•    Wfg W.—Oualified. for Cea-

Itftble lst Class, 23; Prom. ; to Constable lst Class, 557 Giogan W. J. F.—Gratuity to,

•Gimther T.—Prom. to Con-; tobie lst Class, 163 H»le P. G.—Qnalified for Ser* .yfcA&t, 23

'Hal! H.—Police pensioncr; iteetb, 523

HaJlett A.—Pension gruntu d,

, m

Hallełt F.—Prom. to Sergeant .- 8rd Clasa, 557 Hamer T. E.—Prora. to Con-tobie lat Class, 557 Hamilton C. K.—Appointed Constable, 179

Hamilton —Qualificd for Ser geant, 267

Hamilton J. S.—Appoiutod In* ipector 2nd Class, 627 Handcock S.—Appointed Pro. •'Constable, 356

Hanna J.—Pcnsioner; dc a tli , of, 356

Esami J. R.—Qualitk*d for

•    Bergcant, 267

'Hannaford A,—Promoted Ser-. geent lst Ciosu, 557 Hanna H. L.—*Appointed Pry. V Oonatabh?, 179 Earcombc .7. 11 MAD.—Quali-. ied for Constable lst Ciosa, 47$

Hardifi L.—Pro. Conatable; diwharged, 523

Hafdiman J. J.—Prom. Scr-grant 2nd Class. 398 ptrding E. G. J.—Qualificd for forgeant, 267

Hardy A. H.—QuoHfit*il for Co ust ab k; lut Clnsa, 475 Hargrave W. O.—Prom. Scr-goaat 3rd Class, 418 Hatpcr H, J.—Const. lst Class; ponsioatT, 523

Harris H.—Promoted to Ser* geant 3rd Olaes, 567

Harris J. w—Appointcd Con-totóe, 179

Harris W. J.—Sergeant lat Claus; penaion of, 418 Harrison W. H.—Prom. to Ser-geant, 2nd Class, 557 Hart Ć. L—Appointed Con-tobie, 356

Barvey G. V.—Prom. to Con-Stelle lst Class, 557 Han'ey J. R.—Appointed Pro. Ccnśtablo 262

Hawkins W.—Qualificd for In-spector, 470

flayes A. J.—Promoted to Con-stalle lat CLaas, 687

Ifeyes J. V.—Promoted to Con-itable lat Class, 163 Hayc-a P. D .—-Appointed Constable, 262

lleather E. W.—Promoted to Constable lst Class, 163 Henneaay M. R.—Promoted to Borgc&nt 2nd Clas3, 162 Hlckman E. G.—Appointcd Constable, 179

Higga T. G. M.—Apptd. Pro. Conetabie, 179

Hue J. R.—Appoiuted Pro. Conatablo, 523

Hiil A. R. J.—Q«.alified for Con6table lat Claw, 653 Hill E. A.—Qualif>ed Constable lst Cln&s, 415

Hill E. E.—Qualifled for Ser* geant, 267

Hillier H. H.—Appointcd Con* stable, 179

Hincksman 11. E,--Promoted to Scrgeant 3r<l Class, 6S7 Hinde A. S.—Promoted to Con-stalle lst ClaSs, 153


Hitchcock W. S.—Appointcd

Constable, 611

Hockley C. E. F.—Promoted Scrgeant lst Class, 657 Hoffmann H. H.—Ser geant 3rd Class: pension to, 611 llojel A. A.—Pcnsiouer; death of, 180

Hokin E. F.—Appointed Constable, 011

Ilollis J. G.-—Qualificd for Constable lst Class, 565 Hol lister Mrs. E.—Allowance,


Tlollistcr H. J. (Pensioncr)— Dratb of, 262

Hol z H. W. R.—Appointed Constable, 179

Jiood R. K.—Promoted Acting Supcrintcndcnt, 379 Hoolc A. S.—Promoted Ser-grant 3rd Class, 523 llooper T. W.—Promoted Ber-geant 2nd Class, 398 Howard W. J.—Appointcd Con stable, 418

Ilowarth H. R. St. P.—Prom.

Bergennl 2nd Class, 398 Hudson K.—rrom. to Con-stublo łyt Class, 163 Hudson W. H.—Qualified for Constable lat Class, 239; Prom. Consl. lst Class., 398 Hughes A. T.-—Appointcd Oon-stabłe, 418

Humphries A. C.—Apptd. Constable, 262; death of, 262 Hungerford II. E. >f.-~Prom.

to Gergeant 3rd Class, lf>2 Iinrie, J.—Appointcd Pro. Con slabie, 418

Imne A. R.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 356

1*10*1 A. T.—Apptd. Pro. Con-stable, 418

Ircraeh A. G.— Prom. to Sct geant 2nd Class. 162 James K. D.—Qualifled for Ser-geant, 239

Jamieson G. A.—Qualified for Constable lst Class, 23 Jarrott JI. J.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 179

Jorom** II. A.—Appointed Pro. Constable, 262

Joass O. R.—Apptd. Constable, 262

Job W. H. J.—Appointed Con-stablc, 418

Jobson W. A.—Constable tc-signed, 179

Johnson    C.—Constable,    to-

signod, ISO

Johnson G. R.—Quaiified for Scrgcant, 239

Johnson M. V.—Promoted Ser-geant, Srd^Claas, 398 Jonas E. H.—Promoted to Con-slabie lat Class, 163 Jones, A. M.—Constable, re-signed, 356

Jones E. F. • Promoted to Ser-geant 3rd Class, 162 Jones G.—-Qnalifird for Constable lst Class, 565 Jones K. ¥.—Promoted to Ser-geant 2nd Class, 162 Jones H, A.—Appointcd Con-slabie, 179

Jones M.—Qnalified for Inspcc-tor, 653

Joyce, M.~-Appointcd Próba* liunary Constable, 262 Jury A. J.—Appointed Con-stubli*, 523

Kable. L. E.—Apptd. Const., CU

Kammcl J.—Pensioncr; death of, 180

Kammel Mrs. J. E.—Allow-anee, 180

Keating A. F.—Apptd. Con-stablc, 523

Keebłe A. 8.—Qual. for Sgt., 475

licimnn F. W.—Promoted to Sgt. lat Class, 687 Kellock G. I).—Apptd. Conat.,


Kelly S.—Prom. to Sgt. 3rd Class, 687

Kelso J. E.— Prom. to Sgt. lst Class, 5o7

K<*mpton J. C.—Apptd. Pio. Constable, 179

Kempton T.—Apptd. Oonst., 611

Kennedy A. J.—Prom. to Con. lst Class, 163

Kennedy C. E.—Prom. Conat. lst Class, 398

Kennedy D.—Qual. for In3pec-for, 053

Kennedy T.—Const. lst Class; tnmaiun lo, 611; death of, «ll

Kennedy T. W.—Constable; ro-signed, 262

Kennedy W. H.—Pension grant-cd, 180

Kent W. C.—Prom. to Sgt. 2nd (‘lass, 162

Kcys K. G.—Resigncd, 523 Koyte E. L—Apptd. Pro. Con-slablo, 356

Ki*l<i A. P.—Apptd. to Pro. Oonst., 179

Kilpatrick W.—Apptd. Pro. Coustublo, 179; discharged, 523

Kimber A. T.—Qual. for Con-st.’ilile lst Olaaa, 239 King 13. L.—<iuaJ. for Oonst. lst Class, 037

King J. C.—Apptd. Supt. 2ud Class, 627

Kirton W. P. R.—Apptd. Con-atablo, 179; resigued, 418 Koch 1). J.—Apptd. Constable, 179

Laird J. T.—Apptd. Pro. Coxi-slabl.*, 523

Lakę F. W.—Qual. for Sgt.,


Lamb S. J.—Pro. Const., dis-eharged, 356

Lnrnb S, J.—Apptd. Pro. Cou-stable, 418

Lambert A. J.—Apptd. Tro. Constable, 179

Lane 1>.—Qual. for Sgt., 475 Lane D. J.—Apptd. Const., 611 Lancy B. M.—Prom. to Const. lst Class, 163

Langstou C. E.—Apptd. Pro. Const., 418

Langworthy E. T. C.—Prom. lo Sgt. 3rd Class, 162 Lanbam W. J.—Prom. to Sgt. 3rd Class, f>87

Lar kin L. B.—Qual. for Sgt.,


Lu w J. W.—Apptd. Pro. Con-fttable, 523

Lawmau S. II.—Apptd. Pro. Constabie, 179

Lnwmnn T. G.—Apptd. Pro.

CoiłstubU', 179

Layeoek C. C.—Qual. for Cou-stable lst G4a3s, 23 Lcanc* W. -Sgt. 2nd Class; pen-sion, 523

Lcary A.—Prom. to Insp. lst Clans, 185

T.e.dwidge A. (i.—Qtial. Oonst. lst Class, 415

Lee 0. W.—Qual. for Const. lst Class, 23

Jjec O. H.—Apptd. Const.., 611 Lee J. A.—Prom. Constable lst Olaaa, 398

Lec 2L E.—Apptd. Pro. Conat., 418

Leggatt II. J.—Sgt. lat Class; pcuaion, 523

Leidieh E. A.—Peusion grant* ed, 130

Leonard l1. S.—Qualified for Jnapeetor, 139

Leonard T. W.—Quai. for Sgt., 475

I.ell G. R.—Apptd. Pro. Const., 262

Let-tc N. J. -Apptd. Pio. Con-stable, 611

Lewis E. C.—Prom. to Const. lst Class, CS7

Lewis N. J. F.—Apptd. Pro.

Const., 179; diseharged, 523 Lcwry J. G.—Apptd. Pro. Cou-stable, 356; discharged, 418 Liglit W. H.—Prom. Constable Jst Class. 398

Lillie T. li.—Pension granted, 180

Lind \V. E.-—Prom. to Const. lst Class, 163

Lin eg ar    M.—Inspektor; ap-

pointed as Assessor on Ap-pcals Board, 667 Littlejohn A. E.—Inspcctor lst Class; granted pension, 262 Lloyd I). A.—Apptd. Constable, 179

Lcckhart A. J. W.—Apptd. Constable, 355

Lodgc W.—Qual. for Constable lst Class, 475

Logau C. R.—QuaL for Const. lst Class, 267

LoDg W. J.^—Apptd. Inspoetor 2nd Class, 627

Loomes J. G.—Prom. lo Const. l5t Class, 163

Lucas G. A.—t^nal. for Sergt.,


Lynch T).—Apptd, Const., 179 Lynch J. J.—Prom. to Sgt. 2nd Class, 162

Lynch M.—Prom. Sgt. lst Class, 557

Lynch O. S.—Apptd. Constable, 179

Lyncb T. J.—Promoted Actg. Insp., 403; apptd. Inspcctor 3rd Class, 627

Lynn J. G.—Qual. for Con3t. lst Class, 23D

Lyonu B. W.—Apptd. Const., 523

Lyon* C. T.—Apptd. Constable, 523

Maekay H. R.-—Cor.stable, to-signed, 380

Maekay W. J.—Prom. to Act-)Dg Jnspcetor, 49; appoint-ment Inspoctor 3rd Clas3 con-firnted, 267

Maakenzic J.—roi. pensioncr; death of, 611

Maekcy D. II.—Qualified Con* stable lst Class, 415 Mackie W. J.—Appointed Constable. 611

Maddon J. E.—Polico Pen-sionor; death of, 356 MAguirc E. N.-—Qualified for stable lst Class, 475 Haleolm, W.—Promoted Constable lat Class, 398

Mu Ilon O. P.—Promoted Con-ftlable, lst Class, 398 Mulone T.—Inspector; pension to, 356

Malone W. P.—Appointed Pro. Constable, .523

Mangiu P.—Promoted lo Constable lst Olaaa, 163 Mankcy T. I*.—Oondrmed aa Supt. 3rd Class, 49 Mantlc* A. F.—Appointed Constable, 856

Murkham D. B.—Qualified for Scrgeont, 475; Promoted to Scrgeant 3rd Class, 557 Marsh C- B-—Promoted to Ser* geant 2nd Class, 162


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