Kiluiisler Cr. W.—Camera, &o., •toleii, 107, 146 Kimbull i(.—Tunis stolon, 32

Kimfeer E. alias A. Webster, &e.—Slealing, 347 Kim ber E. II. alias A. Webster, &,tv --fitealing, 547 Kimmorlcv Z.—Watch stolon, 604

Kunpton A. T.—Alberta stolcu. 213

Ki iw hola A. T.—Bicyelc stolca, 616, 637

Ki u? belo alias Turner Vagrancy; have stolcu go ot! a, djchgd., 360

"King"' ulwa A. Marshall, &c. —Fftlsc t»rett*iMM*s; diaebgtl. on 3icou.se, 420: roroked, 568 King and Company, 384 King A.—Money stolcu, 104 King A. \j.—Falre representn tions on, 229

King A. J.— Complt. birconr :ts baiiec, 45$, 459. 521. 507 King A. M.—fiuffer prostilute Tfinain iu hmiso; F.O., 583 King A. M. Ąf. nlias A. M. M. Korne, »<-c.— Pałac prelciiecs, 353; steal iu dwelling; fal.se proton ces.    484; Btcaliug;

E.O.. 404; may bo in <*om-l«»ny iusii) want od for false protriico.ł, 648

King li. Ć*»r liomuo lx-o}--Kftlse prętowo*, 405, 563 King C. alias H. J. Kingston —-fitealing, 689 King Cos tu mc Oo.—313 King C. E.—Bioycle Mo len, 5 07 King D.—Słccve buks stolon, 552

King E.—Money slolon, 83 King E. A.—Forgery, 484, 553 King F. * fiuspectcd steal from person, 57

Ki.ig F. I,.—Towcllory stolon, 393

King U.—Clothtng stolon, 2;">1 King G.—Complt. break and enter, 367

King H. (?.— Bieydc 9tolen, 227 King T.—Complt. lare.euy as balloc (sce McMahon I.) King T. j.—Wrist watch, &c., stolcu, 240, 268. 353, 484 King J.--Embczzlcment (sec J.*R. King)

King J. alias A. App3, &c.— False pretenres; forgery and uttermg; discbgd. on license, 606

King J, alias A. 11. Oorlon— Rrcak. enter and steal, 547. 590

King J. alias I-*. K. (Ircgory— Wife deser ter, 219 King J. E.—Ring stolon, 538 King J. E. (cr J. King)—Em-her.zlement, 307; frnndulent. niisnppropnution, 331,    370,

400, 408

King J. J.-' -Break and entering on, 290

King J. L.—Indccent assault, 276; asami lt with net of in-ilcctucy upon a fcmalo under the age of 16 years, 285 Ktne J, H.—La oceny as boilno, 558    ' v

King T.ul. alias A. M. M. Kwnc, &c.—False prctenccs, 312; steal In dwelling; fulse pretenee*, 484; Mtenling; F.O., *191; may be iti company man wanted for false protene.es, 618

Ki ng    M.—.1 ewellr.r y    stolcu,


King M. Itrooch stolcu, 240

King N.—Brooehea stolon, 196 King P.—Asa&ulted, 71

King H.—Jewełlerv stolcu, 129, 192, 222

Kiug U.—Aasaulted and robhed, 391

King IL—Moll l>quor mthout liceum*, 381

King 11. alias R. (i. Gulliour, &c. —Assault and robbćry*; housebreaking, 33, 173 King fi.—Watch u ml albert sto ien, 366

King fi.-—Disobey M.O., 56, 485 King T.---Ring, &c.t stolen, 110, 588

King V.—Watch and jewidlery .4iiJni, 398

King W.— Mining, 161 Kiug W. Watch, Ac., stolcu, 426

King W.- Lorkot stolon, 401 King W. .1.— Ass.mlt iiitcnt ropę; nssmilt with iudeteney, 107

King W. R.—Por jury; di»-c.lmigcd, 91

King \V. R. O.—Wife desorJ.or, 200, 312

King W.    T.—Watch, Ae.,

stolon. 25, 222

Kingsbury    C.—A$*auR    a ud

i-c b bery, 150

Kingsell    F.—Bicvek: atole u,


Kingslcy (!., alias J. B. łf:nn’t-lon—Break, enfcer .duI steal, •/ i 4, «' l;t

Kingu to u II. .1., alias C. King Stonling, 689

Kiłig-jfcon fi.—Cli i KI deserter, 178

Kingston W. (sec W. II. Kingston)

Kingston W. II., alias W. II. P*rigg.s, &c.--Breaeli coudns. rcloAae; stroi in dwclhng, G<>, 122

Kinkado A. P.—Assaulteo, 83 Kiniu-ai J.—T.u*ciis<‘ r«‘voked, 559    -

Kiuross 10. F. Monev stolon, 187

KiuseW ;<nd Son, 406 Kin ton A.—Framlt. ovasion tnxi Juro, 384

Kirchnor W. «!.—fifccnling, 434, 518

Kir U \.- -Fulse jm*t CiiCCJ mi, 484

Kirk fi., alias fi. Mocn, Ac.— Recciring: disebarged, J33

Kirk V'. A.—P.ilse pretenees, 560, 613

ICivkbv W. I.—Falsc prctiTnees, Ul, 131, 222

■‘KirkdaJc,” ulius A. M. M. Keene. &c.—False preteuees, 353; steal in dwelling; fa!se prcteucłis, 484; stealiug, F.O., 494; may be in company man won,fil for false jneier.ecs,


Kirklunn l>.— Ijujuiry rc miss Ing ma u, 249

Kirkimm J.—Indcecłit ex-|K>sme, “3; disched., 324

Kirkhovcn ,T. Mulic., damago, 525, 558, F.O., 583 Kirkness* T. fi.—Fulse pretcnces on, 32

Kirkpatrick M.—.Street betting, 84

Kir win W. P.—Embozzlement, 190

Kirkwood i).—False pretenc.es on, SI

Kit Ah (see AK ICit)

Kit Ping Yoe (see Yee Kit Ping)

Kilarff N. Breach. lwimi-grfttion Act, 259 Kitedien J. A. alias Ar. Clark— Fulse prelences; disobey M.O« 149, 177

Kitt J.—łlorse, &c., stolon, 32; Koisn T.—Disobey M.O., 15.

per jury, 229, 689    251

Klein W. aliaa W. Klien— Kolb A.—Complt. fraudt. ap* Found «at niglit on hotel pre- j>ropriat.ion, 543 mises with int.ent to comnut Kollcr M.—Wife deserter, 260 felony, 31, 131; unlawfully Koller Jt.—Cmopt. cvusiou tuxi amsiult ełuld, 6<l9    hire, 285, 332

Klien W. alias W. Klein— Kolypios D. C.—Ring and ucek-Fouud «t night on hotel pro- Jet. stolon, 604 mises with intent to commit Koot B.—Watch and albert jCclony, 31, 131; unlawfully stolen, 592 nssanlt eh i Id. 600    Kopit E.—Wnrchousebrcaking

Kliencbcrig M.—filules stolen, on, 90 367    Koppell 3.—Mulhdous shooting,

Kliuc M.—Money stolcu, 471    54

Kline W., alias W. J. T. Me- Kornfidd O. L.—Disobey M.O., (1 rat li, &c.—fitealing, assault, ID, 4G, 73 break and outer, 182, 30J; Kornie N.—Motor car stolcu slealing. C88    <roeovemi), 246

Klineberg M.—Wutch stolon, Kosmala F.—Buy cle slolon, 313 516    “Kosmo,” 596

Klonhfimmer 71. Breach Im- ••KraugF' (soe A. Cross) migration Restrldion Aet, Ki*a«th I).—Jcwellery stolon. 418    322

Knapp P.    N.—Mordn    in Kregliuer and Fernau Limited,

Anioricn,    513    669

Kiuipp R. <j. Money slrdcn Kreshor A., alias A. Flawders, from, by    irhk,    97    &C.—fitealing, 17; dischgd.,

JCweller K. E. Assjiult and

.obbery, 534    Knjgcr Mrs.—Sharcs stolcu,

Knight. * A. —-lewcllory stolon.    „    _ ,

Kristiansen L.—Sodomy, 29

Ku i gl.t A. .1.—Proporty dam- Krough J. M. -Watch nnd 1 i4.s    *    nlbort Molon, 48S

Knlglif C. W.—Navul deser!or, Kłu^ A .    A- Etfwnrds, &c.

-Ąęt    —llonsi-bnukiug tmpleittcitta

Knight E.    - HocSO    stolon, 14H    ^ possension, 074, 684

"(?4    ^    ’ Kryger W. J.-Good. in


K":8h:,=•    Ku&.^-wife Werter; mt.

„ , >    , . »    .    eaneclled, 1C>, 320

4-t 4^    J M St !CU'“Kukarmun,- alias S. Skuknr-

y    oi .. ,    autu. &e.—False pretences:

ł,.-S-1eevclmk» sto.cn, <r,s^Kll on |icBns^S95

# n    .„i,    i».f. KukeT H.—Asaault eccasiontng

K,"K ‘t    ’    ’ b«lilv liurm. »7

stolcu, bi.    Kum Mew—Chenuo stolon, 189,

Kmgbr. IŁ—Wito deserter, 194 gri    i    *    ‘

Kniąl>t J. A* Wife desclor, Krt, „ _DroWr]l srolcn, 186

Y. . ,. . T    1 ,un in Kuwnld C.—Steal ns 00 partner,

tul;Kh,. J. T..-Ima wnrraft    24«

Kmgh. ,Itwan Chuen U<— Pr»),ib. im-c)»cquc (West AusUUift), 42 mi , (wi.    Klr:ln

Xnight L. A.—( rirnnlly know- OhuenM)

ing; disclmrged on liccwsc, Kydd (> j_ .rgc njid sock3

c.«®    _    ^ c. ..    r7. stolon, 357

Kmglit U C-—Stealing, 574;

aequitteil, 647    ^

Kuigl.t O.—Inquired for bv Crown fio lici tor, 343    “j,. and k." Caragc—32

Knigbt P. (also known as 1-abour and Tnduatry Deparl-“Monty”)—Disolu:y M.O.,    ment,    453

38ó    J-a linieć K. V. (sce V. La

Knighfc-GrufęsOJi 11.—Watch    Bruce)

stolen, 438    La Bruce V., alias E. V. La

Knopp A. E.—Cheqne, Ac., Bruce, alias E. Osman, alias stolcu, 104    Osi Kinie, alias L. Jackson,

Knopp    M.—Diamond ring, alias U. B. Doylc- Procurc

iu*.., slolcn, 280    hi rc of motor-car by fulse

KnoŁt N. H.—Naval deserter, protenees; stealing, &c*., 97, 554    12*

Kuowles F. J.— Refusc pay for T^ooy C.—Ring stolen, 514 innnls and uccommodation, 29 Laccy G. -Break, enter and Kftowlea li., olius C. Prfttt, Ac. steal, 33ft, 358 —Stealing, 221    I^eey G. H .—At tein pl ed mur-

Knowlman and Son, 235    der, 627

Knox A.—fioods stolcu, 547 Laccy I.—Assault, 176

Kuox Ci. K—Fnlae prclonccs,

4^K    r    Laclimar E.—Watch, &e., sto-

Kdok R.    E.—False pretemes, *        folo-

x    Lacoste S-—Stcaling; false pre

Knr.x S.—BreaS and enter in-    La3fostc>

tent steal, 573; aequitted, La Eourt D.—Break, cwter and 632    steal, 231;    stolcu    goods in

Knox W.—Watch, &c., s!oh-n, poasession: break, eiucr and 102    steal. 250

Knudson N. M.—Manslaughter Ladd A. W.-- False pretene^ of, 505    on, 32

Koch O.—Chcque in favour of Ladewig A. alias J. Ledwig, stolen,    053    <&c.—fitealing,    235

Kodaka Limited, 182    La Fulaise G.—False prctences

Koenning J.—Medal stolen, 438 on (see “Falaise”)


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