McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313
McCann M.—CJiri absconder, 43 McCann M.—Money stolcu,
141, 171
McCann P. («l»o known as P. Hamill and D. McCann) — Child desertion, 413 McCann S. A.—Cottago «!<.-utroyed by fire, 527 MeCarroll A.—-Bleyclc stolen, 129
McCftTroll F. M— Compfc. child desertion, 220
MeCarroll H.—Wife Oesertar, 56
McCurlcn E., alias C. Hutfcou —PcrjUTY, 314, 358, 442 “McCnrthr,” alias H. Wieka, &c.—Stealing; f«I«C p«*en-CCB. 459
Mcfiarthy C. C.- Compt. refusc pny for meah and nccommu-dntion, 118
MeCartby F.—Disoboy M.O.; 232-3
Mr.Carthy fc\ D., alias F. J. MeCarthy—F Mac pretenf c<. 32 72
MeCarthy F. .1., alias F. I>. MeOsrtliy—>'o i3i« protwiee*, 72
MeCarthy J., alias F. •!. Gniła 5t-her, alias .T. OalLighcr—At-tempt lo break and en ter witli iiitonl, 13 MeCarthy J.—As*aulted, 422
MeCarthv J.—Co w stolon, 505 McCh rthy .T—II ouacbrcn king, 46. 301
MeCarthy J-—Stealing, F.O., 673
McCarthv .T. A.—Wife dezerter, 410, 424
Mo.Carthv J. N.—Cftttle stolca, 587
MeCarthy M.—Jewellery, Ac , stolłłii, 515
MeCarthy M. J —Child deser-tion, 671
McCartnev A.—Wrist watch. &e., sto len. 269
MoC.irl nry T». R. alias lb Tl. Ma ca r t no v—I ndccent assfl ult on boy, 13
MftCartncv J.—Wife Otwcrlor, 559
McCartney T. J.—Disobcy
M.O., 443
McOnslmnn E.—CJwmie in fav* our of, stolcu, 539 MeChttbics Tibnited, 657
MeCauloy fi. (>.—Noglijpntl? drivc motor velucle, 148; acquitted. 285
McOftul<*v W., alias W. McAu-If>v, &n.—Break, enter and stoal; rer«*iving, 416 MeCay T. B.—Stealing, 54 McClcary E. O.—Nuval dc-aort er, 304
MeCloayy C.—Break, cni er and steal, '343
McClelland B.—Brcalc, enter and steal, 250, 370 McClelland O. C.—Trousseftu, clothing, &«*., stolon. 631 MeClintock J.—Watch stolon, 366
McOloskey C. P>.—Forgery and uttering (America), 373
MeClozky T., alias T. V. J1. Brocklesl>v. &c. Stealing, 063
"McCIny”—Ohoquo dmwa by, stolen, 504
MeOlure A. P.- -Brcnch condns. reicasc-, 218
?lcClutchey S. — $leeve-]inks stolen, 213
Mc Gonia s R. B. (sce “Ilaughton, W. and Co.”)
McConnell G.~—Break and en-ter, intent steal, 139 McConnell J.—Watch and al-bort stolon, 810 MtfConnclly II. A.—“FuIhp pre-tenccs, 561, 664 MeCwnrdlo A. Watch stolon, 478-
MeConvil!o W., alias W. II. Rnsseil, Ac.—Break, onter and steal; larueny; disehgd. on Uc-Cnsc, 506
McCormac M.—Disobcy M.O.j costs M.O., 598 McCormar.k A.—Missing, 630 MeOormack A.—Money stolcu, 261, 332
MeCormaek A. A.—Naval dc-sorter, 457
MeCormaek O., alias R. Smith— Stealing, 261 ; break, ontor and steal; atteinpt break and entering; stealing, 332, 409 M cConnaek I).—Embczzlemcnt, Ao,t on, 122
MeCormaek U.—Stealing on,
MeCormaek G. F. E.—Nava,l dezerter, 109, 307
MeCormaek J. Stealing; T. O.,
MeCormaek J. *T. — Chłapie dra w a l>y, stolcu, 90 MeCormaek K.—Clothing, &c., bieleń, 212
McCnnmek B. K.—Clothing, stolcu from motor•eur, 256 McCourt II.—Disobey M.O., 635 MrCoy .J.—Missiug, 368 Mc-Craeken H. A., alias II. A. M. McCraeken—Manalaugh-t<*r, 267; J’oige signatove to chełjue, 290, 409, 443: falsc pretenees, 446, 485, 5J9 MeCrale T,, alias T. MuPher-aon, alias T. MeCredie, alias McĆrendy, alias W. WiL-son, alins Kcating—Wtealing; dis-eharged, 257
McCranc M.—Watch. Sec., stolon, 528
'•MrCYcflrh-,’’ alias T. MeCrale, Src. — Stealing; diseharged, 257
MeOreath P.—Carnally known, 374
MeCrodie T., alias T. McCieale, &(*..■—Stealihg ; dischargod. 257
MeCrory H,—Gelding. stokm, 517
MeOrosstn S.—Forgćd chcąuc uttered to, 570
McCrow L. —-Assaultód, intent rapa on, 382
M«:(/iic C. F., alias Me.TTugh— False pretences, 5H8, 632; no bili, 651
McCulloch A. O., alins A. G, MeOitllogh. &c.—False j>re-leneos, 30. 54, 548, 664
MeOullCK‘h J.—Money stolen, 63
MrCulloe.h J. R.—Bisobey M.O., 191
McCulloch *T. S.—Kamę forged to cheoue, 286
hleCiilloeh W.—Clothing, &c., sto len, 323, 376 MeCullough A. G., alias A. G. McCulloch, alias O. G. Merem—False, 30, 54, 548, 664
MeOurdy J. A.—AssaiiU, intont rob, 388, 518
MeCtirry L. W.—Stealing; dis-ehnrged, 156
iilcCaskcr F. J.—Missing; lo-eoted, 44
McCusker J. H.—Fraudt. mis* apprn., 534, .570 MeĆnteheon A. — Jewellery, Clothing, &c., Stolca, 593
McCutclieon A. II.—*Wife de-
serter, 50, 859
MeDc-mott A.—Indecent aB-sault, 110
MeTx-rmott E.— Assanlt, 511 McDcrinott E.—- Break, enter and steal, 675
McDcrmott F.—Motor*car stolon; reeoeercd (Vic.), 228 Mf.Dermnt.t. J. M.—Manslnugh-ter, 568; aeąuitted, (585 McDcrmott N.—Bicyele stolen. 643
MeDogal E., aliai R. McDou-gn.ll. Ac.—Srealing, 650, 664 “McDonakl,*' alias W. Davis -Assault and robbery, being armed, 157
' McDonald;' nliua S. Binith— Stealing, diachargod, 284; illegnlly using, 664 “McDonald.” Manchester, Eng.
—Reg. letter stolen, 617 McDonald & Grngnn, Grota— 255
McDonald A.—Jewellorv stolon, 439
McDonald A.—Lureony; falac pretenees, disc.harged, 331, 382
McDonald A.—Grievous bodily hurm on, 562
McDonald A.—Watch stolon,
McDonald A. D., alias A. D. 1 .aneoJudd — Stealing, falsc pretenccs, 587, 588 McDonald A. H.—Fail proYido p roli mir. ary cxpcnziis, 72 McDonald A. J. —Falsc pre-tenees (sec J. A. McDonald) McDonald A. M.—Complt. ro J. McDonald, abscond from bail, 133
McDonald A. R. —Shccp found doad, 110
McDonald Ti. and L.—House-breakiug on, 688 McDonald C., alias C\ Reynolds, Sec. Att^mpt steal from person; suspectcd person; dis-charged. 157
McDonald (I.—Manslaughte.r (N.Z.), 537
McDonald (4— Money stolcu, 263
McDonald O. Mol.—Fulse pre* lence* on, 30, 31, 133 McDonald i> (or D. £.)—False fuol-enCcs. 80, 301 McDonald D. E. (scc D. McDonald)
McDonald E., alias ,T. Mc-. Donald, alias J. Martin, alias J. Donald, alias Edwarda, alias D. McKcnzic— Stealing, 445
McDonald E.—Clothing stolen,
McDonald • E.—Stealing, F.0.* 457
McDonald E. F. (or E. F. F..), alias F. Graham—Stealing; larccny as bailcc, 122; steal-ing, 445
McDonald E. S. R. C.—Disobcy M.O., 456
McDonald G.—Safeblowing on, 212
McDonald G. A.-—Disobev M.O.,
McDonald II.—Watch, &?., stolen, 114
McDonald TI. A.—Disobev M.O., 251
McDonald II. lik, alins M. Mc-Leny—Break, enter, and ztAal; diseharged ou licensc, 492
hleDonnid .1.—Disobcy M.O., 15
McDonald J., alias E. Mo.Don: 0,1 &e.—Stealing, 445
McDonald J., alias J. Mac-DonaldaBench warrant fail appoar rcccirc seutence for falso pretences; faUe pre-tences, 634
McDonald J., alias Murray, alias Bwinton—Suspoctod person, 164
McDonald J.—Stealing; fali uppear, 132, 390, 301 McDonald .7.—Uncontrollabta
child, 434
McDonald J. A. (or A. J.)— Falsc pretences, 495, 548 McDonald J. E.—Wife deserter, 634
McDonald J. J.—Dieobey M.O., 609
McDonald K. W'.—Break, enter, and sleal, 236
McDonald L.—Banglo and loeket stolen, 488 McDonald L.~Stealing; F.O., 425
McDonald M.—Misakig friend
located, 387
McDonald P., alias P. A. McDonald, Sec.—Escape custody, 75
McDonald T. A., alias P. McDonald, nliaa P. Kclso—Es cnpe eustody, 75 McDonald R.—Nhvm1 deserter, 159
McDonald R.—Watchea, medala, Sec., stolen, 566 McDonald R. J.—Itefuse psy for inenls nut! uecoinmodn., 495
McDonald R. K.—Asaaulfc; act of indcconcy, 170, 181; dia-chgd. on lieense, 407 McDomild S.. alias 8. Jones, alias S. G. McDonuell—Sup-pected person, 32 McDcuald S., alias S. Peters, Sec.—Siealir.g, 136 McDonald S.—Assault. and rob-bory, 684
McDonald W.—Wfifc *deaerter (Tas.), 233
McDonald W. O. II.—Expose rcri»nn, 275
McDonald W. R.. aliaB W. B. Webster, ^c.—Housebreaking, 16, 232, 264, 408 McDouncll C.—Jewellery, Ar., stolen, 298, 375
McDonncll G. H.—Ring stolca, 52
McDonncll J., alias J. ©*Don-nell, alias Connelly—Stealing, 534
McDonncll R.~ -Bicyele stolca, 170
McDonncll S. G., alias S. McDonald, Ac.—Śuspected person, 32
McDonough, M.—Hoyo houw-brcaking implements in po*; session, dischgd., 284 “MeDongali;’ Sydney—Reg. 1*t-ter stolen, 618
McDougall C., alias F. Taylor, Sec.—Breae.h licensc; falM pvctenc.cs, 91, 148; dis-
charged, 492. Fal»c prt-tcncos, 511
McDuiiLraU J.—Complt. refoM l»ay for meals and accomodo., 410
McJ>ougall M,—Stealing; F.O.; 494
McDougall R., alias R. Me-Doughall. alias R. R McDoy-gali, alias R. Mc.DogAl— Stealing, 650, 664 McDyugall R. B., alias R. Me-Dougal). A?..—Stealing, 650, 061
McDougnlTs Hotel, Brrwarrina, 297, 350, 440 McDougalTs I-.imitcd, 193