Magnus E.—Complfc. biga my, *295

Magnus X. J. (sec Allan and Company)

Magnus O., alias O. F. Magnus-sen.—Biga my, ii95 Magmiasen O. i\ alias O. Mag nua—Bigfliny, 295 Mag son E.—Assaultod, 30. 159 Magson W. S.—Agsanlt, 30, 159 Maguire O.—Watch, &c., stoleu, JL

Maguire J. F. II.—Complt.

evade taxi hm?, 303 Maguire M.—Ste.aliiig, first of-feuder, 073

Maguire V. P.—Lareeny as ba.il-iec, 221, 307

Malier A.—JndcwljUy aasaulted 306

Malicr A.—Uneonlrollable ehihl, 176, 264

Maber A. E.—Conspiracy, 473, 507; coinpirar.y, 543, 685 Malicr C.—Money stolen, 249

Mahcr D.~ Assaultcd and steal-ing from, 509

Maher D.—Asauultcd mul rob bod, 459

Mahcr 3& —Stealing; discharged on liccnsc, 451

ifaher E. J.—Break, en ter and steal, 357; rrceiviitg, 481 Malier J.—AssauHed (see Me.i-gber)

Maher ,T. M.—Watch and albert stolen, 488

Maher M. A.—Miirder, 253; eon cealment of birth, 409 Mahcr P.—Jowcllcry etolcn, 528

Maher T. G.—Suspected slicep steal 5 ug, 202

Mali kam Mam Doon.—Watch, albert and locket stolcu (scc Marm Dooii Mnhkam) Mnliomed A.—Breneh Immigra-tion Rejdrietion Art (set* (3. Mahomed)

Mahonicd G., alias Nend Mahomeci, alias Ali Muhomed,— Breach Tmimgratioii Restiic-ti<m Act, 621

Mahomnl J lamin (scc M. HfrfitUi)

Mahomcd X.— Breaoh Iinrmgrn-

tion Rcstriction Aet (wc O. Mnhonicd)

Mahcnned S.    —Breach Immi-

gration Kefttiietiim Act, 673 Mahonov E.—Disoboy M.O.. 109

Mahonoy J.—Watehes, <£,<*., stolon, 52

Mahoney 3. L.—Holding slolen, 468

Ma bony E.—Disoboy M.O., 496, 564

Mnhony M.— Wallet, bank book and numer stolon, 417 Maigre L.—Jcwellcry .stolcu, 70

■■Maju.”—Supposed nnuic of man oouiimt frond on A. Out-ton, at West Maitland, 35 “Main,” alias A. Morris, Scc.—-False Preteuces, 35, 276-7 Main O. E.—Stealing, 32; dis-ohnrgcd on licensc, 429

M.iine K., alias R. F:ivm\— Steal motor car: misrepre-seniation, 140, 229, 235 Maisey J.—BicvcV stolcu, 115, 350

Maitland J. (sec J. P. Mait-hintl)

Mairlnnd ,T. P., alias J. Malt* land.—.Rcociving; falne pro-tences. CI, 203, 370 Moitland 3\—Searf pin stolcu, 452

“Mała kuta”—Deserters    from


Malarno G.—Fałat* prctcnces on, 291

“Malcolm’' (mole).—Money stolon, 000

Malcolm A.—Fulsc prutemu*, disrhargcd, 324

Malcolm G.—Chetpics stolon, 25G, 318

Malcolm M.—Mouoy stolcu, 031 Malcolm M. E. -Sioaling, F.O., 494

Malcolm N.—Kinga stolon, 186 Mnl«:V S.—Wnlcli, &<\, stolen, 312

Malina II. J., alias H. bowling, —Shopbi cukiug;    horst-

slcaling: larcenv; discharged, 106, 181

Malley & Cooper, Sydney.--Reg* bit*red łetUr slolen, 018 Mallcy E.—Bauglo stolon, 016

Malley P., alin’> II. S. Colo, &c. —F.lIsc p ten ces; breach e.oiulitions i,elenso, 000 Mallcy F., ali.^ F. O. 0’MnllrY. alias CiUcistianson, alias li. S. Colo, alias F. Liddcli.—Fal-te p rei on o es, 42

Mai loch E.—Cluajro drami by, st.nlen, 93

Malloch S. (I.—CloMics and suit casc stolon, 087 Mnllon J.—Watch stolon, 601 Mallon T., alias T. Hart, Ae — fttealing, 597

-“Malonc”—Man named miaaing, 387

Malono J. .T., alias .T. .1. Williams,    —fttcaling: nssanit

r.nnstablc; disobnrged, 556 Maloney B. F.—Watch stolon, 654

Maloney *7.—Infliet griev«us bodily hanu, 234 Maloney ,1.—Break, enter and steat, 675

Maloney J., alias J. Maloney.—• Break, enter aml steal; foinid at. night wilh housebrcaking implemcnt-s. 29, 45, 173; db* chnrgcd, cr>8

Maloney alias J. .T. Williams, Scc.—Stenling; tissault -^n* stahle; diRcharged, 55<> Maloney I..—Watch, &c., stolon, L68

Maior.ey 1\—Clieouc stolon, 116

Maloney S. F.—Watch and jew* cl lory stolon, 89 Maicmcy T. 4.—Assault. 83. 173 Mnlouf A.— Money stolcu from person of, 58

Mnlouf N.—Reecirintr; hoise-stenling; łammy: diAelmrgcd 1 56

Mftlseui T.—Rtcnliiisr. 587, 673 Mały W. d.—L)isoboy M.O.: negletting to pa)* costs, 345, 546, 587

Malvon T—1 ndcc. e.ssai^cd, 587

Mamby C.—.lirwidiery stolcu, 11 Mamby J.—SteaBug, 619

Muu unknown (1>.—

Assuull A. M. Ciarko, at Syd ney. 14

8nateh haud-bag,    fror.i

person of Mrs. M. ?vf*.»n;:-field. at. Sydney, 16 Steal Watoli, &<%. from person of M. H. Ward, at $viluc**. 16

Parni riii\» stolcu from 3. S Balcer, r.t Marks’ Pnwn OfRo.e, Oleeeland $t., Red font, 26

Knocked down by motor enr in Flindcrs-st., Sydney, and SUbSCdncntly diod in Sydney Kospital, 28 Sell liquor without lieense, at Sydney, 30

Man imknown (1)—coptinutiil. Asaault W. l)ixon, at Sydney, 30

Obtain ham by falso pretences front Cochrano & <kiy., at Sydney, 30 (khp a.lsf< Rance)

Ass.mlted X- Sturgcsa, lin-tenl rapc, at BcIIcyuc llill, 35

Evade taxi hire to F. A. Oor* nally, at Sydney, 41 Atisault. Cousf/iblrt J. S. Sliep* lierd, at Sydney, 41

Obtfiiu inoncy from ,T. Gre-vi!le, at Pitt-st., Sydney, by represeuting hiiuself m a tcllcr »t the Que.ensland Nat-. Bank, 42 Asa u me dcaignation of Police oflicer, at Sydney, 42 Refusc io pay toxi birc to I’. Iliggs, al Sydney, 41

Abandon małe infant at resi-dcncc ot' Mrs. Kr a it ling, liabcrficld, f>3

A-^ault K. R. Clark, at Double P>ay, 54

Steal nioney from person of W. Picrce, at Crown at., Sydney, 61

Sloa! wallets from rooni9 at Royal llotel, Molong, and Frceniasons* Ilotel, Molong, 63

(said nnincd *‘.FmV*), Steal monoy in residence of J. MeCnlloeh, al ICatooinba,


Pawu pr oper ty at Mandel-bcrg’s Pawn Office, Darling-linrgt, stolcu from A. Zucco and miot ber, C4

Suspocfed steal eheque and TMor.ey from rooma of Dr. Gordon Graig, at Sydney,


Su.spoeted steal watchoa and jowcllcry in residemte of .T. Giirney. ul Eolwood, 65 Kmdr tnxi hirr. to W. Sontcr, at Sydney, 68

Steni money, property ot R.

WeokOK, ar Sydney, 68 AkhuiiII .T. II. Taylor, at Sydney*, 68

Steal elotliiiig, property of A. Ib Brightwcil, al Sydaey, 77

Suspcclod k1hu1 bieyclc, joo-pei(v of G. Jolly, at Alc.t-andria, 77

As.-ault H. Adams, and inde* cent bchi!viour, at Bondi, 80

Indeccutly asaault A. Hamilton, at Wnterloo Park, 81 Assault G. N. A. Duck, at Sydney. 8L

Assanlt R. Racciuet, at Sydney. 92

Sf.e:il motor oycle r.nd sidy ear property of H. M. Holmes, at Sydney, 92

Evade taxi hire to E. Yoi:ng-lniśband. at Sydney, 93 Supposed in company O. M. .Tolnistłin, miasiiig girl from Queensland, 96

Asfalt and rob G. Mosu, at R isehill ‘Racecourse, 101 TuAu-l bodily liarm o» K. H.

Lurh, at Sydney, 167 Assault A. Stenhens at Hur.st-v:l1e, 107

Steal tvpe\vritor, property of T. Masters, ut Sydney, 118

Assnull E. R. Ciarkę, at Edge-cdiffe, 118

Aasnult Harry Chee, at Sydney, 119

Man unknown (1)—continua!. Suupect-od stealing frock, pro perty M. C. Burbnry, at Sydney, 130

Su.sper.ted Htealing money, property P. Supple, near Tamworth, 130 Aesault and rob J. Flashman, at North Sydney, 131 Evade payment of ł^xi hire lo P. (3. Thomas, at Svdnev, 133

False pretencoa on manager of Bank of N.S.W., Parni-matta, 133

Plcdge stolcu watch at Man-delberg’a Pawn Ofliec, Ke-gcut*flt., Sydney, 110 Suspeetod alealing itmooy, , property of if. II. Ńolan, at Sydney, 141 Suspce.ted stcaling g<4dlog, sulky, &<*., property of C. Gibh and O. P. Smith, res-pee.tively, at Forbes, 143 Found dć&d on forcsliorea of Port Hunter (identical with 3. Ratlrcy, which see) Jndecently assaulted by A.

Woodlcigh, 148 Evado payment of taxl farę to I>. Meliille (identical with .T. Ive.s)

Assault D. Wafct with intent eommit rape, at Gore Hill, 151

Steal clolhing. property of G. Byrnes, from Gicat Western Hotel, City, 154 Evaćle taxi hire to A. E. Rosa, nt ErakinevIUe, 93, 159 Relie.ved known as T. A. Rale-man, falsc prcfccncea on An-thony Hordeni & Sons Ltd., 159

Evade tnxi liire to G. Morgan 359

Body found in Sydney <Jove, 162

Snspeefed stenling błcyole, projrerty T. H. Tlcnsel, at Geiogery, 170

Tu company of P. Glce«on, fahe pretences, 176 • Evado payment of taxi hire dno lo V. R. Len, at Sydney, 170

Usc i ndcc.cn t hinguagc in Crown-at., Sydney; aasmilt CoustnUle, 375 Pledge str)1«»n property at M. Seli ach tel’a Pawn Office, Sydney, 171

IMcdge stolen property ut GoldaU.-in’a Pawn OJTiee, Rathurst-st., City, 109 Aaaaull and rob P. Brook, at North Sydney, 167 Bodv o£, found in Domain, Sydney, 379

A?fs;iiilt M G. Hor ner, at Redfern, 190

As&ault W. A. Evans, at Bondi, 190

Snalcli watch from person of O. T. Burnc, at Sydncv, 189, 395

AsHuulf, and rob M. Poolc, at Rand wiek Raceeourae, 19.1

Suspected stealing money, &c., property J. McKenuń, at Sydney, 198 Snateli wnf.e.li, Ac.., from person of <J. G. Turner, at Sydney, 198

Assault Ooiutublc U. B.

Stuckei, at Sydney, 202 FaBc pretcnecs on J. Rjivrll, at Paddington, 202 (Bpiieved identical with F. Shelley), rubbery, Jn»ing nrmed. on W. Griffitli, at Toncord, 212, 225, 353


Podobne podstrony:
18NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925* Cook A. & Sons, 58 Cook A.—ILcyido .stolon,
KEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313 McCann M.—CJiri absconder,
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
10NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Brightwell F.—Watch, a 1 bert, &e., stolen, 404 Br
12NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTK INDEX—1925. Burlcigli -Mn.-Window dom ugod, 54, 103 Burles, S. A,—
25NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX*~1925 Elliek G.—Wifc deserter. 36, 264 Elhker A. J{,—Motor t
27 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE CAZETTE INDEX-1925. &c.—HteuUng; J92 disohiuged, “or wMFtruif
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 31 GiMiun O.    —Wifu dcsertoi*, Glasson
40NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—192$ Infanta—continuęd.    Irring Wr.—Goods
44NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Kelly M.    < .kunplt, itiufpnml on
51NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man uuknowji (I)- ‘CGutUwol.Man unknown
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Man unknnwn (I)—continucd. Słcal cash box containtog w
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. 53 Marka, Suulwick Propriefary Marshall H. G.—Child dese
NEW SOUTH WAŁES POLICE GAZETTE JNi)EX—1925 Mon uukmmn (3)—tontintied. Merccr W.—A san ul t, 176Michc
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925 Millincton D.—Break, enter and
62NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McKcnsńc N.—Brcach Inunigra*. tion licstrietion Act,
70NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE 1NDEX_1925. Smith A. C.—Nnvnl descrtor, «i5, m Smith A. E.—Shopbreu
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy

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