

William?! .1. H.—Falac pretcncca, 34

Williams Ia. alias .1'. R. Koron, icc.—En tor dwrclling tioiwe ii*-lont HtcMil, r«73; f.nil apjiwar. 008; w i f<* ilexcrłer, 010 Williams L <J— Break, euter, and utaił; diMdmrg«*d, 272 Williams I*. G.—SRuiling, <591, 370

Williams M.—Brooi-h stolon. 240

Williams M.    stolen, OHO

Williams M. F.—Omipt. rc o.hild dcftcrtlon, 233 Williams P.—Dwolling cutc-mi, 72. 85

Williama P- J., alias P. K. Tlionms—Refuse ji&y for umai* and nueomm«duf ion: fafrc v*r*'toncc??i; im posil ion, 182, 302

Williams R. -A.sr-aiillenl and robbod, 399

Williams R.— lufticl bmlily hanri, 40

Williams JC., alias It. Spirer. &c.

—Suspoetcd Mlo:lliiig, 180 Wi.lir.Mi:! U. M.-Cnrnnlly knonn, 103, 193

Williams tt.—Tmpuring rc miss-ing runu. 288

Williams S.. nlins S. Hat.tnu, alias S. Marks alias.S. SdikII* land—Saspeoiwl person, 122; dischjirgeil, 419

Williams S.-~Falsc protcnecs on, 307

Williams .Tc woliery st<»len, 4SS

Williams B.—BUwo-Huk* st-olon,


Williams B.—Disobcy M.O. (son S. Allan)

Williams S-, alias 9. X. Donald* son. &<•.—Break, culcr, and steal. 181. 317

Williams N. G. fspecial eon-slabie) -Assnultcd, 135 Will uim-s T., alias Wallaou—-Conspirp.(*y, 446. 558

Wiliam.** T , alias I-\ Williams &<v—limak, entrr. jmd steal, 23ó 260

Williams T.—Abduetion, 87 !01

Williams T. D.—Disobcy M.O., 70

Williams T. .T. C. -Forged modienl prcscHption utfecod to, 203

Williams V.—Camnlly knmru 83, 124

Williams V. Girl nbr._-«-mlcT.


Williams W.—Malic*i:>uslv Indie t ing    gricv<Hnw bod 11/

harm, >122

Williams W., alias M Walker. &e.—Sfealing;    diadiargrd


Williams W.— Ass.-r.iHoil and robbed, 45

Williams W., alias G. Bell— Shccp stealing, 182 Williams W.—Disobcy mngis terial order, 386

Williams W'. A.—Rlenling; dis rliargod on UrcnsC, 369

Williams W, V. G......InAlct

griwouw bodily liarm; neqait-ted, 519

William* W, H FelonUmsl/ reeeUing, 291,371 Williams W. H.—Iuquiring rc mis.sU.g man, 31

W;’.iirił)« W. FT.— Aysaulted and robbed, 61

Williams W. K. P.—Break, enter, and steal, 111, 30L; dis-Charged on llccnsc, 467

Williama W. .J.—Falsc preten-cos; diacharged, 324 WWllairiij W. .1.—-Play gamo chaiiee; F.O. d isclin rged, 338 Williams W. J.—Wafe.li, &e.stolen, 52

Williama W. L. (mro W. Lewis Williams)

Willijtmsoji !L, alias H. Carter — Indeeont n&suult. on małe person; dryjiargcd on license, 429

WilJiamson ,1.- Chc<|ite d-awn by stolcu, 404

Williamson ,1.—Cfieipu* dianu by stolon, 2S1

Williamson J. J.—Attemptod ontry to pro mi sos of, 540 Williamem L.—J)rcss, hat, pou, ik<\, slolen, 541

Williani-sou T. (Hiild doserU*r. 136

Williamson T. A.—Wifc deser-tor, 469

Williamson T. U.—Watek stolon, 669

Will Lo Hong—Cł»«X|uc sicie a, 0J0

W i His A. 10. .X; iva! di*acrtor,

178; wifo dcsericr, 31:

WilllK C.— Kazor, camera, elollies, <fcc.# stolon, 382, 412 WUll.s C.—Bicyclc slolcn, 656 Willis O.—Xaval dcsi-rfer, 110 Willi** U.—Stolon bicyclc rc-tu Ml od, 123

Willi* lł. T., alias ii. Wnddcll, alias H. T. Chapman, alias 1j. Chapman—Break, euter, atul utCiH; dischargcrl. 201; break, ontor intent sleal; :llegally nso mol.nr car; bre;ik, entor. and sieni wilhdrawn, 331, 40S Willi* J. O.—Break, cutor, and stoal. 343; mciruig, 384 Wlllia S. A., alias S. li. Weir, &c.—Break, omor, and steal, 33(1; rceoiyiug, 384 W illis W., alias W. K. .Tours, aliab Ti aga n, alias liagcn— Attcmptcd break and er.tor, ■159, 558

Willmelle W1, li.—Alb-mpG-d .stealiiig froni person ot', 434 Wi!b Tb—Jcwrllery sloJcn, 494

Willa •).—Jlicycle stolon, J70 Willa W. r.—JJov absconded frnm «yiro t*f. 113 Willuford Limiti^rl, 26JI, 664 WilJyon A. .1.—Disobcy magL*.-ferial order, 508 Willson A. K.--Complt. rai-lie/./lemeut, 326, 481 Willsoa T. II.—-Jla vi! stolon gooda; wifo dosertion; break, euter, and sleal: -diseliargod or. iicj'r.so, 006; rcvok<rdt 648, 649

Wilir.ot. G., alias W. Thnrloy— Itrire irndor car without li<'-ence; fnlso protein es; forgery and Uttoriug; flischarged («» lieense, C46

Wilir.nll II.—Watcli st<ilcn. 129 Wilsliia TI. O. Stenling, 388 Wilshin* W.—Aftumlt oeeasion-iug netr.a? l>odily barn;, 121, 3*13; p<*rjury, 507 •Wilson,” alias ,T. W. (Toiigh— Grand larecny (Amor.), 510

“Wilson.” alias W. K. Wcbsrer, &c.--Trou.łobroaking, 16, 232, 264, 408

“Wilson,” alias G. Brawley, &«. Lareetn* n.s bailee, 159; dis-charged on lieensc, 451 “Wilson” Chccpic drawn in

favour of fnrgod (W.A.)

(sc«* Darloek Brog., W.A.) ‘‘Wilson,” allaa h. Vnn-Beckurn, &e.—Break, enlcr, and struł, 175, 192

Wilson A.—Inquirer for miting fricncl, 644

Wilson A.—Jowcllcry r to len, 552

A.'-Jowellerv sLolcn, 452

Wilson A., alias W. B. Crossiag-ham, &c.—Break, on ter, and *toal, &o., 467, 519, 524 Wilson A., alias .T. Harrison, &o. —Break, euter intent sre.nl; .stenling, 650

Wilson A., alias A. W. Ttogers, alias A. W. Orossby—Break, euter, und steal; <lisch:nge<l on licen.se, C83

Wilson A., alias S. Thotap-jsn, Jce.—.Stoaling, 650 Wilson A. 1.—Compit. eh i Id dc serrinn, 336

Wilson A. .1.—Chcquc urn;vn by stolon, 2S1

Wilson A. R..—Rigamy; di<j ebarged, 117

Wilson A. W. J.--Break, euter, and stc;il, 164, 301 Wilson B. J>— Kmbnzzlcment, H-t. 302

Wilson C.— Break, enror, and fitenl: stealihg. .Soe *0. W. R. Wilson.”

Wilson (i., alias Boyd.—InHict gri«\. bedily harm, 459, 519 Wilson (J.—Falso pręt en ces on. 588

Wilnoii C. -Albert recoeoicd, 48C

Wilson C. for C. J.).—Falso jirotencira, 571

Wilson C., alias A. Rn udali, &c. —Steal from person; dis-churged on lU-cnse, 493 Wilson C. E.—llorse. stealir.g, &c., 203

Wilson C. .1.—Wito deS-Mor, 560

Wilson    .).—Falac p ret cne es,

(sen C. Wilson).

Wi!so» C. W.—I.arcony; frd.se pretencofi; disehargod on iiceuse, 006

Wilson G. W. I?. (or C.).— Break, euter, and steai: sieni-ing, 374, 442; discharged on licciiBO, 658

Wilson D.—fthooling with jn 4ent, 497; m-quitltfd, 633 Wilson i).—Watc.h stolen, 47S

Wiił«»n D. (Mgr. Bornem Kta-tion, Tumbar“Sprlngs), 28 Wilson G.—In company m.m WHided for rofusing to pay for ineals>, «S.rc., 495 Wilson E., alias G. Wilson, alias G. Winston, alias G. Windsor, alias G. Wynos.—Suspecte.d person; atealing; disc.hargcd, 45r 300

Wilson E. A., alias E A. Walt». —False prefpnees; cmbezr.lc-irent, 263, 370, 371 Wilson J-J. A.—Compt. cvnsion taixi h:re, 30

Wilson F.—Steal ing; false pre-fonces, 612.

Wilson F.—Suspected stcaTing, 405

Wilson T.--False protcnces, 459

Wilson F.—Si on ling, 520 Wilson F.—Suspoctod fltoaling, 313

Wilson F. 'Disobey M.O., 311 "Wilson F.—■ .*1 mbo7.?.lement.; F.O. 61

Wilson F.—Conspiraey, 40 Wilson V.—False protonees, 232 Wilson F., nliris P. C. Biggs.— Break łuul ent<T willi inlęnt to sfc.il; break, enter. and stall; disobcy M.O., 140, 332, 408

Wilson F., aliaB J. Cray, &c— Karcony; discharged on lic-cnce, 467; revokcd, 668; break, euter, and steal; breach c.onditionJt rclcase, 589, 681

Wilson h\ alias F. Kempton, ,8;c.—Atealing from person; suspected person, 496 Wilson F., alias J. Powoli, &c.

—Steal from person, 32 Wilson F. A.—Sten Ling, 374 Wilson k\ G.—EnUriiig with in* tent, 650

Wilson F. G.—Wateh 3to\cn, 592

Wilson F. J.—Property stolen,


Wilson F. Ib—Stoaling; break, enter, .-łinl steal; atealing, 818 Wilson Falsc pretences (sc« “J. Watts”)

Wilson G.—Assauftcd with intent to rob, 317 Wilson G., alias K. Hnmpsmi, Jh<civirig; breach lic-<-iihc; ujscliargiMl <*r. licCmłC, 531

Wilson G., alias M. Preston, alius G. B. C. 1'reaton, alias (i. Ba<ldington, alias G. Preston.—Asaault intent- eonnuit rapc, 403, 518

Wilson (ł., alias K. Wilsoe, Ac. —^Susi>ir1.cd ])ei.son, stealing. 45, 306

Wilson G.—Hor.^c stolon, 214, 259

Wilson G., alias A. Jones, &c.— Fulso jijotcMrcs, 200 W rlson G., alias G. Kyan, alias W. Thompson, alias G. Par kor, alias W. Brown, alias “WhitO.”—-^hopUreakiug, 17, 92

Wilson G. .T-. nlias O. .1. j"a*-vcy, Ac. • !!*.ui*.'łn-caking« 124, 231

Wilson G. L., alias G. I>. Gaff-no y.—Telle and disordcrly {u*rsou; stealing, 358 Wilson 11.—Compit. not pa? tax; faro, 396

Wilson H. - Disobcy M.O., 686 Wilson H. A.—Stealing, F.O.. 546

Wilson T. B.—Garnallv kilowa, 121

Wilson .1. Cash obtaiucd from on stolen cheque, 541 Wilson J.—Impiiry re inissiug mail, 195

Wilson .1.—Ring stolen, 26 S Wilson .J. for ftccmun, or Scott, or Woollman).—Missing, 597, 598, G71

WilgoJi J., alias T. A spinali, &c. •—Forgcry and uttering; falso pretcnccs; escapc from c,i;s-tody; diseharged on licensc, 658

Wilson J.. alias .T. Lhiwsoji, &e. Break, enter, nnd steal; dis-chargcd, 325

Wilson J., alias .T. Dunbar, alias .1. Johnson.—Expo$c person; diseharged, 201; wilfully and obKcontóly cxposo person, 422; diseharged. 683

Wilson J., alias-J”. Rny, &c.— Rcceiving, 39

Wilson J., alias D. Smith.— Break, euter, and steal; dis chnrged on liccnse, 441 Wiiaon J., alias J. McNamara.

Break, onter, and steal, 519 Wilson J., alias T. Wilson, alias Jir.ke.—Shoplirt-nking,    263;

about abscond hsil, 286; fail appear. 314, 408 Wil3cn    A.—Albert, &c., sto

lon, 11


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