

Cyelcs—continued.    Muir J.—Man namod, suspee-

*‘Vcloćcttc” motor cyelc, pro- ted steaiing, 298

perty of T. Gibb, stolcu at.Muir J.-Bieyclc otolcu, 580 Sydney, 541 *    Mulally A.~Miaalng, 433

“G.C.B." motor cyele, pro- Mulhall F. J.—-Conaniracy, 232 perty of H. Brutt, stolcu Afirlhnl) II., alias H. Hady, aiiaY from Latrobn st., Mol., 553 L. Woods, aliaa G. Eady — “Douglas” motor cyele, pro- Pcrjury, 51 porty of Turner Bros., sto- Mulheron J. O.—Compt. rc noit-len from Lonsdalc-sf;., Mid- payirient of taxi hire, 229, 372 bournc, 553    Mulhollnad C. T.-—Shopbrcak-

“Harley-DaYjdaon” motor ing; Htealiłlg, 33

cyele, property of M. J. L. Mulhollmnl O. T.—Break, entcr Cottcr, stolon from Cupjd- and ateal, 41 Street, Richmond, Vic., 553 MuliioUaml G. P.—Wateh and "Zenith’' motor eyclc, sports jot\'elleTy stokn, 393 model, property of F. Tan- Mulialy JT. E.- Chequc ax:d cred, stolcu from Scate Ab- nioney stolnt, 472 uttoirs, Ilomuhiish Rny, Mullard J.—llousebrcaking on, 553    90

“A.J.S.” motor cyele, property Mullavey W'.— Misaing, 420 <>f L. H. Crisp, stolon from Mullert H. R.—Disobey M.O., llowson-place, 594    85

"Indian Chief” motor cyelc Muller; II. R.—Licewse u ud er obtniued by T. IMckonson l). W. and <’. Anmndiiig Art from Armstrong Cyele and revoked, f>33 Motor Agiuicy at Perth, 597 Mullcfts S-—Dress-ring stolcu, "Elliort Yiekers” motor eyclc, 343 property of G. J>. Hill,'sto- Mullett II. M.—Steaiing, 97 len from French-st,, Ado- Mullignn J.—Disobey    M.O.,

hiide, 605    x;;4, lyi

Mntnr eyclc, property of H. Mulvogua T. H.—False pro-BrjnisgrOYc, atolen from    tenees on,    358

Cnrringfou Hotel, Peok Mumroery R A.—Wifn deserter Eill, 617    (S.A.)*, 109,    161

“Iiidmu” motor eyclc, pro- Munday G. K.—Jndeccntly as-l>erty of W. .1. Waddington, saulted, 80, 04, 203, 650 sto len from JTitt-stSyd- Murrdny J. P. B.—Disobey ney, 613    M.O., 200

Mottio II. .7.—T11 docent assault, Mundabil L.—Steaiing, 612 0O6, 409    Mungab J.—Prcmisce entered.

MouJcl L.—AttempW steabug    291

troni person of, 4Ó    Munger D.—False pretences 011.

Mouuler C.—Iaquircd for, 192,    372, 43;>

262    Mnngindi Kailway Goods-3/ied,

“Muliłeś*'—Man, evadc taxi Mic    307

to E. A. Wilson, at Sydney, Mnnicipal Council of Sydney,

Mount Msnara Stotion, 281 Munncry K. W.—Goods in cus-Moring Picturca, Xmas Day— tedy, F.O., 673

Notice rc,    Mimro C.-—Bic.ycle stolon, 297

Mowait I). McK.—Fmbezzlc- Mmiro (!.—Bieycle stolen, 313 ment, 33    Munni E.—Assaultcd with iii-

Mow Kum (sec Kum Mo w)    t0nt to carnallv know her,

Mmvcr F.—Arson, 225, 295    663

M«»wl<* M.—Waicli stolcu, 348 Munro E, C.—Navui desorter, Mo\lcv W., alias W. O.    Mnx-    457

ley. Ac.—Larcony: false pre- Mamo G.—Onnially knowing, tonces; break, enter    and    7 5, 375

sieni; reeemng; dischgd. on Munro M. R.—Sheep eupposcd liceiise, 369; break,    enter    stolen, 38

and ateal, 5S9, 684    Mmiro R. A.—Money stolcu,

MoxJcy W. C., alias W. Muxhy, 434 nllas w. Moorc, alias Mur- Mnuro II. W. Tllegully usc phy—Larecny; fnlso    pre-    motOr-cnr,    118

tenees; break, enter and Munro W.—SteaJing, 33, 175; stcnl; rccciying; dischargcd    ilischgrl., 360

on lu^nse. 369; break, enter Munro w! H.—Wifc deserter, and steal, 5S9. 684    147

Moxon E. (se- 7*7. T.eslie, miss- Murjroc V.—Ovę^c-0At stolon.

ing)    330

Moy R. F. Baggery; inderent MilTcctt A. H., alias A. H. Mur. r.ssault, 587; ae^uitted. 684:    e.ult —Slcaling;    dischargcd,

i nile cent assault on małe, 68^7    7.33

Moyle L. R.~ Naol desmter; Mnrcutt A. H., ^Jias A. H. Mur-wt. cancclled. HO    cctt-—.Steaiing;    discharged,

Moy8c A.—False pretenees on, 133 434    Murdcrn    W. E.- Embc2zlouiełit,

Moyatrorie G.—Albert., &c\,    274

stolen, 88    Mur den W. E.—Wifc deserter,

Muddlc “Sn owy'* (»ee T. H. 496 Muddlc)    Murder    (of) (at)—

Muddle T. If. (known as F. and I. Ellis hv their

Motor Vehk*lw> Stolon—Gar*— contin urrl.

“Dodgc” tounng cnr, pto pcrtv C. Hart, from Tliorn-bury, Vie., 382

“Onklmid* motor car, pro-perty of Dr. K.. Jonc9, Pand wiek. stolca nt DoubJc Bay (recovert'd ), 455 “ChaJDters” motor car, property of 8. R. Rai n ford, ob-tniticrl at Sydney, by falsc pretcnccs, 408

“Buiek” motor car, property H. Stewart, stolcu nt DccpwatcJ, 504 “Esse^,” No. 60050. property of R. U. Aldcrsonfut Dar-linghurst, 540

“lludson” motor (nr, pro-porty of W. <J. Wnodwards, stolon from Melbourne, 553 “Ford” motor cr.r, property of C. Raster, stolcu from Duilley-fdm-t, West Alei bourne, 053

“Ford” motor truek, property of CommonwetilTh Car ryj og Company, .stolon from Col-liiis-strect, Melbourne, 5G3 “Summit” cnr, property of Afr. AldrJdge. stolcu from Fllnders-iłtri-ei, Melbourne, 553

"DodfcC” tounilg car, pro porty J. Logan, from Rns-w?tl*8tmd, Melbourne, 382; recuvorcd, 053

•‘Clhcvrolet,” single seater, pvoY»erty Wormolct Bros., from garogo Bny-strcet, Port Metbourne, 382; rc-eoyęred, 553

“Studcbakcr" cur. property of Ocean Aceidont Insuri.nce Company, stolcu ;»t Lis* moru, 561

“Ford" motor car, property of C. l\ Br*xtcr. stolon nt Melbourne (\ ię..), 530, 567 Motor car, No. 72S3L—ow-ncr*s nnntr and nddrrss re-ouircd by TrailU*. Oflkc- -573

“Dotlge” motor car, property • of Con;momvonl(h Life A.s-Mirancc Co. Ltd., ohtained by false pretenees by W. E. Robert? (ot A. T. Pcnny), 607, 608 “RoOgc” motor car, No. 09642, property of Pock-Jington and W ri.de, stolen from Erskme-sr., Sydney, 657

“Chanel 1 tur” motor car, property of T. Re idy, stolca frotn comer .Spring «ml Collin sta., Melbourne, 070 “CliCYrulct" motor- car. property of L 0. Robcrts, sto-fen from Littlc Collins st.. Melbourne, 670 “ChalmcrsC motor car, pro-perty of 8. Pond, stolen from Hirrigfl rOftd, BcIIcyhc Hill, 670

"Austin” motor car. property of Butler, Nieholson, Lid., stolon from thoir premises King Willinm Street, Adela ido, 682

Cyc >cs—

‘TRuiglos," No. 49250, pro-icrly of C. J. Atkins, at and wiek, 16

•“Harley-Pavid8orł,M No. 4.0178,. property of J. W. Lambert, at. Slnnmoro, 37

“Harley-L>avidsou“ (ijiijiiiiie* rr, by Qucenslnnrl Insurance Co., Sydney), stołc-n nt Adelajdo, 104


“Harley*JDavidson,” property H. A. Cniswcll, stolon at ►Sydney, 130

‘ ‘ II u vl ey - Da v i <1 son, ”    Nu.

38204, property of Chowu and Rower, nt Sydney, o3 “Indian Scout,” property of J. W. MeKerrow, nt Moonee Bond*, VI©., 26 “A.J.G.” property of O. A. Morrison, at North Sydney, 77

“Har!ey-David$on,” property of J. A. Smith, at Stan-morę, 04

“Harley T)avid30n,” property of F. Thompson, stolen, at St. Kibla, 90

“Hnrley-Daridson,” property of Marcu? Clark Limited, nt Sydney, G4

“IInrIey-Davidson,” property of Ouihridge & Co. Ltd.; 89

*,iLDlc)>-l>avid3o«,,? property of D. S. Thomas, stolon, at Sydney, .130

“nurlcyl>avids<m,” p rop er-ty

A. V. Ford, nt Sydney, 141 “Harley-l>avid?on,” property Ben nett o ml Wood Ltd., at Sydney, 141

"Douglas/’ property R.. M. r«'irr, al Sydney, *142

“Harley Dnvidson,” property W. ,T. Beck ,at Sydney, 142 “New Imperial,” property of II. J\ Wfjollard, at Melbourne, 142

"Indian,” property R. B.

Mills, at North Sydney, 159 “P.    1?.,” property L. Bald-

win, at Sydney, 198

“Boug!/ift,n property of S. C. Warci, stolon at Ponrith; recoYdrcd, 116, 171 ‘ Indian.*’ properly of K. Mn o ler, stolon, at Aielbourno,


•- mO

"DouglaK,” property of A. R. Whntmun, nt Bowral, 241

"l i arley-Dnoidhon.” property W. Ćripps, at Pot* Wara-fnh, 243

“ A..1 .S.,“ property of .7. Bance, stolon nt Wnogn Wagga. 246

“Iirdian Seout” jnotor cycle cud sido cur of C. £. Wbite, .stolcu from M:ilvem, Vie., on 4/4/1925, 298

“Indian Scout,” property J.ock W. Parker, at T)rum-moyne. 313

"Harley-l)avidsou,” property of C. P. Larsen, at Oam-perdonji, 313

‘ E.\eelsior’’ motor cyele, property W. J. Smyth, frnudu-lentlv Romcrtoil to r.se of W. J. Taylor, 3t4 “Baby Douglas,” stolen from Quiriodi by f!. Burns, pro-pert.Y of ,1. Hnrrison, 349 “KKcclsior’” motor cyelc and side cnr, property of Williams Bros. Ltd.—TjHrcony of. ns bailce, by G. S. Barry, 410

"Norton” motor cyelc, stolon nt Pnrkes, property .7. Swoim, 427

“rndian” Reoul. motor rycie of William Adams & Co., at Sydney, 337; found abun-floued, 455

“ Douglas" inulor cyęh-, pro-ł>evfy A. W. OHnlMynn, at Gł*uiburn, 313; roecwered, 466

30 "Bnowy” Muddlc) —Disobey M O., 469

Mnggridgc 1-2., alias .T. Btirti.s, alias Murphy—Forgery and urtciing; difłchgd. on Jieonse, 441

Mugliii B. D.—Jcwidlery sto-len. 353

M. U .1.0.0. F.—t!hcqne    drawn

by. stolon, 179


mother, R. B. Ellis, who afti-rwards eommirted sui-cidc ot Mndgee, 9 Edward 0’Ncil!, at Sydney, bv 77. Keys, 35 .T. W. Traynor, at Slaughtcr llimse On-ek, nr. Giavesuiid. 75

L. K. M. Wither«, by Ti. R. Withcrs at Kingstorm, 203


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9-2NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE IN DEX—1935. William?! .1. H.—Falac pretcncca, 34 Williams Ia. al
26 NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GA2ETTE INDEX—1925. Emanuel M.—Appcaring to Ktperancc Bay Steamship, 375
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a m OtNEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE UAZETTE IN DEK —1025, "Hclcimeh" alias N. Hogan, Hhnry IX
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47 NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZ 121TE IND1SX—192a UyIoh X. O.—Jnpł.riaiu* ab- J>«i Kwan
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