Jhaird J, ii.-'Watek, &C., stolcn, B&llnntync E. M.—-Missing, Bank of New South WaJcs, Barnard    A.— -Euibozzlemeiit.

528    338    Tumut Branch, 1S2    CliO

• Baker” alias (Dr.) F. C. Tot- Bulktutyuo V.—AsutuUcd, 372, Bank of New South Walca, Barnard    W. W.—Disobey

ten—Grand larccny (Amor- 430    r»------i- <>>    .......

VftgrAocy; diaębftrgod 91 pony, 094    Bank* i>. A., alias W. J. Owen stolon Jló


,?£ io!,0brj    82> Ralrnor O—Ghibl (l(*scrtion, 009 —Mulic.    wnuudhtg; dLs- Bjunc.s A. W.—Motor car *to-

T» I w* /^    r.-    „ w "Balvert, abus J. Walsh, dc. chorgcd, 333    im: rocowml 236

Baker A.—Disobc.y M.O., - Break and enter >ntent Banks L. L.-Bioycle atolen, Hnrm-y (’ F —l>j«’bcv MO 190; non-payt. coslu M.O., atc&l; break,    en ter, and 341    r-,^    '    '    '

42~ _    ...    , . atoni, 412, 018; ***’■» ling, 502 Banks T., nlirid E. RuRock— Burnes <h W.—JewoTlery sio-

Br.kei Ł. M.—Clothing stolen, ftnrr.ber II.—Steaiing, 447, 480 Folsc. prafenccs, 303, 314, 435, h-n 133    *

300    Bambriclc R.—Ohconn in fy»vnur --------- «---i ..**—:—    -—

Baker F. R.—Common aasault discharged, 230

Baker U.- Break and ent<    .......w>. ^ w_.łłlVł

stetl motor car, 98,    370    len, 114    250    DamicTmau    O.—Ring stolon,    nml stoal, IHtt,    870    *

Baker    G.    E. C. Car&aBy    Banbury    E. C., alias    Riddell,    402    Banu*    M.-Ohefpie in favour

known, 433    alias G. Brown, alias Bamej Banncrman D. C.—Ful.sc pro- ©C stolon 03')

Baker    G.    JH..—Assaulted and    —Agsanlt and robbery; dis-    tencca    on, 574    parne*    p .-‘-AYateh Riolen 1G8 -

robi Cd, 107    eharged, 230    Ban 11 js ter C.—Wrist watch sto- Bnrucs R. Vr.—Slwyedinkr sto-

Baker O. J.—Break, enter and Bance J.—Motor eyele, &e., sto- i01If ->(55    l0J,

stoal, 370    len, 24C    Bana ton .T. E.-Break, enter, Barnós W—Uine stolon 12S

Baker H. J—Disobcy M.O., 24i, “Banecastle/’ Sydney—Regw-    an(i steal, 173    “Barnett.”— Chcniu; drawu by

201, 332, 40(5    tered lcttir stnlen, 618    Barber    E.    B.—Atcalitig, G12;    stolon 4SD    *

Bs.kcr L— Complt arson motor- Bangalcw Hotel, Hangalow, 430 ac/pńttcd, 6-17 car, 347

B^r J■—Sulkjr, &C.. Stolon -------------------, ....................... ... .uurnjs, OX.

ł0»    540    Barber    M.—'Mining; lucatcd,    —Attcmpt    stcnl    from por-

Buker    .7.    Watcn, «c., stolen,    0f    Australasift,    Corowa,    31    j-on.    uli; acquittodf GS5

fi;V4    453    BarW    —Missiiię, lfKTUed, B.irnett. O.—Horstu skilen. fl07

Baker -T. S. Ring    Bank of Auntralasia, HurstyiHe,    270    Burnett ?/.—Boots nud shoes

pledged at pawti oftice,    643    Barber R. V. L.- -Arson. 301;    stolcu, 53

Baker S.—Wat^h and icwcllery gan0f Auatralasia, Nowra no bill, 450    Baniett h.—Brooeh atolcn,

Hlolcn (sec S. G. BakeT)    Branch,    115    Barber    T.    B.—Luroeny as a    1G£

ITnkcr >S. alias K. Young, etc.—*    Bank of    Australasia,    Sydney,    scrvant. 815    Burnett    L. K.—Wrist uaUb

Susportod shopbrcoking, &C.,    jos    Barber W.—Wife doserter. 147    stolcn. MMI

,    m    |«ł «-.l ł-ilł 1 .1, VW|    to Jj    JVIIj I*>»S

Bambriek R.—Chcque in fdvour forgery and uttering, 507 Barnes TT. F. -Missing, 5GO

isnult; of stolen, 417    ' ITruilcy'’ alias E. (\ Bnnbury, Bariios lf. <». --Assunlt u

Bambury V.—Buggery on, 537    &c.—Assault and robbery; robbory, 00, 232

!',r and Barn fora A.—Wrist watcli sto-    dla cli ar go d, 230    Humus \j. {}.—Hrtuk, eul

i    len TU «<W1    T>'--------- '*

unrt enter

u.-n« i w»m, wio jsarbor K. li.—Steni i ng, G12; stolon 4S0 •- Ban gale w Hotel, Bangalow, 130 nccpńttcd, 647    "RtirneU.-—Larceny as bailee,

Bank of Australnsia, 244, 070 Barber J.—Wife deserter D;ee 570 b Bank of Australasia, Bathnrst, ‘ G- Bymos”)    ‘ Barnctt,” alias L. Morris,

r.4,%    ifdbnAi* TV f _j\1t    - •-

394    Tły a i_ Bńnk of Australasia, Taraworth Barblnos G.-Sell ltauor wltli- Bamctt M— Falsc pretenccs

Baker S. O, ^or B.) — Watch    Branek,    406    ©yt iTcense, (J12    on. 517

and łewellery «dolcn, 668, Bank uf Anstralasia, Young purbour F. A.—ftteul li« 5»hin Barjiett BCbr.lu and medal (582    "H rnnoli Ol*.    .    ......

Ba Id win A.—Assaulled, 357 Branch, ?r

Baidry M.—Brooeh stolen, 254    mU.. .

Branch, 37    383; stciOmg, 431    Harr G.. alias O. Bell.—Mall-

in-    U* Ti ow» ' r0r 1 ^a C3> Barker F. J (sce Burker F.) c iously euf telegraph wires;

»n . Cooma Branch. 65    ........ .    . .    eryiul 0*Vl

stolcn, .ctonccs on, foncy sto-PropcTty ftto-

Ba.l S. ‘Walcii stolcn, 484 Bank of New South Walci Barlon T. U.—WatcL1. &o.. sto UarroM n r wir" i’ ~ Bali W. M.—Wife dcwrtOT, 457 fttockinbingal Branch, 659 len.    • rc.tt 1>. h. - \Ufe tle«ener.

^BaHaatyno,’* alias J. Walsh. Bank of New South Walca, Bario w W. Attault; (tl^bey    ir T MiVłft

dc.-Break and enter intent. Sydney. 539    M.O., 365, 389    Utnr*

412? 5l«r^te3hS; 502 ^ B<T^ugir Bram^ToO    ‘BityC,e Ct0?On-


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