Man uuknowji (I)- ‘CGutUwol.Man unknown (i)—ćonti;wc<L

Mail unknown (l.)— eonlinucrl. AssnulL And rob C. Iloberts.

al Canberra, 212 In company w'Ib t\v» youths, suKper.tcd arcaling Jiorse *uid sulky, ni Gruvc6end| property of <!. Robinson & O. Hounory, rnsp., *210

(Nflint' belhwcd to be Suriu-

son) cwadc naymeiif ot' t;tai fr.ro to V. R. Len, ot D:;v)uiglnm?t, 218 Aesault Constnbh* .T. Rurk:* iu oxocłution of duły, 2-9 Asnault Ohing Clwmg, of Syd noy, 229

Obtain monoy l«y fsdse rq»-roscntations drom A. II. King, At Sydney, 229 Steni bkycle, property of L. Stanford, ot Sydney. 227

Si;spoćh‘d stenling from tho person of Jl. F. ProctuT, Itt Rond wiek ltueecimrao, 233 Suspoctcd stealiug from snop of E. Flotoher, Coogee, 242 Stcal olotJiing, &c., from City • Hotel, Sydney, 243 Suspected stcal* ug bicyolo, property of W. Bu rg mann. nt. Singlston, "43

SnatCh hAudbcg eon talu Ing

monoy from E. M. Prosi, nt Sydney, 243 SmuKjclcd stenl intf moncy, &c. from officc of J. C. Campbell, at Sydney, 243 Assault E. R. Clark, at Double Bay, 245 Steni motor cycle, &c., pro-nftrty of J. Bance, at W aggft W ag gil, 24(5

Pawn stolcu ring nt Dayidor vit2’s Pa w a O m cc, William-łslreet, Sydney, UfiO Stani wat<h, <Łc., from por-son of T. C. CuAmore, in Kbig-strcot, City, 2(12 Stcal monoy, property of P. CocKrane, at Manickvillc, 275

Sold akunk Bido, proporty of Fura Limited, to Jae.ob Ruscn, King-st., Ncwtown, 282

Vnx*n jp.wcllcry, proporty of O. Smali, nt A. Mmulcl-berg**, Fliodcrsslroet, Sydney, ‘282

Awuńilt and rob B. Berrel in Marleny M., Sydney. 233

Obtain mouoy frotu J- H. Ben u mon L by fnlso prft-leucos, at. Sydney, 286 (sec also JoyCe).

Astónlt Cbin Chong, nt Sydney, 286

Rn p popęd aesault on W. Turner, at Sydney, 274, 29o Stcal from residenn* ot G. E.

ToHcy. Cmjdon Park. 297 Snspccted stailing from room oj Trąd ca Ilall Holci, Sydney, on 26-5-1925, 298 Snotdiod hnndbng of Elizabeth M. Murphy, ni Peter-slinm, on 30-5-1925, 299 Indecently a3$ault«'d Tiazol Laing (7), nt 282 Birrdl-Kt-, Wawrley, on the 17lU April, 1925, 303

TadcccutTy a«wnult donn Scnn-nell in ground of Glouinorc Publie School, Paddington, on 26th May, 1925, 303 Fraudolcntly evad«* payment nf tnxi liire dne t.o J. F. II. Magmie, at Sydney, on 23rd May, 1025 In company A. TT. Ohrwtinu-• sen, aiwOnlt G. "W. Russell, nt. Sydney/303

Man in.knoun (1)—contivv.vl, Asuaulting E. A. Neodham, at Redforn, 314 Obtnin e.loihus hy faUc pro-tciices from dol:nxo:i & Htone, on 01 b April, 3925, nt -Sydney, 314 Btcrd Ł*bcqi;cj>- from Smiflds

HourdiiiR-housc, \V.*y Woy, 2ii(if 318

OflTer watoli in plcdgo., stolcu proporty M. Meyer, 323

Stolo bic.yelc of E. ITcft-tton, at Mosinan, on IGth. May, 1925, 323

Gave nnmc R. .lordau--Obła in lyre jnnl lub*1, j»ro-

perty C. 0. En.-.ton, ni Ncw-castio, by fnl-.;c prelnur, 326

Evadc p.-iyiiKMil taxi liiu* to R. Koller, ;;t Sydney, 285. Ldentieul with W. d;ick, 332

Assmilt cd a ml roldicd J. C-Treen, on l*yrmont llridgc, 335

Pledgft HtoIciL wiićaIi u;\<l Albert. property B. .bihniisen, at Maodi-lb‘rrg,.M Pawn Office, 337

Ptcdgc clotliing, propeTty H. W. f.arguriow. at Łander’* Pann Office, 338 FrunduleuOy cv;ult* taxi hirc duc to CI. MaŁfhews, 340

Belicved numc ".Smitl;,” stcal wat cli and tdinin from M. Rifchnnan, 340

R<hnve iu nn otT>*iisiv-' mnn-ner in Alison-rd., Rnm!wiek 341

Steni kitbatf, monoy, &c., pn>-rierly .1. Pninling. from the Mont Depot, Ult.ltmi, 349 Frmululenily er a de payment laxi hirr dnr fn T. II. O. May, at Sydney,*353 Assnubnrl Doadliy Dear.e, at Sydney, ou 17t.h June. 353 Obtnin moncy from K. liyftn, proporty of N.S.W. Govt., :il Sydney, 353 Map unknon-u hilWd Ir. fali of i-bimncy s-ack at Ohandler, m*ar \VTolIomo!u-W, 357

Asaaulted i*. l>aUjHfv!ic, at Glebę, 372

Kvade pr.yn.ent of taxi hirc to .T. f). Mullieron, a i Sydney. 229. 373

FrmidB. ovadc paynient. of tnsi faro duo A. -I. Konny, at Parrnmaftii, 384

Wił bont iavful c.vcuso did on ter cnclowd landa of one OIiver, wjthout consent of Mnv Foicter. ncenpicr, at Bond i, 385, 397 A.-wa;iiti«g H. J. Moekcy, oe-casioniug him bodily Hann, ul Sydney, 383 Aasault Frcdcrick Renrdon, nt. Sydney, 3.85

FrmiduIeuHy rvade pnyraonf ta xt cab iiire fluc to II. Wilson, 390

Aasi&niicd Oharles Orń-nnagli, at Wnterloo, on 22nd .fulv, 1925, 410

Oommit folse pretenwa ou C. A. Dimlop and A. A. Brn-eey, IndieA*d identienl ivi1h !». R. Ilarb.nnd, Ae., 422 Sngpcetod stcnling money proporty R. Ttnrgravca, from room, 12 Francis-st., Darlinglmrftt, 427

SiiRpoctcd of steoting from l»ut. of II. Farrell, nf Richmond Main, 427

Commilting sorioa of potty tbefls in suburbu from d'\clling housea, 423 Aided and abcltcd by L. Ilfmlly or Ellcy in A^ault iug P. BjilJantyno, at Glebo, 430

Frnmliilently cvadc paymewt of ta-xi liire to G. Newton, nt Hydncy, 431

Hiisiireted * ton ling Miirts from snop of A. Winestoa, Wae-orU-y, 440

Meli li«jier»r witlmut liconse nf Norii) Sy<łne.v, 4-44

Frar.dulontly evnde payment «»f (nxi liire to K. 1C Roaeh at Sydney, 444

C-harged, in company willi W, Bowles, alias Dangiir, wifh conspiraey on ,7. 0’Don-nell, f*t. iuoatical will: J. Vate», 446

Suspectod atoniing from room at. 7 Dar)ey-Street, Sydney, pro perty of (?. F. Linie, 453

SiiKpcrtcd steaiing from rosi-(lence, of E. G. Brigden, Rr.iulwlck, 454

Stroi i ng from W. O Scnrle, at Sydney, 458 Maliciou-ily duimiging coat of H. Tidmar.di, at Sydney, and u»ing indcccnt Inn-gunge at Rand wiek, 458 SnatcJiod linndliag of F. M. Alwny in Mu nici pal Market s. Sydney, 463 Pawncd stolca urticlcs at Reu-bcn's and Mark Levy’a Paw Offices, AloTfindrja, proporty of J. O. and R. C.


As?r«ult Constoblc G. G. Yoimg, at Rcdfern, 471

Mnlieionsly infiict giievon.s bodily karm on Gonstablc

G.    A. Bali, nt Ncwtown, 396. Idontical witłi E. Wagner, 473

Asnault William Hodgo, nt Bondi, 354. l.drntical wilk

H.    Pinkcrlon, 473.

Pawncd stolcu wateb and al-hert of E. Knigbt, at Mau-d*.»lbrrgłs P:»\vu Office, Sydney, 480

Bnlicvcd to bo Erie Mnraden, did :u«mulr P. .1. O-Conuor, ni AuuiMidtilo, 481

Frauduleutly nvadc pnymout tnsi hirc ("ib f.nrc duo to »J. Afc.Guirc/nt Sydney, 482 Obtr.in moncv from’ G. Ta i-,nlfi'.se by falso pretcaces, r.* Sydney, 432

l jitererl shop of Wing Tiig, Glon Inncs, nnncd witli rc-volvcr and dcmandcd łiiruicy, 491

Anocmłted and robhed E. .T.

Gibson at Rcdfern, 491 Tender stolcu ob(H]iic at Cam perd-iwn Rrnnch A.B.C. Br-, o W recciying cnsli, 496

A-waultod Civ Tom au-l at tcmplcd to rob him nt Rand wiek, 501

Sfoal clothing, ^c., pToperly of K. HcAlcy, S^rand Ho- ‘ tel, William streer, 503

Pnuiiod stolcu watch at Roso-eawu i^ Panu Office, Lcicb-hardt, 505

RobKcd II. Naiighton nnder .irr.w al North Sydney, oti7 Fraadtly. evadc jwiymeut ta\i hirc to J. Sn ii ten r.t Vvd-noy, 510

Handbag snatchcd from J09-sie Turu^r sit Xurth Sydney, 510

A&uiulting Oonatablć L. J. Bryon in eseention his duły at Glebo, 471; ilcn-(icnl wilh E. MiiDermott. 511

Suspećtcd stenfing from resi-dencc of J. McCann at Paddington, 515

Monoy atole/i from person uf

O.    Hoalc.y ut Squr>ve and Compaaa Hotel, Sydney, 516

Pnu n stolcu eariicm, proporty or’ A. Mntton, at 3'ogepli'a Pawn Officc, Dnrlinghurst, 516

Pawncd bujiglc mid brooch 3tolcn from M. Ił. Millctt nt Goldstein^ Pawn Office. 510

Sieni iiioucy from T. A. dolin-słoń wliilst. in Bank >f Ana-tTalaaisi, Martin-place, 527

A&ł>;uilt M. E. Mnrciisson m-tent rape at Blakoburst,


Oalicd ‘‘Bill'' beliercd eon-ccnicd i)i doath of P. Lynch causod by injurio.s recoivcd in nltcrcati.m. -140, 527

Ploilge proporty stolwi from R. H. Graco-? at Origimd Monte* dc Fioto L<»an Offjce,


Assnultorl Rasie \T'crr al Syn-ncy (believcd M. Towfe),


Stcal potatoes nt Rodfein, proporty of N.S.W. Raił-^ way CominiasioncM, 532 Fraudtiy cradc pnyment 1 nx„ hirc to V. Lea; bcJievt(i n:uncd Półsen, 532 Husprcted sten ling Iwo cheąuc* from B. A. Molin-cc.ux, 541

Frnmltly ev«de pay,ncnt 1.nxi hiri? f»ic* to d. T. Cos gro vc f.t Ryci ncy, 543 Frnudtly cvade pamient tasi hiro to F. O. SmitU, 541 Stcal from the person of .T. Cr oko wallet and moaev. 546

Stc.-ilfng motor cycle of F. Tnnered frenn State Abnt-toirs, Ho me bu sli Bay, 553 Stculing from rcaidencć of H. Jnglis, je woliery, &.a., at Daceyoiilo, 553 Słiatcli handbag cnjitaining monoy, proporty of N. Ciarkę, wliilst iu tram in (Xxford-streot, 5>4

Pawn stolon alberl, projvriy of .1. II. Challender, at Tlo-f^n a Pnwii Office, Ni w-tOVrn, 554

8li*Vn watch, proporty of J. McKny, pledgcd a: Gol cn’s

P. iwn Office, Glebo by, or>4 OoHnpscd and diod in Anzao

Parado, Konsington, 557

Eiftudtly cvii(lc paYinenl U\i liire fnrc to L. C. Mo^ro, 561.

SteaT motor onr. proporty cf * The Ocean Aceident Ins'ir-nnee Co. at Lismoro 561 AsBftult F. ,T. Ben.jnmm and ^fcnl nmney from .safc at Qneen’a Club, 501 Obtain moncy from P. Cali-pcd03 at hydncy bv falsc pretenee, 610; Sdenticul wit li H. O. Sher lock, 574

Rtcalijig from Armidule V/cst Husjrita], proporty cf in-mates, 509


Podobne podstrony:
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man unknnwn (I)—continucd. Słcal cash box containtog w
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
12NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTK INDEX—1925. Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103 Burles, S. A,—
25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 31 GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson
40NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—192$ Infanta—continuęd.    Irring Wr.—Goods
44NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml on
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925 Millincton D.—Break, enter and
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McKcnsńc N.—Brcach Inunigra*. tion licstrietion Act,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy
84NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925, Th a u te R.—Property stolen, 110 Thatcber F. W.—Motor
a EW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1025, 97 •    Wfg W.—Oualified. for Cea- Itftb
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
23NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAJ5KTTJS INDEX—1925. Daj S.—Kit bng, &c., stolcu, 46ó DazcH Chomkul

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