Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404
Brimblc W.—Watch andalbert stolon, 680
Briscue L.—Buspected stealing, 381, abscondcd, 38f> liritish General Electric Co., 623
Brittian J.—Fatse pietences on, .176
Broadbent U.—Military deser-ter, 403
Broadbcnt J. E.—Shop break-ing on, 236
Broadley W.—Complt. fraudt. evarle payment taxi bire, 495, 535
Broadway Picture Company, Limited, 200
Broek A.—I>i»oboy M O., 575
Broeklesby T. V., alias T. V. M. Brocklcaby, Ae.—Steal ing,
663 * i
Brocklcsby, T. V. M., alias T. McClosir, alias P. Cummings, alias T. V, Brocklcsby— Stealing, 663
Broderick E. F.—Wife deser-teT, 040
Broderick .1. A.—Ring stolon, 514
Brodic B., ulina O. Brownlow, &e. (see ’'M. Cumunglmm*') Brodziak H. .7.—Embcwlc-nient, 675
Brodziak J.—Embozzlement, 571
Br o gon E. V. M.—Fidac pie-tences on, 687
Brognn L. F.—Blaycle stolon, 503
Brogan P., alias J. Campbell, Ac.—Aasault; uttempt steal front person, 32; disWiarged, 324
Brogan T. (kuown as T. Mc Kinlry)—DisobeY M.O., 31 1 Brogdcn A. L.—StoaHng, F.O., 425
Broit H.—JeweHury stolen, C81
Brokcn IliR Propriełary Oom panv’» Steel Works, Port Waratah, 243
Bromicy A.—Je woliery stolen, 404
Bromicy J.—Huspected stcal-ing; slispectcd brcakitig and entering and stealing, 504 Bromley R.—Stealing, 445
Bromwich .T. TT.—Fraudt. mis-approprintion, 98; cmbczzle-ment, 384
Brcok C. W.—AssauUfd and robbed, 433
Brcok P.—Assautied and Tob bed, 164, 167
Bronkę C. B.—Jcwolbry, moncy, Ac., stolcu, 340
Brooke O. P.—JewcUery stolen, 439
Brooke L. M.—ITulawfully nao motor-car, 13
Brooke r A. F.—Wife deser lor, 622; cancdlcd, 630 Brookcr .T.—About absooud from bail on vngrancy (sec Brown)
Brookes G.—Indrccul as$ault, 121, 302
Brookes G. J.—Watehes, Ar., stolen, 642
Brooklyn Hotol. Sydney, 40*3 Brooks A.—Rteul motor car, 203
Bronka B. D,—Watch stolen, 680
Brooks E.—Child dezerter (Yle.)» 161; canrt-lled, 387 Brooks E.—Girl ahsconder, 341
Brooks F. K.- Money stolcu. 630
Brooks G.—Horae stolen, 143
Brooks B., alias A. V. Single—-Larecny; break, enter, and steal; dischurged ou license, 031
Brooks T. A.—Wife deserter, 456
Brooks W. D—Lambs stolen, 682
Bropliy J. T.—Bisobcy M.O., 586
Brosnan T. 1*.—Fulsc prctcnccs on, 600, 651
Bi-ough T).—Stoaling. 214, 231 Brongh W. K., alias “Nnggat” OT>ea, alias "Snilor" <)’i>ca A ssani t w.casirming bodily liarm, 249, 303
Broughton E.—Coinpt. child desn., and fnil. piovidc pre-!im. cxes., 15
Broughton H., alias H. Jack* son—Yagmiiry, 58; dis* rhargrd on lieense, 351 Broughton J„ alias 3. Bussol:— Break, enter, and atoaJ; brench Ih-crise; diacharged, 272
Broughton R., alias II. A. Pogan —Śtenling, 4U8
Brounc S., alias Brown, alias S. Aworbiu-b—Kocclving, 104; acmnlted, 409
Browiey E.—IJeifcrc stolen, 28 ‘•Brown"—Fifcahirc, Scotland— Reg. IctcT stolen, 617 "Brown.*' alias S. Broum*, &c.— Rorciving, !G4; ftrquittcd. 40P "Brown" alias A. J. H. Kftlucy, &c. tjtoaling; forgery; stoal In dwoi ling, 182 '‘Brown" alias .1. Lyons, Ac.— Forgery nnd littering, 354 "Brown" alias W. Jf. Phillips, &c.—Utter forged £10. notes, 18, 40
"Brown" alias M. Wright, Ar.. —Inebriatc; liccnsc rcvoked, 355, 423
Brown and IScully—Tvros stolen, 417
Brown A.—‘Drobny M.O., 56 Brown A.—Albert, &c.. stolon, 168
Brown A. •— Jewellcry, &e.,
stolen. 242-3
Brown A.— Assaultod nnd robbed, 240
Brown A. - FnlsC prctenc.es; ncquittcd, 518
Brown A.—Graniapliono rorords .stolen, 599
Brown A. alias L. A. Lynham, Ac.—AssauH; not pay raił farę; stealing; brcach condns. releaso; dischgd., 658 Brown A. E.—Ńaval deserter;
wt. eanccllcd, 110 Brown A. .T.—Steal in dwell-ii:g; dischargcd, 517 Brown A. J'.—ftleev© llnks
stolon, 578
Brown, A. S.*—Per jury, 307, 381
Brown B. alias H. Egan, Ac.— Attomjit steal from person; dischgd. on liconse, 467 Rrown Brothera, 682 Brown B. L.—Papo, 594 Brown F.—Prelimmary cx
penses. 17S
Brown C.—Cheque in favonr of stolen, 466
Brown O.—Banglc and nrmlet stolen, 593
Brown ('. alias Glin lindan, C.t Ac.—Fonnd in yard for noki wf ul purpose, 317 Brown C. .1. olinr. .7. C. Brown, Ay..—Fteal from person; dis chargcd, 451
Brown O.—Sumliug, F.O., 44 *
Brown D.—tnflirt g) ieeoiis
bodiU hnrni. 234
» I
Brown D.—Murder (America), 491
Brown E.—(11 yrs.) assaulted, 607
Ibiiwn E.—Slealiog, F.O., 608 Brown E.—Steal ing, F.O., 673 Brown E. A. - Stealing, 574 Broun K A.—Disobcv M.O., 193, 220, 248, 252, 6S6 Brown E. F. Brucelet stolcu, 616
Brown E. 11.—Onttlc stealing;
dwebarged, 217 Brown E. M.—Miss ing, 524 Bmw u E. M. d.—M iss«»ig, 455 Brown F.—Assault and rob-bery, U0, 232
Brown F.—Dwclliog ontered, 434
Brown F.—Watek, Ac., stolcu, 642
Brown V. alias L. A. .Lynham, Ac.—Btealing; broach ćoudns. release, 121
Brown F. <1. alias F. Bridge— Ktosi ling, 276
Brown P. L.— Fulsc pretences o u, 450
Brown (1.—Kfcaling. 375, 442 Brown G. alias E. O. Baulmry, Ae.—Asanult and robbery; dischargod, 230
Broun G. alias G. Pcrrlman (or Perryman) — Make false statement, 17, 173
Brown G. C.—8ulky atoluu, 48 i
Bri.nn (». V.—Disolicy M.O., 373, 470
Brown CI. W.—Assaulted and robbed, 283; nuval deserter, 304, 457
Brown (>. W.—Wife dcserlion, 662
Brown, II.—Geldmg atolen,
IU5, 255
Brown TI.—Diaobey M.O., 160 Brown H.—.Trwellrry stolon,
241, 332
Brown H.—Ring and pendant, stolon, 380
Brown II.—Tndocent as^r.nlt
ou girl under 16 yrs.; com-uiou ;iSMiult, 481; dischgd. on Bcenae, 672
Browu U. C.—Wntcli, Ac.,
stolen, 514
Brown II. D.—Wife deserter, 109
Brown II, K.—Diaobey M.O., 332
Brown II. F.—Break, enlcr,
Brown II. G.—Wntch stolen, 393
Brown U. J.—Stenling; iincon-troHabk* chi Id. 400 Brown I.—Bell liquor without license, 193
Brown J.—Watc-b stolon, 02 Brown J.—Carnally knowing, 317, acquifted, 408 Brown 3.—Fnlse prctcnccR on, 340
Bnmu J.—Wiiteh stolen, 465
Brown J. (<>r Brooker)—V«g-rane.y; about abscoutl from bnil, 543
Brown J. (mav aasuine .lim H.-tlford) — VirV deserter, 414
Brown .7. alias ,7. F. Brown, Ac.—Break, outer nnd steal, 235, 370
Brmvn .7.—Non-paynieufc costs appeal; vagrancv, 396
Brown .7. Wfttcb stolen, 668 Brown. ,,T. or Enmett— Steni im»tor (jyelu, 241 Brmvii .f. alias W. .7. Bnffrey Yngrnney, 256
Brown J. alia^ J. Dawson,
—Break, cntćr and fltcal; dischgd., 325
Brown J. alias H. D« Camera— Receiving, 41, 219
Brown .1. anu?i C. 0'Hallomn, Ac.—Fouml in yard for uji* lawful purpone, 317 Brown J. A.—Wallet, &c.,
atolcn, 90
Brown .J. A.—Asanult and robbery, 534
Brown .T. A.--T.owioń reg. lob* ter, stoi en, 618
Brown .7. C. alias C. J. Brown, alias .1. 0'Grady—Steal from person; disedrirged, 451 Brown J. E.—Bigamy on, 403 Brown J. I‘\, alias J. Brown, alias J .T. Brown—Bri»nk, enter and aleal, 235, 370 Brown .1. J. alias J. F. Brown, Ac.—Break, enter, and steal, 235, 376
Brown J. M.—Tako cattle for purposc of socrcting same, 189
Brown J. R.f alias R. Brown, alias H. ‘Mnrrny, n1i,v> 5. Mur-t:iy, alias G. Mclntosh— Found in a dwelling hmiso for unia w ful ]mrpo.se; l>TCHch of liwiise; dischgd., 300
Brown J. T.—At toni pled fulsc prctcnccs on, 399 Brown .T. T.—Forgrd cheque uttered to, 498
Brown ,1. T.—Stealing, 534. 632 Browu )i. ,J. C.—Oowitcrfm coir.s uttered on, 650 Brown M.—Compt. rc uiicon-(rulhłble chLld; 145 Brown M. (or'Dian)—Uncon-troiiabk child, 145 3rowu X.—Bioyclo stolon, 617
Erown X. (Mr9.)—Ring n»vj cheijue stolen, 4-06, 600 Brown N.—Carnally kuowirig, 317; nequittcd, 621 Brown N. F.—Wotch, Ac., sto-len, 240
Brown P. .T. E. 7..—Tndeeent nssault. 584
Browm R.---T)v.’clling entered, 71
Brown R.^ alias J. R. Rrown, Ac., fonnd in dwelliag I:oi:sn for uuJawfui purposc; brcae.b liccnac; dischargcd, 300 Brown R. F.—Pi9obev M.O., 473
Brown R. M.—Assaulted, 445
Brown R. S.—Watch, liuks, Ac., stolon, 348
Brown S.—T'ony stolen, 132 Brown 8.—Sulky ftntl harnesa stolen (recorcrcd), 190 Brown S.—Watch stolcu, 393 Brown S.. .*ilu«j II. Yonog, &e. —Sfłuapected shopbreuking, Ac., 304
Brown S. ,7.. junior—Potjtiry, 307, 384
Brown T. F.—Break, enter, and steal, 664
Brown T. W.—Jcwoliery, Ac., stolen, 245
Brown W.—Assaulted, 710
Browu W.—Albert, Ac., stolon, 230
Brown W.—Refuse pay for nioals nnd aecoiuniodation, 396
Brown W.—Watcb and albert atolęn. 404 “*
BroiYU W.—Wife deserter. 258, 413
Brown W.—Jewellcry atolcn,
16S; n*covrrod. 530 7Jrmvn W.-- Griev. bndily karm, 036