r- - - '
Diffy O.—Watek, &c., stolen, 410
“Diggyr Pnlmisf, The” (see A. JI. Bclmonfc, &c.) Diggorman A.-rrFurrierY stolen, G15, 516
IUggins D.—Chi Id desjertion
(aee Rilcy)
Diggina T.—Fail provide pre-liminary c^pcnscs, .55, 83, 251 Digre V.—Jewcllery; ro7o]ver, Sc?., fetoJen, 510
Dilke E.—Sliopbreakiog on, GO 5 Djllon C,.—Naeał deserter; wariant- cancelled, 81, 120 Bilion J., alias J. Kearncy, &c. —Stcaling; tacach couditioas relciise, 434
Bilion L. M.—Wriat watcli stolon, 213
Pilosa E. (sec E. Delosa) Biiudorc W.—Gapo sio len, 154 Diniitriou S.—OWpie stolen, 482, 588
Dingwall G.—JcwcUcry stolen, 028
Dlnhe-m N. E. alias E. Johnson —Bn*iik aiul on ter intent włeal, 450, 472, 558 Dinnings K. 1L—R:ng stolon,
Pircetor cf Immigration, 195 DLslricI Returmng Oftieers— Ahsent votes stolen, 017, C18 Oitchficld f.—Watches stolon, 830, 423
DiUn.ar G. E. J.—Embczzls-mcnl, 634, 085
T)iv«; 0. ,T.—Indccent assault;
acquittC'.l (sco “Dieoe”)
Dłver G. J. (ov Divo)—Indu-cent uasauU, 309 ; ac.quitted, 420
Dcc J., alias J. l)ixou, &c.— Sodomy; dise-harged, 272 Dixon A.—Fnlac protences ou, (503
I) ixon O.—Je woliery s.iolen, 37
J) ixnn 1*\ E.—xNaval deserter ar-rvsicd, 51 i
Biacon H, G.—Bi gamy, 180, 302 Phtou I. M.—CumpL on Ud dc-serlioil, 44
Bixon J.—Embmleinent-; diy-clmrgcd, 324
I)ixor, J., alias J. !Hx, alias J. Thompson, alias J. Siinmonds, alias .T. Holmau, alias J, Manelous, nliaa i o Ncve, nlian Lr Vere, alias W. Besant.—Sodowy; di*<hav-
ged, 272
Pixor J. W.—Ring* slolcn, #02 Dirou O. alias O. T. Dixon— Embculcment; dischorged,
Bixon O. T. alias O. Di ton— Knbew/loment; dischargcd, 224
Biron H. E.—Break, cmtcr, and tttcal, 236
Dixou T. B.- Break, onter, and etca’, 236
Pi.wr. W.—Disobey magistorial order (sco "W. D. Phcc)
D:xon W.—Ansrmttod and rob-bed, 30
Dixson A. J.—Watek stolon, 488 Bonk W.—Saddlo afolim, 560, GOS
Dobb F. J.—Falsc pro.tences on, 102
Dobbic G. S. alćns? R. Evan»— Steni i ng, 340, 511, 033 T)i)bl>% V. J.—Stealing, 176 Bobson A.—Indcccntly as-
saullcd, 31
Bnb^or. D. A., alias C. S. SuT.n-son, ali»s Osborne (ćOrrertfc łiaiiie Walter Ray Camell) — Robbc-ry (Atr.crics.), 307 Bobaon E. L.—Wife deser ter, 443
Dotker W. G.-—Marę sto)en, 209 TbMtkery H.—Naval iiescrler, 34*1 350
jlocking Ej. C. (^fictoria)—Wife deser ter, 430
Doekory łl.—Nawal dezerter, 437
])od(l II.—'Horso stolon, 155 l)odd Jk—(,'hequc in farour of, atateu, 37
l.błdd E. A.—Soli liijuor with-o.it liecnse, 574
l>odi.I <1.—Knuidulenl misnppro-priation, 42
T»«xld G.—Embezzlement, 307, 408
Bodd II.—Fal*e pretences on, 570
DckuI V. J.—Gtoaling; laro.ouy as a bntlco, Ó87, 659 Tiodds A.—Horno stolen, 258, 200
Bocłdf? f{.—Bigamy, 476, 607 Dousoii Jt. alias II. Sitomcr— Robbriy (America), 445 Dodnoll T.—Ewcs and ianibs stolm, 4i)0
Doherly D.—CUild desorL r, 134 J>oliort.*y E.—Asasiultod and
rob bod, 295
Dohorly O.—Artie.los stolon, 422 Doherty II. S.—Steuling; lirst offocid<‘r, 07.3
Pohcrl y W'.-—Pony stolon, 132 Itojg R. G., Preston, Englami --Rogisierod lot tor stolen, 018
Polan W. .1.—Slenling, 687 j a co u U ted, 650
Dolby L., aliA.^ F. Rudd, &o. -StOfiling, 330
l>oUng A.—Bron oh os, &c., stolon, 187
Doili moro —Banglo, &o., sto
lcu, 1J, 85
Poloka E. (or O. Delosa)—Dis-obev niagistorial order, 571, 539
Donraiji I la (ha. fivdi:ov, 594 J>on»e«iei E.—Bell liquer wilh-out lieenso, 263
D.nniney B. B. (or K.)—Steal-ing, break, enl^' and sieni. 39, 153, 222, 370 Dominion llandkei« liiet’ Co., 2<;3, 575
Dominish •). J.—DGobey magia-terinl order, 236, 572, 610 Dnmkins W.— Property stolen,
Dmmnony It. J.—Suspected :d er* ling, 153
P«* .:vir«/» T., alias A. .T. Seolt, i' Fiilsc pretences. 39 Don L.—ludeeent nssault on, iSJ, 251, 277
Poaaghy J. alias It. Fleming— 1'ouiui ;tt niglit xvilli liouse-breakinłj implemontK in pr>.s-sawion; break, enter, and s»eal, 563, 5.83.; Grst- offe.ndor, 583
Ibmai.l G.—P.roueh stolon, 128 Donald J. silias E. MeDonnld, Ze.—Stealing, 445 B.mnld T..—Pendant łdolen, 128 DomPd W.—Pendant stolen, lit DanaMsou Tt. E.—Cinnpft.. re evr:s;on of taxi biro, 246 Diiiialdson B. N., a lina S. 'Williams—-Break. enter, and srcni, IS1. 317
Bonnldson W. J.—Disol«ry ma-gisterln.l order, 622, 665* Donato (!.—.Tcmrciterr stolcu,
Donkin W. IT.—Fnlse pretences on, 363
Donie,7w II., alias D. Dunlrayy, Sec.—Falae pretonces, brcach lieense; dischargcd uh 1?cense, 506; taiae pretonco.'?; breacJi liwiiw, 612
Donnell A. E. O. (ot C. Bon-ncli)—Wife dezerter, 220 Doiinoll O. (soo A. R (!. Don-ncll)
"Donr.elloUj” alias .’. L)ufTy. &e.
— Bhopbrcaking, 263, 408 JJomiellnn 3. I>.—CompH. CaDo pretenees, 396
Donnclty A. F.—Naval dcscrlcr, 70
I)in;»clly K. M.—^Drcssos, &CM stolcu, 405
B.i.mrlly K, aliaa Wr. Donnelly --Siciibng, 500, 608 Doimclly •).- -Watch, &c., sto len, 2-1
})ornellv J.-— Compt. nbductiou, 40, 330
DmuiHlIy .L T.—Wroundcd, 23 Domicliy M. —Refu3c p:iy for menls and aecommudation, 306
Doniłolly 1\ l».—Falsc pro-
tem es on, Cf>0
Dnunclly F- H.— Bignmy, 267
BouncUy (ot DonnoHy) — Kccewing, 021, 637 Do:mt*llv V. M.—Abdncfce.d, 40, 87, 335
Iłonnelly W. {ilius F. Domn.*llv —Stcallng, 560, 008 Donn) soi i ii.—--DweIliiig.hoa.se enlcml. 389
Donnolly —Kecc»ving (scc !8. Dor.nclly)
Donnoliy —Rt'tł'ivH proporry
Si olei' unlsidt* Ktalo; iu jii».*;s<.‘ss;im projMTty aiuiprcfed
sloiei;, 636
Dunogbuc J. J, -Assault and robbery, 3HI, 443 Dor.ohoe -T. A.—Bicye.lo stolcu, 479
Donolme. E. .T.—Wate.h stolen, 186
ponohue -T.—-Bi)ig stolcu, 141 Bonolmc J.—AV.nleh, &c., ato-leu, 528
Dnuolnte J. B. (or .7.)—(Sco J. li. H. Uonohue)
Donohue .1. U. R., alias J. B. (or .T.) Bojiohne—Breacb condł-tions reloast*; lieer.itc rc* vok«-d, 2H
Bonohuc J. K.—Motor-car sto-len (rccovcred), 236 Bonohuc J. II.—Watch, &c., stolen, 538 sfea); acrpiittcd, 558 Bonohuc T. II.— Break, enfer, unrl stoal. 422
Por.o\ A»> 11.^—Blay two-up, 12 Bou<ivan P.—OfTonaKo bo-liavinnv; nbseond from hall, 271-5
Borswortli WT. T.—Complt. fraudulent misappToprinijon, 372
Doolcy 71. 5>.; alias ,T. Le Harto, &c.—A.wuOt and robberw 72.8, 23 L
T)<>oley J. nlirn; A. Morrissey, Ser.—Break, <mter, nad *deal, 173
Dnoley •!., alias N. McRijchic, &c-—Assauli oocasioning r,c-tual luulily harm, 596 Donicy, J. K., alias ?7. Me-Kitćhic, &c.—Assnult occa-sioniug aCtual bfwlily harm, 596
PooIoy M. (or “Drury”)'—Bu* l:i\vfu)lv *|uit Soislh Australia, 81
Doolcy Af., alias N. Mc Rit. chi o, &v.-—AHsnnlt o<*en?rtoning ac-inni bod iły linrm, 596 Dorni Mali kam, Mario.—Wateh, nlboTf, and loc.kct stolcu (sec Manti Doon Maliknm)
Doonan A. .T.—Conspiracy. dis-obcy amgisterial order, 111, 248, 308
Doiaky J. ■).—Btealing, Urst of-fęnder, 6(3
Darahy K.—Baugle 5>loleu, 533 Boran P. (or Doy.iu), aliaa P. i>7e-(?ruf.li, ulius Bordcii, uliu« Al. alias P. Lłest, alias
Kiiiar.e, alias Jammn—
J-.ike prctences, *249; dis-cłuirged, 542; lilie aml ais-onlerly, 600
V>«Viaau W. —Dis obcy magis iyi rai tn-dci1, di’2, 670 YFCbimy J. W.— Disobcy magis-t.lri.il order, 292, 580 Dow J.—Rnpo, 577; acqalttcd, y8i
Double Bav riclnrc Tlicatre,
Doubl('day W.—Disobcy magis-tcrial order, 101 Boughcrty R.—Watch stolen, 88
Dftujgkty W.—Watch, albert and and medal stolen, 668 Douglas A.* Missing; wife do-*ertcr, 65, 110
Douglas C. W.—Disubcy magis-lerial order, 178 lfcmglaa l>. G. (8Cc D. HolUs) Doiiglna E. alias Tleli Douglas —Porjury, 136, 370 Douglas F.—Assunlt ;md rob-. bćrv, 268, 510
Douglas (i.— Attcmpt lo stcal, 371
Douglas, 7T. a1ia«< TT. R-. D.avis-— Dalsi* motenei**, 524, 558 Douglas fl. N., alias JI. (rold-ing, &c.—1’nlsc prdcnc<'S, 388 Douglas J - liceach conditiona releaso; first olfcndcr, 495 Bouglas N.—Gelding stolen, 105
Douglas R. (trauing as Mer-cliant and Trndcrs' Asaocia-tion)—rrcmises broken and entored. 291
Douglas R. J.—A»*SAiilt willi in* tent rob; discharged on license, 451
Douglas Tudi, alias E. Douglas —Porjury, 130, 370 Douglas W. 0.—Altcmptcd break mid enteriiig ou, 317
Douglasa J.—Oompt, inaulting worda; nosnultcd, 32 Donglass W. (truslcc)—Materiał, frc.j staloi, 454 Doiitnoy J>.—Assaaltcd, inłcut r;tpe on. 47A
l)ovaii T'.—Falso prctences;
diaeliargfd (sce Doran)
Dore L.—Rnzors, tobaeeo, &C., stolen, 430
Dov.d A. G. alias A. Dale— Chilil deserter, 134, 292 Dowd W. A.—Watch, &c., stolon, 52
Dowcll A., alias A. l>. Rehapiro —Stcaling, 274, 375, 442
Bowling II., nlisa H. Am-strong, nlhs II. F. Bowling,
. II. Moirlson, alias. H.
.7. Mallon—Shop-breaking; hoi-se stealing; larceny, 106, 181
Bowling II., alias L. Bowling, n'.iii3 D. Bo!ton - Tndcccut
assnult on maić person, 172 Bowling 71. F.. alias M. Dow-lii*g,v &e.—Rhop-Meaki r.g;
horsc ster.ling; Iarceny, 106, 181
Dowlfng T<m rdins II. Dowling. Sco.—Tudeecnl asiiault <n*. mule [HTsim, 172 Dowr.es A. E., alias M. Molu-tosli, alias d. Reynolds, ulias A. Bruce, alias .f. Anibrosc— Rte;i)'ng. 32C
Downea D. Af.—Un cdiii rc. Hal de clii Id, 422