Slickney M*.    (girl)—Break,

oondns. relea.se on prolintion.

"Stldolph." rtlins A. M. M. Oibb —Stoailng; rocolYing, m Slioa O. A.—lUeuoli Immigrn-tion Resfru-f km Act, 61, 2:lł)

“SUcnbeck, ’ Glebo—Kog tor stolon, C*hs

Stignnt U. A.—Buggory. Glf) Sliles A. R. S.—Naval ilest*v-tor. 56$, r*97

Stinson A., alias .1. Robertson.

—Fnl.se prelences, 430. 544. 561, 0<H

SfiiiSOll R—Wuteli, &C., stolon (rcc'MV('roa i. 2<>4 SriiiKon »I. IT.—Fal sc ?»re-ten<o*. 02

Stlnson 7*. H.—Faise proton ccs on. 250 Stinton >L- Stcnling, 208 Stirling W., alias TT. SulHv.an, alias W. llowell, alias W. Stnrling, alias .T, Jeffrios— Falso prctcmes; riiscliargcd, 25 0

Stirling Henry and Co., ,r>04

Ktirton mul Canjpl>cU, ncar Ttaradmc. M8

Rrirton .7. (soe J. L. Rlirłon) Stirtou ,T. L., alina ,7. Stirton —EmlK»zzlpniMit, 210 $1’. Jnlm f. W.—Tudoceut as-snidt, i:n -

St. Mark** (.Mumii, Darling roiut, 25. iw

Siockmann K. TT.—Clotldncr.

ScO., stnlea. 170. 280 Slock slolcu—To be re.miicd to Hic l>isl«irt Inspeetcn* of Stoofc, 1

Stwkrnu W.—WnUh, nlbert and medal stolcu, 223 Stncoudcr F. II.—Ring, Ac., stolon, 227

Stortdnril F. w.- Clotblnsr and

lOOlM stolon. 45il Slokell b\    31.—.Tu woliery

srolen, 2u

StokOA A, O.—Gornplt. fraudu-lont <*vai*i<m n-ftyiucnt tnx! Tarę, 50L

Stokes A. E.—Wifo dezerter.

222 nos

Stokom A .H.—Money, Ac., stolon, 100

Slokcs R .M.—MSssIng; uneon-trollablo chi Id: nrie.sleil. 21 Slokes II. I*.—Ittcycle stolon,


Si ukos X. R—Jewellory stolon. 22<;

Stok es I\—King stolon, 552 Sfoke* H. N.—DiKoIwy 3I.O., 196

Stokoft 8. W.—.Tewellćry stolon. 30. 130. 204 Słono O. 10.—hidocontly as-sanlted. 252

Słono 7*3.— Wtitell stolcu. 538

Słone R., alias !■;. Słowo. alias i*. Grcen. alias F. rhudwiek. alias IV 15. Slow. alias L. Dunby, alias i,. Jones, alias IV Stone. alias E. AYlilte, alias ducksoi:—Stealing, 374 Słone R—Sten ling, F.O„ 2fs Stolic V., alias 10. Stone, «&*\— Sieni Ing. 271

Simie V. R—Fal.so prelcneen on, 214

Słono <1. (V—Shoplirenkiug on,


•Słono J., alias "TTniL" — Ajs-.sar.lt. 83: iliseliarged, 300 Storn* J.~ Sieni motor car, 242

Sto iw* IV—Mbsing, lilii Stono S.—Kcf usc pay lor mcuU and aceoinmoUation, sO

Sbuo W.—Clotklng stolon, 251

Stono W.—FVnl j»rovidc prę-lim. exes.f 457

Stonestrect TV Lnrocny as l>»lice on. 570

Slonnill J. T. —.7lorso gluten, 12

Slorcr S.—Steni i ng. F.O.. 008 "Stores"--C!heiiuu in fnrour of stolon, 513

Storoy II.—Refuse pny for moattf and accommodsiLiun, 203. :«i

Storoy II. J.- Lnrocny as ba lico. 280. 327 Storey S.—Hings and Money stolon, l>82

Storey S. J.—Kalse iiroteiices on, i 05. ó(J3

Storey W. II.—Frocks utolen, G70

Storm .7. A., ni lag J. Adnnw*-torm, &e.—Falso [Jietenees: dtsdmrged. 321 Stormontii Ti,--Wn tell, &c.. stolen. 53Ś

Slott mul Hndcrw^fKl fdmiled, 30il

Slow F. F.. nlias E. Stono, &<'. —Sten ling. 374

Stowo E., alias F. Słone, &.C.— Sten ling, 274

St. Qa In ton G. F. Wlfc dc-sorter, 220

Slraelian II.—Fali provl<l« prelim. o\ponses: dis,. 112 Stromi Hotel, William-street, Sydney. 503

Slrnnrt Figuro Theillre, 135 Strnngo .T., alias .T. .T. Sfrangę —Stealilig. 422

Strmige .T.—Disobny M.O., 310

St rango ,|. J.. nlias J. Straiusc —Stealing, 422

Rlrntford A.—Ring stolon. 220 Stratford 7..—Wife desertor, 50.S

Strath W.—NVateh stolon. 210 Strathniore T. A.—Wife desor-ter. 82. D8

Strauh F. A—Maro stolon, 007 Strauss A. 15.—Disrthey Jl.O., 341

Strauss W. F.—Complt. refnso i>ny for meals and u<*comnin-dntlon, 520

Stroeier F. X.—Ilmisebrealci»g impioments in poęsessbm. 23 f}% 370

Striuiey W. r.—. Compt. ro <13^|V)sniv of goo(1&.



Strickland fV B. Break, entor and steul. dl2

StrleUlnnd G. SV—Rnpo, S05. 510

Slricklnnd V. I\—Break, entor and stoal: diselmrgod. 150 Stroug    .T.—Broocli. olołbmg,

&e.. st<don. 100. 580 Strong Ił W., alias W. .7. Melnc-Cbuclc. ^r.—Murdcr and roldiory ( Ainorienl. 1*48 fttrndwielc *T. >F.—(Joods in cusfod.y, F.O., 121 Stuart A. Sten ling. 100 Slnnrt T). .Tewądloiy, elotbing. &e.. stolon. 405

Stuart F.—Jewellory st»U*n, 430

Stuart O.—Slealiug. 525 Stuart G.- llnpo. 577; no bill,

(150. 084

Stue.rl J.- Jewellery mul dotli i ng »N*Jen. 547

Stiinrt T.. A.—Kica ling. 340, 244

Sluart X. .\i.—CViV!inUv know-ing. r,K k;4

Stuart ^V.—Sheop stolon. 082 Stuart W. U., idia* W. S. C*v»*8ley. Sic.—Indo4'ent as-*a»dt on limie. 180; dis-elinrgivi, 583

Stubb* and Company, Ynss, 145

Stubba J.—Fnlge proteneos, 42 Stuckey II. B. (coustablc) — Assnulted, 202

Shiekley It.—Falsc prolences on. 203, 270, 303 Stiiddon K.—Jlieyelc ftlolen, 45-1

Studwell M.—Brooch stuleń, 128

Slumblos .7.    I).—l^mlicJMcle-

lm nt. 58, 131. 301 Stunt K.—As.«aulted. t;(a) Sturgess N.—AUcmpted rape on, 35

Stutdibury K. M.—Frandt.

juiWJj»}łroprlAtif>n, 502, 5S3 StutbbrKlgc J. IX. -liisubey Si.O., °00, 001, 022 Stutz T.—Muucy, stolen,

108, 024

Sty cli (V E.-— Suspoctod stcal-i ug, 2GD. 202

Sl\los G. M.—Oouipl. ro chi W ilo.srrrion, 177

JSuelding M. M.—Watch stolca, 488. 510

Sudgca A. Tj.—Fiaudt. omi.s* nimi, 570

Sue Ar, alias Ab Cliee.— A.wralt, intent coimnit rapc (sco MAh Chce”) ’

Suohh R.—Cueijuc flrawu by sio-len, 018

SulOiau 7V -ConipU. fail pro-vi:lo prelim. cxcs, 545 Sulhran E. P.—Mining, 181 Sulli ran    V. — Shopbreaking,

203; ftUempt 7>reak and en-ter intent ateal; break, enter, And sfeal, 317, 370: dccii no pioeeed furt hor, 100, 442 SnUiron TT., alias W. Stirling, &c,; falso pic (cm* es; d’us-clinrgod, 230

Su)livan »1.—11)2 ►Sl»llivnn .7.—Wotcb stelen, 080

Sułliron 3., alifij; P. Murphy, Alina .T. Murpliy, alias .T. Clii* ford, nlias II. Parcel:, alins 0’CV)nnor, alias F. Gonue??, alias *1. Mr A stary; steal in dwclling, 122

Suliroii -7. J., alias J. .T. Smith — Po mul in dwoi ling for mi-Tawful purpose, 42 Sulbv;m J. K., alias It. Bailcy— Wife desrrlcr. liccnac rc voked, arrested, 37(>

SulHran K. M,—Coinplt. fail prm-lde prelim. i?xi*s.. 500 Sul)ivan h.—OliilO <!eserler, 342 Sulliran W., alias W. Newtown, ali:\‘! Bourke — lrmiscbreaking imploments    in possossion;

break, enter,    and slea), 503,


SulJiiau W.    ,7.— Maliciou.sTy

wonudcd, 203. 358 Snlly S.—Stealing (see <4Lna-costc”)

Sipjy S.—Slrnling, F.O., 073 SlimMerbaycs    R. A.—Shop-

break ing, &e., 08. 171. 231 Su ni mors A. .1.—Wife deserter, 521

Snmmcrs G.—Suspeiitcd slcal* in/j, 057

Snmiuors -T. - -\\ ifo desortor, 355 Summer*; .T.—Wife desorter, 04, 204

Surmuers .7. IV—_\‘aval dezerter. 308

Smumer.-* .1. T.—Iliowie stolcu, 530

SmniucnMle S.—Break, ooter, and -stcalr 235, 245

Smmucrcille S., aliu.i J. .7. >Ten-derson—Drunk; indee.cut Inn-guage.; break, entor, and stoal; iliseharged, 517

Sundstrcm CV> alias J. Larducr, ulias J. Carter, aliaa C. Sandstron:—ltob bery;    dis-

cliargeil un licenae, 407.

Sunny Cormu-—Police Ślatien cloned, 185

Snpplc F. — Money atolen, 130 Sr.j/ply Stores, Limited, Sydney, 100

Supremo Cimrt Hotel, Sydney, 741

Su tli bor i II. C.—Navnl deserler. 250

Su:berłami F. D. H. (P.M.),


Sutberbuid U. D.—Money stolon, 228

Suihcrlaiid VVV—JTousebrcaking on, 250

Suttio G.—Stole bicyelc; proac-cutiou ln*l di-aiird, 35Ą Suttle O.—Uisoboy M.O., 273 Sutron A.—DweUingbomo en-tered, 380

SuiŁon A.—Jowellory    .stolen,


Sulfon O.—TndcCent aj>smdf. on małe ]KT*on; discb.u-ged on lie.ciifie, 451

Surlou Forost hteat Company, 029

StiM.im G. (.).—Horso stcallnp, 83, 145

Silttcm G. C.—Break, entor. and fite.-il, 535; stonJ fnnu dw«-ling, 503; roeoiving, 021; ac-ijiiiłted, 1*47

Snt.ton W. F.—Disoboy M.O., 490

Suttor J. B.—Propcrfy stolcu, 374

.Surtor lv. B.—Clothing, suit-caso, Ara., aotlcn, 655 Swad ling A. P.—7’alse utate-ment on oath, III, 237

Swadliug C.“ Jewellory slolen, 292

Swain nnd Co., Limited, 61, 634, 070

Swa i 11 II.—.Gwoli my, en flory, &c., fttolcn, 453, 454, ;589 SwAin II. T. (i. - Lflfcciiy, 298 Swnin J.—Wlfc des ort i on, 457, 560    { • . ł.*:

Swairo ,T.—Ttny /ibseonder, 160 Swa u K. J.—Bre:i.<*.I] rogisl rn-tion Tbitha, l)catlix, and Mm-riagofl Aot, 689

Swan F. T.—W:f« dezerter, 233 Swan G. R.—TTisłolmy M.O., 1*X(, 230

Swan J.—Wat cli stolon, 328, 799

Swan .1, E.—Break nml enter garago and *t.eal mof.orcar (ręcoverod), 122 Swan L.—Missing, 192, 215 Swnn M. A.—Wife of bignmist, 516

Swnn M. M.—Ciot bing stolcn, 133

Swan I?.—WrJiii stolcn, 11 Swnn 3t.—Ea/-riug« stolon, 604 Swan H. E.—Complt. child de-serlion, 355

Swiimi J.—Motor cvelc stolcu, 427

Swnnson (J. S., alia$ P. A. Dob-son, &c. • Robbcry (America), 397

Swanson W. 1>., ali.as W. Asi* lc*V, &«».—Sbool intent inflict griev. bod iły hanu, 374, 443 Sw.iy TL— "MisHMig, 630

Swayne .T. .T^ -Ab-wondcr, 533; arrested, 613

"Swccney"—-Fail provi<!c prelim. excs (.src. G. Tłuisobouxe) Swenioy J. A.—Di^obcy M.O., 387

Swooucy L. R.—Bicvclc stolec,

55    S


Podobne podstrony:
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
NEW SOUTH WAŁES POLICE GAZETTE JNi)EX—1925 Mon uukmmn (3)—tontintied. Merccr W.—A san ul t, 176Michc
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27 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE CAZETTE INDEX-1925. &c.—HteuUng; J92 disohiuged, “or wMFtruif
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KEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313 McCann M.—CJiri absconder,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTJS IN DE A.—1933. Jhaird J, ii.- Watek, &C., stolcn, B&llnntyn
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE .TKDRJC—173 Kiro W. li. J.—NnvaJ desertor, Richmond J. W., alias J.
70NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE 1NDEX_1925. Smith A. C.—Nnvnl descrtor, «i5, m Smith A. E.—Shopbreu
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