

Mc-Uoughair R., alias ii, Me-Dougall, &c.—Stcnling, 650, 664

McDougle C., alias F. Taylor, &c.—-Breaeh 1ie*n*e; frtlsc prctenccs, 91, 148; dischgd., 492; fulsc prctcneos, 511 McDowełl F. W.—Lic en sc re-v*>k^i3, 26

MeDrwob K.—bisobnying a M.O., 108, 473

MftDciwclV« Limited, 8vdnev, 16, 89, 349

McEaehero J. L.—Navul deso r ter, 110, 14:4

McElhinncy li. J.—Watch &c., stolcu, 128

MeElpliono A. T.—False pre-tenees on, 39

MeErlean O. V.—Naval ilość rter, ?0

McEvoy M. J.—Inflic-h hodliy karm, 412, 559

McF.ytiy V. b).—Naval deser tei, K>

Mc Ewen J. W., alias A. TC. Trim, alias 1E. Ii. Treraayno, alias Tremain, alias E. Burns —Kreak, enter and steal, 3J7,


MoFadycn J.- Disobcy M.O., 585

MeFarlajŁd A.—Oelding stolcu,


MeFarl&jA TL. r.Iins .J. West, nlins t).    alias McFar-

lanc—False prctenccs, 246, 562

MrFarlnwl G. TC.—WYistlct watch stolcn, 616 ‘'MeForltmc,” alias D. McFar-kwd, &c.—Falso prctenccs, 246, 582

McFarlsne U. V.—Oowpt. tc «T.

Williams, child dc3crter, 320 Mc Far luno E.-- W list watch stolen, 140, 3,89

MeFarUłiie E., nliłis R. E-WłitrTs, alias W. Wa.tcrs, alias H. E. Wnrters—Mtoal-ing; discharged, 201 McFarJane K. (known aa Howard Buiigcy)—Falee pre-ter.rea, 853) 397

McFarlauc L. W. L.—Break, enter and steal, 18i; dia-chgd. on licelise, 451 McFarlam- P. B.—Mtculiug (Vie.), 286

McFadine W. C., alias J. Des-monri—Disobcy Al.O., 233 McGannon M. T.—tbsobey M.O., 26 j n<i furthur tuMiun, 109; warrant to be «>xeouted, 609

McGarry J.—Assoulted, 444 MeGinry J. F,., alias Jubb— Stealing, 520

McGairy IC.—Bing stolen, 202 McOarry M.—Clothing afolen, 604

McC«arrv M. A.—Manslaughtcr cf, 427

McGaran A.—Stealing; F.O., 404

McGavin G. j., alias J. G. Car-diner—False pretenees; lar* ceny, 39

McGee and William, Ncwtown, 10

McGce T. Tb, alias Finder— Brcuk, enter and steal, 92 McOeorge O., alias C. Mack— Refusc pay for mcala and aceommodation. 323 BtcGiH M.—JT\tI absconder, 27 MeGill M.—Girl absconder, 559 Mc(Hivray E.—Missing, 192;

Tcturned home, 368 MeGinlcy B. K,, alias J. Downca —-Emhezilemęnt, C07; steal-ing, 064

fctcGirr P.—Dynamo stolon, 84

McUlashan S. G.—l)isobev M.O., 60, 178

McGlew A. L.—Jc woliery stolon. 296, 389

MeGlvnu A.-—Olutbirg sfol«*n, 399

McGoyciu A.- Aasault, intent rob; dischgd. on liconac, 5U0 McGovern A., alias F. Hnrrig— Uisnbey M.O., 354, 413 McGovvrn F.—.lewellery stolon, 180, 332

Me.Gov er u J.—Wutch, &e.., stolcu, 340

‘•MeGowAn" A., alias A. nan, &c.—MłWpeotod person, 32; disciigd. on liecnso, 407 MflGcwan J.—Marce stolon, 493 MeGown/i T.—W'atcl» stolcu, 392

McGown A. N.—Wntc.h, &e., stolon, 339

‘‘Mc(iruth“—Chwiue druwn bv, lont, 365

McGratb A. J. and Coy., At-dle-than, 23

McGratb I.—Assiudted, intent to rstpę, 513

McGialb, J., ftlifts W. ,J. T, Me* Giath, -Jće.—Stcaling; assoult; br<*ak and enter, 182, 301: steabng, 633

MeGrath J.—Jewellery 9tolen, 255, 332

AlcGintl: •>., or J. Blunden— Miesing, 219

McGratb *J. J.—-Clotlnpg stolon, 198, 389

Me.Grath .Tnhn, Limited, 135 MeGrath M.—Brooch stolen, 213 McGratb ‘'NuggHt.” alias J. Mauning—Assault and rob* bt*rv, 16, 174

MeGratli I*., alias P. I)ornn, &c.—Falso pretenoes, 249; disehgd., 512; idlc and dir>-ordorly, 600

McGratb P. J.—Mulic, damage prnperty; stealing; nssauit poJie.c; not pay coct3 appeal; dischgd. on lieenso, 582 McGrath R. siliaa R. Uarey, &c.

—Błeabna, 574, 598 McOrath W., alias W. J. T. McGrath, &c.—S*caling; as-sawlt; break and enter, 182, 301: stoaling, GS3 MeGrath W. J. (sec W. J. T. McGratb)

McGratb W. J. T.. alias W. McGratb, alias W. *T. Mc-Grnfb, alias W. Kline, alias W. Moran, a lian .1. M<Gr:itU -—Btealing; assnuit; break and enter, 182. 301; steniing, 688

“McGregor*' — Jewcllory, &e.f stolcu, 197

“MeGrcgor^—Stealing, 682 McGregor I).—BLcycte stolcu, 25

McGregor E.—Brooch, banglc* and ring stolcu, 380 McGregnr G,—Missing, 411; lo-cuted, 433

McGregor II.—Refuse to pay for meuls and aceominodn., 543

McGregor J.—Falso prctenccs, 444, 050

McGregor J., alias J. Adauis-torm, &i\—False pretenees; dise.harged, 324

McGregor J.—JcwcMcry sto!en, 240

McGregor M. E.—Brooeh sto-lcnr 488

McGregor P., alias O. W i u -chester—Break, enter and stoal; dieehargod, J8S McGregor R., alias II. Rynu, Ac.-—False pretenc.eg; dis-chgd. on license, 646

McGregor W.—Bicyclc stoicn, 393

MaGroder 3.—Money stolcu, 484

McGrory M. L.—Assaulted, 176 Mctłrory Hf jL—Assanlt, 176 McGuffickc (jnr.) J.—Cattlc • reported stolen now traced, 352

McGuigan O.—"Wutch, &«., stolcu, 240

McGuines.s G. alias J. \Volls, &c. —Break and enter intent stoal; disuhgd. on lieenso, 569; sten ling; nssnult. eon-stable; indec. lauguage; break, eondns. rclco.sc, 574 MeGuinnes C., alias J. Wells, &e.-—8lieali«jg; assnult eonsl.; indec. lang.; break, eonds. rcleaac, 574; stenling; ossault constable; indec. language; break eonditiims rclcasc, 574 McGninOfts N.—•'Watah and al* bert stolcu, 332, 400 McOuinr.css J-. ■ Geldiug stolon, 383; rceovored, 40G McGyimtoss I'.—Fraudt. omit aeeounl mo?iey9, 375; uo bill, 112

McGuinr.oss P.— -Disobcy M.O., 16

McGuimiesg I*.    J.—Disobey

M.O., 636

McGuinncss H.—Attonpt stctil from person; F.O.; dischgd., 33S

McGuiro J.—Complt. erasion paymeui lnxr bire, 482 McGuiro J.—Complt. fraudt. cv«sion pnvmcnt taxi bire, 619

McGuiro M.—Jowcllcry stolon. 128

MtGnire W.—ChiUl deserter, 248

McHaffiu K, N.—‘Conoplracy, 40

“McHugl.” alias C. F. McCuc —False prctenccs (sec C. F. McHugh)

McHugh C. F., alias C. F. Mc-Cue—Fnlso pretenccs, 588, 632; no bill, 031 McIIugh M.—Complt. chiid dc-sertion, 287

Mcllrflth’s Limited, Rand wiek —504

MeTncrney J. P.—Forgc and utUr, 83, 131

Molncrney K.- VVutcli ?.nd n.1-łX:rt stolcu, 0S1

Mclnemey V.T,    J.—Disobpv

M.O.u, 69

Meiuerney W. J.—Cliild doser-tion; noglcct comply order, 335

Mclr.eruey W. T.—Manshuigh-ter of, 427

Mclnnes A. W.—■ Murder, 232, 382

Mclntosh Bob—Wifo. deserter (seo G. Mclntosh)

MeTniu-sh O. alias J. T. Flet-chcr, ab as Dr. Ferguson, .alias Dr. Fletchcr--Fnlsc re* prescntnBon: d?«cbargod, 553 Mclntosh E., aliss J. Mclntosh, alias IT. Mclntoah—False pre-ienepi), 45; dischgd., 339 Mclntosh F., alias Grcvil!e, alias James, alias Jones, alias FmHhers, alias Siinpaou— Htealing, 374

Mclntosh (}. (known aa Boi;)— Wifc deserter, 598 Mclntosh G., alias J. R. Brown, —Found in dwellbifjliuiwe for nnla-wful puTposi'; brenek iieensc; dischgd., 300 Mclntosh H., alias E. Mclntosh, &<*.—False prctences, 45; dischgd., 339

Melntosh .1.—Jewe!lorv stolen, 604

Mclntosh J., alias E. Mclntosh, . <ke.—Falst; prctenccs, 45; dischgd., 339

Me.Tntosh J. A.—Ring stolon, 404

Mclntosh Al., alias A. E.

Dowues, &o.- -Btouling, 320 Mclntosh M. B. N.—Carnnlly known, 71

Md atonii M. W., Limited, 607 Mclntosh Ib, alias R. .Tohnston, <fec.—Assault imd robbery ; dischgd., 300

Me.Tntosb R. B.—Disobcy M.O., 43

Mclntosh B.—J)isobev M.O.,


Mclntosh T. W.—Disobcy M.O., 196

Melłityrc A.—Disobey M.O., 103    “

Mclntyre D.—As9ault and rob-bery. 14

Melntyio E. M.—Wristlet watę Ił sto lim, 280 Mdutyrc    G.—Uncontrollablu

ehild, 286

Mclntyre J. <or G. 5>. Smith) —Missing, 37

Mclntyre J. W.—\V’ife deser* ter, 156

■Mclntyre R. (sec R. Mclrin) McKano J., alias J. fl. MoTCane —Break, enter, and steal; cattle sfealing; hirecny; dis-charged, 272

McKane .7. G., alias J. McKano —Break, entor, and steal; cattlo stoaling; larccny; dis fharged, 272 ’

McKay A., alias A. Jaques, &(*..—Brr-ak, enter with intont steal; discharged on iirense, 683

MwKay E. G.—Missing, 66; Jo rated, 330

McKay J.—Jewrllory stolcu, 53D, 654; pledgcd, 581 McKay P. A.—Steal in dwcl-Hng; discharged, 339 Mr.K.ay R—Biryclc stolen, 313

McKay R. A.—Sell liquor with-out licenaę. 111

MeKay T. W., alias J. llobin-sim, &<*,—-Falso prctenccs, 430, 544, 501, 601 McKeclmin F.—Mary stolcu, 595

MeKcc .7.—Suspceted stcaJing, 210, 251

MeKmrnnn II.—Assault policc, 298

Mo Koma J.—Moncv, Ac., stolen, 198, 389

McKenzie, alias K. Oourtncy— Birak, enter, and steal, 236, 301, 302

McKcnzic A.—Cliild de&crtcr 470

MeKcnzie C. D.—Pałac pro-(sec 'Tb McKeazie') McKen/.ie D.—Walchys, &c., stolen, 538

MeKcnzie 1\, alias E. McDonald, &•}.—Stciłling, 445 McKtruie P. (also known as C. D. MeKcnzie)—Falsc pre-f.e.łiees, 353, 384 McKenzie J.—Wo<>! stolcu, 636 MeKcnzie J'.    A.—Falso pro-

tenees on, 229

htcKenr.ie .1. K.—Nayal deser-lor; wariant eaneelled, 38, 13+

Me.Keu/.Ic .T. R,—Clothing, ^:c., stolon, 489

McKezizic M.—Girl abseunder, 27

McKenzie M.—False prctenccs on, 650


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