Currin U. K.—Naval deserter, 580

Currio I.- Soll l:quor witbout liccnse, 531

Currio W.—Disobey magisteria! nnler, 178

Currin A. E.—13igamv, 57, 107, 301

Curnuiyalpa 8 la tion, Tilpa— uukuown mail found on, 343 Cnmirlu-rs F.—Stcaling (ses —F. O.rruthera")

Curry A.—Bieyclo stolen, 515 Curry E.—Abseondcr Girls’ 8chool, 288

Curry J. A.—Disobey magisteria I order, 70, 125, 305 Gurty J. M.—Wifo deserter, 165

Curry I/. R.—Arson, 347; ae.-guitted, 593

Curry W. Piejcie stolcu, 417 Curtain F. W. (Gonstable)— Assaultcd, 176

Gurt tu .T-—Attemp*ed buggery on. 483

“Curtisa,” alias H. T. llolliday, &o.—Break, entcr, and steal; ilisohnrgecl on lieense, 555 “Cai l iss.’’ alias A. Apps, Are.— False pretcncos; forgery and Ultcring; dischargcd ou 11-eouse, 600

Curweu .T. R.—Naval desnter, 648

Cusnek -I.—Malh ious dninnge; ,usp ttireatoning langimge, 118, 149

Cusmk P.—Waleh stolen, 88 Ou^aek W. G.—Wifc ilescrtcr; non payment of er-Ms on }n»gls:crial ordor, 136, 147, 436

Cush R. 1L.—Watch, »^e., stolen, 128

Cuaick T,—Boy abscondcr, 273 "Chistoma,” Sydr.oy—Registerod lottOr stolen, 018 Customs Department, 102 Ciithush C. II.—Dwclling en-tered. 36, 65, 136 Outhbcrt A. W.—Dcath of, 321 Cuthbertson A. St. G.—Mu«* sliiUgbtcr of, 563 Oullor E.—Assnultcd and rob-bed, 157, 234

Cu Her S. II.—Sheep stolen, C19 Cotling F. E.—Tmluinid to firnud (Wu-lorin), 286 Cotting II. J. alias A. Russell (sec lioiton F.)

Cutts .W. A.—Missing, £70


Dubbs J. F. -Embc/.zlomcnt Oh, 543

Da den .7. A.—Soli liijuor witli-out liecnsc, 263 Dao Madame, 446 Dagncll B.- -Pendant Btolcn, 438

Dahlhelm G.—Per jury, 97, 1-15 Palm A.—Ring, Sic.y stolen, 7G T)alo A. alias A. G. Dowd Cliiitl deserter, 134, 292 Dało C. alias M. Criolly—Rint-ona; receiving; goorls in eus-tody; discharged. 67; in poasession counlcrfcil moncv. 534, 684

I)ulev J.—Wife deserter, 108, 148

Daley J.—Ruspeofceil person, 275 I)aJey P.— Imteeor.tiy assault.ed, 510

I>ah»y P. (or ()’Con?ior)— Dn?k»ii T-.—ŚLi-aling, disi-hai-076

Daley Use shop for betting, 235

Ibih y T. R.—Inrjairy rc niisgiug woman, 192

Daley W. M.—JewelTwy stolon, 32

Crtroder F. II., alias Y. Taylor, &c.—False prctencea; dis-eharged, 492

Crowo G. (or Cowau)—Boy ab-scondor, 4.1

Crowe J. P.—Bieyrlc stolon, 227

Crowley C\ W.-—Miasing, 573; located, 030

Crowley J. alm* ,T. Cussidy.— Break, entcr, and ate.il, 383; rcceiving, 518

Crown Lands and Reeervca; In-atructions to Police to assiat-ing rńngers, &<»., 2 Crown Law Department, 532 Crowther N., alias F. Williams, Stealing, 79

Croxford A. (not Crnw/ord)-Larcony os bni!o«, 385, 11H Croxon V. M.—F.alsc preccnecs on, 193

Cro/ier G., aliJś ifenty, alias Graham—False    pretcr.rcs

(S.A.), 396

Cruickshank '(I.—Watoh and nłbert. stoleu, 593 Crniekshank M.—Ring stolon, 028 » Cruiekahanks F. E.—Emoezzle-mont, 375, 518

Cruickahutik* W. (seo W. 13. Cruieksluinks!

Cruickshanks W. II., Alias W.

Cruiokshanks.- Assuult, 1C3 Cruiso W. II.—Ring r,tuleń, 426 Ornmp R. A.—Caruully known, 573

Crutchficld W. E.—Navftl dc-sorter, 662

Cubro Shirt Company, Ilaw-thorn, Victorin, 73

Cudby M. J. alias Smith.—1 Iayc. in posscańon detonators with intent commit felouious aet, 111

Cud moro T. O.—Wal eh, &c.f stolon from person of, 262, 344

Cuenbłlc -T. P.—Disobey magisteria! order, 665 Culbort I. (ł.—Watah stolon, IGO

Cullen B.—Sta-aling, first of femler, 008

Cul len C.—Stealing, 55 L Cullen D. P.—Compt, ro :il.v scondcr from liired sewjce, 17 Cullen T<.—Jewelłory stolcu, 296, 375

Cullen T.—Gelding aLolen, 672 Cullen W.-—Frauaulenlly nmit to puy to, 547

Culten W. F.—Disobey magis-terial order, 120 Culbm W. W.—Per jury, 97, 145

Cullcy C. li.—Disobey inag-s-terial order, 387 Cumming A. P. F.—.Stealing, 399, 518

Cnmming B.---Watah stolen, 668

Cumming ,T. E. G.—Gelding stoku, 143, 171

Cu mm i ng L. J.—Rings stolen, 255, 307

“Cnmmings.” alias N. Wright, &c.—Inebriate    license re-

voked, 355, 423

Cummings F., alias T. V. M. Broekloaby, &c. — Stcaling. 663

Ciirnuiiikgs Ił. A. S. G.—Dwell-ing-housc of en te red, 332 Cummit.gs H. H.—Wnteh, Sec. stolen, 642

Cummins A.—A ssani t orcasum-Ing bodily barn); liave un lic-ensed dr parni, 148, 303; in-demit laugunge; mnlicious injury to ~ prnprrf.y; dis-charged, 046

Cummins O. C.—Wife deserter, 148, 236

Cummins II.—Watah, &c., ato-lon, 30

Ciiiliriiiny M.—Pulsu piulonces on, 353, 397

Cummins W.—In company miss-ing girl (sc-e Morris) Cumnock Police Sta li on; vao-Hucy Hllcd, 35

Omuli 11 C. II.—Ciulu desertion, 548, 691

Gaudy A. E. alias C. M. Mt-r-tlelś—Larccny as u builcc, 596; sten ling, 676 Cuncen L. t\, alias A. Lewis, Sec. Steni by trick; /ittaiupt bribery; stenliug; fail ap pcar, 97, 274

Onneen T.—Bii-.yele st.olen, 18 Cmiliffc K. L.—Fraudiilout. mis-apprnpriation; false pro-k-hccs, (150

Cunningham A. M.—Walch slo-leu, 88

Ommingham D.--Assaull, 58, 23.1

Cnrninghmn E. J. F.—Nnval ileserti r, 648

Cunningham G., alias T. F. Nisoń, alii«9 II. Robinson, alias T. Koborts, alias Y. Roiil, alias Jones, alias C. Uallrtf—T..-iiveuy; wounil in-tont. ;>ivvcnf lawful apprrlu':!-s:ou; tiiscliargoil on lieęnso, 542

Cunningham II.—Broorli stolcu, 297

Cunningham H. A.— Maliciously Fetting liro motor car, 279, •163

Ci;u:iingl::UM .l:.mi*.<, Trustcos of estntr of !atc—Ca:tle siolen, 299, 815

Cunningham M. Stcaling, 276

Cimninglmm M.—Rrooch stolon, 348

(hmningbam M., lielleroil iden-tieal O. Brownlow, alias N. Revelic, alias U. Brodic -Pals*1 pretonciy, 340 Ciinnbighaiu M.—watnhoy StOr len, 604

Cunningham P.—Arson, 577; necjiiittecl, 047

Cunningham P. E. alias L. .7. D.

hforgnn.—Feloniously receiv*

iug, 574; acquittnd, 632

Cunningham Ś. W.—War rant failing |»rovido prelimiuary cxpe:i«t*s ram nlhifl, 238 Oupitt, 5. .1. E.—Wifc deser-tion, 009

CYrt A.—Assnulfod; shot at with inteut, 203 Cuil G. II.—Ro death of, 267, 440

Curl T.—Malięioas damage to property of, 203 Cm-Toy S. T.—Buggeiw on, 649 Cum o w (7. J.—Uncoutrollablc eliib], L09

Curuow G. TC.—AgsauTtcd and act indcN-oncy committed in prosence of, 4 45 CY.rrall 0. 11.—Disobey magisteria! order, 56, 223 Curran E.—Disobey maglstcrial order, 586

Curran JT.—Money stolen, 503 Curran JI. E.—Shecp stolcu, 326

GY.rrau J.—Alissiug, 350; lo-i-.ated, 120

Curran T. alias J. Turr.ęr.--False preteuces; stording, 107. 159, 218, 315, 327 Cummt <7. 0.—Mining, 243

Cnrrpy S.~ Stcaling, first offen-der, 121

Currie A.—Girl absooudor, 410

Dalget.y & Coy. Ltd., 337 Dalgoty’s Motor -Sowice Sta-tion, 405

Dallas J. E—Complt. faił pro-viile prebtniuaiy cxpenscs, 355 Dallas 8.—Embezzlcnicut, 385 Dalglcish J.—Watch stolon, 62 Dallas G.—Chegues stolcu from jiremisos of, 553 Ballcy VI—Ring stolcu, 128 Dalliinore W. E.—Wife deser-ter, 220

PalUson Y. C.—Stcaling, 93 D alry ni jile-Koby J. H.— Dis-oln-v magislrri.al order (seo .1. Ji. D. Kelly)

Da Ilon A.—Break und entcr lutont Bteal; break, ontor, und stoul, 317; doeliiic pi-Ocooil furt hor, 400, 412 Dalron I). - Clothing, &<*., sto len, 337

Jłalton E.—Complt. framlulent pv.adn Mxi liirc, 326 Duli on F., alias S. T. Hall, <fcc.

- Falso picu-n.13 Dalłon G.—Mulicious damage, F.O., 157

Daitcn (1.---Pinndulont eon-

verftio» as Kiilee, 659 T)alton G., alias G. Ryar*—Steni-ing, 671

Daltoii G. A.— Maiishmghter of, 403, 450

J)altoo I.-—.Steniing, F.O., dis-<-hmgcd, 339

Pra ni u leni emission, CfM, go.l, UJ

Dalt<m N.—Stcaliug, 473 Daltim T.—T’h1«: pieteni-es, 246 D;tlvcar. JO.—Śtea.iug. 344 Dalwood A. E.— Praught nmro stolon, 352

Dały J.—Goldiug stolon, 66; recovered, 263

Dały J. --Money atolcn, 659 D«ly R.—Assault and robbory, 163, 234, 302, 371

Dały R. A.-Disobey uragis-

tcrial order, 273, 329, 499 Dały T., alias M. Walker, &o.

—Stcaling; diseharged, 492 Da'y V. II.—Steni ing, F.O., 9Dolzell E., alias F. Williams, Ac., Break, enter and sr.rei), 235, 260

Damraerol    C.    L.—Carually

knowing diulgbtors, 412, 469 Darnin er i*l    I.    K.—Carnally

known (by fatl.cr), 412 Dammerci    iS*.    K. •• Ca maiły

known (by fnthor), 412 Dnu T5.—Alumipted bribery, 40 “Dangar,” alias W. Bywles— Conspiracy, 54, 446; false pretencca, 632

“Danger”—Conspiracy;    false

pretorices (aeo Wr. Bowles) Danger L. A.—Wool stolea (scc Yallaroi Pastorał Company)

Daniels C.—Wateb, &c.. stolen. 128 ' Daniels C.—Iluuse breaking on, 222 -

Daniels C. II.—Kaval desener, 327, 350

Daniels D.—Rangle stolen, 37 Daniels E. J.—Gliormis bodily hanu on, 647, 663 Daniels J. J.—Nnval deserter;

Yirarrant ranedled, 110 Daniels lt.—Watch stolon, 380 D.-mks Ml.—Stealing, F.O., 457

Danka John and Sons Ltd., 473. 623

Danks J. 1L—Clothing stolcu, 241

Danka W. — Jewellery and rnoncy stolen, .331 Danne W. C., alias J. 0’Dmi-ucll, alias Bnttenehall—Falso proton ces; discharged, 383


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