Smith A. C.—Nnvnl descrtor, «i5, m

Smith A. E.—Shopbreukiug, 263, 370

Smith A. F.—Wifa desortitr. 82 202

Smith A. I1.—Ilorsr,    sto

lon, 104

Smith A. G.—Slcovc links stolon, 34 S

Smith A. G.—Ilousebroakiiig on; 277, 435

Smith A. O., alias A. O. fecagcr —Stoi ling. discharged, 46S Smith A. U'. R.—Diaobey M.O., 247

Smith A. .T.—Mtssing, 00, lfil Smith A. J.—Dis(ibev M.O., 177, 230

Smith A. J.—Disobey M.O., 071 Smith A. L.—Stealing, 228, 264, 275

Smith A, L.—Palse pratcncea on, 535

Smith A. L.—Arndut stolon. 103, 171

Smith A. R.—"Miting, 368 Smith A. T.— Premisos cntcred, 2 56, 318 *

Smith A. W Disoboy M.O., 200

Stniili B., alias J. Bruno, &o..— Break, cnler, and słoni, 234, 302

Smith B.—DwdUiig brokcn and cr.tercd, 423

Smith B.. alias II'. Roboli, alias H. ft. Russell—Break and cn-ter, intent cteal, 4f>7, 518 Smith B. M.-*-Brnoch stolen, 263

Smith 0.—Assaulrod causuig hodily hurm U», 450 Smith O.-—Steni ns co-partner, 235, 408

Smith 0.—$t-onlm£, 208 Smith C.—Wv»st watch stolon. 240

Smith C.—liny sfnek dred, 130

Smith C. --Watch and je we Hory stolcu, 502

Smith 0., alias C. W. Smitli, &q. —A ssani t occasiouiug boilily karm; dischnrged, 257 Sn.ith C. A.—Break* »£ and on-tęring; tjtealitig, 290,‘ 108, 688 Smith C. B.—flouscbrcuking on, 124

Smith O. R, alias S. Rrvauf, 4lir.s O. R H. Smith—Wife and oMld deaerfer; bigamy; faUc prelcnec*; distlinrged, 230

Smith O. C.—Assaull fornale, P.O., 21B

Smith O. D. Pendant siolcn, 152

flmth 0. E.—Disobey M.O., 305, 376

Smith O. 8. B., alias O. R. Smith, iŁc.—Wife and chi Id descrtori riigamy; falae pre-tonces; diaeliarged, 230 Smith O. W., alias W. Smith, • alias C. Smith—Asnault oa-oaskming bodih* Jiarm; dia-charged, 257

Smith R.—Jewellcry stolen, 380 Smith D., rtlias J. Wilson— Break, enter, a rut stoal; dis-eharged on liccnsr, 411 Smith D.—Child deserter, 34

Smith D.'—Malic. wounding iu-tiUlt grierous budily hfsrin, 295, 340

Smith D. J.—Wife deaerter, 70 Smith JVO'C.—Stftciling, F.O., 218

Smith E.—Stualing, 276 Smith E.—-Falsc pretrnces on, •560, 612

Smith E,—Stcaling, F.O., 673

.Smith E.; alias 1\ JJcmrke, &c. —Artsatdl; fnlac pretencea; forgery and uttering; dis-cburged on lieenso. 031 Smith E., alias H. Rycin, &c.— Palm* preRnces; disciiurged on liccnca, 646

Smith E. E.—Disobe.y M.O., 354 Smith E. J.—Robbed uuder nrmw, 641

Smith E. L.— Oarnally knoim, 58, 104

Smith E. N.—Orcrcout .stolon, CKM

Smith E. V., alius I’. Bourke. Ac.—lAssuiilt; fiilso pre-toiKfs: forgery jiimI iuter-ing; dischargod on licen.se,


Smith F.—Ring, Sn:., stolon, wyj


Smith F.—Ilk gaiły nso motor car. 41

Smt ib I-1.—Albert siolcn. UKS Smith l\—IIoua<*lh*rakiiig on. 204

Smith F.—MiRping, 5D7

Smith l>\, alias McMillati— V'agraney; at.tc.mpl alcal from poraon, 144, 143

Smłlli I*\ G. - Complt. fraudt. ccaslon paymont tuxi hire, 544

Smith F. J.—Watcli stolon, USO

Smith F. K. L. (or F.)—• —Fraudt. appropn., SĄ. Smith F. Ij., alias F .f. Kcn-dall—Non-paymont of costs on Al.O., 200

Smith F. M. N.—Jewollery, dotliing, money &v.t stolen, GS2

Smith F. W.—Wite deserter, 4t)<»

Smith Cr.—Mlsshig, 411 Smith G.—Abscoiuler. 811 Smith G.—Misning, 581 Sinitli G.—Wite deserter ap-prehended, 480 Smith G. (girl)—Missing, 630

Smith (i., alias <1. 11. Smith— Break, enl(T and stetll, 562; reeciving. osi

Smith <ł. G.—Wife rtesoiter, 134

Smith Ct H.—Steallng. 3S4 Smith G. 11.—Fal U providc łircliui.    2i\

Smitli C. H.-AVlfo deserter,


Smith O. II.—FucontiolhiUle chi Id. 403

Smith G. TI., alias O. Smith— Break, enter :iml sltujl, 0t>2; receKinp. 6.84

Smith G. P.—Sulky. harnoss, &C.. stolcu, 113, 33s

Smith G. S. (or .1. Melntyrol — MissiUg. 57

Smith (r. W.—Dynnmo and jucessories stolon. 55, 1S2 Smith    II.—Iisducontly    an-

.saultwl, 073

Smith 1T.— Money stolen. 27 Smith II. ($ce H. A. Smlib) Smith FI.- -Missiinr. 21S-J); rc-• lurncd, 610

Smith If.—Break, er,ter and stenl. G8-1

Smith H., alias J. A. Smith— Assanlt ;ind fobliery, 347

Smith II., ;ilia.s F. Widiums. &r.—Break, enter and steal, 235, 260

Smith II. A., alias .1. L. Grunt. &t\—Break, onter and stoal; stoal In dwelling; dis-ehniged, IfiR; breaking and entering. 260, 408 SmitJi II. A., mins II. ARirray, &e.—Houseboraking. 83, 174

Smith II. i\—Iligamy; dis-charged, 2S4

Smith II. R.—Jewelleiy. su»Um, 142

Smith TF. E., alias J. Hnrper—• Child deserter, 233, 2GÓ Smith II. F. FIouycbreiłking, 40

Smiih H. J.—Rjsobey M.O.,


Smith Ii. U, alias li. Wise-man -Wifc desertor. 16, 350 Smith J.—Wife dosertor, 85 Smith J.—Wnrcb nud a 1 bert stolon, 103. 140 Smith i.— Wutcli, &c.t stolen, 1.72

Smith J.—Belioud in company cl V. (i. .Teftkii)#. dis-ohey Al.O.. 177

Smith .1.—Money stolen, 241-2, 380

Smith .1.—Steni in u w clii ng-hoitsc; brcuk, onter and Ktcul, 340

Smith .1.—Attonipted imirdoi* of. 551

Smith J. (Sir)—-Wntohes, A*., lost, 472

Smith .T., jiliftt; G. Curpentor --ShopbwsiUlng, 26, 72, 138

Smith .T., alias J. Jones. &c.— Break, enter utul stoal, 562,


Smith .7., alias J. Kear:u\v\ Sc<-.—sienling; hreach eon-(litious releitHO, 434 Smith alias I\ .7. Lynch, &c.—Break, oni>r am.1 stenl, disoharged, 316

Smith .1.. alias II. Robinson, &«!.- -H?)ve sfolcn Mfo[K?rty; break, eider and ^teal. 13 Smith J., alias 71. J. Spencer, alias U. Carr—Ptenl in dwellir.g-house: bfc.ia, en-ter mul 9t«il; lttrcuił/; dis-chargod on llconsi’. 151 Smith .1.. alias .7. Whoelor— Stoalingt hreaking an;l en-tering, HIS

StnMb J.. alias J. wuiknus-(or Wal«on) —■ Slealing; fnlsu jn-elcnecR, 46 Smith J. A.—Motor eycle slotcn. 64

Smith J. A.—Irfiift hodily hurm, 31, Só

Smith J. A.—Jeżeli ery stoleu, 530

Smith .1. A., alias II. Si.dtb -A f'ault and robbory, 547 iSuii.h J. F.—Iśrooeli stolon, 290

Smith J. F. W.—Mm flor, 627,


Smith .1. II.—Asaault and nili-bery, 110, 231

Smith .1, 7F.—Money stolon, 453, 473

Smith .T.    .T.- -Ulegałly nso

nmtor <ar, 357 Smith J. J.—Ri«ig strtlc:», 88 Sini i-i: J. J., alias .T. Bruce, &r.

Break, enter, and stoal, 234 Smith ,T. J., alias J. J. ttabi-vau —Fmii>d in dwelling fov mdawful puipose, 42 Smith ,T. M.—Ghetj.ie duiwn by stłdołi, 64H

Smith -T. Md.—Missing. 65;

retrt. lninic, 110 Smith J. W.—Bleyele stolen, 454

Smith .T. W.—Gomplt. lav< eny us bailce, 372

Smith J. W. — Alurdcr (Amerba), 675)

Smith IC.-—Bicyclo stolon. 540 Smith. K.—SteaHng. 200; dis-charged, F.O.. 33S. 40,s Smith L. (Mrs.)—Npeklet stolen, 10

Smith R—Steni Ing. F.O., 218 Smith L. H.—Disobey M.O., 273

Smith L. ,i.—jewelleiy stolen,


Smith I;. ,7.—T-Tnrness stolen, 5A5

Smith L .Af.—Garna Iły known, 57

Smitił    Ia    S.—Watch, &e.,

stolen, 24

Smith    M.    -Falac prctcaccs,

F.O., 157

Sm.ilU .M.—Pulse preteuc-es on, 200

Smith 31,—Slealing, 173 Smith M. Cl ot bing,    &e.t

stolen. 34i>

Smith M.—1’ulse pietcners on, 648

Smith    M.    Bruce Jet stolen,


Smith M., alias L. A. T.yn-bnm, Ser.—Auumlt; not pa.v raił faro; stouJing; hrench cornlns. releftóc: discliarged, 658

Smirii M., alins Tif. MeAlister, ScC—Stealiug, 374

Smith M., ulius M. W. Gnmdy —Keceivi«g; dlscliai-ged on lieeimo. 600

Smiih M., aliaH Ti. A. Lyn-huui, &e.—Stenling; brenek coiuhthms release, 121 Smith M., alias Fali on—Struł In dwelling; łammy; ilia-chgd. un łirrnse, 403 Sn.itn M. G.—Absconder; vcno-rcał pnticut, 311 Smith M. .1.—Bodily hurm on, by irmiton dnr.ing, 510

Smith M. V.—Mnnry stolun, 445

Smith N.—W a Ich Stolen, 282 Smith N. (Dr.)—Piopcrty sto-Irn, 353

Smith N. (or N\ Uolloway) — Girl absconder, 108 Smith N. I., alian llolloway— Stealing, 406, 600 Smith O.—A Iw on der, 318 Smiih O. J.—Money stolon, 473

Smith O. TL—-Watah stolon, 52 Smith P., aliag P. Eborlc, &c. —Wify and child deserter, 110

Smith I’. G. and Co., Tum-wortli, 270

Smith P. J.—Soli liąuor with-our lico, 574 Smith P. W.—Oompt. rcfunnl pnv fer meals and aeenm-modation, 303

Smith R.—lncjniring for M.F.,


Smitii K.—Atf.empfced sfcaJing iron), 45i)

Smith TL— Sell Uqbor williout Heoiisc, 375

Smith R.—Watch and hrcxje.li stolcu, 312

Smith 1?. Money stolen, 600 Smith K., alias S. 0. Drum-gold Break, enter and stoal; dischgd. oii liccnse, 407; stenling, 600

Smit.l; R.,, alias W. Martin— Frp udv, convcrsioti, 220

Smith R., alias O. McCormfiek —Steahng, 261; break, enter and steal; nttompt hre.uk and enter; stealing, 332, 400 Smi*h alias E. Wcbb, &e.. • Assnult int-ent eommit rnpe, 428; Indeccnt assanlt, 538 Smith R. A.*—Shoiibreuking ou. 234

Smith R. A. J.—fJVocd8 and clothing stolon, 367, 535 Smith R. C. (aee G. Pioerton)


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