87409 kontr0

87409 kontr0

Contrastive grammar: contrasting syntca (2)

(2)    Dużo: a lot or much

A: How much did you pay for it? B: Rather p lo~fc

(3)    Dużo: a great de a! or a greaf number

ę>Yy cmnplaints have already been deait with.

M) Parę: a few or same

A: Any morą biscuits? B: Yes, please. A: Here, take

(5)    Wszystko: all oreveryihmg The win ner takes it GJJO

(6)    Cały: all the or the‘whole The children have eaten

(7)    Każdy: each or every    r r\'\ru

She was wearing a braceiet on XAywnst.

3. Adjeetive modifiers. Describe the differences in the positioning of Adj P modifiers in the examples bełow.

a)    E a [AdjP very easy] answer l *an answer [very easy]

b)    E answers [AdjP easy to give] l * [easy to give] answers

c)    P [dumny z syna] mężczyzna (E lit. *a proud of his son man)

d)    P biała suknia vs. energia słoneczna

e)    P tłusta. duża ry-ba / duża, tłusta ryba (E *a fat bigftsh)

Exercise 4

Transiate the foliowing NPs into English and comment on the ordering differences.

a)    duży kwadratowy stół dębowy

b)    ładny nowoczesny jacht francuski.

c)    wielki czerwony dywan perski.

d)    nowa czysta biała koszula

e)    mała miła miejscowość górska

4. Nominał categories: number. gender, case, detlniteness (see also Ciass 3: contrasting morphology).

•    Singularia tantum — Ns ałways singuiar

•    Płnralia tantum - Ns ałways piorą!

° Both categories present in E and P. but their membership may differ.

Exercise 5

Compiete the table with appropriate equivalents — are they sg, p! or both? English ____ _ _    _    __ Polish    ______


Number \ Eąuivalents

Sg    femiture, Information,

gossip. money__



--i-:--?------------— i


Sg/PI viol in/vioiins,

moirth/mouths. door/doors



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