Dnte_ Name
Mnrting Position: Stand in optimal posturę with feet hip-width apart. Hołd bali in front with elbows flexed at 90 degrees. Tlghten abdominal muscles to stabilize
Movoment/Exercise: Push bali forward until arms are straight while bending hips und knees. Reverse and return to start. Repeat.
Mintithlng: Inhale as bali is pushed forward, exhale as bali returns.
l t Jnly move arms as far as comfort allows. i I Hop one foot slightly forward to widen base of support for tmlunce assistance.
i’ni(jr«8sion: Combine with stepping one foot forward and liMikward.
ii.Bin/mln_ / Repeat__.Times / Do_Times/day
i totmtanrs: The 55cm bali weighs 1 1/2lbs, the 65cm bali weighs 2lbs. This activates shoulder i Mmi l'H muscles as wellas shoulder flexors and trunk stabilizers. II can increase cardiovascular miiimil i "mi>ared lo just lifting empty arms. Thisalso trains bending atthe hips instead ot rounding tpiiiK Iu i mich and lift.
!<y Jnsnne Posner-Mayer, PT
Starting Position: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Hołd bali in front with elbows flexed at 90°angle. Tighten abdominal muscles to stabilize spine.
Movement/Exercise: Lift bali over head toward ceiling. Lower to start. Repeat.
Breathing: Inhale while lifting, exhale while lowering. Modification:
1. Only move arms as far as comfort allows.
2. Step one foot slightly forward for balance assistance.
Progression: Combine with walking around.
Do Times/dav
Comments: The 55cm bali weighs 1 1/2lbs, the 65cm balls weighs 2lbs. This activales shoulder adductor muscles as well as shoulder flexors and trunk stabilizers. It can increase cardiovascular output compared to just lifting arms.
© 1995 by Joannę Posner-Mayer, PT