Coustns A.—$>a/ebh>wing u», Cradoek T. J.—Assauićj uet of Creek C.—Couipli. stcaling, 341, 1(10 indeceitcy, 15*1 202 423
Conains O. F.—lJoi»y gcloing Orali A.—A‘altlc supycwd alo- Cngnu T. E.<— in.'i-
atclcu, 352 lon, 210 gisterial order, 022
"Ormsir.jj Tliomaa*'—Nu mc o»‘ Crnft T.— -Cattle suppoaed ato- Crchan J.—Iłom«stolon, 1.12,
yfllooloss L'l:equo, 43H _ !••!», 216 221*
OwUs I>.—Conspiraey; no bill Crngo C. E.— Sf.ealing by filid- Oremen D.—-T.Ingot!o, gV»\TM,
fibul, 17. 84 ing, 341; acrpiitted, 032 sio (en. 48(1
Oontti I\—Albert, &e„ stolon, “Crmg,*’ nlina J. Weilu Al- Ciommiiig J.- Bieyde stolcu, J87 tempt stonl from person, 55S (515
Coure J. P.—Money stolcu, 20 Onńg A.— Ciot hi ug stoku:, 357 CrossweM O.—Break, oni^y, and Corontry .1. H.—Wateli, &<*„, CYaig C. $Haa lt. Hoah*—Steni- słoni, 302 Htofen, 416 ing from person; brcadi (Jreswick A. T.—Rulloek stolon,
Covor (*. I>.—imlcccntly asnnul- liccnsc; disclwrgrd, G!6 55G
tctl, 084 Crnig E. A.—Stoaling, -40 Crewo If. O.—Sloriling; reetiv-
Cewers ft. S.—Na rai cleaułter; Craig F. L. O.—Bi gamy; ing, 20.1. 370, 371 war rani enneeUcd, 457 wnrranl ranecllod. 207 Oriehfon Th—Ring and nccklcl
Oowmi (•'. (sec O. Crowe)—Boy Ornig G. (Dr.)—Cłictjuo and .stolcu, 018; ring pkulged, 01$ ahsccndyr monoy stolon, 61, 201 CriHrłon V.—Conspiw :iroc*urc U. A.-Wifo deserter, (>a; Q p^Molo* ear stolon ^ mtorriago 1;J0 *
5-50, 5S7 ............. tan Onchton W., ul .AS V,. T\ T,.
Ora mor O. C—Wii.sf.Iet watah r 5 i-, T r, w
pretenees on,-: CrftT.ton W. 1. W.
Cowham tT.—Falso
on, 326
Oowie J. W.—A?sanit vrith mi, 263 inf ' • - - -
3C Oowi
Ora mor II. C, Fal* protonem Cnohlon-Brouk ontor and alt with mi *>03 "?onl; difidiurgcd on J icojinc.,
coiiimit IniRKory. *», !>*- C,Ł W,-C.o,toK> &o.,
:7i!i %rmt° ‘l080,tCr’ 329, l;,Tl2it! C:‘“i'llSC prrtnW* CrfclS w: Mb_SIWpbrftllii,:ft -• 1 l<■ J. aliuM .T. Ciarko—-Break, Orrm W.—Watcb, nl bert, &c., , .u quil.ini, 46.1
oiiU<r, and 3tcal, 687; reeeiA dolcu, 103 CJńelly M., alias O. Bały—Riot-
iiif. G8J A. L.—Ptcalrog. F.O., c-ns; rcęrivin« pooda iii rad-
Cowlcy A. O.—Rul.ibud u u der 420 tocly; ilisoliargml, 67; in po«-
arui«t 382 Orano M., alias M. ,T. Orano, s-jsmn connlerfcll; ........
aay- Oblani motor our by |pn 280 Crimmnm* L. S. Diłmbęy iwa-
tnlsc pro len ecs, 17 CYamicy J.—Pirycie stoJcn, 12 U cidcHal order, 550, 575
Cox A. W.T alias L. R. Harliwud, Craswcll fT* A* Motor cynio Cripps W.—Motor oyclo stolcn, &<\—Pa W prctcuccu, 381; stolon, 380, 201; complt. ro- 213
Siwperlcd j'a!sc pretor, co?, 422 cc:ving, :2f>0 Cr lufo rd A.—Wrist WUtch, &c.r
Ces A. W. I. MeO., alias. L. E. Onvrn (■’.— I ł.-nulbag and n oncy stolon, 152 1 lar band, &c.—Falsc pco- stole*:, 057 * Crisp A. J.—Buli malidously
Uuicnsj, 3$4; suspocted Talsłi Cruyon K. — Abscondcr, 670 wouu.Tiul, 250
uu*, 422 Craviro \ 1>—Nuw.l desertor 0rJh}) A: ^--TTansLuglitor, 476;
Co* Ib—Sieni from person; g'11^'w A* V' ^ auutu’ acqmtied, 08.»
disemirgcd, 230 A — T^rronr os b-ńlec 0risl> T>—1R^alłn R 5 firstOlTcn-
Cc* B.—Ootnpt. stcalmg, 308 ««».. ( ‘•,OnvLovd”V ’ <k>r; diwbaraod, 400
Cox C.—Bisobcy mngisterial Oraw ford A., alias A. Oialiam, L.—Błnjel.'stolon,
order, 40G alias A. L. Crow/orU—YiTil-CriapTi.1T.—Motor orcie* stolon,
On O. II. 0.—Disobcy magia- fully osjiose person, 201 504
l;niu] order, 43, 251 Oi-auTord A, J.—Iitacccnt as- Cri.spc P .M. Cnrnully known,
Cox L. V,—Pisoboy inagistanal order, 048; mm-paymont cnstM; 001
Ct>s M.—Je woliery stolon, 514
;V rV, i- r »t7 Critcbler A. V.—Mlssing, 06
Pbersan, alias O. Thoinfi-, ^nł0,nnn li£c]\S^Ucy: 1,}0 alias G. Leror, alias E. £. Crocadt 1. \\ite do30rter, U,s M. .Towoliery stolon, 5114 <yCimmt F. Jones- ^ 2/Jf ito
t.ox M. -Esrapcd ucntnl pntt- Btcali n() dL<,oharRed, 339 Croekrtt W. A.— priy for
ent m46. 594 Crawford L. W.—Scll liqwor accoiumodatiou,
Cox M. U.—Chile! dosortiou, 6/1 Avithoi,t licenjt<% Ug 240. 331 _
Cox T.—Fala® prctencos (sec Oraw torii W.—Assault and rob- G'°^- G. Nural1 dnsin-ter, 342 A. ]ł. itołnuts) bery, 232 Pmfr Bieyrle slolen, 5.30
Cox W.— Falsc prctcnccs on, Cm w ford W. E.- Assanh and CYwft J. A.—Wtealing. 3IH
robb?ry, 96, 232 Orot*l N. E.—As^udtml r.ud net
bk.-^i-: i. ri.—Srealing; łammy; Cruwi-y 8.^—V.rat<di stolen, 565 iadeeently eemmitted on, 003 disebarged, 0:7; rofnse pa7 Crnwley W. E.—Clotning stolcu, Croft R.—Compli. assau?, and far and accommoda- 353,4D8 robbery, 295
f.iou, 431 Crawsbaw & Wilcox, 149,-135 Croft 8,' 1*., a lift* W. »T. Eoid,
Cnyfe Ib—Uneontrollablo child, Cray E. M.—Missmg. 57 &o.—Forgory and jumping
294 Crenmcr J.—Missing, 573 hond (America), 304
C-oyle. J.-Walc.U and albeit fminier Z. M._Bieamv ojj 57 Crokc Ś.—Money and w a Ket.
atolpn, 080 1^7 ' * 1 sfolcn from person of, 540
<Lyi.e V., :-Hns H. Colding, &c. CYenay II.—Stnnling. 340, 085 Crokpr R. M. -Fov^ry; first —Fal^o i», 3.81 Crood C.—Tn possession ooun- ofFęnaor, >1
Crook TJ, O.—Dwclling-ł.ouse bi.ikcn aml ontered, -512 Crook K. 15,—Bisobeying jnngb;-terial order. 385 Crook 7.—Indcccnt nssnult, 29 Cro»iliii» W. .T.—Hi gamy. 118, 17.1: diseharged. 339 Ciftftliy A. W., nli/ił? \. Wilson, &c.—Break, onter, .and steal; disehargod on Ucense, 083 Crosby «T. A.-—'Watcb and ulbert stolcu, 336
(Yosior W.— f>teu!ing; illegnlly in cuKtody goods, 35S Ciojsj A. (nr '■Kmust*')—Dis* obcy magisleTiftl order, 161 Cross A.—N:ival deserter, 168 Croaa J. Shop entored, 435, 303
Cross J.—Wakli, &v., stolon, 518
Cr/ifia 4^. IT.—lowellery, fcc., stolon, 242; rceoYorrd, 242, 270
Crofts B.—11 nc on nul labie eliild,
Orofta W.- Disobcy magistcrial order, 483
Crossing W.—Tforsc eloleii, 79
OroRSł\»nhi*m W. B., ulias X. Jackson, alias J. Tailcr, alias W. Ib Parnell— Lfirconjr; ftleoling in dwedling; dis-cliftigcd on licrn«e, 467; btvek, futer, and stcal, 524,
0 19
Crosslcy W. S., .alias W. Me-kfnniiM, nlins W. 11 Richardami, alias W. H. Thompson, alias W. Johnson, alias \V. H. f?fnart —Indcccnt assauli on mole, 180; dischargetl, 383 Crdt liera T.—False protences o», 495
Crothers W. J.—Complt. rofnse pey fr,ł- łoonls mul ftoctnnmo* dfttion, 196; oonipll. fuNc pry-loiicos, 493, 548
CroUlc .T—False. preloncoa on,
N # I
Croueb O., alias C. M. S. Cromdi, a:o.—Bretudi Guii Li-oeinw* Act; break, ent<*r and sten”, 29; stealing; break, en-l<r and ufcnl; sliont. w i tli in-tent- procent, luwful appro-hennion; have untiemisod i-;»volvn. 175, 412; 110 bill, 498, 518
CYrmi-h O. M., alias O. M. S. Croueb, &e.—llroaeh Gun
tjioenso Act; break, cnlor,and s(oal, 29; .«i ca li lig; break,
enter, md «!••:*I; shoot intont preronl biwful appicheiiRiOn; jn poftsi^ision unlieensed re* Y0lvcv, 375, 442; no bill, 498, 538
Crondi C. S., alias O. Crourki, alias O. M. Croneh, alias C. M. fiin«l«ir--Erra<*U Cmi Bicensc Acf; break, onter, mul ^steal, 29; slonling; break, enter, and Steni: slmot witu intent pre-vent law ful npprolicnaion; liave imliceusod rcvcdver, 375, 442; no bill, 498, 51S Croueb F.—Inllict griecous
1 Kuliły banu, 663 Crouch *G.—SteaUng, 471 Crourli P. (b TC—-Fal9i» pre-
tencin, 390
Crourli I>. ir.—Slcnling. 275
Crnurlu-r TT.- Boy oscapoc, 074 Crouehor W. E.—Bufe-hlowing on. 227,
CJroiu-lc —Breaeh conditious rebose, 191
Crouil E. A.—Bieyclu Btolen, 187
Cr o w der F, alias F. Taylor, &c. - Falsc pretenees; discli.arged, 492