Angielski asking for and givingvice2

Angielski asking for and givingvice2

Unit 8 Letters Asking for/Siving AdYice


Dear Stephanie,

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Read the following letters and answer these questions. What kind of letters are Łhey? Which letter is formal and which is informal? What is the topie of each paragraph in each letter? Now replace the underlined phrases with other similar expressions, keeping the appropriate style.

Dear Miss P\ersor\,

thank you for your letter asking for my advice about what you should do now that you have finished school. I realise how difficult this stage must be for you, but there are. a rangę of options for you to choose from.

rf i were you, i would make a list of all the careers which may interest you and then decide which one you feel you are best suited to in terms of exam grades or subject interest J_ would also suggest that you see a careers off i cer who would be able to give you professional advice. Furthermore, it would be a aood idea to write to some universities and ask them to send you a prospectus; you may find a course which really appeals to you.

i hope these suaaestions will be of help to you. I wish you well in whatever course of action you decide upon. Do let me know what you decide to do; it is always good to hear from former pupils.

Yours sincerely, Linda Steel

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Lots of love,


4    Study the following situations and, osing appropriate expres-sions, offer advice to each person.

1    Your friend wants some advice on what she should take with her on her first trip abroad.

2    Your boyfriend/girlfriend has asked you for advice on how to impress your parents the first time he/she meets them.

3    A colleague at work has asked you to advise him how to gain a pro-motion.

4    You are a doctor andapatientneeds advice on how he can successfully lower his high cholesterol level.

5    Your brother would like some advice about what to look out for when buvins a second-hand car.

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5    Write the following letters in the appropriate style using 120 -180 words.

1    Your parents will not let you go on holiday as they want you to study for your exams. Write a letter to a friend asking for his/her advice on this matter.

2    The extract below is part of a letter vou received recently from a friend. Write a reply giving her some advice about what she should do.

“I failed all my A-level exams so now I can ’t get into univer-sity. I feel like such a failure; I’U never get a degree now.

3    You feel that you and your mother cannot agree on anything. Write a letter to a problem page asking for advice.




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