Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml

on Jiail, 0+8

Keljy M. J. W a tell stolen, Tl Kelly M. I’.—Nu me forged In cIksjuo, 318

Kelly K—SUalbig, 671 Kelly B.—Disoboy M.O. (sec Keily«.>

Kelly T. (Sgt.)—Ring slolen,


Kelly T. F.—Arson, 113, 189 Keltv T. .J.—Prcmises entcrcd. 291

Kelly T\—Bieyele stolen, 228 Kelly W.—Tn(lid. gricv. bodily harm, 647

Kelly W. alias W. L&wgon— Break, enter and stoal, 400, .118

Kelly \Y\ Ti.—A ssani Ind and robbed, 343

Kelslifiw A. JO.—Workshop of broknn and entered, 509 TOlsbnw J.—Fitlsc firetenccs mi, 458

Kclso j. H.--Watclica, Ac., stolcu, 76, 00

Kclso P., aii*9 P. A. NfcDou-iild, Ac.—Fscape cuslody, 75 “Kenip,” alias R. Bunlcn.vy, &c. —Fal so pretenccs; breAch lieensej (liseligd. on liconse, 506; fałes protonccs; brenc.li liccn.-M*, 612 Kemp A. V.-—Disoliry M.O., 483

Keinp D.—Misaing, 350; ło-ested, 573

Kemp U. A. -Mauslmigliler, 127, 519

Koinp G. alias W. Maddison— Tinpcrsonation, .17, 373 Kemp Ti. J.—Filly stolcu, 428 Kcir.p P., alias P. Bourke, &c. —As.sault; fnlse prctcnccs: jFnrgcry and uttering; dis-chnrged un lirunse, 631 Kcmpley R. II.—False j»ro-tcnccs; stenling, óll; ac-nnitted, 558

Kcmpton A.— Wifo deserter, 110

Kemptou F., alias F. Wilson, nlins F. Williams- -Btcaling fmin person; susj>ected per .son, 498

Tven Tv(*—Wotrdi, Ac., stolon, 52. 165

Konch A. G.—Stenling on, 599

Kemlnll i\ J., alias F. L. .Smith — Non-j>avment nf vosta on M.O., 200 Kendall F. J. nlias R. F. Sjienccr—Btealing; receiv-ing, 13

Kendalt .1. W.—?)i.scbev M.O., .191

Kennedy A., alias A. H. Kennedy— Stealing as co-partner, 314, 375; un bill, 400 Kennedy A. II. alias A. Kennedy—Stcaling co-partner, 314, 375; no bill, 400 Kennedy C. A.—Fa!s2 pre-l.ences on, 54

Kennedy C. P.—Wateh and chain stolon. 399 Kennedy D. (and others)— Conspiracy on, 050

Kerr H.—Maseage machinę,

&c., stolen, 64

Kerr H.—Tobacco, &c., stolen. 116

Kcrr H. Ii.—Discbey M.O., 69

Kerr J.—Steuling, 38 Kerr J. lf.—Brooc-hes stolen, 392

ICerr J. W.—Asaaultcd, 636 Kerr J. W.—Ring stolen, 668 Kerr R.—Bicyclc stolęn, 130 Kerr T. A.— Disoboy M.O., 39 Kerrigan V.—Wateh and jcwcl-lery atolen; 1G3

Kerrshaw J. V.—Ciothing, &c., stolen, 323, 400 Kcrr-iSmith W.—Wifo desertr-190

Kcrsh R.—Wateh stolcu, 380 KersUuw F.— Wateh and jewel-lery Rot.Wn, 268, 332 Kershaw K.—Wateh and jcwel-lery fetolen, 268, 332 Kershnw U. W.-- Break, ciitcr.

and sLcal, 331 Kcrshaw .1. V.—Ciothing, stolcu (sce “Kerrshaw'7) Kcrshaw S.—Waluh, &■*'., stolen, 552

Kcr.sJake o.—Tmpropcr using, 619

Kerihiko U. J. -Ccw sbden, 193, 230

"KerswcU”—Di3olxy M.O. (sce ••I.inden, A. G. F.,?^

Kcisler K.—Casc eontnining rtngs atolen, 618 TCcttU? G.—Money stolen, 313 K*>why A. alias S. Wal son, iac.—Falsc pretenccs, 600 Kcycs G. 0.—Hisoboy M.O., 27+

Keys A- Ring stolen, 76 Koys A. M.—Wateh atole u, 654 Kcys B-—Murdcr, 35 Ki^ys J.—Watoh, Kr., stolen, 438

Keyg W.—&ovcrcign stolen, 688 Koywood H. A.—Falsc pro iciucs; F.U., 583 Klin u NnSvSn (sec Nnssa Khan) Khyal II. F. a lin a F. J. 0*v:lh\    —Fal ac. prcteneca;

fail appear, 3+0

Kioma Police Htation—Va«ancy at, 475, 513

Kidd A. (Const.)—Assaultcd, 6+7, C8(>

Kidil E. 1\.—Suitcisc, bnoks, elotbing, &c., stolen, 656 Kirld J.—Bicylelc stolen, 139

Kidd    M.-—Carnally    known,


Kidlcr—Money, &c., siolen (s«^-.

‘Dr. II. II. Rtdlcr”)

Kio Tip—-Assaulted, intent rob, 27, 59

TCiply J. C.—Mi li tary deserlcr, 615

Kilborn, T^.—BLcycIc stolcu, 256

Kilduff L. — Embeuzlcmcnt; F.O., 44

Kilay W.—Bieyelo stolon, 630 Kilgour R. — Fmbezzlemcnt, 510

Kilgour B.—Oirl absconder, 233; stealing, 43G ł‘Killane” alias P. Doran, Ac. Falac pTetenecs; 249; dis-c.hgd., 542; i«llc and dis-orderly, C00 Killara Golf Links, 227

Killcen F. K.—Wifo deser ter, 661

Killcen F. R. P.—Wife dość rtci: iv 1. eancellyd, 261 KiMian R.—Bicycle stolen, 590; recoyered, 567

Killicli G.—Premifles entered, 201

Kimaniu D.—Lar eony aa bailco, 249, 371

Kelly J„ alias F. B. 0’Sulli-va»—Stealing, arson; brcach eondns. rclease, 107,    124,

219, 304

Koili ,J

. H.

i).—Diaolłoi- M.O..


• r

Kelly J

. M.

Ring stolen, 538



P.—Non-pity meiit


IC 1

iotous; behav; nnd


•nt. Imigłiage*, 26



F.— Finbezilemenf,

l'n tsM*


i iiccs. 530, 632



— Kucoiitrolinble



Kecne A. M. M. (or 'Kcen), alias Lal Kin#?, alias A. M. M. King, alias Kirkdftle—Falsc prctcnces, 353; eteal in dwoi* ling; faise pretcitran, 434, stcaling; F.O., 404; may be in company mnn waiited for falne pretenrci*. 543 Keeuc J.—Bicyelc stoJen, K>£ Kccnc T. H. >Jave posseasion opium; F.O., 583 Kpene W. T.— Rnngb- and sl«ev« |*nks stolen. +78 Keencs W.—Chcqui:H drawn by stolen, 453

Koep, John and Sona, I Ad— 440

Kecrnan J. (or Kcenan)— Horsc sten ling, 283 Kccis M.—Albert, and bangles

stolen, • 680

Keilv II.—Mining, 07J ; rc-turned, 086

Koiły *S.—Disobeibng an M.O., 108. 248. 4+4 ( Kelly L lOft “Kclran”—Rigancy (son O. Worrall)

Keith P. alias R. Ilunh, <fce.

—Break and enter, 497, 633 Keieher T.—Complt. chi Id deser-tion, 533

Kclicre J. alias J. Gabbokro, Ac.—Fulse protenoes, 521. 600

Koli and Jtigby, 460 Koli V.—Fi audi. misapprn., 002, 600

Kelleher Rovd. Fm hor—Wateh, Ac., stolen, 24

Ke.lhóea B.—Unronłroll. r.hild, 687

Kcbct J.—Tnflięt gricV0U9 bodily hanu, 290, 384 Keltefc R» T).—In (li er. grievoiis bodily hanu. 290, 384 Kcllet W.—Infliot grievous liOdily liarm, 290, 38+

Kellctt R—Xnval desorter. 343

Kellctt J.—Falsc prcłences, 38o

Kcllner O. O.—Stoaling, 32 Kelly A.—Bieycle stolon, 529 Kelly A. M.—Olothing, &c.stolen, 213. 389 Kelly A. T.—Embczulemcnt, F.O., 673

Kelly B.—Gir) absciuulcr, 4t0, 470

Kelly B. Stenling, 032, 575 Kellv C.—Bic.Ycle stolen, 2+3 Kelly C.Steli Hag, F.O., 540

Kelly O.—Watohos stolen, 080 Kelly E. G.—Licenae rcvokcd and returned to prison, tvifc desorter. 389

Kelly E. M., nli»« K Stanley— Break, enter and stcal, 510, 558

Kolty F.—Disoboyjng nil M.O., 108

Kelly V.—Assnnlt ncenslonlng bodily barra, 583 Kellv F. W.—Disohey M.O.. 160

Kelly G., alias G. T>. Kelly, alias G. Davb—Assault nnd robbery, 317. 442 Kelly G. T)., alias O. Kelly. &e.

'—Assault and rcljl^ry, 317, 442

Kelly G. G. R.—Biga my on, 677

Kelly G .T. —Wale.hos and j«w* ellery stolcu, 254 Kelly J.—Bieyc.le etolen, 503, 657

Kelly J.—Arson, 603, 673

Kelly J.t alias P. H. Howard, alias P. J. Howard, alias E. Johnson, alias W. T. Mc Mahoń, alias Murphy—False yretenccsj 421, 637

Kennedy E., 148 Kennedy E. E.—Wife deser-tion, 134

Kej mody. F.—Siippoftcd in company uncoiiNuttlublo cli Ud, 30 Kennedy F.—.1 myci 1 ery slulcn, 115, J49

Keunotly H., alias C. 0’llal-loiiin, &<*,— Found in yard i*°r nnlaw fu' |mrj)oac, 317 Kennedy J.—Disobcy M.O., 287 ICrmicily .1. Fraurlt. cvadc paynient łasi furę, 353, 6(54 Kennedy JM alias «l. Harris— Attempt to break and enter intcuit stoal; riiseligd. oh licensc, 403

Kemicdy J. F., alias E. llolmcs — Break, enter mul steal; dis cliarged on lio‘-n>}C, 429 Kennedy J., nldis P. Kennedy, &e.—Stealing, 675 Kennedy 1\, alias J. Perry, alias J. Kennedy—Stculing, 075

Kennedy P.—Wateh, albert, and casc sto len. 40+

Kennedy T.—Oat.tlo stolen, 172 Kennedy T. R.-—Sheop slenling. 182

Kennedy W.—Assaulted, 5S Kennedy W.—Wateh gtolen,

Kennedy W. .1.—Falsr pre-tcne.oF on, 51

Kenmdly V. -AsflauU policc, F.O., +94

Kenner W. P.—Ring slolen, 322 '

Konny A. J.—Complt. fraadn. aiaslon payment taxi hirc, 384

Kenny E. J.—Marę, hnrnoss and cart stolen, 194 Konny P. j.—Forgcd cliWjUO purported signed by, 509 Kenny R.—Wateh, ^*c., stolen, 62

Kenny W.—King stolcu, 464 Kenny W. ,T.—CompJt. frnudt eva%lon paynient tuxi biro, 619

Kent A.- -Jndeeent nssault, 483; no bill. 525 Kent G.—Di u mona ring stolen, 383

Kent G.—Faisc pretennos on, 98

Kent M. C.—Camera, &c., sloleu, 90

Kent M. M.—Mining, 79, 121 Kent R.—Stealing (sce R. H.

E.    Kent)

Kent h*. H. E.—Wifo deserter, st<*riling, 27, 54, 339 Kcntor M. alias M. Oantoi— Larccny; dischargcd on licensc, 419

Kcogli E.—Cojnplf.. fail proride prelim. expp.nscs, 572 Keogh F. .1.—Cheouc ałolen, 679

Keogh .1.—Albert, stolcu, 380

Keogh J.—Ohequc iii f«ivour of ftfolcn, 679

Keiigh D. F. —Lareony as bnilee, 372

KeougU J. M. (station mann* ger, Darlock Bros. TJd., \V.A.}—Cheque forged in naine of. 12

Keppcll E.—Stealing, F.O., 125

Kepreotes B.—Arson, 245, 295 Keriu L.—Digobey M.O., +20 Korin W. C.—Break, enter and steal, 173

Ker modo R. (kwmn as J Gid* vin)—Disoboy M.O., 559

Kernick H.—Lare.eny es bailco;

F. O.; disehgd., 388

Korr F. G. and Co., Lid—323, 412


Podobne podstrony:
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
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25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
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84NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925, Th a u te R.—Property stolen, 110 Thatcber F. W.—Motor
a EW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1025, 97 •    Wfg W.—Oualified. for Cea- Itftb
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
23NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAJ5KTTJS INDEX—1925. Daj S.—Kit bng, &c., stolcu, 46ó DazcH Chomkul

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