Jojich G. M«D.—Anton, 382; Jones T.— Arsen, $82; suj- Jnergcns    A.—Wafcli,    &c., Konne Aalias A. ITylajid, aliaa

ae.ipiif.U-d, 400    •;uiHcd, 400    stolcu, 4G4    A. Roberta-—Falso    pre.tenccs,

Jones (I. R.—Buggery, 181, Ulw Jones T.—-WiO desorter, f>K5 Julms C. * Esonped incntal .131

Jones li. W. Jywellcry stolon, Jones 'J'.. alias W, TC. Johnson, patieuti 247, 259    Konne J. alias J. Anderson, &c.

140    &c.—Break, enter nad stcal, Jtird IC.—Wuteb, do., stolon, —Break, cnior and areał; at-

Jones JJ.--Jo\voHery sloJcn, 104    J00    4lG    tompt    break inni enter w Uh

Jones If.—Jcwcllciy .stolcu, 10S    Jono*    T. Tl.—< Jliilii dcHerlcr,    Jury A.    F., alias W.    l'\ Camc    i u tent scal;    Jischargod,    150,

Jones 11.—J)isolxy*M.U., 1111    .147, 1(5.1    ron,    alias Kichardsou,    aliaa    17S

Jones II., alias 3. łf-liortr de.— Jonos V'. (or V. Child*)—May    Thompson—False pretenees, Koam: J. C.—Stcaliug; F.O.,

Stenling, diselKirgod, 2H4; Bi-    Th*, iii company    man wanted    40;    bigamy, 577, 084    _    r>10

mwTicienl lywful mesms sap-    for    uMempled murdor and    Jary Ił.    Tt.—Iłisobey    M.O., 353    Keaiie li. i'.—-Assaultetł    and

port, 4H4    griew lwrlily    hurm, 000 .Insteliiis JI.    JEJ. B.—W a tell    robbed, 225

Jones U. i’.—Bicyclc stoku, Jones V. C.—False*. pretenees; stolcu, Gi(>    Kemins W.—Cheque. iu fav-

103    dischnręod on liccnsc, 300.    our of stolcn, 104

Jones K. O.—Compll. lurccny Jones W., alias W. llomlriek    K    Kc-urncs W.—Diaobey M.O., 522

as baUce, 070    son, &*c.—3leal i« dwelling;    Kearnoy and Co.—507

Jones Ił.    Limited, VJ3    disc

Jones II. 3. . .Jc.udlery :*toleił, Jones 164    Jones

Jones U.    W.—Falsc pretenoes    &e,

on, 240    cnler,

Jones J.—Bungie sluler., 21    Jones    W. P.- Disobey M.O.,    Kaiaer C. alias R. Jones, dc.—    w. Wright,    alias G. Gar man,

Jones J.—»Stc:ilb>jT, <330    191    Stcal Sn dwelling:    latccny;    aliaa J. Smythc,    alias    J.    Car-

Jones J , alias W. G. Cap.slick,    Jones    W.    3.—Motor    ryciu    U ren eh li cenne:    discUargcd,    ncy—Stcnling; breach    comlns.

alins J. Smith—Break, enter    stolca; reco\errj (Vir.),    228    230, 282, 202    rcicaso, 134

r.nd stcal, 502, 081    Jones    W. T.—Compt. re '.*vas:on    Kaliem    A. F. alias    J. Cabbe    Keari.i*y J.    J.—Watek    and

Jones J., nim K. ‘ITnmpson, &e.    tnxi    liit-e,    170, 250    Jero, dc.- Fnlso    prefcenuoa.    icwellery stolcn,    051

bo<1ily hurm, 874

usc motor e.ai IU(>, 100    dischnrged on license, 407 Maison H.-Ilinp stocu, 251 "KMtuig al::is i. McCrale,

Jrncs J., alias Martin— Break,    *    “Kalucy. aluis »L Ncwtown, dc.    fa..—Stcaliug:    dischargrd,

enter and stcal, 547, 570 Jordan D.-False prctciteos on, —Break, enter and stual, 510;    287

521,000    sloaliug, 032    Kcnting A.—Watch stolcu, 21,

Jocdau i.    alias _ C. D. j^at.y a. J. It., alias Argot, 3^

Grounds,    alias J. Lv;.u»—    alias    ,T> Williams, aliaa "Oir-    Keatlng    A. O.—Di ho be v    M.O.,

Larccn.>;    stcal m ‘łwftlhug,    rll5    ' alias Brown— J34

s_ h-Tcaling; lorgery; stoal ui    Keating M.—Drowned; be>

fievcd to bo bodv of (womon), Uer 343

Koating r.—Stealśng;    F.O.,

- .    Kaugaroo Yalley Police Statiou jgo

Jones J.    T., alias G. A. R<id,    vAmcr.),    .....    ...    —Aacaucy at, 130, 185    Kenting J?. P.—Sfceal motor-

alias    Marsh—Cnnspiracy;    .Jordan W. E.    J.    Wn et;, aioerw    .iroHiv>w*ioli DisoLioy M.O.,    uar, 1S9, 217

faW prdenr.es; ilischarged, niid niedals stoleii, 489    an    Koats O. H.—Wifc doseiter,

325; yeYoked, 508    Jorduu C. M.—Navul cescitcr, Kardiiiualite N.—Wanlod    iu 598; eanccllcd, 049

Joucs L.—Ni«val deser tor, 33    13?     . Gieecc for stealing, J19 Kcals S.—Wrist ivatch stolcu,

Jones L.—Baugle sioloi. 300 Jorgeane A., nlin-? A. Stnrnst, •>j^rłrctu'' U.S.>5.—515    255

Jones T».—Disoncy M.O., 390,    &e«—Sfcol in dwelling; vag- ..]Caro<)ta'* s.s,.^G4    • Kev'fc T. TC. • Attcmptcd rape,

636    «.    rtmcy; <lischargeu, 217    _ Karp A.—Brouelies, juwellory, 350, 543

Manslaughtcr of,


Jones X E.—Jewcllery stoJcn, 021, 000 803

Jones J. 11.—Fulsc prctcncca on, U

Joiips T. T., alias .T. Jones, &e.    51

104    child, o20, i)35    ........ -    -    »

»    r    »    m    Ikiu W    B.B. » *    JMV U • •    «J| • j

636    ^    rancy; diwdiargeu, 217    Karp A.—Brooclics, jcwcllory, 350, 543

Jones L.,    nliuc K .Stolic, &c.— Jorgenseu O.—\\:dcl» and    eu,it,ry    de., stolcn, 644, CCI K.s‘g;m    E.—Mi

fitealing, 371    nllH-rt *t.olor», 366    Karier 6.—Stealing in dwelling 403 :. no bill, !

Jones L.    V.—JewoUery stolon, Jorgcnson    J. O.—IneontroII.    439    Keegan    G.— Dis

unluY.-fucly usc Iwo goldingn, on, 203

stolcn, 7S

Kcclcmli Limited—594. 045

339, F.O., 494    Joseph $ T’awn Orticc, Aid, 018 j^au^.r E.—F.unidian of ncglec- Koder M.—Fałso pretences on,

mes ił.—Watch stolcn. 301* josslyn R. j.—Fal.se pieteneca ted child, 177    176, 291

mes R.—Eultfring intcut stcal,    on; 2Ct3    Kr. mer J.—Disobcy MO.. 59 Kec!<r AV.—Wife deser ter; war-

Jones Jones Jones

Jones Jones

343,442    Ja nr Gang—*S*-11 lirjuor wltk- KuiiUmann F.—Watclics, jc.wcl- raut cuneolled. 27

Jones R.-—\Vifc di^orter, 4.J>    ,t    license (sec    Gang    .lour)    lery,    clothing, Jćc., stolon, 540    Kocicy    Ć. P.*—Steni    in dwcl-

Jor.es n. Un law ful cudony; doimlain A.- Gckling stolcu, KauUmanu L.- - Pcrmit license ling; t«\0., GOS hreaking an<I cntc.nng. 511,    a8    stolcn, r*40    Kocicy K. A.—Navnl desurter.

_ 648    _    Jowdl TC.---Woal nnd i-k.ns Knvau:igh J. E.— Clothing .sin- 368, 562

Jones K.~;Bn.«K kK«ch, Ą2S    st„ltn. «»<i    len, .08    Kcrfry f. nlins I,. Dlckinson,

Jono.** Dr. lc. Motor car stolcu, jov j#—rndccent nwftiill; Kay K.—Wifc desertien, 002    &e,—At tern pl stcal from j>cr-

łoiuinou assault, 172    Kay    L. («.—^locvclmks,    &(.,    son; discharged, 25K

TCcęlty T. E.—Watch, &c., sto-tlct watch sto- len. 163

Keen A. M. M. (sec “Keonu")

.    ,    ...    ,    .    ,    ... .    ......... --    - ruudt. c.omcr- Keen TC. S.—NavaJ deserter, 437

in uwclliiig; Jareeny; brcaelt    joveo    y,.—Waldi    and    jewel-    sion,    173; wifc dcn<>rrcr, 395.    Keeti.an    P.—Bodily    harm by

hcenso; nisehargeil, -30. 2«_,    ]<>ry    8to>n, 604    424,    572 ; fail uppi*Ar frnudt.    wantmi ncglcct on,    357

.    Jov<-u    E. A.-'ITousebicnkiug,    iriuvevsiou lu-nch wnnaut,    Kcenau    G.—DLncdieY M.O.;

Jur.es U. A.—->oiind in dwclhng -J22, 301    . <W3    ncglect pay Mim duo on ur-

jiiteut sleal,.434    Joycc 1\ Wnteli and nlbort    j^can T.—King stolcn, 213    der, 624

Jones li. H.-ntiteh    stolcn,    »>4    stolon, 380    Kea«    F.—On w stolon, 550    Reenan J,—Horac stcnling,    66,

Jone<c R.—• .Tcwcllery    stolon,    G42    Joynei' J.—Watches    stolen,    Kcan    B. (sec S. H. Kcan)    571 (soe Keornan)

Jones R., filiMH S. \Vr. Burkę—    12.8    Kesui 3.—Frnudk conversion as Kecne A. alias J. A. Hyland,

Stcaling. 544, G00    “Jubb/" alias .1. E. McGftrry—    bailee, 303, 473    &c,—Fałse    pm ten ces.    ’    408;

Jones S., alias Ś. McDonald,    Stcaliug. 520    Kcan S. II. aliaa 3. Kcan— beneb warrant for f&iling to

-SnspiH-ted person, 32    *,Ju<Jah” (or Man Lec-)—^Miss-    Iforso steoling; Iarcenyj    dis-    appenr for    sontcnce,    619;

Jones S. 1L—Missing, 411 r ing frk*ad, 306    .    eharged, 156    , . fal«c preteneos, 60-ł

_    _    c.onunon assault, 172    Kay L. G.—^lec

J°txs R., alias A. Harvey aiias ..JovCłJ.*_..Fai^ prolonces, 218, stolon, 140

C. Kaiser, alias liunt,    ogf,    K:ivwr C.___Wi ist

alias G Harris, abns K.    p    (*. E.—Kuvnl deserter,    Wn. 322

Ward, ahas (.«. Mom.s~-Stcrd    3C>0    kwIoy J.    B. -    Fi


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