Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103
Burles, S. A,—Kavnl doscrter, 521
Burley* Ifc. 0.~Curoplt. ref ujm poy for mcais and nccom-modn., 500
Berling F. li.-—Nav;il dosorier, 524
Buru E.—Malicious ab miting, 83, 202
Durne O. T.—Waich stolon froir.
person of. 189, 195 Burnett A.—Jo woliery, chiujucs and morwy stolcu,' (J5G Burnett O. — Stenliug, 088 Burnett W.—CluUt dcecrt-ion. •113
Rumbom O. R.—-Rigauiy; uhout abscomt (sec “O. E. Brenna «**)
Burns A.—Wacek, &c.f stolon, 128
Burns A. E.—Risobey M.O.;
wK. rnnecllerl, 274 Burns B.—Kcftiae prt.y lor mcnls mil ficconinmdn., 110 Burns E.—Bicykle stolon, 083 Burns E. alias J. W. McEwon, Sit.—Break, etiter, nuci steal, 317, 408
Buntu E., .alias F. Williams alias E. Gouduy—Couspiracy; fnlsc prctcmjos; discharged, 244; false preteuccs, 471, 503, 033
Burns F.—StCiiling (sCC F. L. Hurn?)
Btmta F.--Minging, 680 Burns V alias O. Burns, &c.— Suapcc.fed stcnliug, 1.30; steal-i ng, Oli; HtcaNn# (motor cyolc), 340; stcaliug, 333, 423
Burns F. aliay <1. .7. Orccr— Break, enter and ateaJ; brcach Ikcr.sc; diseh’ged on lłccnsc, 192
Burns F. C.—Suspeefod person? fsitł aiipcar, 30
Burns l'. L. (or F.)—Stealing, 500, 001
Bumy G.—Marc stoku, 542; recosercd. 581
Burns Ci.—Pcm»« fnułid in yjird of, intent steal front, 000 Burns G., alina J. Barton, alias ,1. Warren, alias F. Burns— Suypcctod stcallog, 130; steal* ing, 841; słealing (motor rycie) y 349; sten ling, 353; si ca ling, 423
Burns J.—I adwent assnult, 44, 30
Buru* .1-—fJhPijiu' stolon, 470
Bswna J.—AlłK-rt and money stolon, 400
Burns .TM alias J. Byrncs, alias <7. 0'jieirno -Steni iu ćlwel-ting; Uircpuy; forgory and niiering, 144; sten ling, 675 Burns J. alias F. II. Leighton, &c.—Attempt steal front person; discliarged, 477 Burns J. alias E. Muggridge, &c.—i’OTtrrry and uttering, diseharged on Ucensc, 441 Rum* .1. A.—Monoy stolcu, 403 Bum* J F. alias 4. R Youtig, etc.—Assnult* nnd robbery; disehnrgul, 244; goud* illeg-rjl|\* in c.mttodv; amult and robbei v, 423. 442 •tarns J. H.—Na cal de sorter, 507. 546
ftunts I,.-—'Money stolcu. 40(1
Burns M. .T.— Dwrllinfr-housC oe.cunied bv niriliciou«ly set lirc, 665
Bum; 7>f.—Boy rdwconder, 43, 72. 10S
Burns P._ • Ąl'*;'.cy M.cJoi, 4.93
Burns 11. A.—Indecently us-ssultcd, 31
Ru ras 8.—R i rycie stolcu, 400 Burns 8., alias Anderson, alias HemlcrnOn -Abductioo, 171, 177, 231
Burns T.—Girl nbseonder (sec: Gengc)
Burns T.—King siolen, 103 Burns T. alias L. do Verc— Cbild desertor, 178 Burns T. alias W. Murpky, &e. —Sten ling; steal front person, 484, 507, (332 Rurowa 1.—Jcwcilcrr stolen, 37
Burr J.—Wnteb. stolcu, 628 Rurr .T. A. L—barccny aa baiJoo, P.O., 218 Burr L. O.—Wmch and ring stolcu, 680
Kurrftston A.—Disobcy M.O., 571
burrell A.--Albert fitolen, G69 Burrcil H. Vf.—Naval deserter, 70
Rurrendawus Btatinn, Mun-gindi, 171. 610
Burndge 71. T. alias II. Bur-rldpe—Break, enter nnd sfceal, 123, J 82. 231, 203 Brirmtv T. M.—Broorh stolon, 312
Burrewo A. B.—Watch stolen, 11
BnrrOws B. alias A. R. Woods— Stealing; forgery and utter-
ing, 317, HI8 '
Burrows II.—Monoy stolon (BrUbane), 03, 327 *
Burrutrs T.—Di su boy M.O., 160 Ruvston 11'. A.—Bieyclc stolen, 255
Burt. —Fitlse prctoneca on, 384 Btjrt »^. E.—W.-itch, &c.# stolon,
Barton, .T. alias G. Burns, &c. — Suspcoted straling, 130; stealing, 3415 stoaling (motor cvele), 349: stoiding, 333, 423
Burt on J. R.—Stcaling, 511, 082
Barton J . T.—Wifo dezerter, 413
Rurton J. W.— Fnlse proteneos on, 612
Barton S. Tl. - Break, cni er, and stcal; fotind in dwclling Intent commlt fclony, 563 Rur ton T.—'Rieyclc .six)!eu, 629 Ourwood l>«blk. SeJiooL, 129, 197 Rusby A.* Lcrocny on, 164 Bt:sli L.—.lowellcfy stolon. 196, 228
Busheir.s T.imitcd, Rvdncv, 530, 618
Russell .T.. alias J. Brnugliton —Break, enter, and stcal; brcach lioon.se; diseJmrgofl, 272
Ri.telior A. -T.—Fulse prote»C«9, disehnrged, 324
Rutoher F. A.—Wifo doscrter, 288, 345
Buteber ,T. B.—Missing (C:m-ada>, 524
Butler A.—Wateh stolen, 452 Butler A. -Money stolcu, 607 Butler C. W.—Dlsobey M.O., wifc; cluserter, 199. 220, 306 Butler E.—Jewcllery stolen,
Butler E. M.— Bigniny, 563, 684 Butler P.—Watch, &c.t stolen, 281
Butler F.—Ars.1uU and rob-bery, fail nppear, 285, 315
Butler F., alias P. J. Buehloy, &<•.—Wounding Intent grlev. bodily harra; disebarged on lieen.se, 383
.Butler E.—Watch atylen, 129
Butler H.—Assnult; rcaist
pylice; malic. daniage, 600 Butler J.—Exp0wi person, 276 Butler .T.—tc.h stolon, 312 Butler M.—Wntr.hoa. &e., sto-Jen, 255, 332
Butler M. (J. K. Marquott)— Entbezzlcincnl on, 639 Butler M. C.—Propcrtr stolen, 599
Butler, Niebolson, Limited,
Adelaidc, 682
Butler K.—DIsobey M.O., 27, 236
Butler 3’. J.—Bicyelc stolen, 13
Butler W.-—In company w oma u xvau*cd for false pretenr^t, 495
“Buttenslmll/' alias W. C. Dnnnc, &e.— Fnlse pretences, dischargcd, 383
Ruttcrs, R. .T., alias R. J. Reynolds, &c,.—False pretoncea; eMłape froni lawfnl o.nstody, 318, 408
“Butternortli/' alias J. Arnu-dale, &c,—False prctenceSj 434
Butterwortb </. C. (or Winder) —Fnlsc pretcncos, 54 Butwell Ci. J.—Tnclcccnt na-sault, 96, 175
Buwbury C. ll.—Stcaling. 511
Byerlec C. A.—Wife deserter, 72
Rylong F.sta te. WoTlur, 505 By los .T.—Mi&etng, 41; avi f 0 -deserter, 273
Byrno, A. J. 8.—Wifo deser-'t«r, 482
Ryrne T).—Riooch stolen, 102 By nic C. H.—AssauJt and rob bery; nsaanlt with internt rob, 1.21
Byme H.—-Steallng osi, 290 Ryrne J.—Money stoli*;), 93
Byme J.—Atlempt on to dis-3nndc froni giyirog correct ovi-denec, 331
Byrnu J. O.—E-xpy.se p.rr.son, *293
Byrnć L.—Ring ntolen, 410 Byme. Ii. -T.—Watch, &c., stolon, 140
Byrno W.—Watch stolen, 592 “Ryrnes,” alias W. May, &r.— Osnspinlo.T, 446. 558 Bywos A.—Amiilt onnstablo, F.O., 157
Bym ca A., alias F. F. Fittoa, alias F. Frcclcrick, alias F. Burandt Break, enter, and flfenl; diselmrged on liecnse, 407
Ryrncs A. G.—Whisky stolen, *562
By mes E.* Bing sloten, 226 Byrnes E.—Contplt. fali proYide prolim. c.\ey.. 599
Bvrnes E. F-—Wife of bigam* ist, 647
Bvrncs Cl.- Olfithing stolen, 154, 389
Byrncs O. (mąy assitme ‘Maek Barber’’)—Wife deserter,
By mes .1.—Money stolei), 235 By mes S.—Tndecont nssani (.; discharged, 2M
Bymos J., alias J. Burns. Scc.— Steni in dwtlbng; .Inrrony; forgery and uttering, 144; stealing, 675
Bymcs M.. alias N. MeRitebie, &e. — Assnutt occa.simiing ciotuni bodily harm, 596 Rrmrs R.—Assaultcd and rob-bed. 35
Rynie* 8.—Mining, 399; dearl body fonnd in Murrnmbidgcc River, 663
By mes V. J.—Carnally know-ing, 317; acquitted, 408
Byrnys W'. P.—-Stispetted person, F.O., 120
Byron E.—Oompt. rc cliild de-sertion, 232
Byron E,—Bicyclc stolen,*480; rccovcred, 491
Bywa ter G.—Watch, albcrt, &c.,
stolon, D15
labbelero J., alias .1. Kelierc, alias A. Y. Kulicra.—Fnlso pretences. 521. 600 C:ib!u K.—JcweRcry stólen, 51 r»
Griddy M.—Propcrtv stolcu, 8!K>
Cadwell O.—Girl absconder, 110
Cnfo A. IJ.—Sleal motor car. 70
Cafe? T. (S:>rgoanl).—Słioi at wltli In lont. 3,3 6'nCfell E.—IJcmsebroakinę on, 251
(.latryn K. K.—Framlt. embc2-zleinent (Vic~), 472 Cnlilll C. M.—^Ilsslng; return, ed homo. 645
Caliill E.—Wuteb and money stolcu, 011
Co hi U E. F.f silnia Y. Oihill, alias F. Word.—Break, on-tov and sdenl; os^anlt; breacli eonditions ndcaw*, 332. HI, 1K«. 215 Co bill F., alias E .F. Cublll, .&e.—Ricak, Cu ter nnd sleal; asssinlt; breorli eondus. re.-leafe. 132. 144, 193. 245 Ca hi U M. - Diamond ring stolcu, 280
Gttin .1. A.—Motor omnibus dnmaged by oxplnsivrs nud tire.
Chinin alias P. Cairn^, alias S. Itehl, alias J. liny.— Stealing; false pretences; stenl ir 1 dwolllng.
Ca.irus K.—lncpiiry rC missing
Cuinis K.—Mlssing. 597 Cul i u# I‘\—Rodily banu on, by wnnton neglect, 357, 435 Ol i ni s alias C. Csiirns, Ar.
—Stealing; fnlsa pretence*; stcal fn dwoili ag, 3[,H)
CntL-ns W., nlias W. Calrcrt, &e.—-Lnreeny by trick, 41 CalJcr N.—Biga my on, 189
Caldwell C. II.—Embe///dc* ir.ent 7I, 158
Caldwell J.—Ring stolen. 2t»8 <:«!<I we! 1 W.—1 Rsobcy M. 0., 204
Cnie Tl 3f.~Jewellrry atolr-u, J%. 380
Cniipedes P.—False protenees
on, 510, 571
•‘Ontlnglmn.’*—Cherpic dratm
by. stolcu. 539
Callagban A.—P.rooch stolon,
1 h
Cal ln gimn J.—Dwclling en* rered, 203
Cnllftgbu n N. - Embezzicment, 520
Culluglcm T.—Uorispłracy ont joouey si oJcm (Vir.). 219 C«llnzh:in V.—Mi.ssbi" \X, Cułlnglian V. ng.25l
Cullan Park Men tul Tfosplls^ ir.r,
Callaway A. R.—HleaaUy 113^ liorso; discharged. 133 ,‘1
Cnllnway .T L.—Assanlt easionirig bodily harm, 18ll
251 ;
on, 93