CoIIcy W.' Futoc prctcnccs on, Collins <J. T. V.—Embozzio- CammeYcia.1 Bank, Tocuinwal 263 mrnt on, 285, 385 Iiranch, 61 '•
Coilej W. E.—F&lgc pręt CU ccs Collins M.—Coinplt. i-JiiL? deser- Gomiucicial (or A.B.C,) Bank, on, 45 tioiij G23 WilenmiiM, 281
CoJiic O. A.—Naval JesorUr, Coliius I\—Incpriry rc misaing Commcrrinl Bank o? Australia, ■^24 uoieo, 781 Balranald Branch, 387
Coliier C., aliati II. C. Collicr, Collins f\ O.—Shcep stolcu, Commcrcial Bank of Australia, 5?r"^?wU i,Utl Wbhorr, 3f,i! Ud., Cosford Branch, 256
Collins R.—Toola stolcu, 33 Couumirtdnl Bank of Australia, Coilicf C, U.. K. C. CV1- Collins R.—VV Atch, &c.; stoien, Ltd., Krtfoornha Rmtioh. 103 lior, &c.—■-Amult and rob- 426 Co mmc roi a 1 Bank of Ausfcca-
bcry, 234, 310 Collins I?, G.—Nu^al dcscrler, Jasia Ltd., New Norfolk, T<va-
Cullter E. G.—Brooch stolcu, 271 mania, 354
416 Collins S. J.—lliegally uso Commm-iul Banking Company,
Collicr II. 0., alias C. H. Cul- faotor-cur, 357 Pieron Branch, 256
licr, alias O. Collior.—Atłsaafc Collins T., alias A. Wilkins, &c. Commoreial Banking Coy., and robbery, 234, 340 — Amnlt; threateuine lan- T&mworth Brauch, 400
Collior S., alias W. Collior, &c. OTs»|?e; discharged, 258 C-omineretal Banking Coy. Ltd., —Break, enter, and steal; Collins W. - TBsobcy magistcnal West Muitlund, 315
fait appaar, 600: nn bill, 661 order, 328 Oommcre.ial Banking Company
685 ColliuH W. J.—Property atuloii; Sydney Ltd., 122, 145, 491
Collicr S. W., alias W. Collior, ass.niTfeff, 182 Commoreial Banking Company
4v.—Break, enter, and steal; Collms W. M.—Balso pretencos of Sydney, Abcrdcon Branch, filii oppear, GO0; no bill, 064, on, 375 218
685 CoUis E. B. A.—Steal ing, 276 Commercial Banking Company
Collicr V. -Girl abseontler, 233 udlujon (-.-^-Chemie ilrewn by, of Sydney, Barellan Brancb,
Collicr W., alias O. Hidney, stolon, 233 509
alias W. CoJycr, alias S. (kd- Coiliscn F. S.—Disobcy inngis- Connncreial Banking Company licr, alias Ś. W. Collicr.— tcrinl order, 328 of Sydney, Bou/ke Brauch,
Company 54Ó
Qn igloy, ^će. Colmnu —nnasuig, «o* ijiuikj mu., Glen lnu es
—Gathcr nlms by fubc pre* cstlłwl. Branch, 687
tenc^ 434 Colon i nt Mncafacturmg Coni- Coiimicreml Bank mg Uompany
Ccilk, A.-Bisobcy jnogisterial paiiy., Ltd., J81, 3*7 of Sjdnoy Ltd., Ganuoduh
order, ^2, 2£!l n. 1—in?Q. I rniien, JL7
Collins A,—OompJt, stcaliafj co partner, 353
Lojnng i,.—ssmg, 7» Goiton R., alias S. U. Coulton, 233 423
Collins C. Watch, 4c., stolon, al Sn d^łling. 434 Oommerr.ikl fTotol, Barellan, 509
p , T , łl^ FToKiHc K.-CJow stolcu. 569 Commcrcial Hotel, Braidwood,
Collins C. (or .Taekson,.— CoKiUe W. M.—JcweUery gjJi
-lirciik, enter, and stcal, r,)(j t.|olen ,79 Hotel, Kyogle, 267
Collins D.—Pound intent steal ; CoKin M. .T. alia^ Lambert— Ommiereial Hotel, Livorpovl, break, ent-cr, and 525, Tli gamy, 157, 2$.> ^>4(3
^ Colvi5, Commeicial Hotel, Milton, 340
Collina E.- Wnst watch eiolcn, J. Colvuit Bitfamy lo7 Commorv.ial Hotol, I’eak Ilill, 152 Colwcll E,—Jewellery stolon, ^ 43i
c^1“ E.—łLUi»sio«»ly wu»»- pw ConuWu-ml Hotel, Qseanbeymi,
ded, 357 C<Ayov W., alias W. Collicr.
280 Comlx) R.—Bisobey tnagislorial Commonwcnlth Bank of Aug-
Collins F. alias F. T,. Larsson. order, 621; canrcllcd, 662 Iralia, 375, 511
—Disobey niagistcrial order, Comlx> T.—Assaulted, 58 Commouwealtli Bank, Sydney,
232 Comorford B. -• Assault; <543
Collins G.—, ałtempt steal from person, Commonweatth (ktrrying Coni • 6^4 422 “ . p.rny, Melbourne, 553
Collins Cr. Tr.—Missmg, 73 Commcrcial Bank, Adnminoby Ooanuouwcfilth Cnlleetor or Collins H —Colt stolcu, 493, 541 Branch, 130 (sec Cnstoms Dc-
Collina H. IL W.—Wilful nmr- Cmumcrcirtl Bank, Bellingen partment) der, 591; mansJanghtcr, 685 Brancb. 490 Commonwcalth Govornment,
Collins H. T.—Wifo uescrter, Commoreial Bank, Casino, 656 .107, 331, 304
341, 413 Commoreial Bank, Cooiamon Commonwcalth Life A mu ran cc
Collins J. alias J. Oarruiehael. Branch, 37 Coy. Ltd., 607, 008
—Larceny; oacape; di3- Commmcial Bank, Coomn Connnonwealtb ^Hlitary Auth-. charged on licenac, 477 Branch, 129 orilie* (acc Dt-fence Depart-
Collins J., alias J. E. ITmlon, Cu.unicrciul Bank, Double B«y, m011f,)
- Housc and shopbrcaking, 479 . , . kl Oommouwoalth Military Foreea,
.30 Commercial Bank, Elmbctli 553
Collins J. alias F. McMahon. ^BtT0C,t* F*x n . 0 , Compton (no« Nolnn) C.
—Bell Huuot witbout license, ^‘l?!«1.0T<Vn!i (Kitty)—Missing, 544
188 (Klinabeth.-streci Brauch), 78 Compton K.—Albert, ^rndanl,
Collins J., alias A. Wilkins, &c. Gotitmcrcial Bank, Exchange &c., stolon, 616 —AssauH; tbrcatoning lan- Branch, 03 Compton Kitty--Missing (see
. guago; discliargcd, 258 Commoreial Bank, Gresford, 618 Compton C.
Collins J. T.—Goods stolon, 255, Commoreial Bank. Queaubovan, Coimghac P.—Watch, <fec., sto-331, 458 len, 539
Condon T. C.—diecie druwn by stolcu, 618
Condrcn t‘.--Cliequc druwn by stolon, 406
Conc L. F. V.—Emb<vizlement, F.O., dUc.bu.rgcd, 406 Congdon L. F.—Disobey magis-tcrial order, 1S
Couighan U.—Pony marę sto-kn, 407; rocovcred, 516 Cooku J. J.—Puls o preteuccs on, 17
Conlon. P. alias J. Ilogan— Larceny os a budce, 430 Conn F.—Shacp stolcu (rc-covcred), 122
Conn >J. T.—DisoUiy magus-tcriul order, 98, 310 (Tounell C'., alias .7. 8ulHvau, —Steal In dwclliug, 122 Oonnell E., alias O. Harring-ton, &c.—Break, enter • anci steal, 371, 519 Co mieli .T.—Stealing, 358 Conncll W.—-Kit bag and ciot bing stolcu, 388 Cnnncllon M.—King stolcu, 348 ' ConnoUy/' alias J. McDonueil, <fec.—Stcaling, 534 Connelly F., alias J. Williams, &C.—Attnupt steal, 375 Connelly F. J., alias J. Williams, & e.—A t temp t stca 1, 375
Connelly II. 0.—Xaval deser-ter, 259
Connelly L. l\—Foil provide prcllmimny oxpcnaes, 94 OunmNly N.—Stoaling, 30, 32 Connelly I\—Assault fornale; break, enter, and steal; dis-charged on licensc, (120 Connelly 8.- Stcaling, F.O., 61 Connelly 8.—Jcwellory stolcu. 604
Connibcrc F.—-Break and enter, witb intent to sir ni, 663 Connolly A.-- Complt. cłiild d^scTtion, 503
Cormuily J, F.—Disobeying
magistcrial order, 119, 150 Connolly 1,. J.—WTi£c do ser ter, 305; warrant rtuicclJcd, 421 Concors A.—Stca ling, 314, 344 Connors A., alias W. R. Webster, Sic.—Hnus&breakfjig, 16, 232, 264, 403 Oonuors (7.- -Miasing, 65 C-onno/s D., alias E. (Jomiors.
—Robbory, 300 Connors E., alias D. Cynnota.
- -Robbery, 300 Cosmors L.—Btcaling, 203, 409 Conrad G.—Watch, &e., stolen, 240
Conroy A. J.—Break, enter, ancl steal, 562; ierfńving. 684 Consiiline D. A.—Wifo deserter, 55
(Jonsidine li.—Larceny us bailee 198, 228
Constuiioe W.—Bicyele stolcu, 579; ri?ęoveml, 605 Contadinc S.—Failnre to pro-vido preliminary ex pensem, 509
Cdłiway E. XI.—Kaval deser ter, 38
Conway W. J.—DwolUng honse entcrel, 400
Conyard A. B.—Cliild deser ter, 261, 342; wife deserter, 4S3, 536
Coogaii J.—Gelding stolcu, 595, G19
,łCook,” alias A. Hill, *e.— —Esenpcd mental patient, 35
“Om»k,M alras 8. Marti u, Ac.— iStcaling, aosanlt coni>tabU'; indcccnt hmguage, 122, 135; atealing; indeeent lauguflgCy 534: stealing, 547; recemug-632
Break, enter, and steal; fail Coilison B. O.—F.alsc preteuccs 417, 479 appeur, 600; no bill, 664, 685 Un, 132, 353 Comnujmal Banking Compa
Colligau A.—SteaJfog, F.O., 673 Colliaon S. C.—Ar son on, 667 of Sydney, JBrcwarri
Coilicg W. E.—Disobey ma gis- CoUircr !(., filiae li. O. Collhror, Brancb, 214
J— <-« kc. --AwAiilt and robbery; Commercuil Banki
tenal order, f»9
tal |Kiiłjr*> wwłi> ioi, # ^ v%M4..vw.w.
ns mi5‘ P—ohi’ol3 Banking Compny
Co^l.oL B —Assnult and rob- »jrdmsy, Kcmpsey Brancb,
bosiery, &o.t stolcu, 656
Commoreial Banking Company of Sydney, Scone Branek, 81,