84543 S5002144

84543 S5002144

^mśf wo^ered from - ^ariety o1 materials, -^cisive for dotormining their )m the hillfort of Pohanskś at mi aid (Raułfk 1976, 151, Fig. as weII as in the construction it from Stradonice, based on dosers. The examples from pey are considerabfy heavier [rent (.Jacobi 1974, 243-244,

ion waste

[ance area behind the maJn represent evidence of craft iron, precious and non-iron d the production of amber,

| of the oppidum is provided lecialfy technical cg ram i cs,

the hill settlement, already i of baked clay (Fig. 39:3), he access road. According s practiced in quite a large ind within house 187 (Fig. found from rectangular pit rtuated to the north of the in the relath/e size of their m. The casting of coins of ig of different coin values. ould not be established, Is were rectangular with 1903, PI. LVIII:4, 12) are ong shapes with distinctly umber of casts that co u Id k 119, Fig. 33:1). ion was concentrated in ium. The location of the *«te, the workshops were in the eastern co u rt yard,

I nood not have been in

Fig. 30. HradiStd by Stradonice. Evidence of metal working and minting. 1,2,5: foature 116; 3: Paitl, 90-100 m, ashy iayerof horizon 1; 4,12: feature 148; 6: feature 187; 7: feature 113; 8: feature 32; 9: feature 22/2; 10: foature 85; 11: foature VI/2. -1-7: baked clay; 8-11: bronze; 12: 6ilver.

Fine bronze scales, the occurrence of which corresponds with the evideace of ceramic mould forma at several fortified Cel tle centres (cf. Peschel 1985, 148-149, Kartę 5), are ałso associated with coinage. From “--—**♦ 1QA1 Stradonioe exoavation8, a smali fragment of a beam was recovered from the second level


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