Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264
Elhker A. J{,—Motor tycie sto len, 46
Elliot Thos. ł'*: Co. Ltd., Bo-luny, 405
“Elliuth,” alias .7. W. Gild.s, Ao.—Embezzlement; disobey M.O., 119, 146, 177, 183;
stoaling, 024
Fil ioit A. (forruerly Mrs. M. G. Moliin*ux).—Inrjuired for,
. 353
F/lliłiU A.— Projn^ly slolep from person of, 434
Elłiott A. (1—Di>Ml>ev M.O., 220
Elliott Brus. Jumued, 599
Elliott O.—Fal.^: pr»‘tem,e.; »r., 612
Elliott F.—-Break, enter. and steal, 357 ; receiving. 4$l
Elliott F. K. B., alias A. App.^, &i\—Ful sc pretonees; for-6»uy and ultoriog; disebarged on ticcnse, 636
Fdliolt G.- DisołK-r M.O.. 26,
Elliott J.—DwcJling entered, 214
Elliott M. .T.— Money filolen. 214
Klliol.l B., alias Burr.—
Bigams-; diadmreed. 67
Elliott T' W., alias J. W. Gjbbs, &k‘—•Rml-ozzlemant; disobey magister la! order; srealing, 119, 146, 177, 183, 624
Elhotts Litnired. Bydney, 43, 72,
■ a« ■ • • • • • mm aa mm*
l)ye D. --Jcwcilery uud Ureas StuiCtt, 605
Dye K.—Jewellory And doili-ii.ję stolon, 633
Dye S. W.—Link*, ring, and "sliirt stolcu, 655
Dm* K. II.—Embozzlemcnt,
er H.—AssaulCcd aml rohbnd,
Dyer S.---Horac stolon, 28
Dy kos V. U.—Wntcli and jcw»;l* 1it.v stolon, 681
X)v:»»»<;ks Book Arcańe Lid., 459
Dyn J. Van, alias W. J. Alei no-Clittck, Al miler and rob
bery (Aittericii), 048
Dynamo Motor Works, 263
Dysoi. (i. A.—Disuhoy nmgls-lorinl order, 43
Eados I*. J.- -Boy grldiiig stolcu, 310, 338
Eady 11., alias II. Mul hall. Sc.
—Ber jury, 54 EagLc A. .7.—Missing, Gil Eagk*:on (V--Watch and nlbert stolon, 6(J8
Eakin R. A.—Brooeh slolcu, 20$ Lawts E. >Scll liquor without liceusc, 97
EnKlloy Ci.—Albert, medal, &ev stolon, 593
Bari A. H.—In company J. Yatos Otahuonnncc, Kng* land): bdkwod bigamously umrried to, 275
Earl (i. P.—Brooohes stolcu. 53$ Eainell ł\ Ii.—-Missing, 215
Eamshaw J.—Watch, «£e.. stolon, 43$
Eaip ii. M.—Wa.ti-.li, &t\, stolon, 392
Batman I. —CompL fail pro-vido prelinunary csponuoB, 55 Eassuu J. If.- Break, onf« r and ste;il, 012
Basi W. J. (junior)— Falsc pro-tenccs on, 159, 612 Easterbrook ,1. (or ,T. J.)— Break, en ter and su*al, 423; no bill, 485, 519 Enstern and Australinn Bteanv ship Ci A*. f.td., 53, 657 Easlon P<.—Break, et. tor and steil; discharged <m Internie, 410
EłisU.n O .(>. Complt. falsc pro-tcnccs. 326
Eatlior E.—Oj rj nlwondor, 273, 345, 469, 497, 5$6, r.fi.5 Eather G. I*.—Moro stolon, 695 Eatlier *T.—Bieyolc sloh-n, 159 Eather K.—Falsc prefericos, 45$ Ttailier TC 54.—Ttofuso joiy for m?al8 and accoiutnod.-ition, •121
Eaton J. W.—Embezzlomcnt On, 235
Eaton S.—Rieyclo *to'.en, 580 Ebcrlo P., alUiH P. Kmitli, alias P. MeMahon—Wifc mul ckiild deser ter, 179 Ebsworth A. C. Caolieitor) — Coiuplainunt Men ling, 250 Eoak-a S. L.—T)isobov mugis-tcrial order, 248, 303
Eccicson Ił.—Falsc prctencca on, 204
Eckford B, .T.—Stcaling fiom person; ditie.hnrgod, 234 Eckhardt J.—Falsc pretencos on, 285
Itkhciff J. (boc “Madame • Dae1*)
Bkkhnft J. J. (sen “Madame Dm')
Edbrookc IŁ T.—Money stolon,
Eddings L. E.—Manslaughtcr, 551; F.O., 073; coneeaimcnt of birlh, 6$5 Kddy J.— Missinjf, 78, 00 >Me (j. A. 1-—Nav;il deser ter, Oi)S,
Eden T. (aeo F. Ti. Eden)
Edon V. R. alias F. Eden— Bus-pecCCil stealiug. 19.S Eden Pnlicc Btation, V:ic:incy ;it, 463, 501
Pldgar M. -Wrist watch s>«oleli, 254
E<!^e T. J.—Narul (leserter, f»u2
Edgeworth T. A.— Disuboy magisteria! ot der, 2S8 Edfjley & Coy. !<•» 330 Edmond V., alias J. J?\ L;u:»‘, Ac.—At.tcmpled break and < litoring, '>62; no bid. 637, G34
Fdmonds A. II.—Btealing, 112 Edmorid^ A. M.—łSl.łM.li«i,ę,
P.O., 121
'Edmonds, .T. C. Assaull and lobbory (see J. C- Ednuunls) F.(lmoi)dson and CouipuuY, 623 Edrwmidś (or Elniondsj J. O. -—Asaault and robbery, 537, 632
Edmunds M, J.—Imlocently assaultod, 399
Ednnm.-fl P.—Frcudulent eon-ver.; as btliloc (."JCC "l*. E.
Educafion Department, 192 Edward 11.—Siiopbrcakiug on, r.74
“iblTrarda,” nlias E. MeDc-iuiid, &:e,—Stoallug, 445 “Edwards.” alias E. TLuislui:, &.t\—False pretenccs; lar-cełiy; disebarged on licmiyc, 04G
Edwarda A,—M:in found on promisos for uulawfui pur* po.se. 42
Edwarda A.—Stcaling, F.O., (>08
Kdwnrds A., alias I>. Ticlomm, alias A. Kmg— H-mse-break-ing 'nripleiuents m posauss on, 571, (534
EtUard.s B.—-^toaling, 213 F.dwards B.—Watch stolon, a;>2 Edwurds C. -.Misajipropriatioti, 176; per.iury, :tcqnitfvd, 371 Fdwards T>. W.—Elcaling, 117, 485
Edwards E.—Sn.specled licrso stenung, 105
Edwarda B.— A san ul te il, Iftl Edwards E.— Break, en ter an-1 bteal, 497
Edwards F.—Break and oi:ter intonl. steal, 675 Edwards F. alias W. Troy— Malicious attompt disebarge lcad'ld nrjjiy inUuil prewni lnwful apprehension; dis-charged on lieen.se, 5$2 Edwarda G., alias J. Horrinon, vV:c.—Brealc nu.I enter intent steal; sten ling, 650 Edwanis C. V. F. X»val de* Rerf.or, 27 L
Edwards G. W. — Disoboy nmgislerial order. 29S, tS5 Edwards G. W,—Embe77.lern.0nt on, 608
Edwards TI.—Frnudulent appro. priiitior.. 54
Edwards II.—Money stolcu, 375 Edwards H.—Oonsjdraey, 650 Edwarda lł., alias IT. Kgnti. &o. —Attompt steal frorn porson; disebarged on ricense, 467 Edwards H., alias E. Mason, &<t.
—Susi>cctcd porsou, 219 Edwards II. W.—Watch stolcu, 054
Edwarda T. I.—Missing, 195, 234, 249
Edwards J.—Absconder, 395 Edwarda J.—JJropcrty uf felun.
roeeivod, 574
Edwartia U C.—Disobcy mu gis-terał order, 305 Edwarda L. M.—Watch and nlbert a to len, 114 Edwarda M.—Wrisl watch sto-U n, '. 14
Edwnids M.—JcwylSciry stolcu, 34$
Edward:* P.• -Watch stolcu, .186 Edwards P. W.—Falsc pre-leuce.s on. 660
Ed wards Ti.—Wal cli nr.d ring stolcu, 66$
Edwards S. Disoboy mngia-Urial order, 329 Kdwnrds V. J.—Disohey magis-torin! order, 94, 413 Edwards W.- Ttefuse pay for r.n-als and aecorimiorlatiou, $1. 136
Edwards W. nlias W. K. G. Tasker, &e.—Indoeent :»::snult on mrd.c pornoji ; diseh.ngod on licensc*. 595
EVdv A.— Fiinnd abandon*: d in* faul, 677
Fgnn Cf. Complt. folso pre tonccs, 314
Fgun X\ J.- -Naval deserter, 546 Kgnn 11., alias II. JMwards, nlias A. Harris, alias E. Brown, alias Jb Williams, alias A. Jaracs, alias Jovrlau —Atb'mp/ sieni fnnu per.snn; disoliargeci <01 Iiccnw,*467 Egar. M. J. Fropcrty stolon, 123
Fgan W. J.—Jcwollery stolon, 36
Egglc^fo*: W. M.—-Disobcy
mugistorbil order, 329 Egglcton F .G.--Compt. cvasicu laxi biri*, 32
Egglcton T. TI.—Wat<-h, ilicO”06, &C., stolrn. 104 Eklmul C. A.- -Tewoliery stolon, 103
S— -W.*; te li uieden, 62$
El der F. V., 84
Eidor .f. Watch, &c., stolon, 420, 54$
Flder Smith TAmitod, G50 Elderton .7.- GiieeoiiH bodily harni on. 221
Rai red A.— Wife deser ter, 59$ ICldridgo L., alias L. II. V1t-diidgc.— Imlercnt nssault on girl iitulnr 16; dischargud 011 licenso, 441
Eldridgo L. 11. and L. El-dridge.—Imlecont USSUult on girl UTider 16; dLchargod on license, 441
Elrctric.il Suppiie.i Company Limited, 623
Electric Supplice ane Engincer-ing {Australia) T.il., 482, 511 Elecineal and Wireloss Co. of Newcastle Lid., 353 Elocirolux Limited, 675 Kling F.—Jcwe-lery :md clotb-ing .stolon, 367
Elizabeth. Taylor. — OarraMy known, 121
Bila O.—F;iil proridc prelim. expersea, 147
Eliard A, H.—Wif.> deserter, 178, 221
Ełlard R. F.—Chlld deyerter, 3-12
Ellen W.- -Birvide stolcu, 3ł9 Eller V.— Embcrzleinont., for-gary and utter, 623 RUcrslio llome, Glebo, 28$ EHerloti A. H.—Disobev M.O., 341
Filiery G. R.—Bungie stolon, f>78
Ellery J.—Cart stolon, 498 Elley T>.—Aidiug and abetting (sec “Heally")
•‘EliU” Nirrth Strathfio‘.d—Ro-gislcred lei ter stolcu, 617
Ełlis A.—Complt. łammy as byilcc, 410
lit!id A., nlias M. .1. Mrinnion, &c.-—Break, entor and steal, 119
EJlis A. (7, alias A. Marshall, &<*.—Fal.*»e pretenees: dis-
^ charged on l.censc, 429, re-vokc*<l, 5G8
ElBs A. J.—AssfiulŁod, 132, 191i Eilis A. Af.—Fratululwit omis-sion 011, 600, 624 Filia B. B. -Murder and aai-eidt*, 9
E:iis K. nnd I.—Murdered. 9 TTrlis TI.~ SuailLag, first der, 546
EUis ]I. —J^tcaling, 562; urS-ijuittert, 632
F.lljy II. B.r -Bieyelp stolon, 213 EHSa .7.—Fruutl udon tly o mit
acronnt for inonoy, 97, 231 EUis J. A^--Abctuction, 50, 87,
79li* J. M.—Conspirac.y to do frond. 473, 643 EJJis V.—ClotŁillg stolon. 63
Ellison T>. -Fneoutrollabh' rliild sce ‘•(»ermrd*ł)
TCIUhou H„ alias F. Fvans, &c.
—Btoaling. 158, 222 Elliaou S. C.- Bieycle stolon, 170
Ellks R.—Assaultcd and robbed, 019
Elit R. G., nlias R. Oiibcrt— Fnłse prciencos; disoba>ged on liconse, 477
Ehni J.—Infliet gri«vous bodily barn, 317, 142 Ełrington F.—King sfolen, 52 ‘'Elaiston”—Vcssel, 627
E!vjr. F— Assnulted and robbrd, 249
Elvy A.-—Blcyelo stolon, 1$ Elwcll II V.—Hiscdaty magls* torial order, 545. 613 ‘‘Elwood"- -Youtii nnmc mny be in company uncontroilabk girl, 521