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fanslaio4Re-©xpressionsJi£bixicke(s;iD}o.English:.. f.

1. i (zapytajmy)'a pollceman. for help.—-    J - -

2.    Do you knów (jakąś)’ good ręstaurahtln thlyarea? '" ? -' ......

3. -ThisJsj(rnatkiJ?iQiialiiaL_ .    __!_______

4. -la-.Warsaw^sq)-some good restaurants,-    . _ - - - -    -

5.    rm not quite convlnced. Could you glve me (jakiś inny) reasoń why ~

■ I shouldn't study medieine? — -------- ----- - ....

o. In aur local supermarket (nie ma) fresh vegetables.

/. I haven't read his iatest book (jeszcze),

8.    James (potrafi) drive a car competently,

9,    I expect you (interesujesz się) In everythlng thatj goes on here.

10.    You (nie wolno) touch the pług,

11.    How often (podlewasz) your plants?

12.    My slster (pisze na maszynie) my letters now.

13.    I hope you (znalazłeś) your dog,

14.    Old people (nie muszq) work.

15.    Children (nie wolno) drink alcohol.

16.    You can't carry this parcel, lt's (zbyt ciężka).

17.    Money (to nie jest) everything.

18.    (jak dotqd) 1 have visited three foreign countries,1.

19.    In our family we rarely talk (ze sobq),

20.    (Udało ml się) climb Mont Blanc.

21.    I finished the gamę (chociaż) I almost sprained my ankle.

22.    I dld the test (sam); nobody helped me.

23.    These are Mlke's children. and those are (nasze).

24.    (Nigdy nie byłem) abroad.    i

25.    John lsn't (wystarczajqco odpowiedzialny) to get marrled.

26.    She is rather reserved - she never talks (o sobie), j

27.    l'm sorry, I (nie będę mógł) help you.    j

28.    My car Is (wygodniejszy niż) John'ś.

29.    I can't make up my mlnd - l'll buy (albo) a BMWj(albo) a Volkswagen.

30.    I found out that my grandfather (był) the best student in his class,

31.    ril tell your mother about everything (chyba, że ioddasz) my money, 327"t-phoned (żeby mu-powiedzieć)-about the meetlng.

33.    !'va known Prot. Scott (od czasu) World War II. j

34.    I'rn afrald we earn (za mało) money to afford a pew TV set. •

35.    There Is a department storę at one end of the Street and a supermarket

at (drugim).    •    j

37. They hafe (śię),'they ńever taik (zelobq).-----    _

36. My brother can’f swlrh drid.I Ttef nie umiemy.'

•1367 (arii) mymother (ani)-myiathirlkes-areasy foodV ~    : PTIT.

- -39:''Ther^wereybafcfże^rMewlęluVp6o'pfe pTeseriFaftheir w^dinajoeremoo^

.. 40; My son is (najgorszy) student-in his class. ■

41, Money'(nie. przynoszgjrhappihess. —---------

' '42-, (nie wolno ci) play musie soloudly when the baby Is III,-~

»-43_.Jharaacano-sax.sbops.'ln.Kleryków^(pfawda)-?--—•------------- . ....

_44. 1 wondeK-ile zap)aęlli)-for their new-Persiameat 45, We haven't bought (niczego) to eat.

'46. "Thevr(pDWin'nl)To'ral<e'cdTe'ófThelr grahdpdrentś,’

47.    We (musimy) to wash the family car evety Saturday.

48.    Cali me (jak tylko zobaczysz) the flrst star in the sky.

49.    Jim (próbował się uczyć) maths when his younger brother splashed ink on his books.

50.    My family (mieszka) in Cracow for a hundred years.

51.    "I haven't done my homework”. "(ja też nie)".

52.    (kto zna) all Shakespeare's sonnets by heart?

53.    He claims that he (nic nie wie).about it.

54.    He has never been,(taki smutny jak) today.

55.    (nikt z nas) remembers what happened iast night.

56.    (nie powinno się) smoke in hospitals.

57.    Don't touch this cake, it's (moje)!

58.    The room (nie był) cleaned sińce Iast week.

59.    jlir(zrobiła) some cakes for tea.

60.    I do it (gorzej) than you.

61.    I (musiałem) learn It (na pamięć) for the Iast lesson.

62.    (miałem) do It for today but I forgot.

63.    (trzeba) stop the war in the Bałkan Mountains.

64.    I haven't seen (nikogo) In the Street.

65.    I was surę (że wygram) the contest.

66.    The police (ma) a lot of dangerous work to do.

67.    I saw him (na) the meeting (w) Tuesday.

68.    'I iove pizza”, “(ja też)”.

69.    I missed the traln, so I (musiałem) go home by bus.

70.    They spend (dużo) time travelling. '

71.    (Kogo) did you invite to the party?

72.    (Nikt nie wie) I dld it, so please don'fglve me-awayr--------    ------ '

73.    He has only been interested in stamps (od) 1990,

74.    He has only seen this film (raz).

75.    (Lepiej będzie) to phone her now*.

76.    i haven't seen him (od) 4 months.


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