chi Id, 572    Powdorly fi.—Forgrd eiierjuc

Tkolc R. i>.—Cornplt. larceny purpórttd sigaed by, 088 as bttilec, 93    * Powoli A., u Has Collins—Falstj

Poolc W. fi.—Clothing slolen, preteiu-M, 003, 085

122    Powoli C. 11. Kavul dc sort er,

PooIoy fi. C.—Miss ing, 131    062

Pono A.—>>livrl» stolcu, 381    Powoli TT.—Jcwellery stolon. 52.

Pojło E.—Stoaliiig: P.O., 425    204

Po po E. W.—Brooch stolon. Powili J., aluui P. Snandcrs, 169 332    alias F. Wilson, aiioft P. Wil-

Pope/.T.—Fnl.si* pretimccs en, #on, alius Y. Les!to, alias TJ".

667    Russell, u Has A. Lawet oneo,

Pope R. E.—liicyelo stolca, SD, alias A. J. Scr.rlc, alias L. W. 21:5    *    Benm-U—fctcal from person,

Popiuck T.—Blceve-lin1iH stolcu, 32

Powoli M.—Ring stolca, 312

Poppett    W.—Jcwoliery    rc- P'«>vol! M. fi.—Stoaliug, 231

eoccroil, 21:5    *    Powoi: T. II. .1.—fiojrplt. rc

Popplewoll G. U.—False prę* nou-payiuont ta>:i hirc. ]»» touees on 371    Powoli T. V.—AVifo dosertion,

1‘orena fi. il.-Clock, clotUing, , 386; nn-ostod, 613

cutiery, &e„ stolcu, 029 Lowrl! W.—Kurso siolcn, ?30, “Port Campbell,” s.5., 596    315

Porter F. K.—Fur, clotMug, Powoli W. E,—Prop: vty stolcu, &c., stolon,    629,    66!    132

Porter G.-—Assault and robbery, Powoli W. 3.—of motor-399, ,;>l*j    car by jnkrcjmsenlatron    »>b-

Porter H., alias II. Parker (or tainrd from, 93

Parker)—Brouk, cuter, a ud Powoi! W. J.—Nbu pftyment. flłcal; stculing. 535, 563, 533, eoste M.O.. 598 635    Power and Chowa (»*o CltoT/u

Porter J.—Ring    Ftolen, 102    und Powor), 299

Porter J.—Pisoboy M.O., 2S7    Power    A.—WatHi stolon,    104

Purtor R.—Watchcs    and alberl    Power    IV -Money stolon,    107,

stolca, -178    224

Porter li. h\—\Ya\h stolca, ?wr 3.—Missiug, 662, «08 53g    Power    ,T.—Stca.1 from t.lio    por-

Porter W.—TlelCors    stolcu, -168    ^f*n,    083; acquittcd, 647

Porter W.—Break,    eufer, :uul    Power    //. Ring, Uojiglc,    nud

doal; fmndnltmt. nppropria- łlothing Ftolcn, 313 tira; fnlw pielcr.w-s, 31) Power R.—Disohey 3f.O., 413 ’ortir- W.—JC-wollcry stolon, Poucr T. A Son, 151 G76    Jłov.nrT W.—Waich,    &<..    ńio-

I’ost J. — Fu lec protei.co.H, 423    —-Stoaluig, 30, 3g

Postni rognl/itimis—Ro Ib.ńds, Pa/.?1 R., alias Ir. CharllOit— &e., under postage, 2    . 1 nccnitrolifiliic e!n!d, 203

.    *    r*    «    -i    -s » r .1 • I V..,    (I.    .1 > 111.1 V% I IJi.

Poslnmau-r (..-nńMl of hnglan.1,    „ A1(,A,;lKaR T.

r>.' r> , V- » A:iil-:.w-.Słoa;ii.:r, 221 Pos.tiioster-fianrral, /.rchun, v.,r[{ 3 al;łW M. .x. Maenle-n,

iilJM 341

Post .OfTa»c Hotel, Tamwoiih. y ^

..    . j-rair T-. Jf. O.,    .T. «r.

Vo.;i-'    i , "ii    H mioi a—L'w róotorłar vr31 ii -

"”".00    «Mt ™.rv-„)    u wnet,    S62

£°;r A--H.«g *Mw.4SS rrntt J{ )•;. --I-Vnrtiil-I!t cornrr-

W JI- ~E''ate    hr0- mój. (Kns.l. JtJ, PSI

PołM II.    .«łe»t c.:s,v    araauif p0.

dłeeharged on iwcnse, ‘ol#

Potrs A.—Cornplt. eliild ilw 1’rcoians W. F.—Fulaa pre-lir>n.    572    trnccs, 29

Polis V. T.—Fuiged tl»C(|uc3 Premier Poullry r.nd Producors pui|xu'te<l fiignod by. 623 fio. T.ld . 282*

Powlec C. Fnlsc pretenie?, rrr-ndorg^.sj ,1. W.—!loceiv;ng; 421    di Sc ho rgrd,    .272

Poole J., alias J. Gale, r.lias Woods, alias Marr, alias Ciarko, alias Nolan, alias Bourkc, alias Gnesidó, alias J. 11. Fninc—Falso pre-tcuees; hticcny; disidiarged ir.i Rc.pusp, 309. Believed identical J. J. Kolan, false j>rctcuee*. o72, idontienl witli •‘AkwiUc,*’ false pretencea, 435 .

Pooli* J. C.—'TVisfiboy M.O., 4i'9

Poolu M.—Assnulled and rob-bod, 19.1

Poolc M. E.- -Uueontroliablc chi Id, 159, 318

Poolc At. E.—UnconlroRablc

Portir 070

Post G.—Girl abseomler, 201 Post (1.—Miss ing, 433


, 37,


73. 8*1, 97.

















A -*.T


49 J,



53 \,









Poulsun C.—MalicionsJy wouad-ing; F.O., 120, 174 Po u lato u E. —Money stolca, 520

Poulton E.—Jcwcllcry steku, 21)7, 375

Poulton K. J. fi.—Motor rycie and aide cne stolca, 638 Poulton II.—Ch i 1(1 dctmrtcr, 178, 2f,3

Pouiuls li—■Krr.och .stolca, 344 Pounsbcrry 10.—Jt*» denth, 003 PourtncY A. Sulky stolon, 282

P(vvcy A.—Brooeh stolcu, 312 Pow '1‘. fi. (sc.i Tong fihou Pow)

len, 539 •Toyulcń,*' alias T. Walson,

ing, 13

1 'r:t '■ I fi., alias !f. Knuwlcg,

if *.—Rre.-ik, cnit-r, o.jid titcil,

Prendoirgest F.—Ring stolon, C7D

ProatiCC IV Evadc taxi hiro, 33

Prescott C. J.—Disobcy M.O.; 248

i*resdee A.—King stolca, 220, 332

Press A.—Oheifuo piuportcil to lic signed by ilorged, 374 Prcstmi A.—śtcaling, 203; ae-qailt«.d, 409

Preston A.—Pteobey M.O., 039, 610

Preston A., aihis A. 1>. Preston —l-alse jf-(denc.es, 584; ca Ud derertion, 635

Preston A. D., alias A. Preston —Fnlso protences, 584; child deser (mu, 035

Preston D.f alias I>. R. Preston, -Itcftoiving; dischnrgcd, 300; attempt steal from jur-sos), 484, 459, 55S Preston T). R., alias D. PreMr.a, alias i). J{. Harrison, alias U. Preston, alins J. Harrison, alif** J*. Preston—Korcivłng; disel.argęfl, 300; atleiiijil steaf fretn person, 434, 459, 058

Preston fi., alias IX R. Preston, &«*.—Ii(H*o:ving;    cilsehargcd,

206: eUiMApt »leal from per-sou, 454, 459, 55S jboston fi., nlias fi. "Wilson, &«*.—Atwanlt. inient co mmi t rapr-, 103, 518 Preston O.—£?lenbn£, 164 Preston (I. B. fi., alias O. Wilson, &v.—Assunlt intcut com mit rapu, 403, 518 Preston H.—ChiUl (lcacrtion; :irsxvli*:i, 413

Preston d., alias J. P. Tirroncu —Attompt break and oitcr inient J\lor.v, 330, 442 Pv<*śl*-n M., alias O. Wilson, &e. —Ansanll Inleut counuit viij>0. 103, 5i‘J

Preston AT. A,- Arson on; ac-cesso/y bpfere /aet, 391: ac-rjullted, 430

Preston P., alias T>. R. Preston,

(tc.—Rccriving; dischargud,

360; nłtcinpt «1 cal from vcr-8CU, 434, 459, 553 Preston S.—\V:*e deserLer, 314 Ibr-stoi! Ib 51., alias fi. Peters, Mtcftling, 136

Prcfi.y K.—Wateh, albart, and medal slolon, 300 Priee, fiut tors & Company, 235

Prire fi. K., alias fi. Peny— Awaidt; indceeul langmgo, 39

Price fi. T., u!i;m O. Pa.j.cl!— lbęolK-y .eaw-^nrlfłl order, 13. 20f)

1 riec Ifi, olia<ł H. ilawtborue— Pobbrry • mahw anan; (lis-clmrged «'ji lii*.'nsc, 407

Priee U. M.— finbeaac. Łithag, mojicy, rt'.:.. S:{:di*:i, 4'>5 Prico Ij.- -SU-nling, m*t git-lw, 6S4

Priee Mr«.—fi.tU ca rc, bat, r.hoea. kv.t "tolen. 579 Priee W. A.— .b«v;elh‘iv, sloKn. 529, 624

Pricbard A.—Wr?s!l'.-t walca tfU»lvn, 312

Prbldfe W. —filiecp sfiaicn. 547 MPrbk” (f> e E, fi. Prydd)

Ibii be F., alias V. C. Pricbc— fiaru.tlly kimYrng, 675

Pńcb? K. fi., ali.is Y. Pricbo— fiurjuilly knawing, 675 Pi h*?:* 15. ,T.—Wanleil in fi.mada fur fiilsc im-tenees; slerding; cml)e7.zteme«t., 42,    177;

f.ncśJtcd in America, *135

rriestloy A,    S.—Indeeei

KSKiult on fbruule uiulor K ycars Age; dischargcd on licensc, 407

Pricstly R.—Boy al>?coii(ler, 43,

I u

Primmor Tl.—#5tcalrng, F.O., 120

Priinroao H., alias Bcvcridgc— Falae inotejie.es. 176, 307

JVhi<-e A.—Motor car Btolcu, 297

Priueo A. —Mnioi c.nr stolcu, 297, 375

Priuee Alfred Kosjutal, 311

Plince G. II.—Compt. rc non-p:ty:ucuL fov >ncsil9 and ncconunndatjon, 182

Prir.ee of Walia llotol, Tum-YYorth, 8 i

Princc J.—Wut<di, &e., stoku, 128

Priug P.—Wlecze l»nks stolon, 366

Ibinted forins u&cd by Polio* Departuicwt, list of, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Pr i or O.—Draugbt maro stolon, 441

Prior C.—Marc slaicn, 493

Frlor fi.—C»uoi;s ille-gally in ctistody; nssijult aud rubbery, 423, 442

Prior fi. A.—Falso preteneoci on, 58

Prior E.—81uil>* break ing on, 547

Pnsoners disebarged to freedom Cr on Jiccnw, listrt of, 13, 28, 29, 57, 66, 79, JOG, 117, 153, 144, 156, 157, 172, 188. 201,

217,    2.10, 244, 257, 258, 272, 284, 300, 316, 321, 325, 339, 351, 352, 309, 383, 397, 407, 419, 429, 44.1, 450, 451, 407. 468, 477. 492. 493, 7566. 517, 531, 542, 555, 550, 569, 682. 596, 006, 620, 031, 016. 058, 672, (583

Prisonors ndenscd on tir*kot* of le;jvr*, rccord i»f, to bo kopi by policc in disirietfl w herc prisoners aro bcenscd to .-<'(5ido, I

Prisoners t-rtod ot Circuit Coiirts ;nvl fionrt? of t^narlcr Siwions—LLsts of, k<.} 27, 10 1, 86, 9tl, 707, 118, 181,-U:'*, 158, 173 4 5, 189, 202,

218,    :"31, 232, 24:7, 200, 285, 801, 302, 303, 337, 328, 340, 350, 870, 37 i, 384, 398. 408, 409. 420, 430, 442, 443, 456, 459. 403, 469, 481. 495, 507, .'} 18, 519, 543, 55S, 559, 570, 583, 596, 623, 632, 633, Ci7, 659, 673, 081, 685

Pri&oud Department, 299

PrUeliard F.—Wifc deser ter, 432

Pritchord F. fi.—Piopcjfy stoku, 318

Prirrhnrd L.t alias 1>. L. .Fes. &r,—Sieahv.g; eęeapc-d cos*, rody, 116

Pnf.diiird M.—Broych stolon, 268

Pritchord R. M.—Disoh^y mn^istcrlol order, 586

Pritchurd R. J.—Fiaudulent e.onvevs?on on, C50

Pntchard W. II.—Wife dcscT-fCr, 648

PrelK rt TI. O.—Nccklct stolcu,

52, 222    ;

Proljcrt J. M.—Falsc prcteuccs, 310 •

Drobino H. J.- Steuliug (sec Tl. J. Prebins)

Prnbins TI. 0. (or Probinel— Ktcaling, 574, 585


Podobne podstrony:
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese
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