a m



"Hclcimeh" alias N. Hogan, Hhnry IX A.—-.Slcerc-lhiks sto- Houston A. N. (OniDilssioncr IIiii A. U. E.—Steuling, 61.2 Ao.—Stonling, 434    len, 260    for    Dechirationa), 17    ilill    Brothers Lmited, <123

Ilclenslmrgli m:d Lil]yv(ile Co- Henry    E.-    Stealing,    JU-welsou    .J.    \V.    Conspmiry    liii)    Brothers Limited, 036

opcmtivu Norio ty, Kolens- Henry    F. alias B. i.    do    Wynno    vii, 502    Ilill    CJ. 1/,-Niłmc forged    to

burgh, 115, 23(t, 547    —Wifu nnd ehiUl doserter; llyuott E.—Marę* stolon, 593    oiulorsoinoni on elicquo, 32

Hclcnsburgh lVirr« Bt.it ir>n~    bre.ik, ont«r and steal; dis- Howłtsoti W,—Karał cle.serter, Ilill D.—Steallog, F.O., 44

Yarancy ii lico, 15    e.harged,    244,    466    008    Ilill    D.—Bungie stolon.. 452

llellycr K.—Oowplt. fraudt. Jlcnry    JI.    H. Watch    stolcu,    Hewitt F.    C.    DLsoboy    M.O.,    Hill    B. Wifc deserter, 469

Ovasioti; pafiuent taki    hico,    438    1!>3    Hill    E.—WaT<?h HtoleD. 488

507, 634    Henry    L.—Lewdrics, 83, 231 llow.soli    O.—Money stolon. t>05    Ilill E., alias E. Farrell—

HcllyoL- LI. A.—Complt. lare.eny Jlcury    L.—Palse pręt en ces on, llow^on    ,7. ł\—Kinhewdoment;    \fa!i<*ioij$ damage, 118, 123,

a# babce,    405    60Ó    dls<    h.trged    on    licouso,    383    302

Ilclin, 3. JL— Slicep stolon, ">1L Henry    P.---f>tcaling. 525    Howsou    K.—*i^arcon.Y as bailee,    Tlili li. L>.—Break ooudm<. re-

HcJmlhig F. W.—Disobcy M.O., Jlcnry    W. Watch stolon, 24    410    lease on probAton (girl).

00    Henry W. alias W. 11. Brigga, llewKou lt.—GUI nliticouUer, 444, 4ti0, 533

Jlcnimiug.s W—-AYlfo    ilfsftrtcr,    <fce.— Breach    eondns. relefl«c ■    522    Hill    End Police Stfttion—Va-

328    -    stcal Sn dwclling, 68,    122    Hewson    S.—Towcls. &<■„ «ro-    cancy at. 475, 513

llcinmingway and Hobonaon, llenry    W.    A., ulias    Z. Zrcx,    łon. 242    HU1    F.—WallCt, &c., stolen,

Sydney, 0*17    alias \Y. TI. Toolan, alias llcydc P.—Motor tyrce stolen,    281

Hemphili K.—Migning, <562    W. Tooinlau—Pomni at uight, <K*ó    Hill Ł\ C.—Forgery, 190

Hernsworth E. O.—Murdcr,    &c.; diseharged, 10C    Ilcydon    R.—Bicycle stolcu,    Ilill F. ,T.—Sletwe-liiiks.    &e.,

127, 245    Hcjirya    W. —Chwjuc drawji l»y,    154    stolen.    152

Hemsworth II.—Boy absconded stolcu, 540    Heyilon IV. C.—Compt. t»va- Jlill G.—Rreach Jmmig. Rost.

froin, 393    llensi-i    T. il.—Bicycle stolen,    s;on    paymenf.    taxi    farę,    421    Art. 289, 342

Ileoisworth J. T. (infant;—    170    . IJeylinrn * A. J.—Ring stolcu. HiII G. IJ.—Motor cynie stolen

Murdcred, 127    “Kenty" alias G. Croaier, &<%    C*93    S.A.), <105

Hench A.—Enter housc, intent —Fal.se pretonoos (S.A.), 300 Hibbilt R. H.—Stoaling. 35.3, Hill G. T/.—Writslot watch etcal, 524,    C32    Hcuty    Police Station—Yacancy    49S    lost or    stolen, <>87

Ilcnder J.^—Fraudt. evasion    ut, 591, C27    Ilibblc .T.    W.—Pearls stolen, 11    Ilill G. M.—^Laiceny, F.O.,    494

pavmcnt tnxi bire, 532    llonwood W. J.—Watch, Ar.,    Jliclcey II., alias lt. N. Hickey,    llilt, (J. P.—False    prctonces

Herder B.—Pisobcy M.O.,    27,    stolen, 502    alias IJ. N. .T. Ilickey.—    on. U74

365    Hepbiirn ,T. - Embe^lcmcr.r,    Break, enter mul stcal; dis-    Hill 1.—Missing, 95

Jlendcron    U. GompU. infllet    472, 558    cbarged on license, 50G    Hill    J.—.Watch. <fcc., stolen. 11

grievou3    bodily barm, 317    Ucpbnrw .1    J., alias J.    Heb-    Tlb koy H. N.. alias    TT. Hb    koy,    llilt    J. 4. K.—Conrplt. eniJłc»-

“Ilcaderaon*'—Nawe gb« n by    bttrn.    &(-.—Break,    onter    and    &<*.—Break, onfer and    steal;    zlement, 352

mttu auapectcd aUuling, 154 *    steul.    307, 442    diao.lwged on hccnse.    500    llilt    .J. T. —Fnisc pręt en ces on,

"Henderson” alias R Burns, nepbnrn S.—Wsiteh stolen. 88 Hickey H. N, J., alias H. Hic -307, 482, 498 ice,—Abduction, 171, 377, 231    Herbert G.    II.—Assault,    483    key, Lo.—Break,    onter,    and    Hill    L.—Brooch sloleu, 358

Henderson    A,—Suitines słolcrt,    R    P.—Disnbey    M.U.,    sten); di.scnrgcd    on    Hill    M.—Assaulted and robb*

530, 541    580    noa    e«l, 212

Henderson TX—Break and enter, Herbert P.—lilogally oblaiu Hicke? S. (Austrulian SSIlk Ilill M.- dewellery stolon, 214. iutcut ateal, 573; acquutcd,    drug.    202    Mills Co.), Sydney, 37,    235    Hill    M. M.—Biga my on, 558

692    II»*rd W., alias Wi Fleteher, kt. Hioklt? IC.—Forged cheque In Hill R.—Wuteh stolen, 392

Henderson 15 - V.—Tenullery    —Steni from    jierson,    dis-    favuur of, 509    Hil!    S., alias R. Hall, alias    R.

stolen, 078    *    ‘Jiftrged, 316    Hirks K. W.—Golf balls sto- Puscoc.—Break, enter anrt

Henderson. J.—rCw.dlcrv    .sto-    Hercford tt. G.—Watch stolen,    len, 590    steal; dtscharged, IW

Im, 404, 589    ’    r>2, J36    Ilicks J. -Ral)ł)it skins .stolen, Hill S. F.—Cotiery, &c., sto*

Henderson J. .T. alms S. Sum-    "Tlennaji" In »*onipnn.v uuut    374, f>75    U*u. 367

mcrvillo — Dnmk; indocont wanled for false protem es, IHcks M. O.—Compt. rc non- Hill W.—Assmilt and rohliery. language; break, nnler    and    405    payinerit of tsxi farę, 145    524, 543, 596

steul; dischgdv 517.    Herman U. iscc R. CaiKly) Uń-kson T. T,.—Stonling, F.O.. Hill IV., alias W. J. Hill.—Idle

i t v —L'aias    -nrr    Herman D.—Brooch stolcu, 21    0OS    and disorderly,    023

Henderson d. J?aiec pre Henrmim    M.—Nflsupproinn. HirMIe R A.—Wateh stolen, Hill W. J—Disobey M.O., 25t

tene^on.OT    ... on. 94    70    Ilill W. J.-Wif* desertion,

Tvr^?am3 c mr, t Hcni T.—Watehes and medal Hjggiiw A. t;.—Rings stolon. 447 T    o. d    dvSrl    wolen. oso    318    Hill W. J.. alias W. Hill-yldlc

«SL    g    Hernsbuw .T. V.—Assiiulted Higgins O.—Banglc stolon, 004 and dlsorderly, 023

Tiin/Jr.,? t    -ic    »u'1 robbed, 121    Higgin* J., alias M. J. l>e, Hill W. R.—Naval desarter,

S w*'    7 Hcron ,T. R.. alias Howard, &c.-False pretenoes, 663    466

sauitcn, w    alias Williums. alias Ro Higglos R. H.—Ste&linę, 41 Hill IV. R. T.—Uwelling-bou«e

uu\ Hcrring O. A.—Kreacji Imndg. 578    •    Ilillman R. F. W.—Navul de-

d^eUing, dischargcd,    Rostrlf*. Act., 590    Ililbory U. W ~\Vntf b stolen. sorter, 315

•*«£* r,*“'D,?obev JVLO} “Horriot.7*    Sydney—Reg. lot-    4SS    “Hills" mim named—False

n ’ ’ V' Tt. ,    , A(im lor stolon 018    Ililder E. M.—Indocontly as- pretences, 353

Jlf.ness R.—B.ftyele sfoltn, 4.- ilorro(j c    M.—Stealieig, F.O..    .saulled,44    HiHs Brothers Limited, 323

}JCn    120    TIiM,'r    P. McNcU, tut. HiJlycr F —Watch, &c., stoleD,

ITcnley Stntion, Memndie, 553 jjt,rron j ){., nHns J. U. He-    -Keceiving: steal from 83    ’

Hennessey A. J.—Break, cntcr ron, fcc—Knter dwelling    dwelling; stoal from person : “Hillon,” alias F. Mason, Sec.

acd ntoal; found in rlwclling housc intent 9toa), 573; fail disoharged, 156    —Suspected person, 45

intent commit felony, 563 Hppoar, GOS; wifc (lesertor. Hilcler M.—Missing, locaUd. Hiltou E.—Brooch stolea, 213 Hennes&ey J.—Reg. lettor sto- 61()    1.11. 2m    Hiltou H.—ArtfeJea stolen, 510

len, 617    llorron L. Wifc desorter, 386    Jlilen <J. J. A.—Gonspiracy, 232    Hil ton .). E, alias J. Collins,

Henr.essy .T.    alias    J.    Ray,    &c.    Hession E.—Bicycle stolen,    TTiley F. Fulse prctcncos on,    alias “Wat.son,” alias ‘‘Jack-

—Rccuiving, 3S>    323, 435    579    son"—Housc a7id shop break-

Hcnnessy P. (constabie)— Ilession M.—Tncitu to comaiit IIiii M.—Misappj n. on, 000    ing, 32

Bodily harm on,    412    ottoncc. 630; larcony; ncee.s-    "Hill.” London—Reg. lettor    liii ton J. H.—Break, enter, and

Hcancssy W.    alias    J.    Ray,    &c-    sory before fact to fclony.    stolen. 617.    steal, 49

—Re<?eiving, 39    673    Hil) und Birch. Thirjronl, 44l> Hilyard JL J.—Embdzleroent,

Hcnaing W. G.^—Dlsobey M.O., Hriherlngton P. E. J.—Con- HJU A.—Assault constablo, 571 184    .    Kpiracy. 574, 047    F.O.. 44    HiWnger H. V—Pisobey

Hennck C. J.—Stcaling, 40 Hetland A.—Money stolon. 599 Hill A., alias “Mosa.” rlias M.O., 586 Henrick J. alias J. Ray, &e.— Heugh H. S. • Wife and child “Sterling," alias "Cook”—"Himmelfcrbs" (sccond-hand Recciving, 39    desertion, 82    Escaped mentAl patlcnt, 35 dealer), 215


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