Millincton D.—Break, enter and    276    Moffatt

Htpal 182 351    Mitchell    A.—Sell Jiquor with- 599    —    ,

MilliWton fc E.—Bic.ycle sto-    out    liconsc,“623    Moffatt    Virlnc    J.td., Sydney, Moon    E.    R —Hous.ebrcakmg o»,

leu ^18    *    Mitchell A. It.—Break, enter, 90, 215, 247    -ol

Milli/urton M. V. C.—Bierek-    and atcul, 587, 685    Moffill P. P.—Jcwcllery stoi en, Mocn E. V.—Soli liąuor without

stolon 507    * Mitchell C.—Horso -stolon, 271,    404    lionnso, 588

“MUIr” Sydney—Reg. letter stc- 315    Moir A. J.—Walon, albcrt, &c., Moon Jrong (aee “Pong Moon”)

len 013    '    Mitchell E.—BiCyclo stolen, 657 stolon, 478    Moon 8. alias S. Mocn, &e.—

Milla^A —Missing, 644    Mitchell E. A.—Jo we Hory, sto- Muir X—Scarf-pin stolon, 404 Recciviuft; dUcliargod, .133

Mills O—Cattle atolen, 258    len,    312    MokecfT    C.—Missńug, 573    Moon    V.    G.-~'Watcbes    stolen,

" 575    ----- 202, 203, 423

Mili* E V—Complt. child de- Mitchell H. J.—Mining, 45-5

r% v‘ - r    %*u*\%*n T_Vol«ui nrrttrtm*

!• Mitchell H. J.—MiMingi -koo    iavV, 41 Kt 4- OVV»\ J    -----„-----e ____ ^ w

aertion, 387    Mitchell    J.—False    pretencos,    Molincux Mrs. M. G.—Inquir-    Moore    B.— Stealing, 541, 575

Milla F._Watcli    and    ring    sto    300    cd for (see “Elliott A.”)    Moore    C.—Bicyclc stolon, 669

len, 502    Mitchell    J.—flheep    now bcliev-    Mollison E., alias E. L. R.    M    Moore    E.—Watch atolen, 552

Mills* F.—Stealing, 182, 301 od dcad and not stolen, 28    <1g C. Mollison. Ac.—False Moore E. (or Teddy Moore)—

Mills X—Jcwellery,    ciothing,    Mitchell    J.—Watch    stolen, 280 prelrncrjc. 375, 442    Muwing, 368; Jocntcd, 433

&C.t Stolen, 529 ’    '    ~    ~    T* t X> \€    ,1<\ n \fr,rtrr» F!-r#no nn.

Milla M.—Watch stolen, 5G6 Mills M. J.—Absconder froin 311

Mills R. B.—Motor car stolcu

103, 159, 221    cc.s on, i.tv<

Mills    8. W. M.--False proton-    Mitchell    T\—Ring stolen, 254    Molonoy J., alias J. Mrtloney—    Mooro (4.—Wifo deser tor,    82

ces    on, 111    Mitchell    JL, alias F. Russell,    Break, enter, and steal;    Moore G. A.—Wsobny M.D., 50

Mills T.—WilfuUy and oh-    &e.—Break    and    on ter    inleirt    found at night    with    konne    Moore    O.    M.—Embewlemenf,

sccnoly expo*c person in pub-    sfccal; dischargod    on    licenso,    breaking implomenłs, 29,    45,    159,    277

lic place, 422    595    173; dUcharged,    658    Moore    H-,    alias    C.    Clayton—

Mills    T.—Missiag. 521;    wifo    Mitchell    R. P.—Motor car sto-    Mulonglo Sottlement—Vaeancv    Stealing, 599

desertion, 586, 671    len, 688    at 335, 379    .    * Mootc J. and Co., Ltd.—(sco

Mills    W. A—Assaulted,    121,    Mitchell    8.—Watch and jewcl-    Monoghan F.—Child deserter,    M.unts Mooro * und    Co.,

303    lory etolen, 631    £88, 5H3    I.I.I.")

Millaon and Sons, 202    Mitchell 8. O.—Watch, Ac-, sto- Monoghnn O.—Larcenv; rceoiv- Mooro J. nnd Co., Ltd , .Single-

Millthorpe Poliee Station—Va*    len, 539    inK 340    ton,    323

Milltown “Milbrood

in company <lisobcving M O., 119 MillwoocI E.—Watch stolcu,


Milnn A. G.—Jowc 11 ery stolen,

296, 375

Milne M.—Complt. fail providc prelim. exes.T 598 Milne »S.—Uandbag, &c.. stolcu,

90, 215

alias G. Austin, alias G. Lat M O., 599    Mooro J.- CompL steal aa co-

robe, nlitia A. Wooil, alias G. Monnahni:    • Stca! from per- partner, .>8

Oo5ford# ;iliri3    A. Jloofl,    a Ha h    son; iiisehnrgorl.    IflS    Moore    L.    B mocne* stolen, 312

J. Gosford, alias W. Mitchell, Monughan V.—Bell litwor with- Moore    L.    O. -Fraudtly. evade

alias T. Luidlaw,    alias T.    out licCTWO, 375    parment taxi farę to, 561

Lndlow, alias A. Wnrd, alias Monnglirm Pod, alias H. M. Moorn M.—False pretences; J. Floyd—Aswuilt;    fouad in    Mmiaglinn—Ohild    doserter,    wispectwl stcalir.g (see *;F.

yard for unlanfr.l    pnrpose.    178, 308    Armstrong’’)

90 215    Mona han U.~-Btcaling, 634, 660 Moore M., alias I). Quinn—So-

Mibón G.—False protoncca, Mitchell W—Elsobey    M.O., 456 Monerieff J., alias    A. Morris-    Uritlng; F.O., 218; atcaling;

59g    Mitchell W., alias T.    Mitchell,    scv, &C.—Break,    enter, and    break, condns. rclcase, 445

Mi Utoń J.    (pawnbroker).—Ar- &«.—Assault;    found in    yard    slettl, 173    Moore    M.—Watah stolon, 24

ticles in Dosacssion of, f>ll    for unlftwful purposc, 445 “MoncysaYer'’ (sec S. B. Teter- Moore K.- JcwcLlery and cloth-

MiUton’8 Pcmn Office, 581 Witefccll W. R.-W>fe deserter, <,0n)    W stolen 480

Milwocd F. R.—Wife desertor,    432    Mong Tor.jj—Breach Immig. JJnore R —Misjlng, o7

...    ,l\fiUł\/'ioAiin PiiA/niA tirówn t)aaja a» oza    Moore Jw.—Wirc uo^rt^r^ 634

Moore R.—Missing, 644

s£0_ Moore R. J.—Break, enter and

ou .M.O.. 373    ‘.tS Jw" o'.-fnuo ptelenc,    S.-IIousfbroakmg on,    S’■ po" goa

Min Jiłii    H.    J.—Tmuiit.    on*    „    547    Moore    h.    Sti ^lnig, F.O., 608

' nrp«., 372    “« F .    ł - A. .KuowH,    T,.—Peml.ints ^    S    “* ^

iner O.—Stcalinęj F;0„ 92    «*»' -rtag    «.    M.^T^ine and ma-

Monoghau J.-Konaobrcak.ng tial M<)lBn> 349g

Milstott'3    uiiice^ 001    ""w^u y, .    — n.u.    ^ni)

Milwocd F. R.—Wife desertor, 482    Mong Tor.jr— Breach In

444    Mitchclson — Chcquo drńwc Restric. Act 356

Mi mar k R.—Missing, 433    by, stolon, 507    '‘Montrolia^ 491

Minahan M.—Disobcv M.O., Moud It—Słuwp supposod sto- v\ ,    . ’* *

248; -lon-payment of costs len, 116, 155    Monkman J.—Watch, &c.,

M.1-___._____ len, 02

0łł» “, u    ‘    Missing (soo E.

Miner WVł*ł»ł'f, j    - -

Miuers P. J. (or P. Minor)— charged, 201

----w— ico    r.f\n    Mont A —Rino- <?toUn.

tolics and cloth-ng stolen, 337

624    *    Mohfnbri Station, Bocgsibitla,    ^oor.<k W ^Wtcaling, 290; ac

Minncck L.^—Break, enter, and 607    Mimtciilcwr s.s., 77    qmtted, :»19

stcal (sec L. Mitmoc.k)    Mo

Minnock L (or Minneck) — S Breuk, cuter, and stenl, 587, Moon 6R5

Minor P.—Suspectcd stealing

(rtóo “Miners, P. J.tT)    mms woous, iiuus ał.    .......* •••    " —ł

Minty W. N.—Cloth3ng,    &c., Sterling —    Rccowing; dis .f'n-    v    ... . . łt    Moon-W\ E.—.Ste.aluig    (aoe W*.

sloUdi. 53, 291    chargod. 133    Montgomery    N.    Watch stolen, 0’Grady)

Mirca E.—Gterding, 276    Mocn S. W., alias S. Mcnn, &c. ./9-    „    Mimre W. J.—Taił pruridc pre-

“MitcliHl- («vc H. M. Tinsloy) — Rccciving; dUclinrgcd, 153 Mur,-l gomory 1? Miss mg, 466 i,m.    470

Mitchell A.—False protencos “Moernki” 34l>    Montgomery W. Albert atolen, Mor,™ W. M. False pretcnc.r^

on. 511    Moffat J.—Clothlng stolen, 141    488    on, 33

Mitchell E. J.—'False nrctrneow Afotfalt E. W.-^Naval desertor, ‘ Mimiy7’—Disubey M.O. (seeP. 'Mornn and C.ilo Limited, Si, •    '*■L,,ł    143    Knight)    570

on (sec Mitehell)


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