Th a u te R.—Property stolen, 110
Thatcber F. W.—Motor car stolen (recovercd), 14.0, 485 Tbeatres and Public Ilalis Act, 190$—Notkes re, 127 T!ho Hub Limited, 495 The Hustlers Limited, West Maitland — See Hustlers Limited
The Marglmll Sboo Company, 012
Tbelloing G. J. (or Thomas)— Missing, 534; uncontrollable child, 501; cnnoelled, G4$ “TLeJma”—Girl kuown as, in company J. Cameron, 80. 04, 203
Tneobald A. K.—Jcwdlery stolen, 416
Theobald J.—Stoaling, F.O., 673
Theobald W alias W. T.
Theobald—Stealing, 408 Theobald W. T., alias W.
Thoobnirt—Btoaling, 498 Thcjdow H.— Clathing, &«., stolon, 323, 400 Tbiine J. R., alias .7. E. Hunie. Alias .7. Thompson, alias J. Robertson—Sell lifpinr with-out license, 204 "Thomas,” Pontypridd—Reg.
letter stolen, 6.17 "Thomas," alias W. Harris, &c.—Suspected person, 122; discharged, 410 Thomas A.—Bang]o, clothłng, cutlery, &e., stolon, G05 Thomas A. C.—Mur der (Vic.), 427; forgery. 501 Tliomas A. E../alias D. Purd i e, Ac.—Forgery and utterlng, 307
Thonms J3. JO.—False pre-tences; discharged on license, 407
Thomas C.—Disobcy M.O., 124 Thomas C.—Dlsobey M.O., 024 Thomas O., alias E. Thompson, alias "Rabbits” Thomas—-Housebreaking, 40, 173 Thomas C. H. J.—Assault ; maile, da ma go pmpert y; ns* sault occasiouing bodilr herm; maliciousiy wound-. Ing; disebargod, 300 Thomas C. P. F.—Assault oc*.-Oaslcming bnrlily bami, *263, 803; discharced. 338 Thomas D. S.—Motor eycle stolen, 130, 201
Thomas E.—Frnmlt. misnppro-prłation, 422, 510 Thomas E., alias E. Thoms— Break, enter and steal; rc-• eetYing, 234, 302
Thomas E., alias Mrs. Webb— Stealing, 540, 507 Thomas F.—SteaUng, 54 Thomas F.—False preteuces, 111
Thomas F.—Maile. infllet grlevous bodiiy harm, 302 Thomas G., alias F. G. Oraw-ford, &.c.—Slealmg, 110; dis-chargerl. 339
Thomas C. A.—Ntivnl doserter, 109
Thomas G. J.—Missing, uncontr ollablc child (sec* The’ln-ing)
rIthomas II., alias T. Evenng-bam- Break, enter and steal; dischnrged on licetise, 451
Thomas TT., alias .7. Maxwell. &c.—HousebreaUiug. 46, 773
Thomas H.. alias R. Thomas— Dtsobey M.O., 260 Thomas Ii. H.—Assault and robbcrv, 498; no bill, 548, 002
Thomas H. J.—Disobey M.O.;
wnrraul eaoCelled, 95 Thomas J. A.—False pre-tenees; atealing, 484 Thomas J. J.—Fraudt. mis appropriution, C07 Thomas L.—Fnil proride pro-lim. ex;penscs; wt. oanoelled, 109
Thomas T..—Abduetcd, 279
Thomas U—Infllet grlesous bodily hanu, 390; acquitted, 409
Thomas 7/.— Consplruey ou, 440
Thomas M.—Brooeb stoleu, 102
Thomas M.—Feloniously re-ceiving, 307 ; aoquitted. 408 Tliomas N.—False prdenees on, 203
Thomas O.—Steafing. F.O.. 494 Thomas P. C.—Compt. ro non-payinent taxł hlre, 133
Thomas P. 11., alias V. 3. Williams—Rcfuse pay for meals and aocouunodatioc; false pretenres; imposition, 1S2, 302
Thomas “Rabhits* (sce G. Thomas, &c.)
Thomas li.—Jcwcllery stolen. 30
Thomas R., ftlins R. Ridgoway, alias I«. .1. N'orley—Assault intent rot), 483, f>óS Tliomas R.. Alias H. Thomas— Lięobey M.O., 260 Thomas II. .7.—l>iso!x\p M.O.. 598
T'boma» ilorsc stolen. 117 Thomas S. II.—Child (leserter, 353
Thomas T. Lv.—\aval iW ser tor, 234 343
Thomas W.—Missing. 31
Thomas W, J. II., alias "Micky Hooper/ alias W. llooper— \s<iuU occ.isionijig hod.lv barm. 317, 340
Tboinilson w.— liroaU, enter a?Jd steal, ->Oi
Thoinopoulous T.t alias T. Jfurphy — Wanfort in America for fchmy, 719 ‘•Thompson,” nliiis W. Harris, &c.—Suspeetwl person, 322; diseharged. 419
,łJrhoijti>fion,” aliu#< A. F. Jury, »Cc.—False pretouces, 40; biguniy, 577. 684 “Tlioini^son aml North,” Sydney—Reg. letter stolen. 618 Thompson A.—Stealiug, 08 Thompson A.—Wfltch, &ev stolpn, 70
Thompson A.--TJ»lawfully on premlses of, 412
Thrunpson A., alias A. T. Thompson, Ac.—-Break, oji-ter, anil steal; r»'ceiviiig; (lisehargM 27 7; fal.se proton ces, 588
Thompson A. 1*.—Bicycle stolen, 337
'njompson A. D. B.- Motor cvi*le and sidc-cur stolon. 98, 204
Thompson A. E- False i>rc-tences on, 431
Thompson A. E. I>isobcy M.O., 450
Tliompsoii A. F.—Stealing. 534
Thompson A. 17.—Con-.spiraey; fraudulent conver-Sion, 97. 135: oerpiittod.
409; no bill, 430
Thompson A. I.-—Duclling-liouse Urok en and entered, 433
Thompson A. S., alias A. T. Th*>nii»son, &e.—Break, en-ter and steal; refJeHiag; lorccny; discharged, 217; false pretenees, 088
Thompson A. T., alias b Thompson, alias A. Thompson, alias A. 8. Thompson, nliiiH A. G. Johnson—Break, enter and stćul; rccciving; larceuy; dlseharged, 217; f:ilse pr<‘t<?mos, f>8s Thompson t‘.—Stealing. 203, 400
rntom|>son C.—Bronh, entt‘r mirt steal; steiillng, 547, 032, tJ88
Thompson C., alias W (7. Thompson. &c. -Assault, .320; agttiult intent rob, 389, 518
'lliompson <3. A.—Complt re-fuse pny for ineahs and ac-eoinmodation, 532. 503 Thompson C. E.—Money slolen, 50t
'Jhompson O. W., alias W. (\ Thompson, &e.—A ssuu 11, 320; assault Intont roi), HS‘>, 518
Thompson F.—False pie-tenoes on, 435
Thompson E. - Manier (F.8.A.), 603
Thomosoo K. — 8u*jK!eted stealing. C»40. 507 T(ien«:»son E., alias C. Tliomas, —Ilouacbroak-
itig, 46. J73
9'hompson E.. alias F. Williams. Ac.—Break, cnicr and steal. 2^35. 200 Thoinpsoa H. M. Goods In oustody, F.O., 425
Thompson R. W., alias R Williams, &c..—8te.il from person; discharged, 369; stealing, 399
Thompson F.—Motor eyelo Nfolen. 90
Thovnps<m F.—Je woliery
stolon, 220
lliompson i\. alias F. ,7. Thompson—Break, enle** and steal; reeoi\ing, 158, 340
'1’iiompson F. C.- Disobcymg MA)., TUB, C7I
Thompson F. J.. alias F. '.Hiumpson—Break, enter and steal; ve<;oivhig, 7.58, 340
Thompson C. Fony stolon. 132, JS7
Thompson <‘4. — Ferjury, 285
TliompifOM G. V.-—Disobev M.O., 36, 485
Thompson li. Complt. fulsc pretenees, 097
Thompson II., alias A. l*arkin-svu, alias H. Parlti/json, alias A. 11. Parkinson—Per jury,
Thompson H. 77.—Towcls, out-lery, stolen, 521
Thompson II. T., alias .7<vffs— Jlouschrcaking; steal in dwoili ng, 96, 104, 232, 30J: rlts-cligd. on license. 383 Thomson I., alias W. C. Thompson, &c.—Assault, 326; assauh, h.lcr.t rob, 3S9, 518
Thompson T. E.—Forgery, 273 Thompson 1. W. O.— Shccp stolon, 187. 557
Thompson .1., alias U. Baron, \c.---8un|>octo(l 532
Tliomf»«oii J., alias J. Dixou. &<:* —Sodomy; dweharged, 272
Thompson J., alias G. McKinlcy, aliaa ,T. A. Wniiams, alias At* kina—Break, ent.e.T and steal, 412; break, enter and steal, 431; beneh wirrant issucd, 472
Thompson J.. alias-J. E. Tlilme, vkc.—Sell liquor without li* ccnsc, 204
Thumpson *7- li.— Watch au<l medal stoleu, 322 Thompson .1. H.—illegally me motor-car, 357; lar ceny; F.O., 008
Tltompson J. W.—Jcwellory stolon, 420
Thompson L., alias L. A. 31. Hurgru,vc, uliaa II. Gannou -Break, enter, and steal, 123, 301
Thompaou L.f alias A. T. Thompson, «vc. -Break, enter and steal; rece(ving; larceuy; diKchgd., 217; false pretcncos, 588
Thon pson M.—Compt. rc child fhnsertion, 178
Thoir.psun M.—Goods in cus-tudy; F.O., 425 Tlauupsou M. E.—Solicit for humoru] purpose; F.U., 5HH Thompson M. M.—Bigamy on, 551
Thompson —Btc.iling, 40, 41
Thompson O. C.—Child deser ter, 391
Thompson P.—-Goldings stolen, 00, 90
Thompson R.—Missing, 131, 181
Thompson I?.—Liecnsc rnokcd ;
wt. eaneelted, 233 Thompson 71.— Assanlted, 412 Thompson K.--Foods i» eus-torty; F.O., 423 Thompson R., alias J. Roberty T. ftmitli, alias T. Hob-crt-s—Falso jm-tcncca, 412 Thompson K., alins M. Walker, <Sn*. — .Stealing; di&chargcrt, 492
Thompson S.—Assnidf. and rob-bery, 059
Thompson S. (or Murray, or Roach)—Wito deser ter, 287, 343
Thompson S., alias II. Robinson, &<:. - IIave stolcu property; break, ent^r and steal, 13 Thompson S., alias A. Wilson, alias R. <J. Wilson, alias Tl. Dean—Btcaling, 650 Thompson, 8on, and Co., 2S7 Thompson 8. F.—Housebroak-ing on, 9S
Thompson S. O.—Dwolling on-tered, 249
Thompson T.—Fa.l proeido pro-lim. cxcs.r 545
Tbninpaon 'l\—Murę at<d(*n, 645 Thompson T.—Marc stolon, 058 Thompson V. -Re dcalh of, Ar>3 418
Thompson V. L.--Fraudn. oon-vert as bailee, 872 Thompson W. -Wrist watch .stolon, 268
Thompson W.—Slcaling; F.O., dLsohgd., 338
Thompson W.—Imlceently aa-sauitod, 07ii
Thompson W'., alias W. C. Thompson, &•<-.—Assault, 32G; assault. infant rob, 339, 513 Thompson W., ufias G. Wilson, Ac.—Bhopbrwiking, T7, 92 Thompson W. O.—GeUIir.g stolcu, 172
Thompson W. C., alias C. 9’hompflon, alias W. Thompson, jilhts C. W. Thompson, siliuś* 7. Thompson—Assault, 326; assault intent rob, 339. 518