Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child deserter, Martin J. T.—Disobey M.O.,'Mason V. I.—Stealing, 374 Limited, L. and E.—454    120    689    “Massey"—Disobey    M.O.

Murka W. W., alias W.    J. Marshall    J.—Watch,    &c., sto- Martin L.—Falsc    prctcncos on, R. Russell)

Mclno Chuck,    &c,—Mur der    len, 578    «i ha aos    moc00« u r> aiia* -o v>

.    A A    * A    • k ▲ 4 ^    . •


Jicmo uiua, Kcr-aurwi icn, o/e    54, 81, H6, 423    Massey II. K. P., alias P. Byan,

and robbery (America), <548 Marshall    J.    C.—Wifę    deser ter, Martin    M.—Falsc* pretences cm, Sec.—Falyo pretencen;    dia-

Marłborough W.—Complt. lar-    oio    221    ‘    chargcd on licom®, 582

ceny as bailee. 481    Marshall J. W.—Ring stolon, Martin M.—-Jcwcllcry stolen, Massey L. (correct nawo M. L.

Marlton li., alias R. WilBon,    140    322,    376    Massey)—Fail provide    pre-

alias “Martin,” alias “Buch- Marshall L. R., aliaa L. R. Bel- Martin M., alias M. J. Man- lim., ex»v 311, 389 anau”—Soli licpaor witbout morę, alias R. Marsiiall— nion, &c.—Break, enter and Massey M. L. (ot T.. Massey) licensc; perjiuy, 45, 802    Steułing.    304;    absconded    Bteal,    149    Fail provide' prelim.    elei.

*'"'rn ha»i fiii    Martin O. A.—Forged £10 noto (sec L. Massey)

Masson A.—Disobey M.O., 70, 580    485

____ _____________alias MastcTS, H .12, G. Shaw, &c.—

ajiua, —oMTB.uij;, .;vi, **,- y, wmtiakcr, alias Smart, Suspected person, 172 seond frorn bail, 341    alias Cook—Btoałing; assault Mastera I.—Typewiiter stolen,

Marun F. H.—Complt. fraudt. Marshall K. Coinplt. reeeiying, constable; indcccnt languago, _1J8, 136 evfl.sion payment    taxi    huc,    291    122, 135;    atealing;    indecent    Mastera    Mts.—1

659    Marshall    R.—Steftltag on,    291    )anguage(    534; stealing, 547;    aged,    54,    193

Marąuett »T.    B.—Ernbezzlemcnt    Marshall    fi., alias J, New,    &c.    reccmng,    632    '    Mastcrs    S    .A.—

on (sec M. Butler)    —Kobbory    with. yiolence; Martin T. D.—CamaiJy known, len, 528

'•Marr,” alias J. Poole, Sec.-—    wito maintenance; dischgd. 422    w n».

FaJse protcncea; larccmy; dis- <m Jiceuse, 383; disobey M.O., Martin W., alias R. Smith ehgd. on    lieense,    3C!>;    bo-    532; assault, 584, 613    Fraudt. eruiyersion,    229

ti    idn) J. fT. Nr()LłH» 7Vfrr fohall    (vntnnu 11 V (lir Tl _ 17 , h/voTo

Window dam-Jc woliery ęto-

Marr Marr eated, 420 Marr 81

Marnr.kvillc 264

Mostorson IV. F.—Jewollery Blank eJregue sto-Irdeecnt. asaanlt,

..    , .    Marshall W. P E.—Naval <lc- Martin W. II.—llousebre/ikmg,    -76, 317

V. Af. Naval dcaertor,    scfU>r. wt cancelkd( 110    45, 178    Malhers H., alias H. E. 3

. , ... »    ^ , 1A1 Marshalla Limited -270    Martin W. H.—Assaultcd and alias R, Matthews,

)rkvillc Bowling Club, lt>4,    M, M.—Watch stolon, robbed, ł>63    R. H. Clarkc—Stori

1    ._    62    Martin. W. R.—Inflieting griev- ing, 412 442

Mathers, alias —Storę broak-

•304    62    Martin w. K.—mmeting gnev- ing, 412, 442

Marriott T.-—Watuli and albert    j—Forged r.hmjue ut- ouj» bodily liarni; attempt Mathors H. E., alias K.

stolon, 567    tered to, 501    eouirait smeide, 135, 370    Mnthers &c.—Store-breaking,

MaTńs S.—Money atolcn from, o^Artiitalias J. Jones— Martini F. De—Murdcr (Ame- 4x2, 442 by trick, 97    -    -    - - - —    ,,>r    ----

Maradcn E— Assault, 481 Ma radon G.—vSupiXJsed in com-

Break, entor and ateal, 547, ricn), 437


Marti6 11.—Bangle stolon, 280    617

Mathcaon A.—Bicyelo stolcu.

Kf    ------ ----n * ^    1--;    •

araacn u.—ouppown. m w«**- ‘•Martin,” nli:is R. Marlton, &c. Martyn E. H.—Fraudt.. omm- Małheaon Brothers, Waggn pany with wife tlescrter (aco _9en u OT without licensc; nion to arcount for moneys, Wagga, 394, 446 O. McKinnon)    neriury, 45, 302    4461 acqutt.ted, 507    Mathcaon I). A. J.—Efnbezzlc-

Maradcn H. P.—Diaobey M.O., Mjjrtin a.—Golding stolon, 51 Martyn S. T.—Non payt. pre- ment, 111

82    Martin A.—Indocent assault on,    lim. exe»., 443    MurhesonL. F.—Sheep sup-

Mftrsd^ń K.—Breaku.g[ jinu cti-    t #.!•-- Y n----    »    - •

toring, 290; 408

—-Rcfuite pay^for meals and    Wim ’’ lM    1}sh^ at, 167    ’ Mathieson 1).—Watch stolen, 88

accommodatiun; fa so pre- jgjgj .^£L^kcy on,    «• V,-Watch jewel- Mathicson D. A. j_Embe«le-

tences, 07; (Uscnargen, uop    i .    lery, camera, &<•., stolon, 643    t

'^/^fluirary18 false prrtcnres^ Martin E. M.—Nu mc for for- Maskell W. P.—Che^jtios, Sec., jgatWeson P.—Mi^appu. on, 84

‘ ^    rrvokrd 568     R0*1 to memorandum of salo, len, 17, 215    . Mathicson P.—Falsc preteneoo

(Itsehgd., 52.1; rcvoKca, ans ^    » “Mason,” alias K. Ihurston, CJł r,-j5    r

-rr-«s. son, 249    Matthews C. (see Hanspn)

X, -    ^ ^    ,    . Mason F., ulras F. Macp,    rj n /or 1) W)_

ateal, 204, 302    Martin G. R.-Fahe protcnr.cg    F Macc, alias “Hil- M^unropriltion Sl *

Marsh Mrs. Disobey M.O. (sec    J1J- ^__wife dcgcrtor    ton “ alias “MarslmlU-Sus- Mrtttho^ c R.t alias J. Paki-

E. Oats)    w    * K ,te acscrlcri poctcd person, 45    Stealing 111

Marsh R-—!3toa1ing; F.O., 457    Mason F. G., alias R. Boyd— \f-ifił W—T)UohpvMO

Marsh K.—Jndccent    assault on, Martin J. Conspnący on, 47o    Assault    polioe;    disehargod, V|- qo    v

109    Martin J., alias E. McDonald, ojm 1    ^    -.u

r u . , a*_StffliiTifr 445    ' fT . ,    . . Matthews E.—Sell liquor with-

Marah R. W.—Jewcllery stolen,    iłu    Maaon    II.—Watclies    stolen, nilt ijrpn«<c 344 434

«no    Martin J.— KaIso prctcnces on,    «j03    ,    out iieense,    344, 434

Marsh V. G.—Property    stolen, 51, 6Ł, lio tsee l. -\iartin)    Mason    K. J., alias H. #T. Oor-    -joi

318    •VaTt,n    J~Gir} a,WWIMleri. 119    !iw,    <Lc..—Larccny aa bailee;    ilaUhcws    H. G.- Forgory    acd

Marsh W. (Mrą.), Brighton, Martin J. A.—Child dewrter,    illegally usc anotor-car, 133, uttcry • stealing 446 *

Eng.    lettćr addressed 9.»    dischgd., 531    Matthews M.—Malic. wounding

to, stolen, 618    Martin    J. F.—Wiliully atter    Mason    J.—lalse pretenees on,    ^s(,c    ••nuniphric.s'’)

‘'Marshall," alias L. llaync?,    carnmrks    on sheep; use un- 574    Matthews    P. Watch and ab

&e.—Stealing, 275    licenscd slaughtering pic* Mason J.—Falsc pretenees on, hert stolon 502

“MarshaU," alias F. Mason,    m-ses,    122    584    M.iitbews    R., alias R. Dunleavy,

—^uspected person,    4u    Martin    J. II.—Disobey M.O.,    Mason    K., alias E. Mnson, &c.    ^uVetenees;    breach

Marshall A., alias A. C. Ellis,    585    Suspocted    person,    249    licenac;    disehsrged on iic^nsc,

.mg—raise Pvwn<x*, Mamn .i. 1-.—jcwenoy stoien, Mnsrtn Ri a\lĄS E. Mason, 506; false prcter.ces; breach .. oa neense, 429; re* 36    &c. •• Suśpeetcd person, 249 licensc, 612

. ,    Marhn J. Ti.—T*areeny nn*bai* Moaon S. J.—Disobey M.O., Mntthcws R., alias H. Mnlhors.

A. .T—Steahng, 276 lce, 4o8, 4o9, 521, 597    *511, 512    .    &<: —Btnrc breaking, 412,442

G. J.—^Disobey M.O., Martin ,T. R.—Malićious dain- Mason T.—Clot.hcs stolon, 374 MMfhe.iYA R. R.—-Bicyćle stoien,

«ce. 58    Mason V.—Missing, 21$    594

alias King—Falsc protencc*; Martin .T. L.—Jcwellcry stolon, Mnsrtn Ri Em ^lĄS ^ Mason, 506; false prcter.ces; breach disohgd. oa heense, 429; re-    36    &c>    Suśpeeted    person, 249    licensc,    612

voked, 568    *' T ▼    ’ *    ~

Maruhall Marshall

233    aco. 58


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