miulr for mr. n aprrinl On W*
Ex*rciB«r. I iiuroml it "Black Bcauty" . tifUr my borne bccauic it, too. hnd trracr- heauty. (.lamino, rower nnd apeed, Butv. it cnat mc a lot of moncy to make it - . . Ikii t wnntod tłn* hnat. " lllack llonuty" wna ilt ! Junt na noon *« I wita iililr , , . I rtartet to manu-fnctoro "Blork Beauly" for other* , . . the umr Ideatical morpiacr l u*.| Uecaune I havr my own roiinufacluriitu plant. I ran not only turn oat the be*t Cablc Łtereiwr . . . bot I can auli them ni a very Iow prie» . • . «vun lower tbnti iomc of tb* othrrn on tli* market that aro not half ao • tronu, rotfsed and wcll-raadc You hnve th" bc«l . . . wh«u you Im w "Black Dewoty" . . . »o tok* tfood c»f« t»f It- "Black Beauty" 5» worth IU wiuht in srold I