Flahorty J.—Watfih rccorcrcd, 65
Fliuiagan A. J.—Diaobey M.O., 260
Flanagan <T. E.—Housclireak-iug, 75, 173
F la nagan (}- T.—Miiwillg, 399; loc-niod, 412
Flauagau U-—MHd do.serfor, 288
rianagan I. Uneonli ol labie tliiM, ioS, 555
FlanagAn J.—Wntell, Sca.} stolon, n
Fkuiagan J.—Disalicy M.O., 450
Piana ”:m M. E.—Cnnu.lly kr.own, i'9, 4S5 >'la»agan li.—Missing, 155 Plar.ag-m T.-rAt tenipt atcal frant poTsam, 16. 107 Plauitgsm 1’., nliaa M. R»i;y, &v.— Falsc prntmcos, 541 Flnnagun W.—Fahso prolenccs, 285 '
Fkumgan W. A.—Pipea, to hiiceo, Ikr., Htolcu, 212, 3*3 FlalnU‘łK A., alias 1\ Alfred,
ałćrt* P. Auęi^l, alias P-Augu.sla, aliaA R. Alfred, nliiw ‘TaUHsc,” alias A. Krcsiier, alias G. Franks, alias G. Harris, alias K. Ij. Alfred, alias G. Groy, alias .A. Iłaf:)«.s<v—Sfealitiłf. 17; disrJiargod, 420
Flnniglirm 0. —Olotliiug t-iclcn, 374
Flaminga u «F. L.—Uisoboy M. O., 409
Flanum* M. W. -King stolcu, 123
Fłamicrr T.—.Jewcllcrj sluJcn, 106
Flnsliman J.—Aasaultcd and robł.Hid, 131
“Flnlhnm” Mni., Sr.ffulk, Eng.
—Kog. fol ter stolen, 017 Flarman !•!., alias H. •*. Wani, &t. -FaW pirliwos, 458 Ficek J. W.—Garagc onl->rod, 135
Flookcor L.—In company Drftulnought kul mUning, 4ó’">
Flogg S.—Clothiug, (kr., stolcu, 3Sł
Fleming (or Flemwuig) E.— Assaultcd, r.lU, 000 Fleming i-'. TC.—Wutch stolcu. 190
Fleming .T. J.—Faisc pretenccs on, 22(1, 314
Fleming II., alias J. Ponngby.--Fomid nt night with liouse-bron king impiements in pos-session; break. eu!< r Alid stdil, 503. 583; F.O., .683
Fleming K. B.-—Palec pretences, 171
Fhwmijig E.-—Assaultcd (sec E. Fleming).
‘•Piftcher,*' alias J. R. Olcary.— Fr<;$e pretcnces, 42, 159 Fli.li;liCV A.—1 nrjiiiring re n:is-siug girl, 101
FJotehor A. 8., alias M. Rvnn.— 4.11 Lid dezerter, 232. 205: dis obcy M.O., 41 T
Flcteher Pr., alias (A MelMO.yb, &e, fnlse lejłicsentation: dischurgod, 535
Fletehcr E.—Mnnev, Sic stolon, 242
FJcteher K. C.—(hunally known, 0J9
Flefclun* JT. A.—Aftompf. stoal fvoi» person, 434 Piotfikfr H. M.—Miaftiitg, 358; loealed. 412
Flet-.dier H. W. - Słe.ipbfonkLng on, 231
rie.te.hev .1.—Oh i Id dcscrler, 370
Fletchcr J. F.—Wife deserter, 3?«
Fleteher .T. G.—Bullocka stolen,
Flef.e.JiCr J. J.—Disohey M.O., 59
Flohher .Jf. T., alias O. Mc-fntosh, —Fafse repicscntit-I ioji; diselnirged, 555
Fletdier W.—Bir.yele stolen, 110 Flelclur W., alias W. Herd. aiin.s W. Owens, alias IV. Green.—Steal from person, 17; uUebarged, 3fr»
Bletelier W. II.-Xaval deser-ter, 71, 112
"Fle.\!ia:n,‘' man snpnysed named. evade liiro la
A.fi. l\OAS, ni. Nc-whrwn, 8() Flinl 1\ G.—Stenling, 428 Flint- F. L.—U:ey«i« slolen, 529 Flii:t T.—Money stolon, 009 Plillor. J. H.—Navft! desciłer, 70
Flof»d A. R. - Fnlse prctcnces on, 004
Flood G. 8.—FelonicmsK' receiv-iii‘f, 290, 37)
Flotni M—Pluy two-up, 12 Flofld F. V.—Ex ohleio iruliet-me»d t!led aga insi im eliarge ot.tempt canially kr.uw, 422, 535
•'Flores Family.”- Iiajnircd for by (‘sifitoins l)e}>t., 102 Florny F.: H. Nash, &,r.—
lliiye t'<;iinte] feif cuitis in po.s-scwiim; o Ker and nttor co«n-terfeit eoins, 050, 0R.4 Flnrey T.t alias H. Trcnibath, &c.—Rłjcejyinjf, 13 Flower M-.—.leneilery stolen. !><;(>
“Fkiyti,” alias IV. Miirjdir, &c. —Stoaling: stoal frum per* son. 481, 5Ó7, 632 Fioyd 1).—►’Hicyrdr slnlen, 593 F.oyiI F.—Money .stolca, 101 Pli.yd J.# T. Mif. lu-ll, Ar.
—Assault; fon ml in yard for imk-wful pnrpo.se, 445 Finigge i\—-CotnpU. stealing, 3-;0, 525
Fluid .f.— Albert, &e., stolen, 33 Flynn K—8te:iling, B.O., 583 Flynn E. M.- Fur stole, &c., stolon. 68. 193 Flynn 0.—Ring stolen, 514 Flynn G. P. Ta—Rievclc stolen, 331
Flyim M. -Watch stolct:, 26.8, 298
Flynn M.—King stolon, 3S0 Fhuu M.—Grooeb stolen, 416, 548
Flynn P. (girl), missing, 630 Ffyim T.—Bicyelo stolen, 130, 199
Font. F.. TT.—False pretences on, 250
Puck 0— Fnlse ptctences, H Bcell O.—Fnlse prCtenoes on,
. i325
Fogarf.v M.—E.-ir-rings stolen, 348 *
Fol di A. J.—Malieious wound-ing, 174
Foley F.—THsobcy M.O.; »us-poeted steaUng, 420. 436, 657 PoIcy F. F.—DitfobeT M.O., 310 Pnley .7.—Missing. 524; loenfed, 621
Pulsy M.—Ring stolen, 528 Poley W. E.—Steniing (sec W. 0’Grndy)
FoUtard JO.—I.areeny on, 124 Fofkard M. J.—Jwrellery stolen, 254
Polkes A. II.—Ga rag o of
hroken tutd e.ut<'rcd, 637 Polltes O.—WateliOA and je woliery, &<■., stolon. 540, 654 Fol-an C.—Carnally hnowu. 317
Pond mu li.—Uncontrolł. child, 674
l’\:ng Moon—Watch stolen, 452 Fook Li (sec Li Fook)
1’oran S. G.—Disoliey M.O., 508 Forbes A.— Stealing, T‘.0., 546 Forbcs L. M.—Miasing, 215, 3o0 Forbes M.—Gooch stolen, 1-54 Ftwl.-ci' Police dtalton—Yaeaucy nt, 053
Forbf.s S.— JeircHerr stolen, 197, 251.
For by E.~Wn1vh stolon, 623 Furce I)., nbas F. Hudd, &c.— Sbaline, 330
Ford A. — Rccciyiug; dis elmrged 117
Ford A. A.—Steni motor-car; no furtlicr proceedings, 17; st ca ling, 084
Ford A. V.—-Motor cyely and fridc-ear stolon, 141, 155, 291 Ford alias L. Poster, alias L. d. Poster —SIcal ia dwoi-ling, 399. 423, 442 Ford C. M.—Steo.l inctor-ear. 110, 301
For i K.—Woleli, &c.» stolon, 642
Ford Embez^lcmenl, F.O., 120
Ford J., alias A. J. Bowmnn, Ae.—Fftlse pvrfenr.es, 54, 8),
1 Hi, 423
Ford J. II. W., nli.05 W. Ford De-.borough—Wife deser ter, 818
Ford M.—E.n-rings uloicn, 106
Ford N., alias A. Lucas—At-tempt break mul enter waro-iiotiso jnlcid sleal; dischargcd on lieenso, 467
Fmd P.—Hleoyc-links, &■?-, stolcu, 11.7, 149
l'ord K. S.--Griev. bodilylmrm infiidod on, 433
l ord Shornngton & Co., Sedncy -104, 124
Ford I1.- -Hisobry M.O., 471) Ford T. A. - II lega Iły usc motor-erir; <lJsfit>:ir«vd on Jieense, 441
Ford W.—Found in yard for Ttniuw/ul jKirpo.sc; F.O., 583 I'orvl W., rims W. Roaewarno, alias W. Lewk—Break, en*er, and ilteg:«l?v use łmrao
and cart, 149, 164,’ 301, 350
Ford Desbnrongh W., alias J. II. W. Ford—Wit'o (leserter, 318
Fordhain Jl.—JDrer.duought lad, v. horeubmits rccjuired, 455 Forest. .T.—Frdso prote.nc.os on, 261
“Poroster," alias E, E. Wlieat-lcv—Carnally known, 675 Forestry Cołiuius.sion, 51)5 Forg‘e A.—Assenlr. and robbery, 179
Forma (priuted) uscd by Police TVpnrtment, 19, 20, 21, 22, nml 23
Forrest A.— Marc stolon, 592 Forrn.st T. Jloruicbroakiug on, 236
Forrester A.—Disobey At.O., 329
Forrester W.— lMsobey M.O., 373
Forrister P.—Glothiug stolen, 122
FoTsstrom V.—Xavnl doserter, 654
Forster T). T. —Xnval desoitcr, ■*>85
FiursteT II.—Bungie stolen, 489
Forster H. G.—Falsc preienc.es on, 446
Forster T., alias T. W. Forster, &e.—Larceny, disdinrged oij lii-Ouse, 672
Forster T. W., alias T. Forster, alias Fishor, alias Miller— Larceny; disłcbnrged on li-een.se, 072
l’orsvlhc A.—Whopbrcaking on, 075
Poisrtlte W. A.—Disobcy M.O., 533
Forlli C. F.—Glot.hing, (kr.., stolen, 155, 171, 389 Forth 1). U.- -Diamond studs 5tolc:i» 240
Fortune V.—Missing, 44 Fortuno H. .T.—Art.icles stolen, 088
Finder A.--GcUling stolcu, 216, 243
Poster A. W.—WaUdied «1.uV.*n, J14
Fosrer K.— Hieyelc sfolen, 4f*4 Poster G., alias G. Pawn-tt— Break, euter, and skal, 146, 301
Poster II. &.—t-oiupt, rc nou-pnYinou*. for nieals and ac-coimnodation. 81, 136 Fo.słer .1.—Slealing, 589 Fosler L., alias G. Ford, <ke..-— Si<‘fil in ilwclUng, 399, 423, 442
Fo!it-.»r L. .1., alias F. F<»nl, &c.‘ —.'sreal In dwclliug, 399, -123, 442
Fc»sti*r M.— Fatse j>vo;e.in*e<*, 421 Fosler M, Stcabng. J*.0, 546 Post er M.~~'EnHosod gromu!
oempied by enternd, 385, 297 1'ostor B.—Motor car stolen (\ric.), 225; recovercd, 427 1'o.ster $>. -Fortuno telling, F.O., 546
Fos ter B.—Wife deser ter, 16; ca u cel) od, 635
Fosfor W. O.—l>w<;lling housc fttteui|>t<d broken and en-tered. 459
Poster W. TT —CojujiU. falsc juctemeH, 315
Poster W. J.—Lit docent assanlt, 534; ne(jiiitl«*d, 513, 5)7 Fosler W. J.—Wate.h, &e., stolcu, 578
'‘‘Folłu,i inghnm,,? alias C. Lcslio, «Łc.—Escapc eust.ody, 69 Kothcrir.gluun C.—iihubezzlo-mcnl; diafilmrged, 156; re-v;>kedj 514
1’uidds C. U.—Tnłlict gvicv.
IłOdily banu; assaidf, 433. 511) Puli Ik ci Tb L.—Ring stoku, 404
Fowler II. A.—Prrtpcrf.y stolen (reeiiyored), T.‘)(j Fowler Al.— King stolen. 479 Fowler W. U — -Congjiimcy, dema nd nmney by mousifcOs; s*ea!ing (VU*.), 2-19 Fos A.— .Missing, *»73 Fox B.—Propeny stolon, 122, 135
Fox P. L., nlias P. Fos, alias T j. Pritc.ha rd—Stealing; oa-
CMped en słody, 116
Fox F. J.—Felouiously rcc.eir-ing motor cycle and side-car; folouiouftly receivj»g mofor-cyc.lc and tools, 290, 291, 371 Fox M.—Compit. fraudii. rnis-apprn., 357
Fnx T.- Property stolen, 124 Fux W.—Woleli and jtjwcllorr stolcu, 392. 423 Foxa 11 and Diamond, 623 Fny, diii—Gricv. bodily harm on (sco ”Jiu Foy.”)
Foy, junior, M.—C!icque drnwn
bv stolen, fil 3
Finder W. J.— Wantouly drive molor car eauaing bodily hurm, 610; nr.ijuit.tcd, 633 Foy*. Mark. liimiW, 93, 434 Far?.-?ord A.—In:1 erfnI. assau 1 % 357; jieijuiUed. 507