Woods T. «F.—Falac prcfccuccs cii, 30, 112

Wooda T. J.—IUegully uac inuloi car. S8, 170; fruudt. eouversion, 623

Woods V.—ttwciling entered, 8\ Woods W.—Diaobey M.O., 320 Woodward A. W.—Saddlery & clothjng stolcn, 607 Woodwyrd F.—Waated iu Ame-rioa, 31

Woodward 11. P. J.—Money stolcn, 307

W ood W a ni L. A.—Disubey M.O., 85; wife desertion, G10 Woodwanl W. II.—(kimpt. <*vn-sion t;ixi hire, 07 Woodwards W. J.—Motor car rstolen (Vic.), 553 Woolbridgc R. J.—Horae stolen, jsa

Wooibrokers’ Anna Ilotel, Pyr-mont, 89

Woolcott R. A., alias B. Gold-ing.—Stoal motor car, 247 Wooiford J. T.—Maile, wound-ing; liftve gurt without. Hcensc, diseharged on liccnsc, 531 Woollarcl 11. F.—Motor cyclo 9tolen, 142

Woolley- S.—IJarness stolcu, 45 * Woollmim”—Missiwg (sec J. Wilson)

'•Woolłooroooloo Yanh.:’—Sus-pcetccl stcaliug, 427 Woo 1 nor W. II. E.—Child de-sertion. 533

WooWy '0. TL, alias K. Williams.-—Break, e,liter, and C$tcal; stoaliug; mulic. dmn-agc, 68$

Woon    Ah.—?*fisyin£;    body

fomul. (Sec “Ab Woon”) Wounona Co-operatire Softiety, Onledale, 479

Worbov» 1,    0. M.—Disobcy

M.O., 413, 563

Worelund K. *1., alias R. J.; B P., LI. WtnlaiKl.—A**aulŁ;

findocent lunguage, dnmkcn-

ncss, 472

Wotland R. J., B P., alias R. J. WoreUtml.—-Assault; indecent lnuguugc*; druukcuncsa, 472 Wormuld A. F.—Complt. lar* eony ns bailco, 385 Wormall W.—Sieyclc «tolcn, 479

Wormleuton L.—Disobcr M.O., 222

Wormoid Rrotliorg.—OaT stolcn (Vic..), 382 ; rccovercd, 553 Worml l».—Ilmbnnd of bign misfc, 015

Worrall C. (ot* Tańscy, or Kei-ran).—Biga my, 615 Wovs\oy 1., K.—JewelWy stolcn, 348 *

Worslcy W. A.—Shopbrcnking, Sec... *03, 171

W ort era R. F„, alias E. McFnr-1uik‘,    &c.—Sleulicg;    «tlL-

ehnrgod, 201

Worlhing K—Rings stolcu, 153 Wnrthing E. M.—Watch, albnrt, &e., stolcu, 102, 116

Wortbington C. J.—-lrousc-bronktiig, 96, 231, 535, 031 Wragge Ii.—Ring stolcn, 680 W my Ii. R- Naval deserter, 34*2

Wrav R. M. F.—-Wife dcscrlcr, 621

Wregglesworth .T. G.—Falsc pre-tenees ok (N.Z.), 561 Wrcn A. 0. -Cbtbing stolon, 251

Wron I.—NeeUlct stolcn, 578 Wright A. G.—-Wifo deserter, 146

Wright A. H.-Steallng, 422 V»rrigUt B.—Wntch, &c., stolen,


Wright B. A.—Carnally kucnrn, 276

Wright C., alias J. Le fiarte, &c.—Aasault and robbery, 123 231

Wright 11.—SteaUug, 019 Wright I>.—Tudeecut. assanh, 1549

Wright E. — Bicycle stolcu, 18 Wright b\—Wateh, &c.„ ytulen, 103

Wright I1. B.—-Wateh atoltin, 535)

Wright F. E.—Man9l:iUghtor;

diachargcd on lic.en.4e, 407 Wright li.—Jlicyc.Ie stolcu, 33 Wright. H.—Wateh, &e., slolcn, 604

\\rrig!it, Kenton and Company, 562

Wright, Hcuton & Co., Ltd., Wagga Wogga, 327 Wright H. C.—Iłisobey M.O., 233, 370

Wright J.—In possoaaion forged bank notes, 41

Wright J., alias J. E. Wright. —Stculing, 307

Wright. .T, B.—Pulse pretencea on, 534

Wright J. E., alias J. Wright.— .Sleuling, 307

Wright J. II.— Disoboy M.O., 559

Wright L.—Liciiise umlcr D.W.

& O. Arndt. A et rornkcd, 432 Wright L.-—fnquiry rc missing mim, 121

Wright M. R.—Miyning, >176 Wright X»> nlias Cummings, alias Brown—Incbriatc; lic-ense rcYokcd, 355, 423 Wright. I’.—Jcwellery stnlen, 102

Wright W., alias J. Kcarncy, Su\—fttealing; broach cojuU-tions rclcaso, 434 Wright W—ReceWing, 302 Wright W.—-Murder, 232

Wright W. A. E.—Wite and chihl deserter, 9-1 Wrightson W.—Embczzlemaiit on, 471, 535

Wnrm V. II., alias V. II. Wcarne,. Sec.—Stealiag, 145, 177; stenling, Inrccnv aa bai-W, 181, 558; no bill, 663 Wylie A. K.—Palec ]>rcteno.os, SO

Wylic (i.—R i rycie* stolon, 64 Wylic K. G.—ReYOML liccnsc, 522

Wylic. E. G.—Wit'o deserter, 121, 447; stcaliug, 520; disoboy M.O., 033; cojinnt, warrant non-payt- costs M.O., 600 Wylie M.—Cłothos, money, &c., 3toku, 520

W'vllic M.—Wateh stolcu, 539 Wyllifi .9.—Larecny as scrvant. (Q‘laud); False preteuecs, 177, 220

Wyllie W. G.—A ssani! intont co)i'.mit rape, 476; ac<p\itted, 558

Wyridhrin; O.—Nccklct stolcu, 153

“\Vyuit,“ Bydney.- -Reg. lot tor stolcu, 618

Wynn G. P.—Clothing, cuOery, sfcoicn, 656

Wyuhp B. J. dc (sec de Wvnnc,

B. J.)

\Vvnuo E. Palse preteneos on, 688

Wynno V. B.—Bisol-cy M.O-, 571, 638

Wy mis G., uliHB E. Wilson. &c. —Su»peotod person; etc a ling; diłK-hargcd, 45, 300

Wynynrd J., alias R. -T. Wyn* vard.—Forgcry and utloring, *286

Wynyftrd R. J. (sec J. Wyn-yard).

“Wyrccma,” gs., 154

Wythc G. K.—Complt. lar ceny as bailcc, 584

X ,

X(iuł-( Day—Mov‘mg pictures, 5.91


Pager E. E.—Carnnlly kaown, 510

Yald F. M.—Munsbuigliter of,


Y.aouk Station, Adamirmby, 315 Yarrar.a Station, 352 Yarwood E.—Dwoi ling oitcrcd, 98

J‘A’atOK-’ (scc. G. .T. Walker) Yates A. B.—Wife. deserter;

wirrant cancełlcd, 82 Yates E.—Navftl desorter, 159 Yatos E. M.—Compl. re child dcsoi tion, 2C0

Yotes II., alias P. ftyan -As-sault and robbery, 547;. rc-cciying, 084

Yates l-f., alias 11. P. Yntos— Bscuk, enter, ar.d steaJ; brcnch licensc; disc.hargcd, 324

Yutcs H. F.t alias II. Ycitex—

Tir rak, enter, and stcal; broach liccn.se; disdiargcd, 324

Yates J.—Maintenwe; uUcged liigairiy, 275

Yates <7.—CunspiraOy, 54. 446;

accjuittcd, 032 Yates L. E.- Stwling, 481 Yee Kit Ping—Agsauited aud robbed, 10

Yclimy Tu.xi Oab Ooir.puny, Sydney, 000

YcuhćIi A. E.—Mauslaughtcr, 50, 87

Yeo A. J.—Aiding and abetting, 630

Yeo U.—JowcUcry stolcn, S3 Yco J.- Malieiously dnintigc, 636

Ycomuns    A.—Gompt.    f:i'sc

prctcnccs, 660

*'TcrrcH—False tnctcncch (kcc W. G. Ycrrcll)

Yerrcll W.—Mnval desorter, 420 Ycrrell W. O.—-PuLu pretences, 444, 574

Yin P. Ja»w (sec ijow Yin) Yirrcl W. - Wife dezerter (Vic.) 396, 689

York Hotel, Sydnuy, 270 Yoii, llinc—Prohibited imini-grftiit, 323

Ycul A.—Proporty stolcu. 118 Young A. E. C.—DLsobc-y magis-torni 1 order, 469 Young A. W.—Assault. nml com-• mit :>ct. iitclcccncy. 472; ;is-sault, 507

Young A. W. K.—Vngrnncy; diseharged, 517

Young ('.—dr.wellory stolon, 129 Yyupg CJ. S., alia.s ft. Young.— PnI.sc prctcnccfi. 088 Y’ouug D.—Child deserter, 82

Young E.—Fsd.sc nretenecy, 660 Young G. O. <Cottfrtable)— AsłUłuBcd, 471; grioYous bodily hurm on, 587 Young H.—False pretenfes, 674 Youtsg H., alias *S. Baker, alias S. Iloy, aliiui S. Brown, alias R. H o we— SuRpectcd f»łu*p-hroaking, &c.., 394 Young TL, alias II. Golding, &c.

—F:ilsc prctciicca, 388 Young H.f alias “Skcl” Young —Assault., perjury, 71, 158 Young II. A.—Emiłc/.zlcment, 7.1, 374

Young 1J. S,— Wife deserter, 686

Young K. S., alias B. Young— Tllcgnlly uro motor car, 148 Young J.—FaIsc prctcnces (sec G. Jack)

Young J.—Bigobey magisterial ordor, A21

Young J,—(jeldiąg stolcu, 468 Young J. E,, alias ł\ Bourke, alłaa J. Hallidsiy, alias J. llolliilay, alias J. E. Burns, alias d. IlobsOii—Aasault. and robbery; (Uscharged, 244;. goodjj illtógaliy iw custody; asFUiUlt and robbery, 423, 4łil Young L.—Furwituro stolcu, 46 Young I/oc.kup—Vae,anr.v 267, 3(H)

Young L. S - Sloeec linku stolcu, 578

Young M.—Wateh, kc., stolcu, 628

Young M. I'.—Uanglc stolcu, 567

Young 1\ J. R.—Palsc pre-tencen on, 612

Young Polico Slalinn—Yacftr. *v at, 75, 113

Young H., alias W. T. Young, —Palsc preteuecs, 612 Young R. A.—Assauited and robbed, 16

Young ty„ alias O. B. AToung— Falso prctcuccs 688 Young S., alias TI. B. Young— Illegahy usc motoT cav, 148 Young "SkoP (sec II. Young) Young R. H.—Break, enter, and etcal, 42.3, 518

Young T., alias W. T. Young.

&i:.—Palsc preteuecs, C12 Young W, 1j.—Missing, ISO Young \V. T,, altftrt R. Young. uiia-i T. Yonpg- Palsc prett-u-ccs, 012    *

Youuger G.—Mlfwing (ser ‘ F. T.oiVł)

Younghusband E.—Compt. rva-eion taxi birc, 93, 532'

Ynuth (unknown):—

Snutch liandbng, &e., f.*om person of I. Walker, at Bowling skrcct, 35 Bnatc.li handbng containńtg money, &c., from D. Scolcs, at Sydney, 274 T.areouy as n bailcc o- £6, property of W. Marł-borotigh at Alcxo.ndiia, 481 Bclicccd to bc P. (i. Harris, body of found iu liudc statc on bcAch ut Bondi, 3S7 Youthn (2) (unkmmnt) :—

Tu conuection witli man iui-kuowu, suspected giua.hng horse tuul sulky, at Graccs-cud, propcrtjr of O, Robi u-son and CL Ilon nery, rc-sjKCtive|v, 216

Yow £.—l-ncontroliable child, 229

“Yuill/-    Sydn ey—Ecgistc r od

lott ci stolon. 618-Yuilk* J.— Propcrty Rtolcn, 122, 135

Yun Chung—Deserter, 342 Yut/uss W.-—AasuuUcd stud rob-be.l, 234


Z:-Jk I K.—BroocJi stolon, 02 Zannclers K.—Tnbncr.o slnlcn,

Zlill N. A. W.—stenling, 298 “Zero,” alias U. W. Wintom, Sc. —F;il.v; prełoneos:    sBoiling,


Ziołach K. .1.. aliaR Mr.tty Zie-<«!<di—Ass-r.ulf and cummit act indof<‘iicy, 510, 633 ZictsCb M.. alias K. .T. Ziclsch— ARmult and e.oir.mit acl in-deceiicy, 510, 633

Zinimcnuan W.—Frohibitcd im-migrant, 323

Zo1o4ov L. A.—Rrcach T mm igra tiun Ad, 259

Zres Z., \Sr. A. ltcnry. 8c. — Found at niglit, dis chargcd, 106

Zschoelio W.—Proliibitcd immi-graat, 145, 342

Zucco Al—Wateh, &c.} stoliw, 9i


Podobne podstrony:
54 i NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE. [U OcT.j 1925. of oge, 3 feet 10 inches high, slight build, thi
NEW SOUTH WALKS POLICE GAZETTE TNF>TCX—1925 CoIIcy W. Futoc prctcnccs on, Collins <J. T. V.—E
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NEW 80UTII WALUS POLICE GAZETTE IN3)EX—1925.71 Prontor II. E.—Cheques, Set.,
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE .TKDRJC—173 Kiro W. li. J.—NnvaJ desertor, Richmond J. W., alias J.
NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE INDEX—1925. Stacey R.—Child dezerter, 373 Stacey W. F.—Di&omy
82 NEW SOUTH WALES POLICE GAZETTE TNDEX—1925. Slickney M*.    (girl)—Break, oondns.
9-2NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETTE IN DEX—1935. William?! .1. H.—Falac pretcncca, 34 Williams Ia. al
• NEW SOUTH W ALEŚ POLICE GAZETCE iNDEX-19:V* Blair J. J.—AssauTt oceaaion- Bodmore C., alias O. Po
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