Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Podmore, Bond G., alius G. E. Bond, &c. BoufRer and Wuite, 597 •ng bodily harrn, 371 &<*.. — Slealing, dlscbargcd, —Break, enter and steal; Bougliton J.—Wifo deserter,
BlaKu O.—BioyeJo atolcn, 10 .100; break and cntcr iutcnt dischargcd on iiccnsc, 407; 109
Dla ko J.—Ch«ne rb awn h-r atral; break cntcr, and steal, break, cntcr, and steal, 687, Boulixoa A.—Soli l.*quor without
stolcu, 104 ‘ 7 418, 513 684 llornee, 434
Blakc J. S._Premiscs of C.—Wlwdow dumaged, 50 Bond Go o. A., k Co., Bid., 403, Boulizos G. alias G. Williams
broken and cnterr.d and Body X>. --Jcwcllcry stolon, 104 —1 orgery and nttenng;
artkdcs stolon 52T> . , Bond O. B. 11.—Wanfced in Can- stealin«r. R4
Blakc R. S.—bTaval dcacrtcr,
Blakc T.—ComplL bire«iv as bailec, CS.I
BJake T. J.—»Sc?ling licjuor without li ten sc, 318
Blakc T. J.—Disoboy M.O.,
Blakc''s Bouk Baza ar (sec Mathcson Bros., Wagga ■Wagga)
Klakcriey T. R.—Shop broken and entered, 399 Blukcy II. S.—May bo in company uncontroJbibto child, 314
BlKnch 1T. 11.—Wifę dosenor,
43, 95
Blanchard L.—Btcaling on, 587 Blanc bard K. O.—Ho$c stokrn,
Blnm-hficlcl T.—Ilorsc stolon, 51
Bland Fi. G.—Mirndug friend,
Bbuid N. f?.—Consplracj on,
Bland T.—Ohlld deserter, 178 Bbmdforrl W. G.—Stwdiug;
E.O., (lisehargcd, 338 Blans H. C. —Wrist watc-h stolon, 240
Bbtntou B. G., Limited, 323 Blasklii >f.—Jewcllery lost, 143
Blaxlantl K. U.-—Jleifcr btolcn,
Body of fo’.md ad u for stcaling* J0O, Bonllon A. H.—Diaobcy M.O.,
Mule infant, Ramlary !irm,tcd. 341 374
ncpo!, Cowra, 23 Bond O. 15., alias G. Bond, Boni ton A. K.—Wifo desertor
łemale jnfant, a* bamtary aljn0 * a Scott, alias O. K. A. M. Swlt)
l cpot, J5.it turst, /•» Bovd—Break, ontcr and BoulNm G. II.-—J cwel lorę, &c.,
Mu|°. ”\fixnt’ fT0U.niin,?rriY; *uil; fliachargcd on liccnac. stolen face. -Bolton”)
shirc-Ianc, Leichhardt, 21:, 407 ,>reuk 0l*t0r and steal, Boni tan II. H.—Disoboy M.O.,
PoiUoti* Imman rrniam, sox ^ ^ / '
not detemiijabic, wnrficd Romj G. yr. & Company, 149 IWcWlob.l 3.—Fal** prvicnctt
l}for£ a1t0^°n.?. u°>‘ on ilst Bond J. W'., alias J. hW- on. 2!*
Waroh, lU2o, -98 Steal ing, 374, 1»;>; forgory “Bourkc" alias J. Poole. &c.—
Body innn uaknowu ft.tt.ia ii. ;lllll uttófin^, 498-543; no Kafce prctene*; larceny:
Vflt ?“ ^Tiwyalpa Sta- bill, 070 dischgrl.im licem!*, 309; be-
ti°», 13Jl>a, 34.4 Bond T., alias E. II. Borni— lirved idontienl .1. .1. Nolan,
Man, unkmiw.i, found at Sl?,j pM.,,or without Jlceiiac. fn-so pretenee*. 372, 435
Mflhwntff ».*rk ou rotką.. „o3 alm» W. Ri.liwun,
t.rmi "(imL ilfar norUi Uomi T. A.—Bicyclc stoku, Sn-.- Hcniso-broakino irapls-
»<?*' on Hth Jono, 1925, i6- llicul3 iu .n^sKum; l.rook,
Bono D. L.—:Watch, &r., stolon, rnt.or and steal, 503, 583
ing, r.O.,
Mnn unknown fomul m R-4 jionrke A. M.-Attcn.i>l«d )>ug-
?2»cri 0n Bonner W.—Money stolon, 193, góry on, 163
24th May, 192.*, 313 331 I^rkc A. W.->Straii
M:m, unknown. fottud on j ^isobey M.O., 310 ]20
drr Ronini, 357 son, 384 IWke J.—Tu pojiscasUm lu.uw.
W oman, , bc -..cvcd to EookaJlil V.-Br0och stolon, brcakiug implmnents at night,
bo Mary Koatitig, fotind m /r . ., * 1 * 1
Elano' n Jo«r«lWry atotoi, „ nlgllt wilh hlAg.
m:Z»Kwa"°rU #"n '"';frr hhr r°at A- .r. J. A«bai-I»-
»70^ r.^:«^ ™ ars ""*•nłj
’ m* L.»U nowa maii to.inu »i T>. Allan, alias .Tar kann—Lar- Emirko J. alias P. *T. McNaugh-
Blogg i. M.—Dwcliing en- wahrs m i.lurru!»i mlgec ccnV; diftchnrged ou liccnfic, ton, —TllogaiU in euslndy;
tered, 10 . m w!łrJ,ir£* 477 uutawfullv on pfer.ńscs, 499
Bloodworth A. U—fctealmgj Bolami k. ^ .—Murder, Uools E.~.Tawollcry stolon, 432 Jlourke d'. alias J. Simpson—
t .<)., 92 Bolami J. lł.- Murdor, 225, 310 Bouyo.ig—Toaijiorary PriV.ro llousebrcnkinn, 10, 98, 173
ii., alias L. MnrJb &e. Ro|;|lul —Break :ir.U ontcr, Stalion cstablished at, 613 Bomke J. l>. — nisobec M.O.,
—Break, cntcr, and stoal. lQ j Bnrehnri! K.—Stctiljng on. 299 149
204, 302 Robień .7.—Mai. sboi at, 343 “Bordcn," ftlina I*. Boran. £:e.— Honrkc M. T.— Ili.n? stolon, 36
Bloomficld A. 1>—Indeccutly , ftłl FstWc pretomes, 249; din- Bourke P., alias K V. finr.lli,
assaulted, 234 1Kir1a 1 e * clnngcd. 542; idle and disar- alias p, Kcmp, alias P. Mh
00 dcrly, 600 n»n. alias K Smiih—As^nll
7 Borelnnn I). 11. For^cd cboone false prcfcnc.c*;; farger. runi purported sifjncd by. 590, OJ 3 uttering; dfoclipd. on V:w,wi*f
Bloomficld O., alias K. n. »uiitl«, lk)I . A.-Missin*r, 3<
£»“a,Wł * flwpll'n^ Bolgc-r 71. Parni add
Bluwcr.s J. - (Tnl:ovfully T. o*11’ iv]'iin,, 071 BoreUnd V.—Alwwńder from U31
3’jpply rirug U> proourc mis- >l ^ ^ ' giujrdinu, 385 Bourko P. aljr.a #1. Tv. Vcyrc,
efirriafrc, 32, 232 Holland R.—Wrist v.nt<rh sto- Borg A.—Missing, 445 —Assimlt. and robbew;
Bb.wcs W. I>.- —fjricvoas bndily len, 254 Borg G.—<Jricv. Irodily harm rlischgd., 211; gnods iKcgnlly
hanu on, H8 Boi lani T. Ii.—Tndie.t gru*vuu» jnflieted on, 611 in ei:str«lv; assault and rob-
Blnmcr J. U. W. Wifo deser- botlily harm, 234, H71 Borg .T.—Maile, sliooting witb Wy, 42?/. 442
.. . .. , , r. ir r.,__lV*vscriui 11. M.—Cout»t«*riVi( P,ouh'.c .1. J.--Money stolon
Biur, Jjmmy—Assaalt and rub- Boltm. G. "• <or ”^lt0*ł1' , coins nltcrod on, 650 from person of, 83
78Łc«7V2p xr M lTlkry’ ’ ’ ' to’*'** A- «i®p. ntmn.crę.-WW.. *«.. „tol**.
Bonid L. R.—Money stolon. 132 _ propriaiion 139; discdigil., 334 43S
Board <»f Health, Sydney, 83, (i 17
Boiudmnn 74. W.—\Vifv ation} 545
Boltor. T,.t alias 1T. Dowling,
icy, 83, o.. _L T11,i(/.,.11| oasanlt óc Bassrnd, W.-False prctences UonsfioT.l T.—'and bnng'03 n oh* netami 172 ł'u> ?U>!on, 478
* d,'3Cf' Boston T.—Break, w,for, and ""«'«* >\-*'*•* allic-t G. Wntoh, ftc., stolon,
it.-.i_____a ir.fi aioloc. 1.4 J«>-
Buto,! n.-WM.o.h ^kn, J6 ;w\—KićycU-' Ł W7 C. A.— Nfiv»l <k»,H,r,
Bobbrji G. J.—Sical postał * stolon, 539
article, 684 Homera Station, Tambar Buttcrill F. T.—False pretcnccs Kowdon G. B.—Wifo do.^crlor,
Bnr/juct O.—Namc forged to Springa, 28 » on( 5f,i, 001 332
cheguo, 190 Bomfield J. Ilorso slolen, 2n |bittoinIev W.—Liceimc rcYokcd, Bowdcn K..—Tbsobey M.O., 441,
Boiblow .1.—Tdbobey "M.O. (sec Hf,:i Mnrelu*. T.imited, 663, 664 000 * 548
. •*GurtonM) 13011H K. H., alias T. It.in.; - lh»«,T;ęr II'. W. .1.— Forgod Bono P. J. A.- Ringe and
Buddy »S.—^ ^ liąuóui' without ‘.lecuso. ■mi-iu1 utlorod on, 501 inoncy lest bv, 327
Bodkin O. C.—FraudulyiiLIy Bmuln r T. P.—Gel iiu;; a/oleii, Mouoi* A. I*.- Piccolo stolon,
oinłt t<* pny nionoY to. 634 * Bond E.—1 m 11 nfj"fwy|J||i|l^-fc;.. 683 _ -Ir-o