54 i
[U OcT.j 1925.
of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thin sbarp . features, .sal Iow eornpiexioii. brown Im Sr, grc-y e.yos, ; cletm shi'.vc<l. sunkcn cheeks, slight scar on the aide ; of the face. hazard appeanmce; dwtosed in a dark ; sint, l»ght-grev felt ł^r»L% and tan shoes *. a trav<.jlk*i\ Uouiniainant, Henry Ćhapple, 138 Art.hnr-M.reet, North iSydney.
Putcrahum.—A w ar runi has beeu issued by the Central Police iWch fni th© nnesl of MAY RENNY, alias TlLLlE FLANAGAN, alias WIIITK, cbargert with obtaining from Angus Mucgrcgor Cameron, a caah order entitlbig her to ieeeivo goods to the value of at Sydnev, on llio 6th Novembcr, 1924, by falao preteneea. Offender is abont 41 years of nge, 5 feet 2 iuches high, medium build, dark complexiou, brown hair, teeth missing from the uppor .jaw. Complainunt, Angus Maegiogor Cameron, Roem 13 Daking House, Rawson Place.
Randwirk.—A warrant has betu. issuod by the Chjl-dren'a Court Beiuh for the arresPof MAJORJE ANDEK-SON, charged with being an imcontrollablc ehild. Offcn der is about 1 3 years of age, thin build, stoopod ahouh dera, fair omnp!exion, fair bobbed hair, prominent teet-h; dressed m a heJiotropc dress trimmed with wbite.
Rcdfern.—A warrant has bccn issued by the Central Police Benek for the anrest of a man, NAME TJ.N-KNOWN, bul. who eon la.* identified, charged with fraudulent.lv cvnding tho p&yment- of the sum of H»». 3<h. t.i\i-eab hire duo to Fmleijck Gcorgc Smith, ut Sydney, on iha lat instant. Offemler is about. 22 ycnrs of ago,
5 feet 7 iuehos high, stout buihl, dark compioxiun and hair; dressftd in « dark serge suit, and a gre.y tivce<] cal). Complainant, Frcdcriok Georgo Smith, 224 WardnM-rorul, Dulwich Hill.
Redfern.—A wairaut hus boon issued by the Chil-dren’s Court Beneh for the arrest of HAROLD HILTON WILLIAMS, charged with being na unc.outrollablo ehild. Offender is 15 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, thin build, fair complomui and haif, ł>f\je cyes; a .abourer. Ccroplainaiit, Alphone© Joseph Turner, Ćhihlrcns Court, Sydney.
Sydney. --A wariant has been is*iiod ' by rhe Central Police Hench for the arre«t of LESLtE W. GllOOM, oharged with obtniniDg the sum of £775. the prooerty ot Gf^orti<! Yiotor Rickards, at Sydney, on the 25th ultimo, by fsise pjetences. Offemler is about 42 yeara of age, 6 feet b inches higli, rath**r sU-ong build, floricl comple.sion, fair hnir, squuro feaiur,**, prominent hlue oyos, .Towisli uppeaianoe: drc.sswJ in a hlue suit, aut! a grery feit. iiat; a solicitor. .Complainant. Cicorge V. Uiihords, 327 Gjeo.rge-street, Sydney.
..Tamworth,—A warrant haa bccn iji$uc.d bv Ihc Tani-worth Beneh for the arrest of SAMUEL‘WJLLłAM BCRKE alias SAM JONES, chargcd with stealing,- A horso collar, puir of driring reins, and a sulky «addle and breechlug, vnlue £!5 (rei'-overed), the property of Mury Phel&n, at Tamworfh, on the 30f.h ultimo. Offi-nder is 21 yrars of ape, 5 feet 3 inebes. high. strong build, fresh coniplesior., clean shayed; dressed in a brownish co&t, brown or grey gabardine trousers, and mi lita ry pattern boots. Onmplaiua.nl, Mary Plielau, Tamuorlh.
WnUscnd.'—A warrant has becn issutid by tlio Walls-end Bcnch for tlio aireat of CHARLES HARRIS, rhar-ged with tho lareeny as a bailoe of,—A No. 2A folding Browuio cubiersj, one «orucr of the covering lifting oft' do ot, a screw missing from the leus frame; valuy £4 1 ós. Jdentifiablo, the property of James William Dymotul Budge. at Wnłlsend, sińce the 17th ultimo. Offcnder is about 45 ycars of age, 5 foet 5 or 6 inches high, medium to stoul build, fair to shilow eomplexion, fair hair, loft) eye iujm-od aml lid practieally' closed, c!e»n shaved; dre$3ed in a dark grcy suit, and a grey felt bat; speaks with a foreign acceni. Last heatd of at ('easnock ou the 20th ultimo. Complaiuant., James Willidm Dymond Rndge, WaUsenO.
West Maitland.—A warrant has bccn issued by the West Muitland Bcnch for the arrest of WILIA AM 0‘GBADY, charged with stealing llie sum of £6 lós., ilie property of Edward Plummer, at West Maitlaml, on thn 3rd instant, Offender is 40 years of age, 5 feet 0 inchcs high, medium, build, brown. hair tnrning grey, clean shavcri; dressed in n <l»rk coat darned at the back, light-coloured trousers, and a grey fett bfit; OBSumcs thr iiameK WILLIAM EDWARD POLEY. MOORE. or 0'ItRADY. Complainant, Edward Plummer, Angel Inn, West Maitland.
CuiUidu.—Deseription of WILLIAM G. MURKELL and GEORGE ERNEST <PAT) NORTON, wnntefl on warrant by the Canudian Police, charged with murder and TOhbcry while armrd, ut Molbonrni*, Catiadn. Mur* rcll ia about 29 ycars of age, 5 t>ft 7 inchos high, about, 150 Ib. weight, dark comploMon, dark brown hair, haJtel eyes, a head, leg, star, snake, and bird tattooed on the 3eft •ortn. «ar on the bat-k of fhe iight hapd. Norton is
about 37 or 39 years of age, 5 feet 8 nr 9 inches high, ICO Ib. weiglit, fair to saudy cornplexion, fair hair wora long and brushed back. clcan shaved; a railroad man, Rnesman, and auto tnochanic. For inquiry only in tho iirat insłtancc and report.
Ban^alow.—Tho warrant* foT the arrest of ARTHUR .STINŚON. charged with obtainin# boaitl and lodging and jnoney, Xn>m Lawronoe George Koder, hr-eiisee of Uie Hanga Iow Hotel, by faLso pre-tences, has been canceHed at the reąuest of the cbm-plainfint.
Vide Police Gaaetie, 1U25, page 450.
Gosford.—Tho warrant for tlio arr^ of E. DAV)S. charged with ohtaining u motor tyre and ntoLn* ttd>e, th« property of Charles Prosper Garoet Parsom, by laW pratencęs, ha.*: bccn cnnceUed at the reąuest’ of the eoniplainant.
Missing Friends.
Mining sińce tho 27th ultimo, from libr houic, 170 Trafalgar-stieel:, Atiuuiuialo, u. womułi surnamed,— NKVH,LE, about,75 ywirs of ugc, 5 feet 4 inches high, medium build, fresh eomplexion, faii hair turejng grey,. blsio cyes; shsbbily dressed in a dark skirt, blue jacket, and a black hat. Information to Linora Melk-.U, ftl vhe ;iVm)VO addi css.
Missiug sińce the 27th Julie. 1925, from her homo, Port Hackinjj road, Sylvania,—CATHERINE (KITTY) COMPTON nee NOLAN, 36 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, medium build, fair compIcMon, brown hair, grey cyes, two smali lumps on the forchead; usually dressed in a uavy-blue coatumo, and h smali blaek hot. Information to her husbiuid, Herbert Compton, at the abovu address.
Innuiry is reąvR‘»ted al Uie knstanee of Mii>. 'ł'aylor. reftiding at Murruniudi, to tracc,—MILDRED MARY ANN TAILOB (daughtci), 18 years of age, about $ feet high, sligbt build, fair comploxion, light-brown hair, brown eyes, front tecth prominent; a waitress; a native of Imerell, lyeft.lier liome at. Murrnrunrli, on tho 25th Pebrunw, 1924, and is 6aid to b© in the company of WALLY MORRIS (known u$ CUMMINS), about 21 ycnrs of ngc, <r> feet 6 mchea high, alight build, dark com-plexiou, ligbt-brown liairpa labourer.
Misaiitg, sińce the ]st instant, from hec bonie, 27 Boonara-avenue, Botidi,—MAR GAR ET BAR-
GENT, 17 years of a^e, medium build. ’ fair com-))loxiou, light hair (shingled), bhus evex; dressed in a navT-blue dress, hright blne top coat, yelIow liafc. patent atrap shoes, and grey stockings. Information to Walter Smith I/Amb, at the abov© address.
Missiug, yineo tbe 11 th instant, from her honn*, Alrerslon, Lucretia-strcet, fx>ngueville, — LUCY ANDREWS. 16 years of age, 5 feet 4 inohes high. stout budd, fivir comple^ion, fair bubbed hair, blu<* cyeM, goml set of tecth; dressed in a whifco voile i rock. with insertion on tho %jhoulderjj, red fcit hat trimmed with ribbon, and a red feather at the side black stoekin^s ajul patenLloatlier sandais; carrie< a smali fibro suit-case, and a thick navy-blue serge occrcoat; lato of tlie Dr. Barnardo Home, IjOndon. Has threatened to commit suicide, Information to her guardi&n, Mrs. John Feli; at the ahore arldross.
Vide Police Guzctte, 1925, page 524.
Vide Police Gaaette. 19*25, page 584.
JOHN IJYTNGSTONF. UOAUH, m^sing friend, bas retmned homc.
Prisoner Relensed on License.
Vide Police Gaxettc, 1924, puge l;>4.
Dinliiigliurst.—The license iasucd to prisonci CHARLES FOTHERINOIIAM, under the pnwjgion of section 4C3 of the (Times A et, 1900, has been revoked by His F,xcełlenev tho Govon\or, with a vicvr of his being rc-turned to priaon to compłete the unexpircd portion of the fcentenee of one year and olcvcn moutha’ hurd labour impoaed upon liim at tho Wagga ‘Wagga Seagions, on the 11 th March, 1924, on charges of emtw.zlenient. He is 52 years of ;ige, 5 feet 7 inches high, very sluat cnrpulent build, ruddy cooiplexion, fair hair, binc eros, artiticial teeth in the upper ja>r, two raccination marka on the outeide of the lott uppor arm,‘round soar on tho point of the left elbow; an accouutaut or taljy ejerk.