Mon uukmmn (3)—tontintied. Merccr W.—A san ul t, 176

Michcll IT.

•I.—-Money    of Miller >1,—Break, enter and


Snspectcd *tealing from shop Merchant and Traders’ Associa.- fraudtly. appropriatcd, 050 stcal. 41; rt*ceiving; of W. A. Flanagan, Dar- tion, 201    Mu-hic FI*, fi. -Albert, <kc., sto- chargod, 642

linghurat, 242    * Morcdith 11,—Wifo doBtrtor, len. 240    Miller E.—Mlasinff, 195

Evade payment of taxi hlre 2(9

to R. F. DonaMson at. Syd- Mor cdi th T. O.—Nami iwy, 246    sorter, 143

Mieklin F. — Dwelliirg-honse Miller E. C.—Jowellery stolen, dc- bi-oken and eutered, 423,    344


,    vr    Miller E. E.—Stealmgj F.O.

A^sault and rob II.    >>. Meritl W., alias W. li. Ben- Muldlc Harbonr Public School, (see Giny ton)

Aycrs at Redfcrn, 253    nett, &c.—Malic. kill abeep; 515    Miller E. Ć.—Assaultt oecasion-

Garrot and rob T. E. Rea-    lirench liceuso; diseligd. on    Mlddlcton A.    Jf.—8t on ling, 412,    jng bodily hurm, Gil, asault,

mań at Rodłem, 267    Ueense, 492; stcaling; hieae.h 543, 560    047

Aanault and rob!>ed G. W. rolnase, ;*>4«    Middlcton C. W.—Propcrty sto Miller E. J.—Comnlt. embezzło

Brown at Sydney, 283 Merritt W.,'alias W. )1. Bon- Jen. 72    ment 385

shaw, 321    Merlino M.* Jewellcry, &c., sto- Mlddlcton)    Miller F.—Watch and braeelet

Steni i ng from shop of L. len, 170    Mkldloton K. J., allna 1C. Mid- stolen, 348

Doyc, Cootamundrn; cigars,    Merrill F. 1*.—Touly    Kluka, 32    dlolon, alias .T. Middlcton— Miller F., alias R. X Miller—

tobatico, &c.,    razors stolon,    Mcrrington A. M.—Binga and    Indcccnt aasaolt; dinoharged, $tra! front peraon, 83, 173

439    . XyIonito trny stolon, 381,    .156; ntoaling,    331    Miller    C.—False prctonccs on,

Suspectcd stealing from reai*    391    Midwifory cases—Admission to    495, 535

denee of It O. Duvics at Merritt U.—Stealing, 271    subsidiscd hospilaht, 2    Miller    G.—Suspectcd stealing,

Waterlou, 454    Merto V.    F. La,    alias V. F.    Midwood    M.—Jkoperty    stolen, 198, 624

Aswaulted and robbod M. JarniAcJimky— Break, en ter    17    Miller    fi. A.—Stcaling; break,

Quinn    in    Dixon-strect,    and steal. 388    Mietr.kc C.    A.—Piaobcy M.O., enter and stcal;    shoot,    intent

Sydney, 476    Mery mcii t W.    Ci.—Disobey 110    prcvent lawful    apprehension;

Steel roli of nergo from snop    M.O., 69    Mildrun lt J.—Toola stolen,    have unlicensetl revolvor, 375,

of E. W. NappCr at Rand- Mesologle*, C.—Cnmit.ing-hrm.se    45    442; no bill, 498, 518

wiek, 540    of, broken and    entered    and Milos A.—Carnully known, 524    Miller fi. A.—Watek and albert

G. A. Peppcr iiesuultod and    suit-cane stolcu,    ó9!)    Miles B. T. Wifc doserter, ICO    stolon, 616

robbod in    lavntory of    Mcssant C. B.—Falso    pretenccs    Milos C. McK.—Shopbroaking Miller    II.—Cu maiły kuuwing,

firiunre    and    Pompo** IIo*    on| 444, 574    on,    98,    2<>4,    264    459; no bill, 485

U*l, Sydney, 613    Mosser J.—Watch, &c., stolen, Miles TI. P.—Wifc deaerter, Miller H. O.—Disobcy M.O.,

Stcal from .1. Dały mooey n93    469    200,    512

whilat near    Parrainatta,    Mctcalf V., alifti V,    Metcalfe,    Mileg ,T. B.—Brooch, &c., Btolen, Miller    H. J.—Stealing; dis-

659    &c.—Suspeeted    atenllng,    650;    76,    389    chargcd. 201

* Aasrinlt and roli K. firogan in    forgery and ultering.    074    Miles L.—Frnmlt. convcrsion,    Miller H. W—Disobey M.O.,

la.uc ofT Stanlcy-»t., Syd- Mctealfe D. M.—Breaeli condns. 596; Inrccny as baile*, 613    134, 135, 223, 535

ney, 667    ' #    releaae, 229    Miles R. G. (alias A.L.)—    Miller J.—Falae pretenees, 421

Amult J. W. Bar ker m Metcalfc V., alias V. Metealf, Money stolen from by trick, Miller J.—Ref u se pny for meałs Elizabeth-street, Sydney,    alins y, r, Metoalfe—Sus*    41    '    and aecommodation,    81,    136

and rob him of watch, al* pected stealing, 050; forgery Młl<n» T.—Tobacco aiolcn, 330 Miller J. alias J. P. Xcwman— bort, Ac., 686    and ullcriug, 074    Milen W. J.—DLsobcy M.O.,    82,    Ruspccted assault and    rob-

Men unknown (four)—    Mctealfe V. Jt., alius V. Met*    137    bery, 167

Steni motor • car, propcrty oalfe, Ac. -fiuspccted ateal- Miloy W.—Watch, albert, dotli- Miller J. H.—Det.-Sgt.—Pri-Dr. L. CU, 116    ing, 650; forgery and uttor-    Ing, Ac., steden, 553, 581    sonor resisting, 481

Stcal clcctria power ęablca,    ing, 074    Milgate M.—Complnt. child    Miller J. R.—Larceny, 173

propcrty Sydney Mnnieipal Metropolitan Bonrd of We ter    deaerłion, 288    Miller    J. W.—Wifc deserter,

Council, at Ccmcord, 141 Supply and Se we rag e, 142, Milgnte I?. A.—Compt. sten ling,

Awanlt and rob E. Butler in 304, 406    68    Miller    JC. C.—Tn company of

Bclmore Park, Sydney, 157 Metropolitan Girls* Shelter—482 Milgale T. W.—Araon, 134; ac- futlicr, wifc deaerter, G21, Aasault and rob P. G. Mc- Metropolitan Ment Bonrd, 498    rjuitted, 285    622

Sufipocted of stealing from Metzler W. TT.—Ring stolen, 62 Miliard 13. M., alias M. E. Mil    T T ,. T ,

dwelliug of A. Morlon, 867 Mondell E'. D.—Asaaultcd and lord- Stealing, 412, 518    ' 'Jri -smrT'w»

M<mc bodily Mena stolon >fenrtcU

Miller M.—Property stolen, 124

Cnndy—Fr&utft. conrers^on, 323

596,676    Meyer M.—Embozzlement, 570 brenking implcnicnte, 5T1; no

Mcndclsohn C.—Jencllery, &c., Meyer* P. J.. alias P. J. Mvers Wll, 535    Miller M-—Fraudtljr. rnreumg,

stolen, from person of, 262    — Bignray, 577, 684    Millbrook M. E.—Stcaling, 122    547

Mcndlcson len

Menkins    __

on, 71    *    Stcaling; F.O., 673    &e.—Barwny; dischgd. on 424

Menner R. H.—Naval deaerter, Miehael A., alias T. Mitchell— I,r,^nse, 672    Miller R. A.—CompU. ateuliog,

94    Oamaiły knowing, 524; ac- Mi]ler A.—Watch, dv., stolen, 374

Mcnson J.—Malicionaiy kill ouilted* 632    Miller R. *T., alias F. Miller—

camel; have unregistered fire* Miehael C. H.—Fraudt. conrer- Miller A.—Banglc stolcu. 438 fiteal from person, 83, 173 arma, 138    qion 071, 229    Miller A., alias A. North. &c.— Miller S.—Watch stolcu, 392

Mental Hospital, Rydalmere, Miehael E.—Oomplf. larceny as Break, ontor and stcal; dis- Miller fi.—Propty. of, stolen, 247    ,    ballce. 340    ’ chgd., 55.5    400

don, from person of, 262    —Bigaray, 577 684    Millbrook M. E.—Ste^hng, 122    o47

llcson J.—Watch, dr., sto* Miw!i    Balias    TT. Mlooll_ Miller,r T- (junior)—Clothing, Miller N.—Missir.g, 234

i, 416    Stcaling; F.O., 673    &<*., stolen, 197    Millar P.- Wifc desertion, 522

iins H. fi.—Falsc pretences Mircli    Th,    ajins    B.. Miceli_ “Miller,“ alias T. W. Forster, Miller Tl.—Ncgleet comply    M.O.,

Co., Ltd., 84    C60    lł30    Miller W.—Missing; located,

Mercuutile Mutual Insurance Miehael T.—Watch stolen, 528 Mi,łor (“Bundy*’) — TJisobey    110, 131

Company Limited, Melbourne, Micliaels L.—Altempted bug- M.O. (sirti “L. *J. Miller' )    MiHer W. J.—Abseonder from

587    gorv on, 249    .    Miller O. II.—Conspiracy    on, TrWujato Home,    Watson s

Murccr C. G., alias A. fi. Mc* Michel O. Disobcy M.O., 70,    122, 204    ‘    Bay, 95

Cullough. Ac.—Falpo pro-    389    Milloi O. H.- Watah, albert, MUlcrship F. G.—Complt. em*

. teneeF,    30, 54, 548, 664 Michel E—Ring    and    baugle 6cc., stolen, 312    bezzlement, 326

Mercer X—Housebienkiug en,    stolen, 348    Miller E.—Jewellery    stolen, MiUership G. F. -Fraudt. mis-


Michelago Railway Gtatior., 25    269, 389

nppn. on, 42


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82 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE TNDEX—1925. Slickney M*.    (girl)—Break, oondns.
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KEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. McCann J. T.—Marę stolen, 313 McCann M.—CJiri absconder,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTJS IN DE A.—1933. Jhaird J, ii.- Watek, &C., stolcn, B&llnntyn
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70NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE 1NDEX_1925. Smith A. C.—Nnvnl descrtor, «i5, m Smith A. E.—Shopbreu

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