UyIoh X. O.—Jnpł.riaiu* ab- J>«i Kwan (Siae*—ProfiiWlcd Lomairo i\—Wryci* stoten, ' Lo Ver«/* alias J. l>ixon &e. i^uiuUT, 4ó$    irnmirnnt, 382    UK    --Sodomy; disrtinrscrt. 272

aiios L. Jl/n-rui, Leo M.— llorao atolou* Ol    J/O MortOU J*.«    Uaeta' fx>'or€tt \\* It. Wfttcft, &c\,

&.•*,—Attnupt sk-nł form per- Leo Mim (or Judnh) ~ Son Lal.se pretemros. F.O., 38S atoieii, 438 MOH, 511; je-onilU*.!, usn    Judali    I*mcm E li. KmWIu- Łevett E.—Wntel) and brooch

Lcwaii* A.’—Wateli Jiłolen, Jfift Lee M.alias .1. Iliggiiui, aluni uiont, (11!)    __    stolon, Wis!, T>48

Lar.srres S. <or .Lewis)—Km-    -I. Bhocmm—Falsc pretcnccs.    le Ncvc .J. (sec Nove J.    !«■)    Lcyl    A. -Fulse tfretences    ou,

boswicmenL 32, dO    <363    Lennurd L. and M.-—Wontided.    .

1* W. JL (soo ‘LanO    Leo X. A.-—Banale stolon, 420    ■>    Levt    C.—Suit, mntcnai    and

Len M. 11. IV—SiiwISiifr, OSI) !■*<* I'. J. alias.). Lee—Attempt Lennon A. 1\—Naeal deserter, 7nm'ł£, stolcu, 4Ź7; exp«ng-Len V. 1\—Compsfc framltly    sUal from person;    broach    2S, 204    .    ..i    ’ l ••

• wadu priYmuit tnjci liiro, 532*    Jioensc; disckgd. ou    iiccf>*e,    Lonnon J.    <».—Jewułkry    sto-    4‘*<evoka si.a., SL.-i

Lwł V. i'.—(,'oiunt. re ew.sioh    506    l*»n,    103    Lovy & l <>., 4G3    

of r!!\i hiro, 170, 218    Lec Jt. Cnot K. J. Leo)—dewot- i.on non It. ,1,— Uroak on ter Sc Lovy A. —^ utclł. inoney,

Łrotanid P.—Albert. ■&<*.,    slokn.    tory n«d dotli ino, &/*., stolon,    stonl; ilischnrjscri ou Uecme,    , stolen, 242 282, 202

76    Hbł, 484    .Vir>; break, eutwt nurt    otofll,    l*y>f    A.-jWaich stolon,    2M,

liKtoli Tv- GoUUtiff dolcu, 28 Lec R. J. Jcwcllcry, clotliing, nof    **13    . , ^ ,    __A

<l3scli:ug!'d ou Hpouso 441 - Jh'0 Rin;j—Pnrnitaro stoku («?*> disrłiargort a« licOuao, -U*JJ bf er. ling, D24, (132    *'Sinpr Lee")    sten ling. 4S't. 55S    j^*vv

Lot, ho v P.    W.—Sloalinjr,    F.O., Lec    T.—Lar ceny,    F.O., COS    Len-m    W. U.—l)taolM*y    M.O., |<ny i>.--

»•    • Afin    .    _    ...    4*«t /i    li! I

Krotbora. 282, 332

jHwonory stolon, 114 I.ovy 10. L.—Bliopbtęaldug on,

‘'Lendl/caler,’* alias S. Nelson, &C., stolen (sec "K. Leo" ) Lemi<>.\ II.. ulbis II. ftonlon Lcvy A,-—W utoń stolon, 380 fce.--AssaoiU and robbery; 1i4.»c it. J.—Missing, 476    ko. HieuW. oiiler and słtenl; Lcy.v B. JoaeZIory stolon, 1A,

8. w. t.Wita dosortor, r«,U.im. A. R-a».n»t. ro „on- 8fonI >11 dwcllina. -l'J2 l »'r J.—Moal» „upyl.ca b>,

t\r ti\i:    _    ^    .* i t . k ».,i    i.' i _ i «A«m..na. not    tor.


122    Le^g W.—-DiMriet Postoi Tu- EsoApo enstorty, 09    alias T;. F. Cuiiooij, allus J.

Lchc!t II. — Broncli 1 mnńyr.'it:on    apector, coiupl.    misanpro- Łosik*    8,—Jewollcry stolon, Bloauo, alias .T. Mcart—Sttul

Bostrietłon Aef, 577    iuiotion, .707    KW    L.v trick; attempt brilwyj

Iii Rcrio A.—Asbault, 4-11    T.ngge TT.—Assanlt w;th inlont Lcsllo n.--T'montvnL    cliild. stenlinc; f«il .ippoar. «7. 274

I>c Hcire K—A^iulted, 444 rapc; larnony as b«i)o*», 174.    30. 42 fsec nłsn f^ewlio) Loww A. C. E.—Xaval deser-

Lcckic R. J.—ljockrr. st«rtcr., 30    3 75    I.esllo R. (or Moxon)—rneon- v t0>r* M    „ ,

Unlbrook A. W. r>isolK*y M.O.. Lejsjctt II. fi.—Assaulto.1    troi labie cbit.l. <*\. 14 f>    I^wis A. T. A.—Wifo dewsrfor,

395    eausing bcnlily hurm, 483    F.. alias J. Powoli, &e.    H>1

J-ortsham Ti.—Ilouschroakinc Lohaiic J,—Missisig, 43-i; lo-    —Steni from person, *t2    Lewis 1\—»Wc

Acn    M.l

n, • r ton. &e.- Att^inpt from Lcii .V-X3otliins. &o., stolon, y^włs ii w    w ti

Loc K., ałun T. l)nvin, alms N. tonion: diK<rti«i«iHl 477    108    J,,s,    0 "    «•

o**” " ^m.Hlnnyl.U-rJ |.,.|«hto,i F II.. ullns .1. linrnn, I.,.|| R.-Cl„ll,ii>„ Blnlon. IrtR 4™    ^7'ir.rnr* <1

¥;■ U™*    , iSi. iK -t M '    1 Ju fT‘rI.-P.11 «* Protom es

T    JJ*—J^wUery, ic., Lei^.km I*’.,    >'. TJ. Loigl. on. 41. <XS    1 J!!™ 4-7

i Wv , i    R    Oliaf? F. Jictre IV - TUsobuy M.O.. 17S, rrl fi^nse ?77


140. f»SS

I^e-wie J„ alias J. 1). Lewis, alias ,ł. Sinico, alias O. J. I. Slulco, alias R. SloutU. alias

318 •Is. &c.

Ji*c l\ M.—N:i;*:it doafirtor, 3S U. (n.hson. nilu* F. Uiv(<>u 225    » „• r ' „

J^Oun (aerCluuI,)    nli«M it. Unii. alias J. Lcy-' Loitc W. C.-Wntch n.nl ul- ^ho -A~J' ,Cry

J.c<* II.—Motor car    stoku tmi.—Attempt to słoni from Iwrt stolon. 5K>

(Vk.), 2£8; rccoYorert, 427 r-oiYon; <UKcbnr«od. 477 Lctts A.—Wnich, nbVrt i Ti?c K.—Stcalńnr, 850    Hdgk* M. (soo M. Laiglc)    mrslnls stolon, 0T.S


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