Downem J. alias B. TI. McGin-Jcy — Embezzlemenfc, 6U7; stcaling, 664

Pownes J. jR.—«tea!ijig, 324. Dowi.ua M.—Marc, cnrt, and lianie in Ofue of, stolcu, 494 Powncs W. iC.—Jcwellćry, &e., stolon, 589

Downcy C. F. M.—Disobcy magisteria] order, 182 Downcy -T. R.—Wriatlet watch stolon, 348

Powney L.—Slealing, 68 Downie J.—Bieyele stolcu, 479 Powij* H. W.—Je we Hory, sikor-Wtarc, &e., stolon, 529, 554 Downa L.—Ctothing stolon, 529

Downa R. U. C.—Inąuiry re imssing nun, 195 Do\vy<* R. T.—Wifo do ser ter, 342

Powsctt II. IL V.—Stcaling,


Powsctt J. A.—Oomplt. shoot intent grorions boaily hnrm, 290

Doylc A. nlina A. R. Doyle— Larecny as seTvant; stcaling, 97; diacliarged, G83 Doylc A. U. alias A. Doyla—• karcony aa serwint; atcuiing, 97; diaohnrgcd, 6S3 Doylc C. H.—Steni 1 Kg; firyt offender, 425

Doyle E.—Albert and medal stolcu, 668

Doyle .T.-—Steni horge, Ac., fir*t offender, Cl, 71

Doylo J., alias T. Aapinall, &c. —Porgery and uttcring; falso prctcnccs; cscape from cus-tody; discharged on liocnse, 638

Doylc TT.—Broor.h atnlen, 254 Doyle h.—Disobcy magisterial order, 586

Doyle M.—Stoaling, F.O., 157 Doyle M. J.—ConipU. ref u Ani for meals and accomwodatiou, 431

Doyle R. B., alias V. la Bruce, &e.-—Falso pretHiiccs. Aci, 97, 124

Doylc T.—Clothing, Ac., stolcu, 297

"Drako’* alias A. Orny^—Break, entor and stcal; stealing, 121, 218

Drakę A .0.—A-miiltcd, 110 Drakę D. T.—Wfltoh, albert, and medal stolcu, CCS Drnkn N.—Woleli .stolon, 514 Drako N.--rroperty of, feloa-eously rccekrd, 574 Drapcr E.—Goods stolcn, 375 Drew A.—Missing friond, 306 Drew B., alias Doanc, alias llusking—Refuae to pay for meals and accommodutiou; false pretenees. 250; dis-eb&rgcd on liceusc, 595 Drew F. E.—Broor.h stolon, 62

Drew ,T.—Stćal from VC»SCl, F.O., 608

Drew W.- Falso prctcnccs; sus-perted stoaling (sec “F. Armstrong”)

"Prewit.t,” alias J. Jones, Ac.— Disobcy magisteria I order; auspocted stoaling, 175; lar-ceny as bailcc; stcalir.g; Ule-gaiły use motor car, 400, 460 Drów itr. E.—Cbnspiraey, 582 Drcwry W.—Fmbezzlcjneut, 431 Drcyor H. Do V.—Larccny as b lilec, 471

Dreyfus L. and Pompony, 574 Drior H. W.—Bi cyc] o stolon, 151

3rill Hall, GrnmiUc. 353 Drinan M.—BKcop stolon, 682 Di in kwater W. D.—Ohcriue .Ac.,, atolem 2 J 4

Drosten II. J.—Tobacco, &c., stolcn, 53

Draitt E.- -Jewoliery atolcn, 187 Druitt J. T.—Slgnuturo of, forgud to ehtwjne, 290 Drumgold S. J. alias K. Smith— Break, euter, and stcal; dis-charged on liccnse*. 407 ; steal-ing, 600

Druininoud A. (cluld)—Unłnw-fully assaulted, 600, 613 Drummoync Public Se.hool, 161 '4>rury” (sce M. Dooley)

Drury C. R.—Stoaling, F.O.; d'SChargcd, 406

Druty R.—Oclding stolen, 143

Drury R. W. GcJding stolon, 132

Dryburgh D.—Wutch stolon, C42

Drydcn G. al>03 E. Chainlcy — Break, and onter shop. intent steal; disebargod on liccnse, 3!l7; rcvoked, 594 Drylanrl A. II.—Loc.kot stolcn, 380

l>uane T.- -Stoaling, 14,8 DuMk» F'ulu-c Statioii, Vacancy ut, 337, 577

Dn Im A. J.—Bicycle stolcu, 214, 318

Du BIssozl A. S. A.—T.arcony as bailee (S.A.) (seu "Bis-sou”)    ......

Dubois E.—Stcaling, ‘OH Dul>oio G., alias U. Wood, &c. -—Burglary; discliarged on llcenso, 493

Ducberk F.—Broach Tmmigra-ticn łtcstriction Act, 2Ht>, 323 Duck G. N. A. Assaultod, SI Puck J.—Fail provide prelimi-nary uxp«nses, 356 Dcokliam R.—Bicvdo stolcn, 170

Dudgcon E.—Forged ehc<)uc uttored on. 49S

Dudley A.—Naval deiw'rtcr, 327, 554*

Dudloy E. Jc woliery ond moTtoy stolon. 64 Duff D.—Wateli stolon, 425

l)»ilT II. 1).    W.—-Ab.v'on<lcr

1’rom guaiHiian. 450 DnlTey M.—Wifo <icscvtcr, 635; cancellod, 649 Pulty A. J.—Fruudulenl omis-siou, 634

Puffy O. -Fraudulcntiy cvado tnxi htre, 107, 434

Duffy G.—Indeeenily assaultud,

ni; 222

Duffy <1. alias Donnellau—Sluip-brcaking, 263, 408 Doffy D.—Banglo stolon, 168 Duffv O.—Garrollcd intont robhery, 403

Duffy W. P.—Uncontrollable child, 170

Dugga n K.—Larecny as a haiku, ms Puggan E. U., 109 Duggnn F. .T." .Tew< llcry, clotli-ing, stolon, 529, 589 Duggfln .r. A.—Frilf.r prclriicos;

dischnrgcd on li<*ci:ac, 631 Puggan J. I).— Stoaling, 687

Dutfgan J. P.—PUobcy magis-torial order, 508, 526 Pitgmora T.—Ploeks srolen, 192 Pulbridgo ,r. F.—Falso pro-tcncos, C63

Dumlde Ia—Wafel) stoli-n, 578 Durnbroli G. R.-Stoaling, P.O., 388

Dummill Brothers. <>7ł Dniimiitr P.—Money stolcu (hcc DumuiiU Brothcis)

Dumpliy .T. P.—AYnteli, Ac.r stolcu, 42G

l>u Mucha B. (sec B. D. Miigbn)

Dunbar J., alias J. Wilson, Ac. —Exposc person; diacharged, 201; wilfully tu\d obsceneiy eyposo person, 422; dis-eharged, 683

Dunby 1 alias E. Btonc, A-c. - Stculiiig, 371

Pancun P.—Navul deserter, 406 Duuęan ł*. J.—Oompt. refu^rd j.-n.y for inonTs and necommn-dałion, HO

Duncajk J. Assawlt, inteat rapo; disclmrgetl, 106 Duiicau J. »S.— Jo woliery stolon,


Dułican K.” li.—Evadft pyymcnt of tftxi h.re, 218 Duucau M.—Falso pvctonoc-9 on, 42

Du.ucnn M.—Missing, 161 Dunc.an S.—Jcwcllcry stolcu, 268

Puue-.iu W.—Falsc prctcnccs


Puncnn W. (or W. II.)—Big-nmy, 530, 532

Duncaii W. A.—Camera stolen,


Dunean W. 71.—Biga my (sec W. Puncan)

DuncomłK? F. S.- Break, ęirior, and steal; found in dwolllng inteat commit fclony, 563, 684

J>uudft« 13.—Wat oh atolcn, 567 Dundas D. M. -Assaultcd oju! act in«i<*coa>lv in ureseneo of, 483

Punedoo Fol ico Rtntion—Yac-. ancy at, 591, 641 Duuk R.—MH-jiling, 353 Puuks It.—Disobcy roagifilCTtnl order, 386

Pr.nleary R., alias Tl. DunTenry, Ac.-- Falso prctcnccs; brcuch liccnse; dischargcd oa liccnse, 506; fnlsc. prctuaces; breneU lim).wf 612

DU)ika\y K., .alias R. Donleavv, alias Koni]), alta« Ilugluvs, alias Ii. Ibinlcary, alias li. Mattliews—Folso prefoniws; brfiudi lir.ensc; dischargud «>n jieenso. 506; falso prclenoes; brench liiic n ic, 612 Pnnlop li.—Jcwcllcry atoleu, 604

Puitlop Tiubbor Company, Newcastle West, 605 Punuiau L. B. Poinpt., fnil rovłdc prcliiłjlaary cx];cnscr, f!

Pumnorc L.—Fail provide pic liminury cxptmsrs, 410 Panu C.    A.—Mansliiughtcr,

603; acquitlcd, 685 Durni D.—Bieycle )?tolen, 391 Punn E. A.— Brrak, euter, and stcul; nssnult, 376 Dunt\ E. .1. N.—Disobcy magia-torial order, 432 Durni II. lsT. (CoiulnbJy)—As-saultcd, 327

Punn J.— Dwelting entered, .123 Dunn J.—Clothing, Ac., stolcn, 400

Punn J.—Larceny aa bailcc nn, 471

Dunn J. T.—G^lding stolon, 132 Ilunu, M.—Wifc dezerter, 470. 4 ad

Punn li.- -Disoboy magisteria) order; ncedcct, p.ay ę.o-Ms, 526 Dunn R. 12.—Asaanlt and rob-bery, 175. 231

Diun*' R. G. —Clollit.ig, Ac., stolcn, 797, 332 Punn B. H. • Disnfcoy magia tcrinl order, 233 Dunti NY. -M<*ney stolon frojn pelvon of. 57 Duuo. W. F.—Disobcy torial order, 55

Dunn’s Garage, Pydncy, 142 Punno A.—Abacondcr, 443; re-turwed, 497

Duune C. S.—Stoaling, 388 Duonc J. J.—Embc/zluuient, 286, 435

Punnc M.--Steeling; ffrst offender, 457

Punniug A.—Falsc prctcnccs, 471, 624

Pimphy J. C.—Lic.ense rc-yokcd, 56

Dunshea A. J.—Disobcy mugis-tcrlal order, 328, 436 Dusisiica y. A.—Falso prcttncea on, 3S4

Punshca V. P. E. alias W. P. E. Dunsbea.—Stcnling, 228, 264, 275; snspectod stcaling, 417; slcrding, 485

Punshca W. P. JO., alias V. I*. E. Duasliea.—Stoaling. 22H, 261, 275; snsjjoclcd st«-aVuig, 117; skal rag, 4H5 Pune-moro E.—Property stolon, 17

Dunsiuorc W.—Property stoicn, 17    ^

"Dmistaii,” alias .7. Dawson, Ac. —Break, enter, ar.d atoal; dischnrgcd, 325

Dunstnn F.—Assuuit and rob-bery, 611, 633

B*m >t;ri G. E.—Missing, 445 Diiranec ilayston Motors Pro-ply., Ltd., Melbourne, 32, 286,

•> »>V

O w i

Durfe F.—Shopbronking on,


Purrant O. C—Misaing, 2+8; looatcd, 26H

Durrington W.—Disobcy magi3-terial order, 82

Du Sanie C., a las Vnn San ten, alias P. Dc Logcdiaiu;)^—T^ar* ceny aa baitcc, 385 Duthlo J. A.—Misrepre<3CntAtiou on, 414

Dlittim, A.—F-aiul on. 35. 277 Duł ton    K.—-Brnoehca    and

watehes stolcn, 488, 516 Dnfton T. łf.—Embczzlcincnt, 33, 17+

Duttr.n W.—Disobcy mag i-der i al order, 120

Dwyc-r A, J., alias C, J. Briggfi, alias J. Ncsbelt, nlia? J. Turner, r.liaa F. Turner, alias .1. Nesbit-t, alias FicUler— Break, enfer. and steal; dir; rb.trgi-d oji liccnse, 556; break, enfer, and Kleal, 599; sleal-ing; brcach rundilions re-lofisC, CliS; slcabng, 675; ac-ffUiltcd, 684

7)-vyer A. I..— Suitcasc, &z., sto [en, 89

Dv/yer K. II.—Break, enter, and sieni, 1C4.

Dwycr, E. M.—Oompt. fail pro-v ide preliminury expen.scs, vU Dw\cr U. S.—Falso pretenee*, 570

Dwycr .T.—TT ot,-,o stolon, (rc-t:overerl), 171

Dwyer alias T\. Wicks, alias N. Harris, alias S. 0'Bricn — Stoaling, 39l», 430 Dwyer K.—Hou>łC entered in-teat sieni on, 573, 698 Dwyer fi.— Die.yrl': stolen, 77 Dwyer, K.—Steuiing, JO3 !>wvor R. Y.—Falso. |


Dwyer R. P.—Ciise. c.1icquu, and lnom y stolcn, 179, 491 Pvi»ail M.—1’iiisc pretcnccs on,


Dybali W. J.—UncontrollaMo i-hild. 458

Dyr.k .1. Val\—Falsc pre.fcm.es on, (*U0, Urłl


Podobne podstrony:
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN DEK—1925. Waterhonso H. R. (or R. Water- Wnison J., alias T. Stew
26 NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GA2ETTE INDEX—1925. Emanuel M.—Appcaring to Ktperancc Bay Steamship, 375
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 31 GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925 Millincton D.—Break, enter and
3$NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE IN.DEX—1925. Cyelcs—continued.    Muir J.—Man namod
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy
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NEW SOUTH WALE* POLICE CAZETTE INDEX—1925. Marshall J. T.—Qualiftad for Constable lst Olaas,
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
12NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTK INDEX—1925. Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103 Burles, S. A,—
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZET! E IN DE X—191;.19- Coustns A.—$>a/ebh>wing u», Cradoek T.
23NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE OAJ5KTTJS INDEX—1925. Daj S.—Kit bng, &c., stolcu, 46ó DazcH Chomkul
25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
27 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE CAZETTE INDEX-1925. &c.—HteuUng; J92 disohiuged, “or wMFtruif
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE 1NDEX—1925. Flahorty J.—Watfih rccorcrcd, 65 Fliuiagan A. J.—Diaobey

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