GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson ii. K. • J.—Jt-wclk-ry Godiroy »S., ulias S. II. Goni- Cood I*’.—Jewollory stolon, 140

l$,)    stoit-n, 642    łon, &c.—Steni In dwelliuft Good E.—WnMi stolon. ft'7

Oinaii lirntlmm, 460    Glebo Public KcliooJ, Glebo, 323    43 1    Gouda A.—Bioak, o u tor, r.».I

Uillan W.—tiusneeled atealing, Clecson A.—Jewellcry stolen, Gudtoy 15., ulimi A. Mcnniau, Kinal; steallug. C47, lf,3    054    &<\—Suspocied person ; dis- sleiiling, OAS .

Glllnrd    11.—Forlunc-lellLng; Glwson A. E.—Wifu desoiler, chnrguii dii lice oso, 32, 107 Goodalls W. .1. i.hl., 12.1

(,\(J) 99    30f), 080    (Ittlrich .1. M.—titealiug, 245 Goudo T. U.-- UcMiug stilon.

Gilbud L It.~N.aval deserter. Glecsun E.-- Watch, &c., stolon, Goiiwarcl W. Glńid. itcscrŁion, 441 idu 437    220    3M»    Gowley E., alius 10. Burns, &o.

(Ji)lĄf; \v\—Break, viiUir jijuI    Gleeson—Sr-ll liquov    withoiit GmH' W., siluis    Wuod.—    <*'* on, 13."

Htx*um,! limik tiiid nuter iutout    lfcousc, 203 4, 203    Ja lnu prcteiKe*;    sti*A 1 i ujr,    Goldman II.    -Money Siole:

«foaf. 17tt    Olcoaon J V H_AssaulUd J7; wnrrunf omiccllurt, Ol* fvma porau.-: uf, 2:>;>

Gillliam G.—Incpiirioe re misa- <u7    * A^auiiui,    xr._um^ and U:lłlKlc Goodman U. --FvanU(. ii.htftl)

iifCa» A. i».; alias a. jouos, ‘\Dr.” Beat—Falsc preteiiecs, alias A. Whilo, alias A. Smith 27(5 222

1. ___1________i. r i

u y t>3t;


—Enihezzleniont, 547    Gli-cson P J alias J P Gloe- tloldacre E.—Assnulled <fnd Goodrick E. Moduł, Ac., sto-

Oilligan C.-Watch As., stuku, ^    wiit5?l ,,    J7°    •    ,,    ,    ,

11    licenac 203 204 263    Guldbcrg b.—FiilTiftry stolon. Gomliulge K.—Homla slulen,

Citliugham 0. F. 1\—Arsou,    * *    •*•*!

271); ae»|iiittml, 393    Gk-eaou H.—J-aise pretoncf.s, (toUIoo I.—Wrixt watch. sto- Homlson li.—Medal*. Ac., ?*:o-

Gillman A. II.—Sfcallr.g, 434,    m    ^    Lnu, 213

SIU    Gleosim T. nlłas T. OilehrlaL—• UoMhijf A. N.. alias II. Gold- Gomlwln J.—Woundoil. 0

jilmrur J. alias H.* Walał/, &c.    s:(’}e})i

Kor<ri4rv and uttoTmo: dis- G.dilneld W. Ii.—

inpf, .121, 1Ó8    Górniy011 r L. Cc.—Falsc jirotcn-

Korgcry and uttoTing; dis- vr;eimeia w. 11. Ilonsrliroak- Golding II., ulia« 1'. H. ('ule —    cos on, UoU

cłiargod, 244    tił,K (,Ił»    ^    Wife deserior. 320, 373 *Goodycr D.- Palsc pretenoes

a«y stolcu, 107 Gleiuster P.—WatcU, &C., Golfling H.. alias II. N. Cud-    on, 412


Act (sce G.

„    __________ _ ____ ProhiMtod

roy, Parkos), 80    Glcnniu    .T.—In doceniły    as- f-os, 383    limnlgrnwt, 2X0, CIO

Gilroy VSr. .1., alias W. J. Siicpc, sau'tod, 534, 517    Holding J. M.—Ikmsidrary, m*- (;00|il N.—Ooinplt fali

fali )>rovidc

A.G. dccline proeeed further. 380, 483, 522    Goldiimn H.—Fatse preienoos    no mc "Wallcy”)— Diaobey

358    GIover    P.—Watcli, &c., stolon,    on, 145, 182    M.O., 273,370,    300, 400, 04S

Glngcs I). K—Shoiybrcaklng    140    GoWlrkk J.^Mssing, 411; lo- Gonlun O. W.—Cuablon seat

un, 72    Glovęr    R.—Bicyclc stolen, 64    (Uted, 445    stolon, 574

Ginman E.—Miasing, 433    Glover W. J.—Ring stolon. 254 GoUUing L.—Jewellery, Ac., Gordon D. E. M—Rigamy on.

Gi»b Industrial SchooJ Parra- U|    r._jmvnitory .tolc, .43    3S2

matta. 160. 233, 273, 288,    J

Sil, 341 410    ’


Goldsborough Mort & Co., li>5 Gordon E.—Inflict grfoTOUfl

Sil, 341 410    ClVnń E.—Falao prctcnoci on, <IoUlsniic! G. (nnd B.)—Olo- IwTily Uarm, 174,

irrawean — Police statinn    *    thlllg, &C., stoleil, (10    * (jłvrłlnn p —

CbthL Stoi™ 0]-nnr' X F—SUtolinH, 13S,    G.-Furnltnre MO- 0 b^nki^ impl^meatl    «t

Itclmm A.Clotnmg stolon, iqi,    len, 171    Uit ah<\

Gitcham A.—Cwumig siuku, ,g9    lilght Hi7 400

\ t) (mav a^iimo    (Jlv,mn M—Watch    &c., stolon,    Goldsinirl T. Rrooch    losf, 557    o0rłion'H>f :tnus H. K> Hamil-

nrnnA aAI)    M^n^r    153    Goldsmitli A.—Piali    skleił,    ton—Sitna ling, 140; (Uscbarg-

naine A. I. Fiteh) Miaaing, fJn Clutu—Stealiug <see *'Chun 30#    ed, «20; stealing, (188

T t*A    Gowu)    Goldsmith F.—Obwinę In fa- Gordon li., nlias A. Harris,

H —Navu    (W:rter-    (jł<)a<J^»' C.—Attempted mur- vour of, lost, 8G    alias II. Lenno*, alias H.

110    <lcscrte^,    der: suiddc, O    Uoldsmith M., alias E.    Daria,    G. Łynton, ftUfts H, G. Un-

Gudbec R. N.—Bicyclc stolen, ftlins "Mnrray,M alias Mat-    ton.—Break, entar and stcal,

OMoswIle Mcnbtl    Ml    tli«w,.-Fa),e    pretoncas, 30,    dlsdmrged on license, «1>;

nialiksn ii    tMw y^łoAB Godby E., alias A. Noonon, &c.    133    stcaling, 483, 558

U    itf JT rl? ^CTS0n> - Suspected-person, 32; dis- Goldstein JI.—Property stolon, Gordon J.—Disobey M.O. (sce

72%.rfriinCTx    it„    ^urged    ou Hccuso, 407    72    “It. Tnrncr”)

9CO aij Goddard A. C.—Bratcb stolen, Goldstein S.—Falsc pretenoes Gordon J. (anpposed Identical OSO    on, 375    iritb J. Keenan, borsc-stenł-

oontrollubię ohild, 202, 314, 318


adfltone B., alias J. 0’Brien, °^r571A* IL0hiU1 (łcser*    nr’ ing) (SC° J' Kocnan>*

?7r’WarCh0B,° breakiWRf 17, c:<Kl;,ard C. P—Disobey M.O., Goldthorp TL—Watch Vtoleń. ^^are śtoU*n?C^r,:df 11 ^ niv

1 rii}

GI”cnr.33®1' 1>1'ealil"s Oodilurd T".—Mssiug, 101. 193 Golf HmiW. Hooro Park, 6:15    P'—Krtlsc plel0IKe!i

Gl“nv:no F.-C^mplt. larcony Coddirt l'\    270 Uol.mu Ł, ąl|»* T, Harri*.-    W.-Cmaj>t ov«s'„u

as bailce, 647    Gorldard 1. — Bicyclc stolen, or-^    discliargc.fi, taai hire. 307. 434

Glanrille T. K.—Miasing, 560    77    n 7ii' r    • Gordon N.*—Snspected ftcal-

GlfUS W. ni 1.03 W. Anderson— Godding II. N.. allnn II. Gnid-    J'T'c./    L;''"' '    *«#?• ,513

Mnlicinns dam.agc. Cl    ing. &c.—<Fnl.«c pretences, money, stolen, <•{<•> Gordon R.—Fnlsc pretorcs,

.Glaswy    IV.    —Disobey M.O.,    S8S    Gctnan 0. E.-—Cotnplt. fail    jn*:)-    CCI

473    Gortfrey    E,-••Jewcllery    stolen,    vłde prelim. e^es., (162    Gordon    W.    B.—Disobey    M.O..

Glasaon    and Odgers—Safe    2S1    Gone L.—?Wrist watch stolen,    287, C3C

blowH    nnd    nnmey stolen. C29    Godfrey    H.—Watcli    stolen,    241    Gordon    W.    O.—Xaval    deser*

Glasson E. 0.—Bungie stolon, 47S    '    Gunzalez A. R.—Missitig, 541 ter, 271

{ 489, 548    .    Godfrey S.—Albert stolon, 6S0 Gooch S.—Albert stolen, 392 Gore T,—Stud stolen, 5GO


Podobne podstrony:
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