Hnishrd Si/r: A; v : iN 4 . : :
Finishrd Si/e: A;iproxii-..i\ .. ; •
YO lwice. mwri hook m fourth ch from hook. YO and pul up a loop. (YO and drów ihrough 2 Soop> on hook) lwice. YO lwice. insert hook in same ch. YO and jxifl up a loop. (YO and draw- ihrough 2 loop* on hook) lwic*. YO and draw Ihrough all 3 loop* on hook.
Ch 6; jota wlth slip « lo łorm a ring.
Rnd 1 Ifttghi odo i: Ch I. 12 * in mv; > •, slipst tofirstse
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (count* a* first dc. non and throughouf) dc in «m( »! h 3. skip iH-st o • 2 dc ai IWX1 tc. ch 3. skip r»-xt sc repcal fiom • orouryf. »iin with slip st lo fir« dc 12 dc and 6 ch-3 sps Rnd 3: Ch 3. o, m -.ini.- »; 2 <1, ,i. nexi ■!. cl t 12 dc in each of ncxt 2 dc, ch 3) around: jota wsih sfcp sito lirst dc 24 dc
Rnd 4: Slip st ta ncxi dc. ch 12. sfap sl in fdth ch frocn Isook lo form P»;o< and ci next 6 che * ♦ ch 4. wosk Ckm er. ch 9. slip st In sewnlh ch (tom hook, (ch 7. slip st in s*\*nth ch (rom hook) lwice. slip sl In same ch as tłurd skp st frocn hook and In nex! 2 chs. ch 4. ó,p »i in ch ai base of Ginter ♦. ch 11. slip st In łiflh ch from hook lo form Pico! and tn nexi 6 chs. ch 1. slip si ta mmt dc. k m not dc. (2 k. d» 2. 2 *c) in nexi ch 3 sp. sc «n next ik. slip « ta nexi de. ch 9. skp st In Ust Plcol madę. ch 1. skip fifst ch slip St In next 7 ch' repeal from •
4 tum morc th. i repca; from ♦ !••♦••• o. S • • •• ta flrsj Picot madę ch 1. skip ftrsł ch, slip sl in nexi 7 chs. ch 1. slip st in mmt dc sc In mml dc. (2 sc. ch 2.
2 »c) ta next ch-3 sp. sc m mml sl: jota with slip « lo flrsi skp st. tinlsh off
Sc* Fmishing page 55. Use 12 poml Blocking Pałlcrn. page 56. for Starching.
Ocs.-gn by Fayt Slyclton
Ch 3, * YO. iroert hook ta nng. YO and pul up a loop. YO and draw ihrough 2 ksops on hook; repcal łrom * non MP ihrough aS 3 loop* on hook
• YO. inu-rt hook ir. ring. YO and pul up a k-:p. YO and draw ihroi-,r»2 bopton hook. rrp»\v from • morę Ś O and draw ihrough aH 4 loops on
Oi 8 skp >: ta fourth ch from hook
Gi 6. )ota with sip sj to form a nng
Rnd t (Rlghl odek Work Begtramg Ginter, (ch 5. work Ousierj 5 limes, ch 2. dc In lop of Begtantag Ginter :o form lasł ch-5 sp: 6 ch-5 sps.
Rad 2: Oi 1. sc m same sp, werk Picoc tusce. ch 4.
* sc m rvexl ch-5 sp work Plcol twv:c. ch 4. rc;xjl from
* .uouid. with slip siło first sc 12 Piece*
Rnd 3: > ' in r • sl 4 chs and in mml P»: : ch 7 slip st In fifih ch from hook. (dc ta same Pice*. ch 4. skp sl In top of dc just madc) 4 limes, ch 9. slip st in flfth ch from hook. ch 4. * ta each of ncxt 2 Picots work (dc. ch 4. slip st ta top of dc just madę) 5 nmes. ch 9 skp st Ul tlilheh from hook. :li 4 repeat (roni • 4 tum • morę In łasi Plcol work (dc. ch 4. sŁp s! in top of dc ws! madę) 5 limes; jota wirh slip st to thtrd ch of begtantag ch-7 finish off
See Fmishing. page 55 U«e 6 potat Bbddng Panem page 57. fot Starching
Design by Fayt Shcfton.