Waterhonso H. R. (or R. Water- Wnison J., alias T. Stewart, Wny A. H.—Jctrcllcry, Ac., sto- Webster W alias W. R. Web-

“    ’    —    ster, &c.—Housebreakmg, lb,

hoiwc) *— Btcaling; forgery    alias T. O. Wilson, alias T. len, 374    stor, &c. liousct

and uttering, Al/), 23370;    Hishop, alias T. Whłie—    Way C.» Jcwdlcry,    &c.,    stolon,    -32, 2B& v . r

leutli warrar.t; f'ail uppear    Found ut nighfc i u dwclling- 32    Webster W. K., uli

21H, 2.70    Wutson Ł—Pendant stolon. 76    Wnnw, alias II. Toukir.— Wccding C. R.—Shopbrcaking,

Walera 0.—Kail providc prelim. Walfton J., alias W. Calvort, &c.    Stealing 145, 177; etcaling; 263; dbeharged, F.O., 3S7;

exee., 609    -Lnrcony by trick, 41    luroony aa bailee, 484, 558; break, enlor, and *lcal,; ro*

Waters J. J.—-13/ooch stolca, Wal sou .1. & Company, 236 nf> bill, 563    eeiving, 3$4

102    Waison L.- Tu company with Weathorburn A. C.—Sleal motor Wccding h. S. -Xaval deserter,

Waters X T.—C»H aml lmmess w/fe deserter, SS5 ’    PJPi 110 ferMior proceodings, 70, 234

prctcnces, 260    "    stolen, 64    Webb Mrs., alias E. Thomas— W«ir A., alias .T. W. Gibbs, &«.

WaLsford C. W.—Snsn*cfcod per- Wateon W. J.—Motor < ar <>£    Stcaling, 540, 567    — KmbczaUonent;    disobcy

son; P.O., 120    mali«»onslv    dftinoged. 302    webb    K.—Break, enter, and    >1.0.; etcabng, J.19,    146, 177,

“Wntscm"—Missing (sco “F. G Watson W. J.—Wateh stolon,    *hal' /!49w. -    383, 024

Mrwnwood”)    600,682    W«bb    iŁ—Miwmig, 102; lo-    W:,ir D.—Lamus, &c.,    aupposca

“WaŁson,” alias J. E. HHŁon, Watfc A.—Tlicyclo stolon, 323, cated, 455    72f?

4c.—liouee    and    shopbreak-    400    Wcbh    11., alias G.    7tog.ni. alias    )V\,r H.—J^rellrry sto cn .»38

. ing, 32    W.utt    P.    - Aasaalted willi luf rut    li. fimit.b, alias    R. Me Rac—    Weir i. •4arievoua bodrfy hatm

“Watson,” ali«8 Tj. L. Miller— *®P*> lr»l    Assoult iatent commit rape,    ... *.

Palse preteiiees, 636    WnŁt J.—Clii Id dnaerter, 131    428; indccottt nssault, 558    '^r,r    Injuo.-without u-

* Wat son,” alias J. Smith, &t'.— Walt JŁ—IFousi breyking on, Webb R. K.—Afigsing fricild, cenae, 400 Stealing, 46    -22    _    C06    Weir R.—A ssani trel, 532; boclily

"Watsou,” alias L.    Miller— Watt X.- Chc^ue drawn by Webb S\ II.--Motor rars stolon hurm on, 562, 013

Palse protonccs, 023    stolen, 530    (m*overcd), 349, 435    Woir    «. 11.,    ulias A. J. Roberta,

Wnłsru A.—Dwellingliouse    of,    Wutt.    W.^—Watek stolon, 8S    Webb    V.—Wateh    stolon, 528    ulius S. A. W i His—Break, en-

cnterrrl, 357    Watfor.s    C.. Tl.—Child defcrtion,    Webb    W'.—.Stcal    motor cydc,    ter, aiul steul, 330; roceinng,

Waison A.-—Wifr dosurter, 2C0    671    111, 301

Watson A. T.- Fafsc prctenccn Wfttta A. -Sieni in dwcillng; Webber Company, Ltd., 250 Weir T. C--Wateh, &c., stolen, on. 200, 303    P.O., 388    Webber    E. E.—WarehouseijrCttk-    453

Watwu B.—Bicyele stolon, 331 Walts AFalae pretenccs, 612 ing on, 250    Woir V. W.—Druga supplied to,

Wsi son C.—Koifor stolon, 468 Wntts O W.—Wtitelusi, ^c., sto- '    alias r'- Webb, &c.    221, »3S    .

Wstaon K—So)! llijuor without    lon, 353    —MwotŁ ij.sanlt on ęirl    un    \\..n    W.    (nr A.) Stcal m

licens,-. 1!)3    ‘Watts E. -Rtolcn geWine sold    lb- ^“bargud on Umuso, dwelling, .>29

Witaoa • E. -Wonian nannid, to, 283    ..A'?    .......... 'Vp» W. V.- 1'orgory and ut

\r_________7    W


\wnł{.., u c\ x*. -    Wntts tt .G.—ln (kmipany vnan

56G    ° ł 5    1 ’    "«"*«•* f,T.r ‘„la,., W.

Wat jo :i F.—Vro perty

alolcn' wanhd for fulac pretonces, Webber R. (scc R. A. Webber) Wellington Police Station— 45g    Webber R. A., nlirts R Webber. Vnr.-iney ut; fillo.l, 151, 207

atokn' Wnfbs K., alias 11. Moas, U.— «li«h -T. E. Webber—Break, Wollmsin K. J— FnrniturO sto-

ir“" ^    _ ,. j .    . yhopbrftaking; Isirc^ny (fi. enter, and atml; sten ling, ^0I1» 63, .160

Watnon F.—Aneaulted and rob- ^ ^ 286    *»•    ‘ ^ v 133, 251, 370    h -Wells,” Alias J. W. Gibbs, &c.

61    Warts TT. W.—Disobcv M.O., W'ebł»er Ś. B.—Lurecny as    —Eiabewlcmunt;    ilisobey

Watson F.—Wateh,    stolon,

248, 328^ 332, 456, 601

bsilcp, 221. 370

M.O., 110. 146, 177, 133;

siwi m uw«uKg, im    "    »• • JłHiMww    —Falsft iMTtefiees* ^inehorired **'•>* ^

Wetson H., alia« If. T. Hankin Wutts W.—Money stolon ttaTn 011 lWtuITłflS ;    P Wells A. M. (or Oirr)-May bo

-rSmptcted liotol roblicries v.orSo« of 92    Webster    A.,’ aiiaa E. H. Ki...-    i» »««np»uy wife dosortor,

«-440    r u ■.    . ,    ^7    ł "(    )' iior. alias E. Kinber, alias 319-311

WatBOn H. L.—Hoifer atolrn, 331    \y Brown*—517 \V«dls Kr—Jrwoliery stolcu 41fi

. J..—Heifer stolcn, 331    *    W. Brown—Sieni)ng, 517 w.-lls K^->T,-wrlIery slolen, 416

uliot A. J. Bewmsn Xd «»    *•» Wril. O. K-Wifo a.-rter. £87,

cto..^, 94, 81. IM. Waugh A-Wat-h, Sldlou, WSe, D.^Watoh rtolon. 692 WoM» H.-StCOiiugi abSMnd

W?ataon X,

F;dse prete

423    S8

WŁtson J.f alias J. Arundale. Waugh F.—Solic.it    for prostitu-    Webster    P.—Falac pTctcnccs,    bali; break; ontor, and stcal,

. 4o—Falso pictcpccs, 434 tion, 41, 85    664    -^*>7 -6 »


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