531 —Break and enter intent WarbuUou and Franki, 623 Ware E. G.—Steallng, G37
Wallace J. W., alias Jhonsen— 435 Warburtou W. — Materiał Waring M.—Imposition on,
Bigamy, 295, 420 Walsh J. E. R.—I-arccny as stolen. 618 412
Wallace; L.—Conspięacy, 623 bailee, 55, 182 Warby G. A.—Wool stolen, 37 Wark B. A.—DweiliDghousc
no bill, C7C Walsh J. H.—Watek, cloth- “Ward”—Name on petticoat entcred, 376
Wallace M.—Larceny on, 124 iug, &e., stolen, 393 of ahandoncd. eUihl, 440 Wark M.—'King stolen, OC6
WaIWce P—Kefuse mv to- 72,85 — Asaault; found in yard for stolen. 254
A.-Dtoohoy M.O m.taful purposc^ «5 W»mo A. E. (trading as Bort 232 ’ (>10. 638 Ward A.—rnm? prctcnccs on, Warne)—Fulse pretencca on,
Wallace R T_Wifo MT:ihł!l M. J.—Assnult and rob* 410 421
190 aesener, |((,ry H8, 317, 519 Ward A.—Shopbreaking on, 45 Warne Bert (soo “A. E.
Wallace V MalicioualY wound Wjll8Ll M* M.—Disobcy M.O., Ward A. li .--Watek stolen, 676 Warne”)
in? Sr J 134 Ward A. H.—Steallng; dis- Warne E.—Watch, &c., stolen,
Wallace w E-Watch &a .to- Watsl1 573 -hnrged, 4-1 578
lei 86 * 'ł‘mn'<S£C->‘1’0 Walsh R.—Lnrceny as bailee, Ward A. W.—Bhopbreaking, Warno F.—Uousebrcaking on,
WMul“dW3«'-COI1Bta'>,0; ns' wńls* R , Olias G. Whcntley— Ward A. W—Licmse royokcl, Warncmmdc H O. S.-Fa!so WalUco W. J.-Naral a«*rtcr, War5 Ę.-Brooeh stolon. 00 w£ST Ł-SLing, 644
Wallace W. R —Watch stolen Walsh U. J.—Wlfe desertci*. Wan* E. alias i. Taylor, &c. Warner Ti. h. Naval aecurtrr, 2*5 fc stolen, —Breach hccnsc; falso pro- 654
* tences, 91, 14S; discharged, Warner M.— Snspected gtealing,
‘ ' ‘ "" 417
W a Her A. C.—Dteobey M.O.. i,—0 vswr,,v,J ^ard e. A.-—Oheipic drawn by beJlrvcd dcad and not alolen,
Waller II., aUas H. T. WaUer ^^Brcak^ c,,tcr aml ward^E^06 II.—Larceny as Warn ca D. I. V.—Naral dc-
i<»n —---- 7 ——- ——
r\**0i(łii cATid tencesf 1^1, 14Sj di^cluir
™*»tt Kallw^ «»»«<». Lft by fir^m 402; fal* prete.ces. 511
!5 - Wsilslt T.—Jewellcry stolen. Ward L.—Missmg, 5,
—larceny as batlee, F.O., .'V-*’• ^\lAs3lwn Rml roh. bailee, 521 sorter, 110
!f>7; larceny as bniicc. 229? " Ward F.—Steallng, F.O., 546 Warnock R.—Fail proride pre-
iuipositlon, larceny w^u^ T—TowelloTc stolen Wawl F.—Uotbing. watcb, lhn. rxcs., 59
bailee, breach tonditions ro- L- ‘ * ‘ ' &<?., stolcu, 520, 012 Warn ton A. B.—Money stolon,
I^«e, 484 Wnlsh W G alias W O Ward E, alias E. F. Cahill, 54
Waller TL T., alias H. Walter Krewtón—Break, enter &<-*-—Break, enter and steal; Warr A.—Assanltod, 06
—Larocny as bailee. F.O. and steal. 330, 408
« » n 1 _ . . ■_ ■ a .-UWN
nssmilt; breacb eondns. re- Warren E. G.—Bicycle stolen,
__ 1,1d IftO O AK 99M 9
iwclving motor cycle and oa_ U1 -^uspeetod atealiag, 130;
157 • larceny ns bnitee *>20 • ’ ’ * . lease, 132, 144, 193, 245 77
imposition, larceny" ' aś fl22°l8’S Ward_F. l.-False pretenees Warren J„ alias G. Borna, He.
bailee, break conditions rt»-Iea.se, 484
Ride-car; felonlously rowlv- Włłrd o.—Suspectejl stealing, stoallng. S41; stealincVmotor ‘•Wolier’ (sce C. S. Gordon) !2£ 2^7^° ^ QUtl °°^ r417, „ 0 stouling, 333;
m.o. a««. "{SKSsrfcw
rSS“o.f.?i o. św star”"* ł"-™* -gs-,-™
Watch stolen, 358 Child deserter, 365,
allings G. E,—Uisobey M U., Ti, n* citncclled, 261 cen.se, 477
200,252 Waltera II. B.-StcnUng pon.^^ War<i L., alias McArthy ^ Waniek F.—Assaulted and rob-
Wallings ^.~A8sault, intent maro and saddlc, 32t>, •»o8, Recciving, 79; break bed 276
rob, S3, 174 discharged, F.G., ^87 and entor and steal, 306 Warrilow D.—Wrist watch sto-
Wallis A.—ProiKjrty defctroycil Wultcrs L.—Jewellery stolen, Ward L. F. (or L.), alias T. \cnf gcg by Óre, 279 152 McArthy •ltcceiving, 79; Warroll J.—Oaroally known,
Wałtiy A.—Watcb and jewel■■ Walters W. D.— Mai. wounded, break nnd enter and stoal- 663, 670 lery stolen, 11, 332 388 306, 371 Wai SeT*/ice HomC3 Commisaion,
W a His A. R.—Watcli stolon, WalteTS W. R.—Pisobcy MO.; Ward M.—Ring stolen, 4l»4 44e
212 wt. cancellcd, 3S7; war rant Ward M. H.—Watch, &c., Warsa w A. V., alias W. James,
Wnllls F. J.—Flcture stolca, issuorl, 571 stolen froin person of. 16 &c.—Stealing; disc.hgd., 542
397 Wal ton B.~ Brooch stolen. 152 ward N—Albert, loeket, &c., Warton A.—Watch, & c., stolon,
Wall i« ,T.—X:ivji1 dcacrtcr, 550 Walton O. F. — Jewellery sto\0nt 616 ' 520
Wftitn«i*T u II— FmiMft nn. stolen, 434 WT«rd R.—Watch stolon, 268 Warton AL—Complt. u neon troll.
monrfation rm 393 WaUon R" *"** M iy**~ Ward R.-Larceny us bailee cl.ild, 007
wS S R r F-Niird de- Steallng; falso prelencos; (soe R. Lucy) Warwick L.—Break, enter and
Sor to U a larceny as bailee. 14, 123 War(i R. c., alias R. Jones, ftc. stcal, 306, 398
4<WaIsh,;—Supposed In com- Walton J. R.—Jewellery and —Steal in dwclling; hir- Warwick T. Found at mghfc in pany man wantort for falso elotbing stolon, 2C0; ..ot eony; breach liconse; dis- dweliinghouso; d.scharRod.
\vff3'0Gl, Newcastle, wSS^^ABmrt and ring “Oj^Łtot" cycie Washington H Sonl, rattin,on
.89 stolen. 366 «tolen, 116, 171 _____and Co., Ltd., 84
Walsh A.— stolen
W^on 472 487i,lUUUL* Walton W. TL—Uncont.rollable „ Woł. - 10
Walsh F ’ J Disobey MO child. 607. 024 Woni W. G. K, Watch, •• Watcr artd Scwerago Board (bco
420 400 'Walton W. T.—Falso pre- ^<*len* p TT , Metropolitan Board of Watcr
* tpiiupp rtn (550 Wftrdo O. M*j R. Ii o < £f^S Sni>t>?v juił] \
V^r'«&nA Wan‘‘ C.-Fnlse preteums on. pretences (Vlc.), WatoV Consf*rvalion and Irriga*
Larceny; break, enter and 286 tj0n commission 645
f>all ®E*?rSxł 4(i7; wang WAh. alias Chan Dick Wardel J.-Money stolen from Wfttor co„90rV(itio^ iLnd Irriga. liceus evoked, 64a Coey—Brcach Immig. Re- person of, 17 fl0n Cowmlssion, Grrfllth, 274
Walsh 1L, alias J. Gilmour. strlctlon Art. 546 Warden J.—Watch stolen, 479 W.ilerliouse E.—Watch stoku,
alias A. II. Ncill, alias Wanless J.—Bi cycle stolen. 14 Wnrdrop J-—Motor cycle and 88
Hunter- Fnrgery and utter- Wanu J.—Money stolon from sidc-enr stolen, 471 Watcrhouac G.—Iforao stolon,
Ing; discharged, 244 pc.*?o'j of. 2:13 Ware A.—Bi cycle stolen, 53 .143
;b A-Watch alberf &c Walton T. .T. T.-Nnn-payment WatU ^-Geldim!; stolen. 210 Waalcy K-Aaraultcd, 110,182 len 528 ■ oosts M.O., 609; disobey M.O., Ward W. F,. and ^mpan Wauljc II.—Motor-car stolon,
1 C O.-Fraudt. om1s- J?* ....... 14°’ 435’ 5S°* ®°* «« ^ ^skroyed by firc,