W hen Magneto next battled the X-Men. it was as leader of the original Bi«>rH£RHooi> of Evii Mutan rs. The other members were Masterimnd. theToad, and Piętro and Wanda (Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch). who felt obligaced to Magneto for saving them from a niob. Neither Magneto nor Wanda and Piętro realized that Magneto was their father.
After numerom elashes with the X-Men, Magneto tried to fbrcc a superhuman being known as the Stranger to $ervc him. He little knew that the Stranger was actually an alien with secmingly limitless powers who captured Magneto and theToad.
Wieary of Magnetos crusadc against humanity. Quicksilvcr and the Scarlet Witch quit the Brotherhood and soon joined the Avcnger s.
Magneto ewntually escaped back to Earth from the Strangcrs planet and resumed his war on humanity. battlmg the X-Men. Avengcrs. Fantast ic Four . and Defcnders. He also tbrmcd several new versions of the Brotherhood.
Using his advanced knowledgc of genctic engineering. Magneto created a being called Alpha the Ultimate Mutant. But Alpha turned against Magneto and devolvcd him into a powerless infant. Xavicr turned the infant Magneto over to his colleaguc Dr. Moira MacTaggart. who began experiments to alter the babys mind. Davan Shakari.an alien Shi\ir agent, later restored Magneto to lus adult physical prime. Hence Magneto is
Urged by her brother Quicksilver, the Scarfet Witch utilized ber mutant power over probability to alter history. As a resutt, Magneto had led mutants in a successful war against the rest of humanity. Magneto was now monarch of Earth. His royal famity was known as the “House of Magnus" or “House ofM" and was comprised of his son Quicksilver, his daughters the Scarlet Witch and Polaris, and his grandsons Thomas and William.
physically considerably younger today than his contemporaries from the World War 11 period.
Magneto resumed his battles against the X-Men, but eventually MacTaggart s tampering with his mind took cffect, and he became the X-Men s ally. During an extendcd absencc from Earth by Xavier. Magneto even took ovcr as headnuster of Xavicrs school. mentoring the New Mutants. Around this tiine. Magneto. Quicksilvcr and the Scarlet Witch learned their true relationship
The Truce Is Over
In titne Magnetos previous personality reemerged. and his war against humanity began anew. After he created an electromagnetic pulse that deactivated technology all over the world. the United Naciom gave him control of the island nation of Genosha. which was mainly populated by mutants. Magneto hoped to turn Genosha into base from which to conquer the world. Howcver, the island was dceastated by Sent inels sent by Xavier s evil twin. Cassandra Nova.
During a tit of inadness, the Scarlet Witch used her powers to alter reality so that Magneto ruled the world. She later restored the status quo. and also deprieed most superhuman mutants of their super-powers. including
Magneto. How long Magneto will remain powerless. however. remains to be scen. TB