Man unknnwn (I)—continucd.

Słcal cash box containtog w on 07 from officc of Limb le9s Soldiers Art Union, fi80

Pledge bungie, property of J. McKav, at. Milaton’a Pawn Office, 581

Handbag snalched from D. M. Starkcy wliilst 011 tram car in Fitt Street, Sydney, 583

ifalic. damuge pair senlej, property C. OK ci li, ul Rydlem, 564

Fraudulently eva<lc puy.ncut taxi hirc to A. Johnstonc at Sydney, 584

Maile. injure motor car pro-perty of Jackson, Thomson Limited, 585

Stealing eloching, phono* graph, &c,, from jrcsiricuce of O. Vinmg at Paddington, 593

Stoaling jewełiory, clotbiug, &c., from rcsldenco of A. McCuteheon at C&nlerbury, 593

Steni bieyele, property of R. J. Hoffman, from Moim* talu'Street, Sydney, 594

Suspected stealing motor cyclc from Frencb-strcef, Adelaide, property of G. V. Hill, COS

Stealing from tl»o prernises of ii. W. Me Lenn at Peter-ebam, 605

Cheque, money, &o., stolon from safe opened bv meang of explosive at Western Stores Limited. Narrornine, 605

Aas&ulted and rob H. Dycr in Mary-lane, Surry Hilla, 608

Known as “Cockney Joe,” as-satilt J. Jtaftos at Sydney, 584; idcntical with J. New, alias S. Marshall, &o., 613

Steal bieyele, property of A. T. Kine.helft, from Cowra, 616

Steal motor eycle, property of B. Bransgroee, from Car-ring ton Hotel, Peak Hill, 617

Plcdgctl ring property of D. Crichton at Josepha' Paw u Office, Darlingburat, Cl 8

Bieyele stolen from Korth Richmond, property of A. Matheeon, by, 617

Fraudtly evade paymenf taxl hirc to H. J. Pairen, (119

Fraudtly evodc paymeut taxi hire to J. McGuire at Rcd-fern, 619

Fraudtly cvade payment taxi farc to W. J. Kenny at Sydney, 619

Obtaining u vacuum eleaner, property of F. Lassetler &. Co., Ltd., at Sydney, by false pretencos, 619

Assuult Constablc W. J. Me* Mnster nt. Sydney, 80; idcntical willi W. Holmes, 624

Sleal bieyele, property 0/ P. Painham, at PetOTsham, 629

Obtain money from Dr, J. rA, Huie ot Pwik Hill by fulso pretencu, 634

Fraudtly evade pavincnL of t»xi hirc to E. llelher at Newtown, 634

Steni an overeoat from Farmer & Co. at Sydney, 634

Bel! lifjnor wilhonl liccnso at Sydney, 634

M:m unknnwn (1)—continund. Conspirc witli C. Ciarkę, alias Durkic Ciarkę, alias C. Holt, to ebeat and defraud Vietor Ynnlieuk* of money M Sydney, 634 Suspected stealing rcvolvers from shop of D. R. Israel at Newcastle, 643 Steai from sulky ia yard of Oommercial Hotel, Burel* Jan, watches, &c., property of S. Burkę, 643 Fraudtly cvndc payment toxi hire to J. GriililUs at Sydney, (348

Offered to Bennefct and WoodB Ltd. for sale bieyele stolen from J. Campbell at Albury, 655

Steal goods from room occu-piod by J. Blair at 86 Flin* dere-Street, Sydney, 655 fiteal from shop of Messrs. D’Argeavcl aml Johnson nt. Hamilton, 055

Steal bundbag and inorny from E. Craven from room at Exehangc Hotel, Sydney, 657

Stoal from shop of E. G. Johnslou at PeunauŁ Hills money, tlie property of Conimissioners of Govern-ment Suvings Bank of New South Wnieś, 657 Albert ntole» front W. II. Harris pledged at Cohen's Paivn Office, Lęicbhardt, by, G57

Stoal from resi.lence of II. Longbollom, watchos, cut-Icry, jewcllery, &c.; mny bc identical wlth G. Sura mers, 657

Fraudtly evade puymcnt taxi hire to F. H. Maron at Glcbc, 659

Wilfiilly and obso.encly cx pose person in Milsoifs Pk., Kortb Sydney on 10/10/25, 659, 660

Fraudtly. ovadc paymenr, taxi liirc to 11. Midmcl at Pad (ILugton, 660

Body of, found iw wators of Murrumhidgpp Riyer, near Wagga Wagga, 663 Snatch bag of S. Bunker whilst in Darling Point rd., WooMabrn, C07 Steal walch from resideuce. of T. R. Williamson at Carlingford, 669

Sold clotkiug stiden from J. Blair to C. Frroman, dcalor, of Sydney, 670

Stoal moncy from Pummitt Bros. at Sydney; gav<j namo Casey, be!ieved fieti-tionfl, 674

Evade taxi hire to A. E. Wiu-dus, at Sydney, 674

Obtain money from A. C. Morris by fnlse pretence, 584. Falge pretenec on Hi Monteith, G. Shephord. O. Ilamttiond and F. Pitcher, 597 (see also G. Lawford, 676)

Steni moncy from T. J. John-ston in Loftus-treet, Sydney, 679

Steni wali et and money from J. Lenkę nt Ncilsen. Park, 679

Sieni ftlłierl from residenee of W. ILir<len af. Carinubah, 682

Stoal from motor car of Miss Huntree in Pitt-st., Sydney, wateh, rug, money, Sec., 682,

Man unknown (1)—continued. Fraudtly evade payment taxi* hire to A. J. Barnes at Sydney and Balmain, 687 Obiain money fron John •lenkina by fnlsc pretences ot Sydney, 688 Assault Constablc A. Kidd in execution duty nt Sydney,-047; rdenfcical wir.li J. 1). Mae.kae, alias D. Mackay, 689

••ManassYieh," Serbia—Beg. lct-ter Htolen, 618

Manchester Unity Lodgc, 256

Mandyl J.—Bookmakerp bag and moncy stolon, 529, 054 Mandel J.—Conapiracy on, 664

Mandclberg A. — Attempt pledge jewellery with, 282 Mruidelbergłs Pawn Office, DMiurst, 64

Mundclberg^ Pawn Office, 480

Mandclborg'3 Pawn Office, Rc-gent-street, Pvedfern, 110 Mundell J.—Jewyllcry stolcu, 515

Mandcr F., alias F. V. Man der - Larocny;    ‘ diycdiargcd,


Mander F. V. (aee F. Mauder) Mandelbcrg*R Pawn Office, 337 Manfred Pastora! Company, 281

M;mgro\Ue Belting Con»panv 473

Man Lee (see “Judali”)

Matm A. (junior)—Fai! pro-vidc prelim. cxes. (sec “Manns”)

Mann A. S.—Li non, tablo cloths and rcvolvcr« »lolen, 587 Mann E. (see E. J. Mann)

Mann E. J., alias E. Mann— Indeeent itaaault on małe; dieelmrgcd, 188; indecent ai?sMult/ 388, 442 Mann J. K.—JewellurY stolon, 392

Mnuncrs K - Complt. fraud, npprn., 344

Mumiiiig A. Ii.—Cheąue and money stolen, 107 Manning F. N.—Fraudulent misa ppm., 328

Manning J., alias “Nugget” McGrjith—Assault and rob-bery, Ifi, 174

Manning ,J.—Jiarccnv:    dis-

rharged on license, 492 Mnunrng J., alias J. Wolin,

—Break, enter and intent stoal; dischgri. on licenae, ."69; stealing; assault eon-stalde; indee. Innguago; break conditions release, 574 Manning J. F.—Armin, 391; acquittcd, 430

Manning P.—Larceny os bailee, 421, 447

Manning T. B.—Missing, 101

Manning V.—Jewcllery stolon, 438

Manning W. J.—Disobey M.O., 43

Munninn C.—Motor enr stolon (recovere<l), 236 Mannion B.--Violeneo threa-tened to, 520

Mannion M. J.—Break, enter and utefll, 301

Mannion M. J., alias M. Martin, alias A. Ellia, aliaa J. Pratt—Break, enter and stoal, 149

Mannion P. .7.—Threatening Yiolencc, 520

Manmx !>.—Bing. albort, coin, stolcu. 616

Mumiix M. J.—Amult, 275

Manns A. (or Mann, junior) — Faji pvovidc prelim. exes., 497, 665

Manug M.—Pony suppoaed stolon, 105; jji)}Okiiided, not stolon, 645

Manok and Renkert Limited, 612

Mansell J.—Watehes, &c., stolcu, 42C

Mansergh J.—-Brooch stolen,


Mansfield M. (Mrs.)—Ilaud-bag, &c., stolon from }ier-son ot, 16

Mansfield W. C. (Lr.)—Clotb-ing, cutlery, &e., stolen, 643, 657

Manson J.—Ring and Bleevc-Hnks stolon, 092 Mansour J.—False prctonccs on, 534

Manton R. P.—Rings stolcu, 394

Manuel C. J.—Chc<jue drawn by, stolen, 539 Maplcs Brothers, 72 Mapley M.—Watch atolcn, 628 Mapson P., alias J. Wbite, &«.

—Shopbrcaking, 445, 558 Map8toue E.—Recełying, 122 Maojitoue P.—Stealing; di.s-enarged, 244

Marcello efc Cie (Madam Gour-lay), 270, 530

Marehant J., nlias J. T. Mar-cha/it—Sacril#ge; disehgd., 339; stealing, 374 Marchant J. J.—Boy absconder, 95

Marchant J. T., alias J. Mar-chant—Sacrilege disebarged, 339; stealing, 374 Mareus Clark Limited, Svdney, 64, 71, 159, 164, 277* 381, 422, 532, 675

Mutcus L.—*8hanghai, Ohina— Reg. letter stolon, 617 Marcusson M. E.—Assaultcd intent rape, 527

Muren go Polico Station— Closed, 391; reopencd, 615 Maren G. A.—Griuvoua bodily harm on, 721

Margetts W.—Disoboy M.O., 287

Margotts W.—Disobey M.O., 33, 483

MaTgIfen Costume Comp&ny-— Jbeinises enteied, 291 Margo^his S. A.—JewelWy sto len, 214

Mario V. Dc—Murder (Atrio-lń-a), 501

Mark Foy’a Ltd., 243, 4L2 Morklium II.—Wife deserter. 635

Markiewicz J.—Money stolcu, 422

Mark Levys Pawn Office, Alcx-endria, 465

"Marks"—Child deserter (sc-c UF. Richsrd8on”)

Marka C.—Watches stolon, 42C Marks C.—Pawn Officc, CIcyc-?nml-atreet, Rcdfern, 26 MaTks C. (PuwnbrnkyT)—Sto* len rug in c.ustody of, 4C Marks E. S. -Albert and paases stolon, 404

Murka G. H.—Falee pretencc-s on, 687

Marks II.-—JleifoT stolon, 3IC Marks II. - Watch stolon, 76 Marks H.—Property stolcu, 2(54 Marks J.—Watch, &<*., stolcu, 426

Marks L. W.—Watch stolcn,


Marks R., alins S. Williams, Sec.. -Suspected person, 122; disehgd., 419


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51NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man uuknowji (I)- ‘CGutUwol.Man unknown
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McKcnsńc N.—Brcach Inunigra*. tion licstrietion Act,
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25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
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44NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml on
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84NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925, Th a u te R.—Property stolen, 110 Thatcber F. W.—Motor
a EW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1025, 97 •    Wfg W.—Oualified. for Cea- Itftb
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
23NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAJ5KTTJS INDEX—1925. Daj S.—Kit bng, &c., stolcu, 46ó DazcH Chomkul

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