1 i Oct., 1925.J










: L-ui*- r.f 0«H.VłC timi or ftOOUittAl. tir.

C^nwpifMcy    ..    . | JtaUril Mnuwł In-

j Wronce Company

Cf Aunlr»iłA.

I mitem t (v38'iul« on ft nikUl Jobo Gleuui*.. pwou-

Perey Edward Tisrhe *n<] Al*1 Coiupiracy ......I Eli a Xiry Słone.

f/ed Cmwv Mahtr.    .    Dafey May Mm lin,

Jim« Uure-fOrd WVVf>y arul il*ub«w siu*.

William Joseph Foatcr..

Wrejril&dwtr.-ł Tigti* Thomw Krlc Keele


William Flill »ud Albert Keith fenia*. % WilllftmGenrueKcary

Harold UonaW Clout ..

I.esiic Cc*or(,'« !>*«d*.....


(I) Atłsault wiuh intont to comwiit ropo(?) m-juu!i wilh oct of Jndeoanoy. Aasault and robliery ..

(I) Itrpak. otiior, and utoal; (2) roooi'

Rmliozilomcnt .. KiubezzJemftttt ..

Jvne» Pwaonfi Chaflcy .    .. Mlupproprlntinn oj <t»

! accoununf o/jrerr.

untl JObn Martin. Eliza Maty Marin ..

Kir.io ,\1 łoro ..

Janioa MoCaitney Uyan.

MalliMion nroa.

LLinore O C. ..



Cooaut <} 5. ^

Gunilacai Q.SJ Wajrifa    <i Fs.

i oct., mt

3cyopt., „ .. i Oct., :, ..

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6    ii    ii    ••

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., J A. fUndrett l.td. .. Wright. Hcatja 4 Oo., I.td.


Arthur Cłlara......Atcempt łn rarnslly know a

jfirl under the uge of ret 1 yeiw.

Albert Henry Mićkllelon    Steal t, postał artiolc ..

ftnur** Williatu Boml al. Joint Htrrl*.

(1) ForKery (fl ckirx<»); (2) Kle&llnjf.



Tmnworlh q.g.

■ V    li

m n

I.ily F.llftn Whitfi routinABtoMier.ora!..



<J1 Blcruior Dudjrcor., CootaiminJra Q.S, Oli ai kitle Loch.,

William Charles'

rscaiton, Annie Myrlto Pcaclrey,

Holaiłd    geott

Coopt-r, and John Thomas Brown; (i)

John Ilicko,


IK niynUu- II.L.


Postponed io noxi Cfronit Court.

PijoŁpoued to next Circuit Ccurt.

Adjouraod to next Coomu ScmJ<bb.

Jury f*i!ed to airrcc.' Hemacded to m*xt Gundmrol Sewione.

(I) A*ot pcocv«ded with ; (2) 1 wenth H.li. .SontefK'^ liuipondedj nader CrtmM ACt.



Bourd ovor to o oma up for ««nt»noa Ił within two yoars rvqnir«-d to <SO te. and kelp the peoce and bQ o( gOod bcbaviour for vhat period,

i } eara H.L.

lionnd ov#r to oom* up for aenteuc* U I wiihin tUreeyeaf¥r«qoirtd todoao. and ka«p tbr peoee and b» of good behavipur lor that poriod. j (l) 2 yefirt H.L on eaoh charflfe. Ocr.* i ourrent. (i!) Not procoeded willi.

Offences not otherwise Descrlbcd.

BathunT,—A v< ar raut li;ia hnen iasticd by fhci Bathurst Bench for the arrest of HAROLD WHALAN (kllOWl! aa STRAWBERRY WHALAN), cbargpd with fiSe&Ulting (^onstal)le Wulto.r Ilorbort John Job, \vhil«t in llie rxiH*«-tion uf lua fiuty, ul BathurM, *»<• ihe 4()i iiottanl. OfTen-fler ia J8 years of ago, abont 5 feet 6 or 7 iiichcs high, tliiu builil, (laik r.ontpJcxlon and hftir, <lork cyca, donn Bhave(3r Tliin f:teę; drOHsed b'. dftrlc elothes, anil a Btrnw boator but ; a lftlxjuri*r or min«r.

Burwood.—A warrant has hcen issuetl by the Bnrwood Benoh for the arrest of ERNEST TilORPE, charged with stea)i«g the sum of £70, the property of Eliza Thorpe, at EDfield, on the 6th lnata.nl. Offender is 20 years of age, 5 feet 11 juch ca high, ęligh! IwYM, dark eomplexion and hair, dark-browu cyea, elear. shaved, threc or four nrtificial tccfch iu the front of the upper jaw; (lrossed in a blue grey or a navy bluo 6quarc-cut. suit, and a grey tweed cap; haa a red wiuinel bicycle; spolrc of going to Queena1and. Complainant, Eliza Thorpe, .14 Burwood-road, Enhclcł.

Chntewood. -A warrnr.t hng bccn issucd by the North Sydney Bo u eh for the arreat of EDWARD FENTON, ehniged willi embezzbng the sum of £S l$s. 2L1.. tliu property of Ghidys Homer, at. Oh.itswood, />n t.hn 3W1 iniłar.t. Offendcr is f.bout 20 years of^age, ;> feet. 0 or 10 inches high, medium build, very dark complexioa, black hair and eyea, shnrp features, long pointed noac; flicssed in a navy-blue coat and iroiwers, bght-grey cap, and tan cossack bootaj a milk Carter. (Jomplaiormf, Gladya Homer, Orcvi(ic strcct, Ohatewood.

Darlńiffhuret.—A warrant has becn issned by the Central Police Bench for tJio sureat of ERNEST KICHA RD-SON, chargcd with embczzling t.hc* sum of £4 8e. lir]., the property of John. Francis Dabbs, at Sydney, on the 2lat ultimo. OfFencier is about 27 to 30 years of ogc, i> feet 10 inches high, durk complexion and hair, clean nliaved, hail teeth; a retm-ned soldier. - Complaiiiaiil, John Francie Dabbs, 337 Dowling strcct, Sydney.

Dnrlingburst.—A warrnnt han Leon i^sued hy the Ckm trał Police Bench for tbe arrest of a man. NAME l‘NKNCkVVN (but wbo ean b<b ldentified), charged with frandulently eradinę the paymont of the sum of 14s. 9d. taxi-cab hiro to Joseph Thomas Cos-grove, at Sydney, on tho 5th inst-ant. Off^rider is 30 yeaT.s of ago, 5 feet. 0 inches high, thin build, sallow eomplemion, ilark eyes; dressed in a darli suit, and a whito motor coat. Compbiinunt. Joseph Thomas Co«grov<?, 76 Flinders-street, Darlinghur<t.

Manilla.—A worrant has becn iasu^l hy tho Manilla Bonch for the arrest of HARRY McGREGOR, cJiur^cd with ref usług to pay the eum of £18 for meals and acęom modation aupplied b.v Vjctor Matthew Smith, licensee of the Court Honse Hotel; at Manilia, between the lst and 23t.li ultimo. OfTeuder ia about 84 yeara of age, 5 feet 1 OJ inches high, thin build, fair complexion, dark hair, smali grcy Or blue cyca, sharp fcaturcs, artidciul tcelh, clean shaved; generally drei58ed in a navy-blue suit, grey felt bat, with n black band or grtjy cap, and brown shoes; speaks with a Rcotch necent; n plus ter er or cement and concretc worker, and u returned soldier.

Nowtowłł.—A warrant lina bceu issucd by tlm Central Police Bonch, Sydney, for the arrest of JOHN BROWN uf F5ROOKER, chnrged with bning about to abseond from his bail, to appear at the Central Police Court on tho 2ud instant, to answer to a charge of vngrancy. Offonder is 45 yeara of agę, 5 feet 10 inches high., thin bulhl, fair eomplwrion and hair, prominent nuse, clean shaved; usually well dressed, and weais two singlc-stone diamond rings, a scarf pin, a goJd watek, and a cham with a large trinket in contrę, with "Remombranco of Motlier" on it; a butcher. Complainant, Elizabeth Einily Amelia Jones, 4 Bcluio^e-slrecl, Emuorc.

Newtown.—Warrants (two) have becn issu«d by tho Newtown Bench, for the arrest of two men. NAM ES UNKNOWN, but who cm:    be identitfed, charged

with sssuulting Prederiek Hayden, ut Sydney, on tho 23rd May, 1^25. First offender is about 25 to 30 years of age, tali slim build, fair compleiion, light-brown hair, clean shavcd; %vorc a navy bluc sergc suit. Sceond, about 25 to 30 years of age, 5 feet 10 inchea high, medium build, davk complexiou, clean shaved; dicsaed in a uavv* blue serge suit, and a grey felt hal. Compląihant, Fri.dcrick Haydon, 2 Tclford Street, Waterloo.

Nowtown. -A warrant hitó becn issucd bv tho Ch\ldren’s Court Bonch for tho arrest, of STA5TLEY OROSS, O.hargetl with being nn uncontroHablo child. OfTender is 13 years of age. 4 feet 8 or 9 inches high, medium comple-xion, light-brown hair, gioy e\os, point of on* lit-tle liuger missing; dressed in a imvy-fcluo serge suit, and a ligbt-brown felt hat. (Tomplainant, Clara Helena Cross, 31 Edgewarc-ioad, Rmnorc.

Ncwtown.—A warrant bas becn ixsued by the New-town Bench for tho arrest ol BEllT ROGERS, cliarged with fraudulontly apprnpriating to his own itso the sum of £3, the property of Abigal Kolb, at Newtown, on or about the 7th ultimo. Offeuder is about 27 ycare of age.. o feet 6 inches high, dark e.omploxion and liair. liazel eyes of Jeuisb appeor-ance• generał!v dressed in a /iaw-}>lu,' suit, and a 0:vey leli bat; a lałiourer. Complainarit. Alugal Ko!b, 36 Erskrncyillc-road, Krskinmlle.

North Sydney.—A warrant hn.v bcon ix.<uoił by tho North Sydney Benrh fur the arrest of 0.4 V ID JOHN BUCHAŃ, charged with stealing the sum of £30, the property of " Henry Chapplo. at North Sydney, on the 29 ultimo. OFender is about 2S to 30* yWr*


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